The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – Guide: How to get all the Gold Skulltulas

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – Guide: How to get all the Gold Skulltulas

March 20, 2024 Off By Daniel Felix

Guys, incredible tips on how to get all the Gold Skullturas in Zelda Ocarina of Time . I divided it into locations, to make it easier, ok? Happy hunting to you:

Kokiri Forest


  • Behind the Know-it-All-Brothers House (At night).
  • In the soft ground, near the store (You will need to use a bottle with bugs).
  • Behind the House of Twins (Use the Hookshot).

Inside Deku Tree


  • In a small alcove on the right side of the room with three platforms that rise by themselves, on the third floor.
  • In the large room you fall after crossing the web on the first floor floor. On the vine that takes you back up (Use the Slingshot).
  • On the right wall of the large room, near the staircase on the opposite side of the entrance. Push the rock first to get the Token left.
  • Behind the only blastable wall in the Deku Tree. After the large room down there, go under the hole and the wall will be on your right behind the webs. Blow up the wall and you’ll find it (Use bombs and the Boomerang).

Hyrule Field


  • Find a circle of rocks near the entrance to Gerudo Valley. Break the red stone in the center with the Megaton Hammer , leave a bomb to open a hole where the stone was and go down. There, use Din’s Fire to reveal the Golden Skulltula behind the cow and the webs.


  • Leaving Kakariko Village, turn right and head to a small tree east of the castle. Drop a bomb at the base of it and a hole will be revealed. Enter through it and find the Skulltula near the ceiling.



  • In a box inside the guard’s house at the entrance to the Market, just after passing the bridge (Break the box by rolling to find it).

Hyrule Castle


  • In the first tree you see when entering the castle grounds (Roll to knock down the Skulltula).
  • After passing the guards on the outskirts of the castle, follow the water channel until you reach the corner where there is a large tree. Play the Song of Storm , go down the hole and blow up the walls.

Lon Lon Ranch


  • As you enter here , you will see a tree on your left. Roll on the tree for the Skulltula to appear.
  • At the back of the large wooden fence in the field, behind the gate (At night).
  • On the ranch’s stone wall , northwest of the small stable with the cows (At night. Use the Boomerang).
  • Near the roof of Talon’s house (Outside), in one of the upper windows (At night. Use the Boomerang).

Lost Woods


  • Going two holes to the left you will find some soft ground near the stairs (You will need to use a bottle with bugs).
  • After entering the Lost Woods, go right, left, right, left and left to find some soft ground (You will need to use a bottle with bugs). Adult
  • On the pile of red bricks in the center of Kakariko Village, plant a Magic Bean and return as an adult. Climb onto the floating platform and you will find the other one (At night).

Sacred Forest Meadow


  • In the part of the Labyrinth with the pushing giants, go to the top and you will see the Skulltula on the east wall (At night).

Kakariko Village


  • Roll into the first tree, just past the entrance .
  • On the left wall of the House of Skulltulas (At night).
  • On the pile of red bricks in the center of the village (At night).
  • In the house near the entrance to the Death Mountain Trail , on the right (At night).
  • There is one on the stairs of the high tower (At night. Use the Slingshot).


  • On the wall above Impa’s house (At night. It’s the house where the chicken lady lives. Use the Longshot to climb onto the roof).

Kakariko Graveyard


  • Climbing the southeast wall (At night. Use the Boomerang).
  • Soft soil south of the tombstones on the left (You will need to use a bottle with bugs).

Death Mountain Trail


  • Soft soil right at the entrance to Dodongo’s Cavern (You will need to use a bug bottle).
  • As you enter Death Mountain Trail , you will see a cracked wall on the right . Blow it up with a bomb and you will find the Skulltula (At night).


  • Behind the red rock above, to the right of the entrance to Dodongo’s Cavern, near the Bomb Flower . Use the Megaton Hammer to destroy the stone (At night).
  • Just before reaching the mountain, in the part where it rained stones from the volcano’s eruption there are some red stones. Destroy them with the Megaton Hammer until you find the Skulltula (At night).

Goron City


  • On the upper level of Goron City there is a room with a lot of rocks. Destroy a box in this room to reveal a Skulltula.


  • Behind the wooden sign on the central platform suspended by ropes (At night. Use the Hookshot).

Dodongo’s Cavern


  • In the passage to the right of the large main room , there is a wall that can be blown up. Destroy it by killing a baby Dodongo near it to reveal the room with the Skulltula.
  • In the room with the large staircase (which you make fall with the explosion of the Bomb Flowers). Look near the vine near the second floor door .
  • In the room before the boss where you have to push some blocks there is a wall that you can blow up at the north end of the room. Do this and then blow up the statue to reveal the Skulltula (Use bombs).
  • In the grand staircase room , in a small alcove just above the stairs. You need to enter the dungeon later, use the pillar rising in the large main room to reach the second floor, and then proceed to the staircase room. The ladder will still be suspended , so you can reach the Skulltula (Use the Boomerang).


  • Go to the hallway to the right of the large main room with the exploding baby Dodongos. There is an alcove up on the left in the middle of the hallway . Play Scarecrow’s Song to reach the Skulltula (Use the Hookshot).

Zora’s River


  • Roll right into the first tree you come across after entering Zora’s River.
  • Near the entrance to Zora’s Domain, at the waterfall, go down and you will find one at the bottom (At night).


  • Plant a Magic Bean in the soft soil as a child, return as an adult, and climb onto the flying platform as an adult. At the beginning of the trip, the leaf will pass over a high platform with a rock in the middle of a circle of stones. Drop down to this platform, look high up on the southern wall and you will see the Skulltula (At Night).
  • Going up the river, before reaching the waterfall, after the bridge, in the narrow corridor, look up to the left and you will see a Skulltula high on the wall (At night. Use the Hookshot).

Zora’s Domain


  • Climb to the top of the frozen waterfall and you will see a Skulltula walking on the wall (Use the Hookshot).

Lake Hylia


  • Behind the Lake Hylia laboratory (At night. Use the Boomerang).
  • In the soft soil near the laboratory (You will need to use a bottle with insects).
  • On one of the two pillars on the small island where you get the Fire Arrow (At night).


  • On top of the dry tree on the island with the Triforce symbol, above the Water Temple (At night. Use the Hookshot to climb the tree).
  • At the bottom of the well inside the laboratory there is a box, roll to destroy it and reveal a Skulltula (You will need the Iron Boots to sink).

Zora’s Fountain


  • On the small island in the southeast corner of this area is a tree, roll on it to reveal one more.
  • On the right wall on the fallen log (At night. Use the Boomerang). Adult
  • On the small island in the southeast corner of this area, in front of Faerie’s Fountain , lift the gray rock to reveal a hole that leads to one (You’ll need the Silver Gauntlets).

Inside Jabu-Jabu’s Belly


  • On the vine in the room with a switch in the middle that raises the water level (Use the Slingshot).
  • In the room that has several sucking holes in the floor , go back when the green tentacle is no longer there and fall through the hole where it was. You will find the Skulltula on a wall in the room downstairs (Use the Boomerang).
  • Near the previous Skulltula, in the same room (Use the Boomerang).
  • On the vine in the room before the boss (Use the Slingshot).

Forest Temple


  • Right in the entrance room , where there are two Wolfos , on the right wall up there, on the creeper (Use the Hookshot).
  • On the right wall of the large room , near the staircase on the opposite side of the entrance (Use the Hookshot).
  • In the northeast open-air courtyard, on the wall on the island northeast of this area (Use the Hookshot).
  • In the northwest open-air courtyard, on the second floor, only reachable from the balcony (Use the Hookshot).
  • In the rotating room right before the boss , in one of the revealed rooms (Use the Hookshot).

Fire Temple


  • In the big lava room with the bridge (The first room you cross). On the north side there is a blue block above the entrance. Play the Song of Time to move it and clear the path to the newly revealed room. The Golden Skulltula is in this room (Use the Hookshot).
  • In the maze room that has the big rocks rotating everywhere. One of the walls can be blown up to reveal a Skulltula in a small alcove. Walk around the outside of the maze, along the walls, and try to find it ( Walls that can be blown up make a different noise when you hit them) . She is in the northeast part of the room (Use Bombs).
  • Behind the Like Like (The equipment-eating enemy) in the room with rotating tiles before the room with the Boss Key.
  • On the second floor of the maze room , when you are on the platforms, there is a platform at the top of the room. Use Scarecrow’s Song and hookshot the scarecrow. Then use the Hookshot to a platform on the opposite side and it will lift you to a secret area that has a Golden Skulltula (Use the Hookshot).
  • Continue past the last Skulltula and you’ll end up in the circular room. On the wall to your left is another Skulltula (Use the Hookshot).

Death Mountain Crater


  • Break the box right at the entrance to Death Mountain Crater.
  • In the soft ground near the entrance to the Fire Temple (Play the Bolero of Fire to get there then put bugs in the ground).

Ice Cavern


  • Look on the wall in the room with the huge spinning ice blades (Use the Hookshot).
  • In the small square room to the east of the room with the blades, near the chest wrapped in red ice in the Compass room (Use the Hookshot).
  • On a wall in the room with the ice block that you push to the west of the room with the blades (Use the Hookshot).

Water Temple


  • Over the 2nd whirlpool near the middle in the underwater river room (Use the Longshot).
  • Inside the tower in the middle of the main room , at the top (Use the Longshot).
  • Behind the waterfall in the room with the rolling rocks just before the Boss Key (Use the Longshot).
  • High up on the right wall in the room with the big waterfall with the platforms that go down (Use the Longshot).
  • There is a passage on the lower level (To the left of the passage that led to the place where you found Ruto) that leads to a dead end with a Skulltula behind a grate. Use a Power spin (Hold A, press then release) near the grate to hit the switch inside to open the grate.

Bottom of the Well


  • Look on the wall in the room behind the locked room to the left of the central area (Use the Boomerang).
  • On the wall in the room behind the locked room to the right of the central area (Use the Boomerang).
  • On the wall of the room with the Like Like (Use the Boomerang).

Shadow Temple


  • After defeating the Stalfos on the platform, head left and you’ll end up in a room with invisible spinning blades. The Skulltula is on a wall in this room (Use the Longshot).
  • In the room with the falling blades (That you must protect yourself with the hidden stone), in a cell on the left (Use the Longshot).
  • In the room with just a giant burning skull there is one behind it.
  • In the room with the ghost ship , stand on the platform near the ship and play Scarecrow’s Song and then use the Longshot to get to the scarecrow and get the Skulltula (Use the Longshot).
  • In the room with three giant spinning flaming skulls, on the wall behind the skulls (Use the Longshot).

Gerudo Valley


  • In the area below the blocked entrance to the fort, on the riverbank (To the right of the bridge), there is soft ground next to a cow and a Gerudo (You will need to use a bottle with bugs).
  • When entering Gerudo Valley, when crossing a narrow bridge, look to the right and you will see a Golden Skulltula (At night. Use the Boomerang).


  • Look up at the wall behind the tent on the other side of the bridge (At night. Use the Hookshot).
  • On the left leg of the stone arch near the tent on the other side of the bridge (At night. Use the Longshot).

Gerudo Fortress


  • There is one high up in the center of the Fort’s eastern wall (At night. Use the Longshot).
  • At the northern target of the horse archery game (At night. Use the Longshot).

Haunted Wasteland


  • Inside the stone fort where you find the ghost guide in the middle of the desert (Use the Longshot).

Desert Colossus


  • In the soft ground near the entrance to the Spirit Temple (Play the Requiem of Spirit to get there then put bugs in the ground).


  • When you reach the Desert Colossus area, go left and it will be in a palm tree near the dry oasis (Use the Longshot).
  • Plant a Magic Bean in the soft soil at the Spirit Temple entrance as a child and return as an adult to climb onto the flying platform. At one point it will pass over a large rock near the Fairy Fountain on which the Skulltula stands (At night).

Spirit Temple


  • After crouching through the hole at the beginning as child Link, go through the door on the right and he is on the fence on the other side of the hole.
  • After passing through the second narrow hole , climb the rock face where the normal Skulltulas are then turn around to see the Golden Skulltula (Use the Boomerang).
  • After the room where you had to move the blocks to get the sun symbol to the light, you will be in a staircase. It’s on top of the door you entered through (Use the Boomerang).


  • In the room with the rolling stones and the gray Ruppes, in an alcove blocked by a blue block . Play the Song of Time to remove the block.
  • In the room with the huge statue where you got the map , on the platform at the top of the room to the left of the statue. Go up the stairs and play Scarecrow’s Song , then use the Longshot on the scarecrow to reach the platform.

Ganon’s Castle


  • To the right of the castle there is a stone arch . The Skulltula is at the back of the arch (At night. Use the Hookshot).

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