The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – Guide: Where to find the four bottles

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – Guide: Where to find the four bottles

March 20, 2024 Off By Daniel Felix

Guys, special tutorial to find the 4 bottles in Ocarina of Time. Use and abuse it to store fairies, it will help a lot!

1st Bottle:

Win the chicken game (where you must find three specific chickens among several) from Talon at Lon Lon Ranch. He will give you a bottle of Milk.

2nd Bottle:

Gather all the chickens in Kakariko Village and put them in the pen for the girl, then talk to her to get the bottle.

Finding the chickens:

  • – At the entrance to the village;
  • – Very close to the chicken pen where the girl is;
  • – On the way to the northern part of the city, where the Death Mountain guard is;
  • – Behind a fence near the door of the House of Skulltulas. Float with another chicken to get there, then throw them both off the platform and take each one to the pen;
  • – In the fenced area in the northeast part of the city. Grab a chicken and go up the stairs to the windmill door, but don’t go inside. Going a little past the door, aim towards the fence and jump with the chicken, floating towards it. When you are leaning against the fence, throw the chicken to grab the fence;
  • – Do the same as chicken 5, but this time, after going to the other side of the fence and throwing the chicken back, climb the ladder to the platform where the windmill is. You’ll find the chicken back there;
  • – As soon as you enter the village, the first house on your left has a box near its door. Break the box by rolling. The chicken is inside the box.

3rd Bottle:

Found diving in Lake Hylia after picking up the Silver Scale to dive deeper. It has a message inside it, give the message to King Zora and keep the bottle.

4th Bottle:

Given to you by Poe’s merchant at the entrance to the Market as Adult Link. Bring him 10 Big Loaves and he will give you the bottle,

Finding the Big Poes:

The Big Poes only appear in Hyrule Field as an adult Link while riding Epona. Don’t confuse them with the normal Poes that appear when you’re not riding Epona. The Big Poes just run away from you, kill them by shooting two arrows and catching them with a bottle.

  • – Center of Hyrule Field, near a tree near the entrance to Lon Lon Ranch;
  • – In the center right of Hyrule Field, near a gray rock south of the entrance to Kokiri Forest;
  • – Top right of Hyrule Field near a platform over Zora’s River hiding the entrance to Kakariko Village. Try to stay on Epona and the platform and Poe should appear in front;
  • – Center right of Hyrule Field, along a brick wall east of Lon Lon Ranch. Walk close to the outside of the wall and he should appear when you reach the corner;
  • – Center of Hyrule Field, in front of Hyrule Castle, near a sign pointing to Lon Lon Ranch;
  • – Center left of Hyrule Field, in a triangular section of grass southwest of where the paths leading to Gerudo’s Valley intersect, very close to the outer wall of Hyrule Field.
  • – In the center left of Hyrule Field, near a lone tree a little north of the paths leading to Gerudo’s Valley;
  • – Top of Hyrule Field, near the stream of water that is coming out of the west side of Hyrule Field, near one of the bushes.
  • – Bottom right of Hyrule Field, near a green tree and several tall grasses (The kind you can cut). Walk there or stay in the middle of the patch of tall grass.
  • – Bottom right of Hyrule Field, near a rock in a grove of brown trees. The woods are very close to Poe nine’s green tree. Wait or walk by the tree southwest of the rock

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