Thunder Force V – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Thunder Force V – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

January 30, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

By: Augusto Aragão

The ThunderForce V game introduces important new features, namely: the over weapon and the hi-time bonus. Over weapon is the ability to maximize the power of weapons and lasts for a short time, depending on how many Craw the player has collected. For each weapon the effect is different, as is the power.

                The hi-time bonus is a bonus for each enemy destroyed. This bonus depends on the time it takes the player to destroy enemies and bosses. The faster it is destroyed, the higher the value will be multiplied to the score. The highest value is 16x, so try to destroy not only enemies and sub-bosses, but also bosses as quickly as you can. In this game, scoring also yields lives.

                The weapons panel has a variable layout, but I suggest the horizontal pattern (window type C), which allows you to better view the weapons you have and also doesn’t interfere too much with the screen. Another important detail is to place the L and R buttons to change weapons (left and right, respectively) and leave the ship’s speed at 100%, as the game requires agility!

                See what types of weapons are, their effects and the over weapon of each one:

Vulcan : It is one of the weapons that already comes with the Gauntlet and Vambrace and is also the most powerful. Over Weapon: A concentrated blast of great power.

Twin Shot : Another weapon that is already part of the Gauntlet and Vambrace’s arsenal. He not only shoots forward but also hits those behind him. Its power is average. Over Weapon: A series of beams thrown backwards and with medium power.

Wave : The great advantage of this weapon is that it passes through obstacles. However, it is a weak shot. Over Weapon: It’s just the enlarged radius (wider) but still with low power.

Free-Range : This weapon creates a triangular firing area that, despite being directed backwards, can be rotated in any direction. It’s a shot with average power but that directly hits the enemies’ weak point, in addition to overcoming obstacles. Over Weapon: A targeted beam at the enemy’s weak point.

Hunter : Consists of numerous spheres that pursue enemies, but their power is low. Over Weapon: The spheres are converted into homing rays, with the ability to pierce enemies.

                Here is the suggested order for the first three, with their respective highlights.

Phase 1: In Blue

                At full speed, the RVR-1 Gauntlet ship advances in an oceanic region. In fact, this is the scene of a city that was sunk the first time the Guardian was faced. The first enemies, still out of the water, are simple and easy ships. A helicopter will appear and can be destroyed with the vulcan’s over weapon (get craw for this). Still in this part the player will get the hunter. Use it on the ships coming from the bottom of the screen.

                Soon a mechanical snake appears and the player will follow it underwater. Destroy the ships and watch out for the snake: it circles the screen trying to collide with the ship. Use the vulcan shot or the twin shot, always alternating according to the snake’s position. Hunter shot is also an option against this sub-boss.

                When the ship reaches the bottom, cannons will appear. Avoid destroying them because they fragment. Just stay in the left corner and gradually move forward. Take the free range shot, which will be useful later on. Don’t forget to also get the shield and use the hunter on the small snakes and ships.

                The phase will end with the ship leaving the water. But first missiles will come from behind. It’s time to use the free range! Destroy all missiles and the ships that launch them. Once finished, rotate the shooting range forward.

Boss (Deep Purple): The boss of the stage will emerge at high speed and emerge from the waters. It’s a robot ray that will be faced in two stages. In the first one, still out of the water, the player must use the free range or vulcan over weapon, concentrating on the center of Deep Purple’s body. Watch out for shots launched from the wings and when the boss is at the bottom of the screen! You also need to pay attention to the laser cannon!

When the boss explodes, it will lose its wing flaps and sink. Following him, continue using the over weapon when he recovers, being careful with the fragmentary shots and the laser cannon, which is now aimed downwards or upwards. The free range over weapon is more effective because it allows the player to dodge and still continue hitting the boss.

Phase 2: Wood

                This is a forest and the battle starts by flying over it. Here ships will appear from the bottom of the screen in large numbers. Use the hunter shot and be careful with the ships in the left corner. Shoot repeatedly at the ships that will appear in front.

                When the ship descends into the forest, keep using the search shot because a life will appear. Pick it up and pay attention: a creature will appear from the bottom of the screen (it reminded me of the Golia from Panzer Dragoon Zwei 2). She comes forward and tries to crash into the ship! Attention! Soon the creature hangs from the trees, moving forward. She will appear in front launching energy spheres. Use the hunter shot continuously and if you prefer: over weapon her!

                The level continues with a series of cocoons hanging from the top of the screen. Don’t hit them because they fall and create a momentary barrier of fire! Stick to free range shooting and the enemies will be destroyed and you won’t hit the cocoons. Take the opportunity to also destroy the acid launchers at the top and the shooters at the bottom. Rotate the free range shooting range to hit enemies coming from behind (larvae and snakes) and also to destroy some white blocks that turn red. In one part they will appear in droves, but the free range shot does the job.

                There are shooter ships that appear and stay on the ground, larvae that fall from the ceiling and even stone launchers. Shoot them! Before the phase ends, a creature appears jumping (it looks like a mix of an earthworm and a carnivorous plant) and then settles on the ground. She leaves her tail out letting out shots. The free range is the best weapon to destroy it!

Boss (Iron Maiden): The boss is a kind of crab and appears falling from above. Be careful not to stay in the right corner! Select the free range shot and leave it in the lower left diagonal position. Once the camera angle returns to normal, get on top of the boss and use free range fire on each part of the pincers. The boss will then move to the left and expose his weak point: his body. Use the over weapon and detonate it!

Phase 3: Humam Road

                Here is a completely “metallic” stage full of enemies on all sides. Right at the beginning, a wave of ships appears at the front along with tanks coming from the bottom of the screen. Free range shooting is the best, but hunter is also an option. There are helicopters that appear behind and in front, just eliminate them with the over weapon. The flying cannons that appear in the upper right corner can be quickly detonated with the Vulcan’s over weapon or free range.

                Some kind of huge motorcycle will appear! Use the vulcan shot and when the bike turns in the left corner, switch to the hunter shot. Pay attention because the enemy fires several blue shots. When he is in front, use the Vulcan shot and stay close to the ground: the enemy also drops some bombs that push the ship upwards, towards the blue shots.

                The next wave of enemies comes in large numbers after a series of cannons on the buildings at the bottom of the screen. Use free range and switch to hunter when air mines appear. Be careful because they fragment when they explode. Soon the action takes place in the skies and the player needs to pay attention to the ships that will appear above and below. Then missiles and ships will come from behind, just use the free range. After destroying them, turn the field forward and destroy the ships that will come and don’t forget to get the shield. A kind of mechanical bird will appear and to destroy it just use the free range over weapon. If it is not destroyed quickly, drop the core on top of the ship or launch a beam from behind. Attention!

                There is another wave of aerial mines and various ships. When you reach the ground, the player will find another motorcycle, but just use the same tactic as the first.

Boss (A3–Armament Armed Arm): Brought in by helicopters, the boss starts out in the form of a spider. He will launch a series of shots across the screen and try to hit you with his legs. Attention! Stay in the left corner using free range and be careful with the cannon in the middle of the boss’s body: it shoots in all directions. When the boss explodes, he will lose his legs and change into a ship form, which flies close to the ground at high speed. Keep shooting with the free range or use the Vulcan’s over weapon. Be careful with the rays the boss throws because they reduce your maneuverability! Also keep an eye on the fragmented shots!

The boss will explode again and then assume an aerial form, equipped with a pair of pincers. Never go near it because these pincers will catch the ship and crush it! Stay in the left corner shooting with the free range or the vulcan and pay attention to the torpedoes: they explode, creating a small area of ​​fire. In a moment the boss will launch a laser blast at the bottom left diagonal. Get above it and use the over weapon. He won’t resist!

Phase 4: The Large

                On the island of Babel, where the Vasteel technology factory is located, the ship must destroy several enemies that appear from the bottom of the screen and from behind. Careful! Don’t let enemies accumulate. Use the hunter or free range. Blocks will then appear floating and once destroyed, they release several Craw. Take as many as you can as they are worth points (or to compensate for those that the player has already exhausted. Don’t forget to detonate more ships coming from the bottom of the screen.

                The player will go down and soon a kind of robot appears. It attaches to the four pillars in the corners of the screen. Have free range at hand and when the robot opens up, over weapon him! After being destroyed, place the free range firing range in the lower right diagonal position and the enemies will be destroyed automatically! Keep the ship in the left corner like this until the descent ends.

                When the phase returns to horizontal, there will be a series of rings with sensors, which trigger alarms. Once fired, a laser cannon and two reflectors appear behind it. Use free range fire directly on the cannon and the deflectors will detonate. This is repeated three times and the player must not forget to also shoot the snipers that appear ahead. Further ahead there are several barriers, some that fall, that need to be destroyed. Use vulcan shooting and watch out for the snipers. In a certain part there is life and at the end there are a few simple ships left.

Boss (Guardian Knight): The boss comes quickly from behind and the player has to leave the Gauntlet in the lower right corner before it collides. This boss is a ship that transforms into a robot, always alternating between forms. In the first stage he is in the right corner and after going up, he comes down throwing twin rays. Start using vulcan fire on the boss’s back until he is damaged. When he gets damaged, he will move to the left corner and then just use the twin shot. Be careful with the numerous shots he lets out.

When it explodes again the boss will go to the right and transform into a robot. In this form he has a cannon arm that fires fragmented shots, releases a laser blast or draws a huge sword! Regardless of this, stay above or below him and use the free range over weapon. It will be damaged and then appear in the middle of the screen, creating a laser beam that can destroy the Gauntlet! Stay in the middle of the lasers and use twin shot or hunter to destroy the satellites. Then the boss appears from behind, just use the twin shot again. When it explodes, it returns to robot form and then just repeat the tactic. If he draws his sword, quickly go behind the boss.

Attention: before the boss is destroyed he launches a huge blast in the middle of the screen! Be quick and stay on top or bottom.

Phase 5: Judgment Sword

                Early on, the Gauntlet ship will be converted to the much more powerful Vambrace form. Attached to the Vambrace is the Brigandine unit, which has only two types of shot: photon canon and tail gun. The first is none other than the Vulcan shot over weapon. The Brigandine unit also has an energy bar and it is good for the player to be able to keep it until they reach the boss.

                Leaving Earth, the player reaches space and must continually use the photon canon on the numerous ships that appear. There are robots and several shooter ships that infest the screen. If necessary, switch to the tail gun! Several ships will appear carrying items that must be collected to earn points, or weapons that the player does not have. Keep destroying everything, including the cruisers that will appear (there are three in total) and be careful with the shots that come from the bottom of the screen.

                At the end of the level a small ship will appear: it is the original Vasteel (from ThunderForce 1). He still can’t be hit, but he keeps firing shots at you. Stay in the bottom right corner using the tail gun to destroy the original Vasteel’s shots. Soon he stops and the fight begins in earnest.

Boss (Original Vasteel): That “little ship” will not be faced alone, as it has a unit that transforms as it is destroyed. In the first stage, the player must stay in the bottom right corner and then stand in front of Vasteel. Stay in the middle because the laser blasts won’t hit you. Track your movements and don’t stop shooting with the tail gun. If you don’t have Brigandine, use the twin shot over weapon. Also be careful with the green blasts that are guided. When it explodes, go to the right corner and stay still: the Vasteel will attach itself to your unit again, now modified.

In this stage the unit launches powerful blasts and the player must dodge. Keep using the tail gun or free range (the over weapon works). Be quick before Vasteel sends out two claws, as they catch the ship and detonate!

The Vasteel still attaches to the unit, which now takes on a winged appearance with a tail. As soon as it stops in front, the player must shoot the “head” of the enemy unit with the photon canon or the vulcan shot over weapon. The enemy ship will be damaged and will go to the bottom of the screen, zooming in and launching a wall of shots. Pass through them and after the enemy reappears, repeat the tactic. Vasteel will be history… again…

Phase 6: From the bottom of one heart

                Entering the virtual environment of the Guardian Heart computer, the player will need to use a lot of skill, as enemies pop up from all sides and are very different. Right from the start, use the hunter shot, as it is the most effective way to eliminate the numerous green and blue shapes that attack the player. When small red triangular shapes appear, stay under the screen so the rays don’t hit you. Shurikens will also appear and need to be destroyed quickly before they accumulate on the screen. They follow the ship. Careful!

                The background will change and a kind of virtual polygonal snake will chase the Vambrace. Use free range shooting with the over weapon, always rotating the shooting area according to the snake’s position. In total there are three to be destroyed and you need to pay attention as some appear in the glue! After destroying the three, keep the hunter shot in your hand again and use it on the small blue shapes that fragment. Watch out because a set of four rings appear in front and when they are aligned, a huge laser shot comes from the front! Dodge.

                A ribbon-shaped enemy will appear and its attacks vary. It can transform into a starry ball and bounce around the screen or spin like a fan, attracting Vambrace. You also need to be careful with a laser blast that this enemy releases, in addition to the fact that it moves around the screen. Use the over weapon on the opponent.

                A series of virtual blocks, similar to crystals, will appear. Along with them come small ships that shoot and release a hail of gunfire when they explode. Here it is good to use the Vulcan’s over weapon on the crystals and the hunter shot on the ships. Stay tuned because a second batch of crystals will arrive. Just repeat the tactic and get the shield at the end of the level. It will be very useful against the Guardian’s heart that will come next.

Boss (Unknown): The boss is actually the first form of the Guardian’s heart. It is protected in a virtual feminine physiognomy, which also has four protective rings around it. The player must leave the Vambrace in the left corner and have the free range in hand. Use it and dodge the shots and shurikens that the chef releases. When you destroy the rings that protect the middle of the body, rotate the firing range to hit the rings at the top and bottom.

In the next stage, the boss builds barriers and launches more shots. Just continue with the free range and use the over weapon continuously! Watch out for the fireballs that appear. After destroying the entire structure, the boss will escape.

Phase 7: Final Battle

Boss (Unknown): Once again it will be necessary to face the Guardian’s Heart, but now it will come in a fearsome winged form. The player will face it three times (it disassembles and reassembles itself), in progressive difficulty. In the first stage it is possible to use free range, hunter or vulcan shooting, being careful with the fragmented shots that the boss releases. Some will be thrown upwards and others downwards. The boss still shrinks his head and launches a sequence of horizontal shots. In this situation go behind him and use the twin shot.

In the second stage, the boss continues with the same shape, but launches triangular shots from his wings and they still hit you. The boss also advances and tries to take the ship. Careful! If he catches her he will tear her to pieces! Use the hunter or vulcan shot and if possible, use the over weapon. Move around the screen a lot! Watch out because the boss goes to the bottom of the screen and appears on top of you! He can also fire blasts like in the first form.

The last transformation is the most fearsome: the boss comes with a huge sword in his right arm. He will launch a horizontal blast from his sword, just stay in the bottom corner of the screen. However, the boss swings his sword across the screen, always trying to hit you. As if that weren’t enough, he also launches a star-shaped laser beam. Here you need skill to dodge their attacks and use the over weapon of the hunter or vulcan shot. When behind the boss, use free range or twin shot. The trick here is to be quick to destroy it!

Ending: If the player managed to be quick in destroying the boss, you will see that he tries to recover himself, but fails. Finally he dismounts and from his sword arm launches a blast into the air. Vambrace will escape the space station (which will in turn explode) and, after the credits, the player will hear the last transmission from the Guardian’s Heart. This is a very touching message, set to beautiful music.

If the player takes too long to destroy the boss or loses too many lives, they will see that the boss will run away while the station explodes. In this, Vambrace will be lost in space and will try to send one last message.

This is the sad ending.

Game over…

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