The Mad Wizard: A Candelabra Chronicle – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

The Mad Wizard: A Candelabra Chronicle – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

July 26, 2024 Off By Frank Grochowski

The Mad Wizard: A Candelabra Chronicle is an screen by screen action adventure game in which you control a wizard in an open ended world. You will explore the world, solving puzzles with magic, and reaching new areas through powers that you gain on your travels. The only thing preventing you from progressing in a certain direction is your own abilities that you have unlocked thus far on your journey. If you seem to have reached a dead end, try turning around and explore a new area. This guide will help you progress through the game in the proper order and defeat the evil wizard Amondus and restore peace to the world.


Basic Controls

Left/RightUse left/right to make Hekl walk in the desired direction.
Up/DownUse to climb or descend ladders or choose on the continue screen.
StartPress to start the game, continue, or to pause during the game.

Levitation Controls

APress to levitate. Press again or hold to go higher after upgrade.
Left/RightUse left/right to move in the direction while floating in the air.
DownPress to cancel levitate to quickly fall back to the ground.

Magic Controls

Hekl can attack his foes using his strong magic. The range and power of attacking is upgraded by finding the mystical hidden diamonds.

BPress to fire the magic missile. This is the default attack.
SelectSwitch between default missile and vertical lightning strike.

Advanced Magic Controls

Up+APress to place the PRISM CUBE directly in front of Hekl.
Down+APress to summon the SPECTRAL BRIDGE when standing at a ledge.
Up+BPress to use Hekl’s TELEPORTATION ability to zoom forward.

NOTE – Hekl cannot cast the advanced magic spells when standing over a ladder.

Magic Abilities


Levitation is your standard ability to traverse the lands and reach new destinations. You can increase the range for height and distance by finding the corresponding unlocks throughout the world. You start with only one distance, both vertically and horizontally before falling. As you get more, you will be able to levitate further. You can only increase your levitation height before you move horizontally however. If you press A to levitate, press A again to increase your height if you have the ability. If you levitate once, move right or left, and then press A again, nothing will happen. Plan accordingly when your character needs to be a certain height during your levitation.

Prism Cube

Prism Cubes will be used to reach higher platforms and new destinations. Use them accordingly to reach higher platforms. They can also be used as shields for most enemies. If you put one done in front of a snake for example, the snake cannot pass through it. Trents’ attacks can’t shoot through them as well. Even better, your magic missiles can shoot through your prism cubes. Use this trick to defend yourself from enemies while being able to safely kill them as well.

Spectral Bridge

Spectral Bridges are used to reach further distances off a ledge. You have to stand at the edge of a platform and be looking off the edge. Place it to give yourself three more spaces of reach before you’ll fall off. If the gap is only one or two spaces wide, that’s how long the spectral bridge will be. Use this whenever there’s a ceiling right above you and you can’t levitate over a gap.


Teleportation will allow you to shoot across either straight left or straight right across the screen. When you press it, your character will remain where you started the teleportation. You can still take damage if an enemy hits you at this point. Once the flashing icon for your teleportation hits a wall, your character will teleport to it. If it doesn’t hit a wall and flies off the screen, nothing will happen. Once you teleport, your character will then appear at that wall and drop straight down so make sure you’ll drop into a safe area.


The Tri-Caster is the last item you will pick up in the game. It gives you the ability to keep one of each magic ability up at all times. You will notice before you get this item, that if you place a spectral bridge an then try to place a prism cube, the spectral bridge will disappear. This item will allow you to keep one of each up at all times. You could actually make an infinite stair case with this to reach any high distance. If you put down a prism cube, stand on it, put down a spectral bridge, and walk on the spectral bridge, you can repeat this process to slowly go higher and higher on the screen at any given time.


The Mad Wizard: A Candelabra Chronicle is an action adventure game that will constantly have you revisit areas for new items. This guide is a 100% walkthrough that will collect every item in the best possible order. Each section break will be right when you collect an item. The following section will include backtracking right after you collect the previous item and on your journey to the next item to pick up.

Boss: Charwit & Levitation X +1 (1)

You will begin the game in Hekl’s home and immediately see an extra health slot on the top floor. You won’t be able to reach it just yet but you will very soon. Start off by climbing down the ladder and running to the right to enter the front yard. Levitate to reach the higher platform and continue to the right through the Primwoods to the crossroads. Here you will see a ladder. Climb down the ladder to enter the Kaplan Caverns.

Drop down to the lowest level of this screen and go left. Feel free to kill the bat to get a feel for the combat but you can easily avoid it and pass under to continue left. Levitate up these platforms. Levitate to the highest platform just as the bat above passes to the right, then run to the left until you enter the next room. Kill the bat blocking your path and continue again to the left until you reach the next room. A snake will be on the top platform here. Attack it as quickly as you can. It will get close but you can kill it before the snake hits you. Climb down the ladder and fall down to the ground just as the snake passes below to the right. Again, attack it as quickly as you can before it can hurt you. Once this room is clear, run to the right to the next room.

Head to the right and fall down once the snake starts moving to the right. Kill it before it comes back to you and continue to the right to the next room. Kill the bat in this room and climb down the ladder. Climb down the ladders in this room, make sure not to jump off the second ladder because the torch will damage you. Just drop past the first bat, its patrol is too short and can hurt you if you try to kill it. Climb down the ladder and kill the bat to the left just by standing off to the side while attacking it. Continue to the left. The path will split here. Take the lower route, you do not have the powers to progress on the upper path yet. Kill the bat and climb down the ladder to the next room. Climb down the ladder and kill the snake here. Kill the bat as it passes to your right. Once the lower snake passes to the left, jump off the ladder and run to the right.


Charwit is the perfect introductory boss battle for this game. This is a bird that will fly around only the outter edges of the room. It will start just one block above the ground, swoop down to the ground, and fly across to the left side of the room. Once it hits the left side of the room, it will fly to the ceiling and then cycle back to the right. Once it passes over you, it will drop some debris on you that you will have to dodge. It will then swoop back down on the far right wall and stop just one spot above the ground to fire a shot. After that, it will repeat this cycle.

Stay on the ground until Charwit hits the ground. Immediately levitate to avoid its swoop attack and drop down once it passes. You want to stay in the middle of the room and try to land a missile shot before you levitate and immediately once you land. Move right as the debris falls when it passes above and repeat this pattern. Feel free to watch the video above to see how the entire boss battle plays out. It’s really repetitive and easy once you know the patterns.

Once you defeat Charwit, continue to the next room to the right to pick up the Levitation +1 scroll. This scroll will allow you to move one more space horizontally while levitating before you drop back down to the ground.

Life Sphere (1)

After defeating Charwit and picking up the Levitation +1 scroll, you will have to get out of the Kaplan Caverns. Go to the right for the next room. Levitate to the platform in the lower right corner. Now that you can travel further while levitating before falling, you can use this ability to levitate across the platforms to the ladders above. Climb up to the next room when you reach the top ladder. This room will be your first encounter with the golem. Every few seconds, you will notice the golem will jump and some rocks will fall from the ceiling to where you are standing. You will have to levitate to reach a higher platform to the left. Stand one block away from where you need to levitate and wait here until the golem sends a rock crashing down from the ceiling. Once the rock appears, move left, levitate, and quickly continue left to safely avoid the falling stones. Continue to the left to the next room.

Kill the snake immediately and move to the left. Kill the bat and levitate to the ladder. Climb up the ladder and kill the next snake from the top of the ladder to stay safe. Levitate over the gap and continue to the right along the top platform. Don’t move in the next room until the golem jump. Now quickly move one spot to the right, levitate, and keep going right. If you do this quickly enough, you will be able to traverse the chasm without taking any damage. Kill the golem and climb up the ladder for the next room. Safely hop onto the next platform to the left and kill the golem to the right. When it jumps, press down to quickly drop to the ground and then move to the side to avoid the falling rocks. Once the golem is killed, make your way to the platform in the upper left and continue left to the next room. You will notice you’ll be at the beginning of Kaplan Caverns now. Climb up all the ladders now to get above ground. Start heading left and you will return to Hekl’s home. Climb up to the top floor and now you can levitate over the gap to pick up the life sphere up here. This will increase your total health.

Prism Cube

Head back down to the ground level and now head to the left. Head to the left and climb down the ladder to enter Hekl’s well. Climb down to the lowest level of this room and head left in the water. Run past the first bat. Kill the snake and second bat when you reach them and continue to the left. Climb up the ladder and kill the snake at the top. Climb down the next ladder and kill the two bats down here as well. Climb down the next ladder when the room is clear to enter the next room. Kill the bat while moving to avoid the falling rocks from the golem. Fall down and quickly kill the golem as it’s safe. Once the golem is dead, climb down the ladder and kill the snake here. Climb down the next ladder to continue through Hekl’s well.

This room can be tricky with the tall ladders and golem in the corner. Get onto the ground as quickly as you can and stand just to the left of the ladder you need to climb. Once the rocks start to fall from the ceiling, immediately move to the right, climb up the ladder, and run to the right to avoid the next set of rocks. Do the same thing at the next ladder you have to climb to avoid another set of rocks falling down from the ceiling. The next room will require you to levitate up to the prism cube in the top right corner. Just make the necessary jumps across the gaps to reach the top right platform and to pick up the prism cube. The prism cube is a necessary magic ability that can come in handy not only for reaching new areas, but even as a defense tool against enemies. You can activate it by pressing Up+A.

Spectral Bridge

Now that you have the prism cube, fall down to the left. Walk to the double stack of barrels and you will use your prism cube for the first time. Place a cube down right next to the barrels and levitate over them. Continue to the left to start leaving the well. This time you will have to kill the golem. Stand on the second set of barrels and wait for the golem to jump. Once the rocks begin to fall, quickly climb up the ladder just to your left and land a couple of shots on the golem. You’ll have to fall to the right to avoid the next set of rocks. You should be able to land two missiles before you have to retreat. Do this until the golem dies and safely leave the room up the left most ladder. Kill the snake once it passes to the right while avoiding any falling rocks from the golem. Climb half way up this ladder and kill the golem while being mindful of any falling rocks. Kill the bat above and keep climbing the ladders to exit this room.

Move just to the right of the ladder and kill the vertical flying bat when he drops down. Now go to the far left wall and levitate once the horizontal bat starts moving right. Attack that bat from here and continue up the ladder to the right. Just let the snake above pass to the left and sneak past it to the right without killing it. Climb down the ladder and head to the right for the next room. Kill the first bat and snake safely from the left side. Just run under the next bat and continue to the right. Climb up both ladders here to leave Hekl’s well and get back above ground. Run back to the right and through Hekl’s home. Keep going right until you reach the Crossroads, this is the screen right above the Kaplan Caverns. Use your boosted levitation to get over the gap and kill the snake. Climb up the ladder built into the tree to reach the screen above.

Levitate at the top of the ladder and go to the right to reach the branch there. Run to the right for a room with four bats. They will all fly vertically so it’ll be easy to take care of them. Levitate to the ladder in the next room and wait for the bat above to start flying upwards. Once it starts flying upwards, finish climbing up the ladders and go right. Climb up the next ladder here. Levitate to the branch to the right and kill both the bat and snake here. Continue over this tree to the right. Levitate to the ladder on the next tree. This will be the first time you encounter a trent. You will notice they just shoot towards you and won’t move. Don’t even bother killing them, just climb up the ladder in between their attacks to the next area. Levitate to the branch to the left and keep going. Kill a couple of snakes while moving to the left along the top of this tree until you fall down to the left. Head to the right once you fall onto the lower tree and kill the bat. Levitate to the ladder to the right to reach the higher branch just a little further. Continue to the right to the next screen. climb up this ladder and kill the bat at the top. Enter the treehouse and pick up the Spectral Bridge at the bottom left corner of this room.

Xecrom’s Thunder

Levitate up to the ladder to the right of the bed and get to the platform just above the ladder. You will have to place a spectral bridge here by pressing Down+A. Walk on the bridge and levitate to the next ladder. Go right and again, place another spectral bridge under the last ladder in the treehouse. Climb up this ladder and go left. Climb all the way to the bottom of this ladder and go left. Fall down off this branch and you will fall all the way to the ground. Immediately climb back up the tree just to your left. Levitate at the top of this tree to the branch to the right. Kill the bats above this tree and keep going right. Climb up this ladder once the bat above starts flying upwards. Climb up the next ladder to the right to reach the next screen. Levitate to the branch to the right again, killing the bat and snake from here, and continue to the right. Climb up the next ladder in between the trents’ attacks. At the very top of this ladder, levitate to the branch to the right. Fall off to the right of this branch. You will land down below, just to the right of a raven. Quickly run to the right before this raven swoop down at you.

Kill the bones on the bridge and continue to the right. Place a prism cube to the right and use it to levitate to the next branch. Place another prism cube here and kill the snake above. Levitate to the platform the snake was on. Now place a spectral bridge down to reach the branch to the far right. View the screenshot to the right to learn where you have to place each prism cube and spectral bridge. Obviously, you can only place one item down at a time at this point in the game, I edited this picture just to show each location for everything at once. You will immediately fall down once you enter the Elderwood. Go to the right and climb down the ladder at the bottom of the screen. Climb down all the ladders here until you reach the lower left corner of this room. Place a prism cube just to your right and levitate to it. Now place a spectral bridge just to the right and levitate to the ladder above. Climb up the ladder to pick up Xecrom’s Thunder. This is a new attack to go alongside the missile. You can switch attacks at any time by pressing select. The indicator for what attack you have will be in the lower left next to your health. Xecrom’s Thunder will send a single bolt of lightning straight down from above. If you move, the lightning bolt will follow your character. This is a great tool to use to deal damage to any enemies above you and safely take them out without you having to get close to them.


Climb back down the ladder you just came from and go right. Climb up the two ladders here and levitate up the platforms on your way to the top. Climb up the ladder at the top for the next room. Some goblins will appear from the top of the room. These aren’t too dangerous as they won’t target you. Simply levitate to the right and climb the short ladder there. Wait for all the goblins to pass under you and you’ll be safe. Levitate to the platform to the left and over the barrel there. Climb up the next two ladders. You’ll have to stand two spaces to the left of the ladder and place a prism cube to the right. Review the screenshot to the left to better understand the positioning. Once you place the prism cube down, run to the left until you fall off the platform. Go back to the right and climb up the ladder to the far right to end up to the right of the prism cube. Hop on the prism cube and levitate to reach the platform above. Continue to the left and climb up the ladder for the next room. Climb to the top of this ladder and just wait here for a wave of goblins to appear from the top of the room. Let them run down all the platforms and climb down the ladder you’re standing on to let them despawn. Go to the ladder in the bottom right corner and stand on the bottom of it. Place a spectral bridge to the left, stand on it, and levitate to the platform above. From here, just levitate up the platforms and climb the ladders as necessary to reach the ladder in the top right corner of the room. Climb up it to the next room. Climb up the ladder and position yourself near the top where you can avoid all of the trent’s shots. Once they shoot, climb to the top and levitate. Wait for another wave of shots and levitate left. Drop down when it’s safe and quickly run to the left to drop below all of the trents. Unfortunately, Xecrom’s Thunder does not work on trents, so you will have to climb the ladders one by one killing them as it’s safe. When all are dead, progress to the left in the top left corner of the room.

Watch the goblin jump to its death and drop down. Hop onto the block at the end of this branch and levitate to the left to enter the next screen. Place a spectral bridge to the left of this branch and stand on the end of it. Levitate and kill the left trent when it’s safe. Jump onto that platform and place another spectral bridge to the right. Again, levitate at the right end and kill the trent when it’s safe. Now go onto that branch and place a spectral bridge to the left. Levitate to the next branch to the left. Place a prism cube directly to your right and levitate onto it. Now levitate to the upper left most branch. Place a spectral bridge to the left. Climb up the ladder for the next screen. Go to the right and place a spectral bridge under both gaps to continue to the right for the next screen. Kill the snake approaching you. Climb up the ladder to the right and kill the next snake up here as well. Now run to the left. Head to the end of this branch and levitate before the trents start shooting. Levitate to the ladder to the left. Kill the upper right trent from here and continue up to the upper right corner of the screen to keep progressing up the Elderwood. Kill the snake here and continue into the Elderwood tree top. Drop down and place a prism cube to form a set of stairs. Levitate up to the teleportation power pick up.

Magic Missile +1 (1)

In typical fashion, you will have to immediately use the teleportation power to leave this room. Climb up the ladder to the right and look left at the top. Press Up+B to use your teleportation power. You will teleport to the ledge in the upper left corner. Note, whenever you use this, you have to hit a wall to teleport there. If you try to teleport directly into another room, you won’t teleport at all. Levitate to the platform above and go left to return to the previous screen. Kill the snake and run to the left. Stand on the block right next to the upper trent and place a spectral bridge to the left. Stand on the far left edge of it and wait for the upper trent to shoot. Break the spectral bridge once it shoots and immediately levitate. Levitate once to the left and wait for another shot from the trent. Once it’s clear, levitate one more time to the left to drop onto the ladder. Wait for the lower trent to shoot and take a step to the left to fall to the lower screen, you will land on a branch there. Once you land, place a spectral bridge to the right and stand on the far right edge of it. Wait for the right trent to shoot and then drop down to kill it. Run off the screen to the right and you will fall onto a treetop with a Magic Missile +1 power up for you to pick up. This pick up will give your magic missiles a greater range of attack.

Levitation Y +1 (1)

Fall off the tree to the left. Kill the bones when you land and continue to the left. Move to the left for the next screen and don’t move from the starting position. Time your shot when the raven swoops down to hit it as early as you can with a missile and keep firing missiles as quickly as you can. It is possible to kill the raven without taking damage but it’s tough. The raven is in just too strong a starting point. If you don’t kill the raven before it swoops back up, just change to Xecrom’s Thunder and keep firing at it from below until it dies. Continue to the left when it’s dead. Quickly drop down and kill the trent before it starts attacking. Kill the snake from the right side of this bush to stay safe and keep going left. You will see another trent, approach it and place a prism cube down to defend yourself from its attacks. Kill it and continue left. Kill the snake here and drop back down into Kaplan Caverns.

Drop down and go to the left while avoiding the bat. Climb up the platforms but wait at the second highest platform. Wait for the bat above to pass to the right, levitate up, and run to the left while avoiding the bat. Kill the bat in the next room and go left. Place a prism cube down in the next room to block the snake and attack safely from behind it. Climb down the ladder and do the same thing with the next snake when it passes to the right. Continue to the right and again, use a prism cube to keep yourself safe from the next snake while you attack it. After that snake is dead, kill the bat in the next room and climb down the ladder. Just like earlier, don’t touch the torch here and climb down the ladders rather than jumping off. The torch will damage you. Once the first bat turns right, fall down and quickly climb down the next ladder to avoid this bat. Kill the second bat and continue to the left.

This room is the split you couldn’t go up for, you had to take the lower path earlier. Now you can take the high path. Climb up the ladder and kill the snake. Enter the next room. You will take damage due to how slowly you move with levitation but it’s the only damage you’ll be forced to take for this item. Immediately place a spectral bridge down. Go to the far left and levitate up the first crate. You will take damage here, don’t even try to avoid it. After you take damage, you will be invincible for a brief moment so use that time to quickly levitate up the next crate. Run to the left for the next screen. Levitate over the gap to continue left. Don’t bother climbing down the ladder. Your missiles can reach the goblin when he’s on the right crate out of the two higher crates. Just keep attacking and slowly killing the goblin while moving left and right one spot to avoid the golem’s rock fall. Once the goblin is dead, teleport all the way to the left. Kill the golem with Xecrom’s Thunder and go back to the far right. Place a prism cube down to reach the first higher platform. From the crates there, teleport to the left to reach the Levitation Y +1 scroll. This will allow you to levitate upwards one spot higher than before. To do so, just press A one more time while levitating.

Life Sphere (2)

Keep going right until you reach the golem. Kill it while standing below it with Xecrom’s Thunder. Climb the next ladder, kill the snake, and continue to the right. Kill the first bat here. The second bat can damage you from the top of the ladder keep going up and down the ladder as needed to not take damage while you kill this bat. Keep going up the ladders here to the next room. Again, climb to the top of this ladder only to attack the bat and climb back down a rung to safety when needed. Once this bat is dead, head back to the left. Kill the snake here using a prism cube for defense while you continue to the left. Again, use a couple prism cubes to keep yourself safe from the snakes while you climb up the ladder and to the right. Just teleport past this bat and keep going right. Kill the bat here and continue to the right. Avoid this next bat and just climb up the ladders until you are above ground again at the Crossroads.

Head to the left and go through Hekl’s Home. Enter the well behind hekl’s home. Climb down the ladders and go to the left. Simply pass under the first bat. Kill the snake and second bat. Continue to the left. Climb up the ladder and kill the snake at the top. Climb down the next ladder and just stand at the bottom of it. Kill the bat to the left from here, it can’t reach you if you stay at the bottom of the ladder. Once the horizontal flying bat is dead, go to the left and just pass under the vertical bat. Climb down the ladder for the next room. Kill the bat here while avoiding the falling stones from the golem. Kill the golem when it’s safe while being mindful of the falling rocks. Kill the snake at the bottom of the ladder. Now place a prism cube so you can use your double levitate to reach the platform above. Pick up your second life sphere here.

Levitation X +1 (2)

Fall down from this platform and climb up the ladders to the room you just came from. Go to the left and levitate when the horizontal bat starts flying right. Attack it from here and drop if you have to to avoid damage. Ignore the vertical bat and climb up the ladder. Kill the snake and climb down the right ladder as you continue out of this cave. Again, kill the left bat and the snake as you head to the right. Climb up both ladders here to get above ground. Now head to the left for the first time here. Kill the snake in this room and continue left. this will be your first encounter with a ghost. Ghosts can fly through anything and just slowly fly directly to you. The best way to deal with these is to put yourself in range of attacking them as quickly as possible and just keep firing missiles or Xecrom’s Thunder depending on the situation. For here, you want to just levitate and keep firing missiles before the ghost reaches you. Continue to the left over the obstacles while killing the bones. Levitate just once and keep firing missiles. Both ghosts will fly into your line of fire and you can kill both before they reach you. Continue over the obstacles as you head to the left. Kill both the ghost and bones from where you start and hop onto the closest tombstone to the right of the tree. Put down a spectral bridge and levitate to the first branch from there. Now just use your double levitate to reach the next platform. Place another spectral bridge to the left and run to the next screen from here. Kill both snakes here and climb down the ladders to enter the Kyr Temple Ruins.

Teleport straight to the right. Once you land, teleport straight to the left and fall into the left gap. Run down the platforms and kill the bones at the bottom. Fall down the next hole to the left. Teleport over the first set of bones. Drop down and kill the right set of bones below. Continue to the right. The middle two statues above on both platforms will drop skulls straight down. You don’t want to get in the way of these because they will damage you. Stay where it’s safe and continue to the right while avoiding those skulls. Again, the middle two statues here will drop skulls. Use your double levitate while avoiding the skulls to reach the ladder to the right. Climb up the ladder and use another double levitate to reach the second part of the ladder to the next room. Kill the ghost as early as you can here. Levitate to second highest platform in the top right corner. Place a spectral bridge to the left and cross it. Once you get on the tall column, place another spectral bridge to the left. Continue to the next screen. Kill the bones to the left and just teleport to the far left wall. When you drop down to the platform in the lower left, teleport straight to the right. Place a spectral bridge to the right when you land there and levitate to the lower of the three right platforms. Place another spectral bridge just to your left and levitate up to the Levitation X +1 scrolls to allow Hekl to levitate one spot further before being forced to drop.

Levitation Speed

Place a spectral bridge to your left and use it to levitate to the platform above and to the left. Place another spectral bridge to cross this gap to where the bones was. Be mindful of the falling skulls from the middle two statues above. Drop down to the platform just to the left when it’s safe and levitate to the platform with the ladder. Climb up the ladder to the next room. Place a prism cube just to the right to reach the platform above. Levitate up the platforms and continue to the right in the far upper right corner. Kill the bones and the ghost from your starting position. Drop down to the right when the bones passes below to the left and kill the bones. Run off screen to the left. Drop down and walk to the right. There’s an invisible platform there that will prevent you from falling. When you enter the next screen, kill the ghost. The invisible platform will extend as far as the silver blocks above, as far as the lower bones can go. Place a spectral bridge there. For a visual of where the invisible platforms are, refer to the screenshot to the right. The blue lines will indicate where the invisible platforms are so a spectral bridge will be required in the gap between them. Now walk under the ladder. Levitate up to the ladder to pick up the levitation speed power up.

Boss: Beancy & Flerg & Levitation Y +1 (2)

Fall down to the right and you will fall all the way to where the ladders split. Climb the first ladder to reach the top of the platform just to the left. Teleport straight to the left to avoid the falling skulls. Drop down and continue to the left. Avoid a few more falling skulls here as you keep running left. Just teleport over all the bones as you make your way to the ladder in the lower left. Climb down it. Teleport over the chasm to the right and enter the next screen there. Again, just teleport straight to the right over the chasm to the next screen. Here you will have your first encounter with a lizardman. Once they see you, they will throw a spear at you. Xecrom’s Thunder will not work on these so you will have to levitate up, fire a missile, and drop down to avoid its spears. Keep repeating this pattern until you kill it. Once it’s dead, levitate over the gaps to continue to the right.Drop down to the platform just below to the right. Use a double levitate to kill the lower lizardman while dropping to avoid its spears. Once it’s dead, levitate up to the next platform to the right. Just teleport to the right to get over the chasm and continue to the right. Use a couple spectral bridges to get over the two gaps here while you keep running right.

Levitate to the first block to the right. Place a spectral bridge to the right and stand on it. Levitate to the block above and levitate again to the block to the upper right of here. Place a spectral bridge to the right to cross this gap to the next platform. Place one more spectral bridge to the right and levitate to the upper right to continue to the next room. Drop down when the snake passes to the right and kill the snake while avoiding the golem’s rocks. Continue to the next room. Teleport straight to the right from where you start to take the lower path. In the next room, place a spectral bridge to the right. Let the goblins fall down. Kill the lizardman the same way you have been dealing with them and then levitate to the platform it’s standing on. Place a spectral bridge to the right and use it to cross the chasm to the next room. Kill the lizard man right from the start. Levitate to the next platform. Teleport to the right from here and levitate up the platforms to the next room. Quickly drop to the right to the next platform and kill the lizardman from here. Use spectral bridges and levitate across the gaps to enter the next room. Just teleport straight to the right to get across this room.Levitate up the platforms until you reach the top platform and just teleport to the right. In the next room, just levitate to the higher platform and teleport to the right. Enter the next room for a boss battle.


WARNING – You will need at least 4 life spheres to complete this boss battle at this point. If you do not have 4 life spheres and are referring to this guide for the boss battle, refer to the life sphere locations in this guide. If you die at the boss battle, you will respawn at the beginning of the battle assuming you still have an extra life. If you do not have any extra lives, you will have to use a continue and respawn at Hekl’s house.

This boss battle is very difficult even with the powers you have gathered at this point in the game. Beancy is the skeleton which only walks back and forth. It has no range attacks and is really only there to bother you. Flerg, the falcon, is the real challenge to this boss battle. Flerg acts just like the ravens you have encountered so far in the game. It will drop straight down, fly right for you and then go straight up. You could levitate to bait flerg at your height and then drop down before it reaches you but you have so little time to react even after the levitation speed power up that you’re never going to get any attacks in or still take damage. For that reason, just accept that you’re going to take damage. View the video above. The best strategy for this boss battle will require you to have full health. Just place a prism cube down immediately when you start the battle to keep Beancy away from you. Fire missiles at Flerg while it flies at you and immediately switch to Xecrom’s Thunder when it hits you. Just keep shooting as many thunder bolts as you can until Flerg dies. You will have time to kill it before it kills you assuming you have four life spheres. Once Flerg is dead, get rid of your prism cube. Trap Beancy on one side using another prism cube and just keep shooting through your prism cube until it dies.

Enter the next room to the right. Place a spectral bridge over the edge to the right and use it to reach the Levitation Y +1 scroll. This is the last Levitation Y scroll there is in the game and you can now levitate as high as you possibly could.

Magic Missile +1 (2)

Return to the left through the boss room and over the chasm in the next room. Teleport to the top platform of the room with all the platforms scattered around and teleport to the far left. Now you can levitate up the platforms in the next room one by one. Place a prism cube immediately when you enter the next room to block the lizard man’s spears. Shoot through the prism cube until it dies. Levitate across these gaps to the next room. Drop down to the next platform and place a spectral bridge to the left. Stand on the far left edge of it and remove it to drop down. Quickly place a prism cube to the left. If you do this quickly enough, the lizardman will not hit you. Just shoot through this prism cube until the lizardman dies and continue to the left using spectral bridges. Place a spectral bridge here and use your new triple levitate to get as high as you can. Get over the left edge of the spectral bridge and drop onto it. Just levitate up and keep attacking the lizardman while dropping to avoid its attacks until it dies. Use spectral bridges and levitate to go to the next room to the left. Place a spectral bridge over the water and use it to levitate to the next platform. Just levitate across all the platforms from here as you continue to the left. Kill the snake while avoiding the rocks from the golem and then kill the golem using Xecrom’s Thunder. Levitate up the next platform to the left. Place a spectral bridge down and get to the two block platform in the middle of the room. Place another spectral bridge to the left from here to reach the platform in the upper left corner. Place a spectral bridge to the right from here and stand on the middle of it. Levitate three times straight up. Refer to the image to the right to know exactly where to be. Go to the left from there and climb to the top left corner of this room. Teleport straight to the right and pick up the Magic Missile +1 pick up.

Levitation X +1 (3)

Climb to the top of the barrel and place a spectral bridge to the left. Just run off the edge to drop down to the room you just came from. Levitate over the blocks to the left and to the next room. Place a couple spectral bridge to the left to reach the next room. Levitate to the first block and teleport straight to the left. Levitate up to the next platform and just go to the next room, you’ll have enough time to avoid the lizardman to your right. Place a prism cube down and kill the lizard man in the next room. Levitate across the blocks to the next room. Teleport to the left to continue to the next room. Teleport again to the left and climb up the ladder. Kill the bones to your right and climb up the platforms towards the top. Kill the next bones above and levitate to the room above. Kill the bones to your right and climb up the platforms, levitating to the next room. Levitate up the platforms to get on the tall pillar in the middle. Teleport to the right. Climb up the ladder and teleport to the left. Climb up this ladder to get above ground again.

Kill the two snakes here and run to the right. Kill the ghost and bones on this screen. Levitate over the tombstones to continue to the right. Continue to the right while killing ghosts and bones in your way. Kill the snake when you reach it. Place a prism cube at the bottom of the tree the snake was in front of and levitate to the bottom left branch of that tree. Levitate to the right branch and then to the upper left branch. Stand on the far left edge of this branch and levitate up to the next screen. Levitate up these branches to the upper left branch. Stand on the right side of this branch and levitate straight up to the next screen. Levitate to the right on the next screen to reach the next branch. Place a spectral bridge to the left and use it to levitate to the upper left branch. Stand on the far left edge of that branch and place a prism cube to your right. Use it to levitate above and pick up the Levitation X +1 scroll at the top of this tree. This is the final Levitation X scroll. At this point, your levitation ability is as good as it can possibly get.

Magic Missile +1 (3)

Drop off the right side of this tree and continue to the right through Hekl’s Home. In the front yard, levitate up the branches and up the ladder above. Kill the snake at the top and go to the left. Kill the next snake and continue to the left. Climb up the ladder top the top. Levitate to the branch to the right and go to the right. Place a spectral bridge to the right at the next screen and stand over the next branch. Remove your spectral bridge to drop one space. Teleport to the right and go to the right. Place a prism cube down and kill the trent. Drop down and do the same thing to the next trent. Go left on the lower platform and just teleport across everything on the next screen. Levitate over the block and go left. You will drop down to a branch on the lower screen. Levitate straight to the right. Land on the first branch and levitate to the next branch. Place a spectral bridge down and walk to the far right edge of it. Kill the bat and levitate towards the Magic Missile +1 pick up.

Boss: Charwit Reborn

Drop down to the left of this branch and go to the right. Kill the snake here. Fall to the ground. Start heading to the right along the ground path. Climb up the tree at the Crossroads. Levitate to the right at the top of the ladder. Kill all four bats as you continue over this tree to the right. Avoid the bat in the next screen while you climb up the ladders. Kill the bat and snake in this screen while you keep going to the right. Climb up the next tree while avoiding the trent attacks. At the top of this ladder, levitate to the branch to the right. Place a spectral bridge down to the right and levitate off the end of it. Just drop straight down when you reach the next screen to land on the eastern side of the bridge down below. This detour was meant only to avoid the dangerous raven on the western side of the bridge. Kill the bones there and head to the right. Climb up the branches, killing the snake along the way, and enter the Elderwood.

Climb down the ladder in the bottom right corner of this room. Climb down the ladders to the bottom left corner of this room. Levitate to the ladder which will bring you to the next screen to the left. Levitate to the first platform to the left. Stand on the left most edge of it and place a spectral bridge to the left. Stand on the left most edge of it and levitate to the opening to the far left. Levitate over the next gap to enter the next screen. Place a prism cube just to the right of the fire line along the ground. Hop on it and levitate to the next platform to the left. Place a spectral bridge to the left and stand on the left most edge of it. Levitate to the left to the next screen. Wait for the fire goblins to both fall to the pit below and just leave them there. Place a spectral bridge to your left and keep using Xecrom’s Thunder while avoiding the skulls to kill the gargoyle above. Once it’s dead, climb up the ladders and teleport to the left. Start off by killing the fire goblin first in this room. After the fire goblin is dead, kill the gargoyle with Xecrom’s Thunder. Now focus on the salamander, who is just like the lizardmen you faced earlier. Levitate up and drop down between its attacks. Jump up to where the salamander was and place a spectral bridge to the right. Climb up to the top right platform and place another spectral bridge down to the left. Stand on the far left side of it and levitate to the top left platform. Climb down the ladder in the bottom left from here.

Kill the gargoyle from the ladder. Just drop down to the right while ignoring the salamander when the fire goblin passes below to the left. Look left and quickly kill the fire goblin. Now head to the right for the next screen. Just be careful, the top platform on this can be reached by the salamander so be quick there. Place a spectral bridge to the right in the next screen to block the lower fire goblin. Move a spot to the left and kill the upper fire goblin when it approaches you. Kill the left gargoyle with Xecrom’s Thunder and levitate up the platforms to the right. Kill the next gargoyle with Xecrom’s Thunder and wait to the right before dropping down. Let the lower fire goblin pass to the left and drop down to continue to the next screen for a boss battle.


This is the second time you’ll face Chawit in your journeys. It acts the same except you will see a little lip in the top right corner which prevents it from dropping down to the ground. This will force you to use Xecrom’s Thunder to attack Charwit. It will just keep looping around that top section of the screen and drop debris on you every time it passes over you. I suggest just using the two left most spots in the room. Review the video above to know exactly where to be. Just keep standing one spot over with Xecrom’s Thunder ready. Attack it once every time it flies over head and move to the left while the debris falls. Using this strategy, you get some room for error in timing. If you miss the timing, you could slide the thunder into Charwit if you fire it just too late. Keep doing this until Charwit dies.

Boss: General Rant & Tri-Caster

Enter the next room. These salamanders can shoot their spears through walls but your magic missiles can too. Take them out one at a time from the bottom to the top while climbing back down the ladder to avoid their spears. Climb down the second ladder when it is safe. Drop down below and attack the fire goblin when it it so the far right. You won’t be able to kill it in its first pass so levitate up to avoid it when it comes back. Once it’s dead, teleport to the right. Levitate to the second platform from here and place a prism cube on the ground directly below the ladder. Use the prism cube for a boost to triple levitate to the ladder to reenter the previous room from the right ladder. Kill the salamanders from bottom to the top using the same method as before. Note that they can only throw one spear at a time so you have some time to attack after you dodge. Avoid the gargoyle at the top and just drop down the platforms to the bottom right. Levitate up in this next room to avoid the fire goblin and kill it first. Now climb the ladder and teleport to the left. Levitate and kill the gargoyle while being mindful of the salamander’s spears. Once the gargoyle is dead, kill the salamander. Avoid the fires on your way to the ladder in the lower right. Climb down it to the next screen.

Place a spectral bridge to the left and levitate over the gap at the end. Kill the bones below. Climb down the ladder when the salamander is to the far left and kill it while avoiding its spears. Levitate over the fire and go left. Kill the three fire goblins here and continue to the left. Teleport to the left from here. Levitate up to kill the bones and move to its platform. Kill the gargoyle with Xecrom’s Thunder and then levitate to kill the salamander with your magic missiles. Climb to the upper left platform and teleport over the fire. Climb down the ladder and head to the left for a boss battle.


General Rant can be very annoying, but not as much as Beancey & Flerg were. There are four gargoyles in total, the gold one on the bottom is General Rant himself. All of these gargoyles, including General Rant, will drop skulls randomly. Having four gargoyles drop skulls at once is really threatening. Focus on taking out the top three with Xecrom’s Thunder while avoiding the other skulls. General Rant himself will randomly try to smash down and crush you so whenever General Rant is coming over you, just move the opposite direction to avoid that slam. Every time he slams down and goes back up, he will always go to the right no matter what direction he came from to begin with. I recommend focusing on the top 3 gargoyles first and then taking out General Rant himself.

Head to the left and pick up the Tri-Caster on the pedestal. The Tri-Caster will give you the ability to have every magic spell up at once. Now you can have a prism cube up, a spectral bridge up, and still have the ability to teleport. Before, you could only use one of those abilities at once.

Life Sphere (3)

Go to the right through General Rant’s room and kill the bones and salamander through the walls here. Levitate over the fire to the platforms to the right. Just avoid the gargoyle while you head to the bottom. Levitate over the fire to move to the right. Place a prism cube at the start to block the fire goblins. Remove it when they turn around and kill them all. Run to the right for the next room. Kill the salamander when it is to the far right and head to the far right. Place a prism cube to the right, under the ladder. Jump on it and place a spectral bridge to the left. Hop on the spectral bridge and place another prism cube directly to the right. Use it to reach the ladder above and climb up it. Quickly move to the little hole on the left to avoid the falling fire goblin here. Keep climbing up the ladder to the very top. When you reach the top, fall to the left and climb up the ladders to the next screen. Climb up the small ladder in the lower right to avoid the goblins coming down. Now climb up the ladders and use some spectral bridges in the top left to leave the Elderwood to the left.

Place a spectral bridge down on the left end of this branch. Watch the trents on the ground. Once they both shoot, drop down and go left. Kill the bones on the bridge here. Before entering the next room, place a prism cube down. Jump on it and place a spectral bridge to your right. Get on the spectral bridge and place another prism cube to the left. Now levitate as high as you can and go left. This will line you up perfectly to easily kill the raven in the next screen before it has a chance to attack you. Once it’s dead, continue to the left to the next screen. Kill the trent and snake using a prism cube to defend yourself and continue to the left. Use another prism cube to defend yourself from the next trent. Kill the next snake and keep going left until you go through Hekl’s Home.

Go past the well and kill the snake on the next screen. Kill the ghost and bones in the next screen, then the two ghosts in the screen after that. The next screen will be called Stalking Dead and have a ghost and bones. Kill them both. Climb onto the upper left branch. You will see some vines hanging from the top of the screen, that is another branch. Place a prism cube to the right while standing on the branch and hop onto it. Levitate straight up to the next screen. Hop on the branch up there. Now you have to make a stair case out of prism cubes and spectral bridges, just alternate them as you slowly work your way up to the life sphere above and grab it.

Boss: Summoner Amondus

Drop down and head to the right. Kill the the enemies and go through Hekl’s Home to the Crossroads. Climb the tree at the Crossroads. Levitate to the branch to the right at the top of the ladder. Kill the four bats here and continue to the right. Avoid the bat here while you climb the next two laddes. Kill the bat and snake while you keep traveling through this path to the right. Climb up the ladder while avoiding the trents and go left at the top. Kill the snakes as you go to the left until you fall off this tree to another tree. Once you’re on the next treetop (the room name will be Rustling Leaves,) go left. Levitate to the tree above and to the left.

Levitate straight up to the above screen. Kill the raven to the right immediately. Now continue along the treetop to the left. The next room will have two ravens. Drop down one platform to the left and wait for the birds to come down. Just before they reach your horizontal plane, teleport to the left to avoid both. Quickly levitate and continue to the left. Just stand still and attack the raven once it lowers down to your level. Keep going left after the raven is dead. Do the same thing to the next raven and teleport over the gap to keep heading left. Kill one more bird as you go left to the Doorstep of Doom. Place a prism cube to your left there. Jump on it and place a spectral bridge to the left. Walk to the far left edge and place another prism cube. Keep making a stair case like this alternating between prism cubes and spectral bridges for you to enter the building on the left.

Kill the gargoyle and then the bat. Drop down and place a spectral bridge over the snake. Continue down the pit in the bottom right corner. Kill the ghost when you land. Teleport to the left. Levitate to the platform above and teleport to the right. Levitate up the platforms and go left. Let the goblin fall down and levitate to the ladder. Climb down it and place a prism cube to the right. Kill both the bones and trent from here. Drop down and place another prism cube to the left. Kill the goblin and trent to the left. Place a prism cube in the bottom left corner to continue to the next room. Kill the bat and get on the top of the triangular set of platforms in the lower right. Drop down when the lizardman is to the far left and kill it. Kill the golem from above with Xecrom’s Thunder. Make a stair case of spectral bridges and prism cubes to reach the top left and go to the right at the top of the platform. Go to the right through the next room and climb up the ladder in the following room. Head left to fight General Rant again. This time there are no other gargoyles to deal with. That makes this boss battle very easy. Just avoid his slams and skulls and kill him. After that battle is complete, make a stair case of spectral bridges and prism cubes to the upper right and levitate to the top platform. Drop down to the left and go left.


Summoner Amondus is a unique boss battle for this game. You will see the boss battle will always start with a golem in the bottom left, a lizardman on the platform in the lower right, and a trent on the platform in the top left. Killing either the golem or lizardman will always spawn another enemy to get in your way. The trent in the top left will not spawn another enemy when you kill it. Focus on killing the two that will keep respawning until you end up with a gargoyle floating along the top and a trent on the top right platform. Now levitate to the single block lower left platform and place a spectral bridge to the left. Levitate up and kill the trent on the top left.

Summoner Amondus will shoot four magic missiles every few seconds, he will shake before he shoots. the missiles will go straight to the left and right and then diagonally down to the left and to the right. Pay attention to whenever he shakes to avoid the attacks. You can only hurt Summoner Amondus when he is at the highest or lowest point levitating. Keep firing away at Summoner Amondus while avoiding his magic missiles and the skulls from the top gargoyle as well as the spores from the top right trent until Summoner Amondus dies.



Charwit is the perfect introductory boss battle for this game. This is a bird that will fly around only the outter edges of the room. It will start just one block above the ground, swoop down to the ground, and fly across to the left side of the room. Once it hits the left side of the room, it will fly to the ceiling and then cycle back to the right. Once it passes over you, it will drop some debris on you that you will have to dodge. It will then swoop back down on the far right wall and stop just one spot above the ground to fire a shot. After that, it will repeat this cycle.

Stay on the ground until Charwit hits the ground. Immediately levitate to avoid its swoop attack and drop down once it passes. You want to stay in the middle of the room and try to land a missile shot before you levitate and immediately once you land. Move right as the debris falls when it passes above and repeat this pattern. Feel free to watch the video above to see how the entire boss battle plays out. It’s really repetitive and easy once you know the patterns.

Beancey & Flerg

WARNING – You will need at least 4 life spheres to complete this boss battle at this point. If you do not have 4 life spheres and are referring to this guide for the boss battle, refer to the life sphere locations in this guide. If you die at the boss battle, you will respawn at the beginning of the battle assuming you still have an extra life. If you do not have any extra lives, you will have to use a continue and respawn at Hekl’s house.

This boss battle is very difficult even with the powers you have gathered at this point in the game. Beancy is the skeleton which only walks back and forth. It has no range attacks and is really only there to bother you. Flerg, the falcon, is the real challenge to this boss battle. Flerg acts just like the ravens you have encountered so far in the game. It will drop straight down, fly right for you and then go straight up. You could levitate to bait flerg at your height and then drop down before it reaches you but you have so little time to react even after the levitation speed power up that you’re never going to get any attacks in or still take damage. For that reason, just accept that you’re going to take damage. View the video above. The best strategy for this boss battle will require you to have full health. Just place a prism cube down immediately when you start the battle to keep Beancy away from you. Fire missiles at Flerg while it flies at you and immediately switch to Xecrom’s Thunder when it hits you. Just keep shooting as many thunder bolts as you can until Flerg dies. You will have time to kill it before it kills you assuming you have four life spheres. Once Flerg is dead, get rid of your prism cube. Trap Beancy on one side using another prism cube and just keep shooting through your prism cube until it dies.

Charwit Reborn

This is the second time you’ll face Chawit in your journeys. It acts the same except you will see a little lip in the top right corner which prevents it from dropping down to the ground. This will force you to use Xecrom’s Thunder to attack Charwit. It will just keep looping around that top section of the screen and drop debris on you every time it passes over you. I suggest just using the two left most spots in the room. Review the video above to know exactly where to be. Just keep standing one spot over with Xecrom’s Thunder ready. Attack it once every time it flies over head and move to the left while the debris falls. Using this strategy, you get some room for error in timing. If you miss the timing, you could slide the thunder into Charwit if you fire it just too late. Keep doing this until Charwit dies.

General Rant

General Rant can be very annoying, but not as much as Beancey & Flerg were. There are four gargoyles in total, the gold one on the bottom is General Rant himself. All of these gargoyles, including General Rant, will drop skulls randomly. Having four gargoyles drop skulls at once is really threatening. Focus on taking out the top three with Xecrom’s Thunder while avoiding the other skulls. General Rant himself will randomly try to smash down and crush you so whenever General Rant is coming over you, just move the opposite direction to avoid that slam. Every time he slams down and goes back up, he will always go to the right no matter what direction he came from to begin with. I recommend focusing on the top 3 gargoyles first and then taking out General Rant himself.

Summoner Amondus

Summoner Amondus is a unique boss battle for this game. You will see the boss battle will always start with a golem in the bottom left, a lizardman on the platform in the lower right, and a trent on the platform in the top left. Killing either the golem or lizardman will always spawn another enemy to get in your way. The trent in the top left will not spawn another enemy when you kill it. Focus on killing the two that will keep respawning until you end up with a gargoyle floating along the top and a trent on the top right platform. Now levitate to the single block lower left platform and place a spectral bridge to the left. Levitate up and kill the trent on the top left.

Summoner Amondus will shoot four magic missiles every few seconds, he will shake before he shoots. the missiles will go straight to the left and right and then diagonally down to the left and to the right. Pay attention to whenever he shakes to avoid the attacks. You can only hurt Summoner Amondus when he is at the highest or lowest point levitating. Keep firing away at Summoner Amondus while avoiding his magic missiles and the skulls from the top gargoyle as well as the spores from the top right trent until Summoner Amondus dies.



Snakes may not seem dangerous but they can be tricky to deal with. They will only travel side to side on whatever platform they are on. They can’t change platforms so once they reach the end of their platform, they will turn around and go the other way until they reach the end again. The tricky part about them is the fact that they move rather quickly and you need to be able to avoid them if you can’t kill them quickly enough. If you are on a platform just below them, levitate up and fire your missiles. If you can only attack from the platform they’re on, make sure to give yourself time to levitate above them if you need to. If there’s only one on a platform, you will usually have time to kill them if you fire missiles quickly enough. Snakes will however become much easier to deal with once you unlock the prism cube. You’ll be able to put a prism cube down, blocking the snake from you, and just shoot your missiles through the prism cube.


Bats will fly either horizontally or vertically until they hit a wall and then bounce back in the opposite direction. They will typically be found in caves and can be a bit of a nuisance if they are flying horizontally. Just make sure to have an area that will keep you safe against these and keep attacking. If they are flying vertically, just stand off to the side and attack them as they fly up or down to your level. If they are flying horizontally, make sure to have a ladder or platform you can climb up/down or levitate to/from.


Golems don’t move. They stand in place and every few seconds, they will jump, shaking the screen, and breaking some rocks down from above. The rocks will always drop straight to where you are once they appear. The rocks can be easily avoided unless you are levitating which could make changing platforms or ladders very difficult when they are on screen. Killing them will also make the falling rocks disappear the second they are killed.


Trents are bushes that can’t move. They are immune to lightning strikes so only use missiles on them. Trents will fire spores at you at a surprisingly high rate and keep firing in one direction. Their spores also have a longer range than Hekl’s magic missiles so be warned. You could use a Prism Cube as a shield. The Trent’s attacks will not pass through a prism cube but Hekl’s missiles can. If you have the time and space to put down a prism cube, just drop one and attack through it to easily kill one of these.


Ravens can be a very dangerous depending on where you are when they spawn. They will start in a stationary position, then drop straight down to be in line with you, and then charge straight for you. Once they reach you, they will fly back up and repeat this pattern. You could just stand your ground and keep firing missiles at them but you will take damage until you upgrade the power of your missiles. Levitating over them doesn’t work either, they will stop right below you and fly straight up into you.


Bones are basically just slower snakes. They walk side to side on a platform until they reach the end of a platform, then they will turn around and switch directions. By the time you reach your first Bones, you will already have the prism cube unlocked. Simply drop a prism cube between you and the bones to prevent it from reaching you and keep firing missiles through the prism cube until it dies its final death.


You’re best off just avoiding goblins whenever they appear on screen. You will see them start at the top of the screen from a ladder or a hole in the ceiling. They will come down in packs and keep running left and right until they run into a wall and then turn around. Goblins, unlike anything else you have encountered so far, will run off ledges and climb down ladders. They will eventually reach the bottom of the screen and just run off the screen. They never really aim for you so find a ladder off to the side to climb and hide at until they despawn.


Ghosts will fly through any obstacle on a direct path straight for you. The best way to deal with these is to get on the same horizontal line as early as possible. Just keep firing missiles at them as soon as you can to kill them. They move slowly so you should have time to kill them before they get close to you. Just make sure to focus on these before they get too close and overwhelm you.


Lizardmen will only be found in caves underground. They move back and forth on whatever platforms they are rather quickly and whenever they can get line of sight on you, they will stop moving, face you, and throw spears at you. If you are on a platform below them, you’ll have to levitate and shoot them, dropping down to avoid their spears. If you are on the same horizontal level as them, just drop a prism cube to block their spears and shoot through it. They could jump if you’re just above them to try to hit you as well so be careful above.

Fire Goblin

Fire Goblins are just like regular goblins except they cannot be hurt by fire. Oddly enough, there are no instances where regular goblins can touch fire so the game seems to want to have just created a different a different enemy just for a different territory. The other note about fire goblins is they are in rooms they can’t possibly even jump off screen from so the only way to get around them actually is to kill them.


Gargoyles will fly quickly along the top of a screen side to side while dropping skulls randomly below. The skulls drop fairly slowly so they’re pretty easy to deal with unless there’s other things to deal with on the ground. Just make sure to avoid the skulls and use Xecrom’s Thunder to keep attacking it. It won’t take too many strikes but are usually time consuming because of how slow Xecrom’s Thunder can be. Just focus on staying alive and attacking against these.


Just like the Fire Goblins, Salamanders are just reskinned lizardmen. They will stay on their platforms and move side to side quickly. Once you are in their line of sight, they will throw spears at you. They could jump if they need to. Just deal with salamanders the same way you deal with lizardmen and you will be fine.


Do you have any suggestions, comments, critiques, or just a simple thanks to me? Well you could e-mail me at and tell me what you think! You could tell me whatever you’d like about the game whether it’s a tip not listed in this guide that you think would help a lot of people, a mistake I made, or just a simple thanks. I will try to get back to you as quickly as possible answering any questions you may have. Just make sure to include something about The Mad Wizard – A Candelabra Chronicle in the subject of the e-mail or I will delete it. Please don’t send any attachments or I will immediately delete the e-mail without opening it. I have recently received a virus through an e-mail and was forced to reformat and I’m not going to go through that again.

Things/How to E-Mail me about:
* What you think about this guide.
* If you need any additional help or clarification.
* Some tips for maps or strategies that aren’t in this guide.
* Anything you think would be a good addition to this guide.
* Make sure your subject indicates you’re trying to contact me about this game.
* Just a simple thanks!

Things/How NOT to E-Mail me about:
* Things that don’t have anything to do with the game.
* Anything that is already clearly discussed in this guide.
* Any file attachments.
* With really bad grammar! I understand that for some people, English isn’t their first language but that doesn’t mean you should send me something completely unreadable because you’re too lazy to use punctuations or spaces. If I can’t understand what you’re trying to say, your e-mail will be ignored.


This FAQ / Walkthrough is copyrighted © 2017 to Frank Grochowski. International Copyright laws protect this FAQ / Walkthrough. You cannot sell this FAQ/Walkthrough for a profit of any kind. You cannot reproduce this FAQ / Walkthrough in any way with out my written consent. You are however allowed to download this FAQ / Walkthrough for personal use.

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