The Sims – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

The Sims – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

January 30, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

By: Gabriel Mazzi

The Sims is a game that quickly became a phenomenon for PCs, breaking all sales records in the world! But what is the reason for so much success? First: You are controlling one or more “people”. Who doesn’t like that? Second: A fantastic soundtrack and FX, giving the impression that everything is really happening there. And the main detail: You can do whatever you want with your Sim! Everything that you wouldn’t have the courage to do in your everyday life, such as hitting on girls without fear of being dumped, knowing that the “LOAD” option will be there for any eventuality.

The console version couldn’t be any different! Although many fans of the game were worried about a conversion where no mouse or keyboard would be used, the version was a huge success and sold a lot! Point for Will Wright again, who since Sim City, has been dragging thousands of fanatics into his sect, where what counts is creativity!

In the console version, there is a new option that was not available on PCs: Get a Life. What would that be? Get a Life is a game mode where, unlike the 100% free mode, where you do whatever you want, you need to follow a life script, which goes from when you get out of your mother’s skirt to having your own family and success at work! In this option, items will be opened for you to use in Play the Sims mode, which would be the already known standard. Difficult to advance in Get a Life? Relax… that’s what we’re here for! Below is a step-by-step guide on how to win in life! (Detail: don’t try to do this in your real life!!!)

Note: This strategy applies to both the Gamecube and the PS2 or XBOX. Note2.: Although referenced on a male Sim, the strategy is equally applicable to a female Sim.

Get a Life!

Chapter 1 – Money From Mom

Here your objectives will be the following:

– Ask your mom for $800 – Fix the TV – Maintain the value of the house – Make dinner without burning the food – After everything is done, get a job. – Do everything in one day to win a guitar!! Yeah!

As soon as the game starts, you will be in a huge mansion with a beautiful girl inviting you to get NAKED into a heart-shaped hot tub.

Go deep, man!

Bah……… it was just a dream……….

You see yourself in a shack with your mother, a TV, a bed and so on…

Do you want to get out of this? So follow my advice: Turn off your video game… Oops, just kidding! Follow the script.

Go to the bookshelf and study Mechanics! Join at least two points. Do the same by studying Cooking! Fix the TV (Fix TV).

Now go to the kitchen and make the food. Choose quick food (Quick Meal). If his mother wants to eat, he can make her food… ugh, what are these people’s thoughts? But what matters is that in this case, it works.

Hmm… now it’s time to ask mom for that little bit of money (she’s just as grumpy as she is!). Order until you earn $800. Another solution is to sell Grandfather Clock. It’s much faster!

Now run to the sidewalk and grab the newspaper and choose to look for a job (Choose a Job). Give preference to the X-Treme Career (Radical Career!), which pays more, or Military, if the option appears, as it is much easier!

If you did everything quickly in less than a day, you won the Beejaphone Guitar!

Chapter 2 – Reality Bites (Really Bites… or something like that :P)

Here your objectives will be the following:

– Fix everything that is Broken! – Clean everything! – Increase home value! – Get promoted to level 2 at work, then level 3 – Do everything in Four Days to earn the Coat of Arms

Start by fixing anything that is broken (giving off smoke), clogged toilets, etc. Once this is done, the Repairman option will be unlocked!

Now clean the whole house! The puddles of water, the puddles of dirt (Ew!!) and everything else that is dirty in the house! With this, you enable the Maid option, which can be hired over the phone.

To increase the value of your home, purchase any item worth more than $1500! Easy easy…

Get promoted at work to level 2. To do this, make sure your Sim’s satisfaction bar (or mood bar) has at least one green dot!

Get promoted at work to level 3. To do this, leave your Sim’s satisfaction bar with at least one green dot and increase the skills needed for the chosen job (it will be indicated with yellow bars). Sometimes it can be creativity, or physical strength, it depends on the job chosen. Needs are shown with yellow bars, where they should be increased. To increase creativity, use your guitar, or a chessboard. To increase strength, buy a treadmill or set up a pool. For Charisma, use a mirror. Mechanics or Cooking, use the books on the shelf.

Okay! Next stage!!

Chapter 3 – Party Animals (Party time!! – No more trying to translate these bizarre titles… yuk!)

Here your objectives will be the following:

– Be Promoted to level 4 and then to 5 in the job. – Increase the value of the house to $54,700 – Throw a BIG party! – Get a new roommate – Feed BOBO the beggar…… – Do everything in 8 days to win the Curio Jar!

First of all, increase your friendships. Call your neighbors and roommates (Roomies). Prefer women……… To gain friendship. You must earn at least 50 friendship points. If you reach around 70/80 you can flirt and win a roll (in case of opposite sex!! Pelamordedeus…), using the “Flirt” option.

Dedicate yourself to your career, analyzing the number of points you must collect in skills to be promoted. Also pay attention to the number of friends required for this, marked by a number above the Job Status. Do this and keep your Sim in a good mood (bar in green) to be promoted to level 5.

Then, buy something to increase the value of the home. Opt for something that increases FUN, like a computer or Virtual Reality Glasses.

Now the hardest part: Throwing a damn party!

Have Dudley invite one of her friends (Of course, after all, if you’re a man, you shouldn’t be thinking about inviting a male, come on…) to visit you. Take advantage and tease her a lot until you reach 100 friendship points (or very close to it).

Now improve your mood as much as possible and DO NOT go to work. Cook 2 or 3 times with Dudley, turn on the Stereo (On ​​the Country station, if you want to laugh a little…), turn on the TV and have Dudley call the guests in “Throw Party”.

How to make your party a success:

Buy another Thermal Bathtub (Jacuzzi), PACK your guests with food, that is, always leave plenty of food available. Keep your Sim in good spirits!!

After all that, just wait for the message saying that your party was AWESOME!!!

Now, in the middle of the party, finally… remember that Sim you invited and chatted with and such, just before the party? Take her aside and ask to be your roommate! That’s right! Let go of that bum Dudley… She HAS to accept it! Otherwise, you’ll have to throw another big party and invite her back!

Ready! Now you’re living with a girl, man!

Chapter 4 – Hot to Trot (Ugh…)

Here your objectives will be the following:

– Get promoted to level 6 and then 7 at (UGH!!!!!!) work! – Value your house to $48,050 – Throw a party like that! – Marry a girl at the party! – Don’t even try to complete the level in 8 days to win the Jukebox… I’m serious… Take the opportunity to upgrade your Sim.

As always, level up your Sim’s skills to level up the job! As you won’t go through this phase running, take a few more stitches than necessary to avoid headaches in the future. Once you have reached level 7, buy something worth at least $2000 that is useful for what you need (Ex. If you find it difficult to increase your FUN, buy something fun! Just don’t go overboard with your purchases!!)

Party time! Follow the party itinerary as in the previous chapter, just invest in a Strip Poker table to be on the safe side. During the party, go to the Sim you had previously flirted with (remember?), raise the friendship to 100 and ensure that she is in love by doing some flirting. Kiss her and only, then go for it (Score)! If everything goes well, your Sim will propose!

Chapter 5 – Who Loves Ya Baby (Blah, blah, blah… Do you like a baby? It’s a good thing…)

Here your objectives will be the following:

– Get promoted to level 8 and 9 at work! (Kind of complicated at this stage…) – Value the house for $73400.00 – Have two children (OOO!! I don’t need to teach you that, do I?) – Take care of the babies until they grow up (You screwed yourself!) – Keep the children at school – Maintain your marriage (Avoid “jumping the fence”) – If you visit this house in eight days, you will get a bearskin rug…………. relax…

First of all: Arrange the furniture correctly in the house, dividing everything that is stacked well. It is crucial that the house has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room and a kitchen. Remember that your family will grow. In the bathroom that will be used by children, do not place the Sonic Shower, as they do not know how to use it. Place a common bathroom or shower.

The first thing you should do, is have a child! To do this, go to the heart-shaped bathtub and select “Play”… if you know what I mean…

A baby will appear to bother you for a long time! Every time he cries, go to him and select “feed”, “play” and “sing” to make him go back to sleep. Do this until he grows up and becomes a child. Do this with both babies.

Time to evolve at work. Increase your skills if you haven’t already, make enough friends and go for it! Evolve to level nine!

Keep the children at school and studying at home (Select the “Study for the School” option in the book cabinet), always keeping them in a good mood!

It seems easy, but this phase is nerve-wracking… ugh!!!

Chapter 6 – The Last Simoleon (Understand this as the last phase, OK?)

Here your objectives will be the following:

– Reach level 10 in the profession (Maximum level!!!) – Send the kids to preparatory school! – Save $20000.00 to buy a Yacht! – Throw the biggest going-away party ever! – If you pass in 8 days, you win a Rhino head…

Start by furnishing your home. Pay attention to the lighting and ensure the growth of the room bar and furniture!

Continue raising your job to level 10 (As much as possible!) Same scheme, only more difficult, if you don’t have enough skill. Take advantage of phase 4 for this!

For children to enter prep school, they must get two A grades and invest $1500.00 in each!! It’s worth it, after all, they are your little ones…..

This phase doesn’t have much of a secret. Just a matter of patience and perseverance.

The few objectives are compensated for by the delay in achieving them!

End with THAT going away party!

There should be a table for 6 people, and lots of food (about 3 or 4 plates of food are enough!). No need for riots or orgies… just a formal dinner! Put on your casual clothes just to set the mood (Optional)!

READY!!!!!!!!! Just enjoy the ending!

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