Tomb Raider – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Tomb Raider – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

July 7, 2024 Off By Samuel Hardman


As soon as you enter the cave, follow the wolf tracks on the floor. Continue along this path until almost the end, where you will see a passage on your left. Jump in that direction and climb to the top. Continue straight ahead and you will soon find another passage on the left. Go down it to reach a grassy area. Go down there again.

When you reach a door, use the lever next to it to open it. After opening the door, go up through the passage in the ceiling and go forward until you see two bridges. Cross them carefully so you don’t fall.

Now, you have entered a new area where you will need to time your jumps well to reach the other side. When you succeed, save your progress in the blue stone. Continue down the stairs until you reach two platforms. First, climb onto the platform on the left to activate a lever. Then, jump to the other platform and go through the door that was opened.

Climb the stairs, paying attention to the different floor that could collapse. When this happens, look for a lever that will open the door to the hallway below. Enter through this door to end the level.

City of Vilcabamba

Start by going through the door and turn left, following the hallway. At the end, turn right, then turn right again to find a switch next to another door. Activate the lever and climb the ladder ahead. Run and jump to the other side.

Push the movable block into the wall and enter the passage that was revealed. Inside, take a statue on one side and a key on the other. Climb onto the block you pushed earlier and find a save point at the top of the area. Save the game and follow this new passage, falling through the hole in the wall.

When you fall, turn left twice until you find a door. Use the key to open it. Follow the passage on the left among the three available. Jump across the platforms and activate the lever. Go down again and this time go through the third door.

Climb the platforms until you reach a door at the top. Go through it and activate the lever inside. Go down and enter through the central door. Cross the swinging scythes, being careful not to get hit. Activate the lever on the right and notice that the floor will open.

Now swim underwater to make your way to the other side. Find a passage on the sides of the place and go up, activating the lever at the top. Go down again and place the totem on the door.

Return to the water and, instead of returning, follow the passage on one side of the pool. Get out of the water, go up the stairs and activate the next lever. Go back to the water and go through the door where you placed the totem earlier.

Lost Valley

First, you will fall into the water and be carried by the current to a waterfall. Let the current carry you and, once you fall into the waterfall, go through the gap between the rocks to reach a new area. Continue walking until you see a passage above, which you should follow. Destroy the dinosaurs you find along the way and continue forward.

Run to the temple at the end of the valley. Enter the temple and swim along the right side until you find the first gear. Grab the gear, go back up and exit the temple. Now, on your right, you will see a passage between the rocks. Go through this passage and jump over the destroyed bridge. When you reach the other side, you will find the second gear.

After getting the second gear, go down the bridge and turn right. Go close to the wall until you find the first passage camouflaged by vegetation. Enter this passage and continue forward. Before falling into the water, climb onto the rocks next to it. Once you’re at the top, you’ll find the third gear. Grab the gear, fall into the water and exit through the waterfall.

Return to the starting point of the level, before the waterfall. This time, instead of falling into the water again, use the path on the left. Arriving at the bridge, you will see more gears. Place them in the appropriate mechanisms and pull the lever to activate the mechanism.

Now, fall into the water and follow the only possible path. At the end of the underwater corridor, climb through the top hole and collect the items you find. Exit through the passage and go down to where you saw the first wolves. At the waterfall’s location, follow the passage and finish the mission.

Tomb of Qualopec

Follow the hall and enter the corridor in front of you. When a stone ball starts rolling towards you, turn around and run away to avoid being crushed. Still in the hall, look for the lever and activate it. Enter where the dinosaurs escaped, turn right and push the first block on the wall. Then push the other block to the left. Find the hidden lever and pull it.

Return to the save point and follow the middle passage. Position yourself in front of the lever and fall into the hole. Go up the ramp and pull the block back. Then push it to the side. Enter the revealed passage and climb the blocks until you find the next lever. Activate it and fall into the hole behind you.

Now, go through the last entrance where the save was, but don’t pull the lever yet. Fall through the passage on the side and go left. Go up the stairs and you will find one of the blocks. Stand on it and jump to the right into another passage. Climb up the blocks and then drop down two levels. Go down the left side and, on top of the other block, repeat the process and hang from the passage on the right, moving on to the next lever. Activate it and return to the beginning.

Finally, pull the lever you left behind. To the right of this lever, go up and jump onto one of the blocks. Go to the other block and jump to the other passage. Activate the last lever and return to the main hall. Enter through the passage that opened and find a new save point. Run along the path to the next room.

Take the Scion and exit through the next door. Continue to the point where the rock fell and move forward. You will meet a mercenary. Shoot him to end the level.

St. Francis’ Folly

Start exploring until you find a block on the right. Push this block to open a door downstairs. Go down there and activate the central and right levers. Then go back and pull the block again to open the upstairs door. Push the block to the end of the available space and climb onto it. Jump onto the pillars to reach the top of the roof.

Turn left and start jumping from one platform to another until you reach a door. Slide down the hole and fall into the water. Swim through the underwater corridor until you find a lever that will make the water lower. Go down and get ready to face a crocodile. Eliminate the crocodile and follow the corridor turning right. You’ll find a save point here, so save your progress.

After saving, jump to the platform ahead. Carefully drop to the platform below and pull the lever. Carefully descend to Thor’s door.

Enter Thor’s room, being careful with the lightning that may appear. Go through the room and go to the next one, where you must position yourself on top of a symbol on the floor. After hearing a click, immediately leave the center. Use the surrounding blocks to climb up and get the key. Exit Thor’s room.

Now, head to the Damocles door. Use the lever near the central save point to open this door. Go down to the Damocles door and cross the hall to the next entrance. Take the key that is there and go back. Leave the room and pull the other lever at the exit.

The next room you need to access is Neptune’s. Climb up there and enter the water. Swim until you find an underwater entrance and activate the lever inside. This will open a door while still underwater. Take the key and return to the surface.

Go down all the platforms until you reach the ground floor. Activate the lever at the bottom. Now, go up to Atlas’ room. Go forward and when you turn right you will find a stone trap. Hide from the rock in the hole in the ground to avoid being crushed. Get the key and go back to the ground floor.

With all keys in hand, go to the main door on the ground floor and place the keys in the appropriate mechanisms. This way, the door will open and you can move on to the next part of the game.


Let’s explore the “Colosseum” phase of the Tomb Raider game in a detailed and explanatory way. Follow this guide to successfully advance through this part of the game.

As soon as you start, dive in and swim to the other side. Once out of the water, follow the side of the building and start climbing the rocks. Continue along the sides of the temple until you enter the coliseum itself.

When entering the coliseum arena, turn right and continue moving forward. At the end of the area, drop down and follow the path to the right. Here, you will find two levers. Activate both and then exit through the corridor. Go up to find the door that was opened by the levers you just pulled.

Enter the room and go to the end of it, where you will see a rock. Step on the stone to open a cell on your left. Enter the cell on the left and pull the lever inside. This will open a cell on the right. Go to the cell on the right and follow the grate that has been opened. Activate the lever you find inside and enter through the new door that has opened.

Follow the only available path until you need to jump to another rock. Hang from the edge of the wall and enter the next area. Pull the stone and activate the lever you find there. Afterwards, return to the main arena.

In the arena, go up to the stands and look for a passage around the corner of the seats. Enter through this passage and follow the new door that has been opened. Jump into the hole to avoid the rolling boulder and follow the path the boulder rolled down. Activate the lever you find there and slide down the passage.

Continue forward until you see another door. Climb the nearby platforms and pull the lever you find. Exit to the left and enter another room where you will find another lever. Pull it too. Now go down into the water and push the block to reveal a key. Get the key and go back to the room where there was a gorilla and a block, which is on the other side of the arena.

Use the key to open the grate in this room. Dive into the water again and follow the underwater corridor. Halfway up, go up to activate a lever that will open a new passage. Go down again and follow the passage you opened to finish the mission.

Palace Midas

To begin, exit the water by entering the passage behind the pool. Upon entering, you will find a room full of pillars. Use these pillars to reach five levers located around the room. For the first combination, adjust the levers to the positions: up, up, down, up, down .

Go down the center of the stage and pull another lever to open a gate. Exit through this gate and look for the door that has been opened. In the spike room, turn right. Here, you must pull a block to reveal a lever. Activate this lever and follow the path that appears at the top of the room. Use the blocks to cross to the other side and get the first lead bar.

Now, leave the room and go back to the levers. Use the combination down, up, up, up, up to open another door. Go through that door and get the second lead bar on the other side. Return along the water path to the main hall.

This time, adjust the levers to the combination of up, up, down, down, up . Enter the new passage that opens and follow it to the end of the room. Go down to the right and pull the wooden wall. This will bring the central wooden pillar down one level. Climb up until you reach the passage in the wall. Here, you will find a save point. Save your progress and then jump from one side to the other until you reach another pool.

Turn left and go down to the lower level. Traverse along the side of the area and on the other side of the rocks you will see a large medical kit. Grab the opposite ledge and, still hanging on, head left until you are on a flat rock. Go to the other side and climb to the top. Cross the upper ledges and when you reach the next passage, jump over the blocks until you find another area of ​​water.

Swim until you pass to the other side and you will come across the roof of a temple. On the roof, get the last lead bar. Drop down from the roof and enter the temple. Activate the lever inside the temple.

Now, go to the garden door, which has been opened. Head to the small stage ahead. Jump and grab the roof, following the path ahead. Position yourself next to the stone hand and use each of the lead bars, which will turn into gold bars.

With the gold bars in hand, go back to the levers and adjust them to the combination down, up, up, up, down . This will open the last passage. Place the gold bars in their respective places to complete the mission.


Start the level by falling through the hole. Once you reach the ground, you will see a block. Push this block and climb on top of it to reach a lever. When you activate the lever, the floor will open. Jump onto the new path and take the first right to reach a platform. Here, you will find a rat that you will need to eliminate. Then, hang from the crack in the wall and move sideways until you can climb onto a flat floor.

Scroll through the space above and look for a key. Take this key and go down the stone path. Continue going down until you see a save point at the top of a pillar. Save your progress, then jump to the balcony and run to the top. Here, activate the lever and then jump into the water.

Inside the water, find a passage on the sides of the tank and follow it until you can climb back up. Jump onto the platforms and you will find another key.

Go back to the main hall and fall into the water again. Look for a passage on the right. To get another key, just pull the lever that is in the water, near the rats, and go out through the door that has opened. Take the key that is there and go up again. Use the rusty key to open the first door that isn’t flooded.

Enter through this door and climb the platforms at the top. Go through the opening in the wall on the right and go down the stone path. Go from platform to platform until you activate the lever that will open a door. Return to the water and return to the main hall.

Now, go through the second door and dive into the water. Take the key that is down there. Once you get the key, the door will open, allowing you to surface through the main hall.

Return to the lever room that turns the water level system on and off. Using the blocks and platforms, return to the room where there were three crocodiles. Go through the door and jump onto the spikes. Without the water to get in the way, use the platforms to reach a lever that is hidden at the top of the room. Activate this lever and get the silver key.

With the silver key in hand, head to the main door in the center of the hall. Use the silver key twice to open the locks. Jump onto the block on the right and then jump onto the platform ahead. You will see the lock. Use momentum to reach the lock and use the golden key.

Enter through the door that opened, find a movable block behind the lever. Move this block to reveal the path and finish the level.

Tomb of Tihocan

Once you start, swim to the end of the hallway to find and activate an underwater switch. Once done, swim back and rise to the surface to find another lever that you must pull. This action will open a door. Go through this door and start climbing the blocks and platforms until you reach the top, where you will find another lever. Activate it and notice that the water level has risen.

With the water level high, enter through the new passage that was revealed and fall back into the water. Before continuing down the corridor, swim to the bottom and activate another lever. Go back and let the current carry you down the corridor.

When the current takes you back, rise to the surface and move the block you find. Jump to another passage. Don’t go down into the abyss, just hang on the edge and go sideways until you reach the other side, where you can climb back up. Pull the lever there and then fall to exit on the other side.

Go up again, past the spinning blades and down the safe path. Retrace your path to the place where you found the crocodile, but this time turn right and eliminate the mouse that appears.

Now, go to the entrance on the right and, in the middle of the corridor, activate a lever. Take the other exit to return to the skewer room. Go to the save point and save your progress. Climb to the highest floor, hang from the edge and follow until you get the golden key. Then, go down and head to the opposite side of the room to find a lock. Use the golden key on the lock to open the passage.

Cross to the other side of the room and enter the new area. You will see a block in the middle of the room, between two pillars. Pull this block and place it over the inscriptions on the floor. This will reveal the keys you need to get. Once you get the keys, use them to open the door that leads to the next area.

Go down the ramp until you fall into the water. Cross under the water to the other side and climb up until you find another lever. Activate it, get off the platform and dive again. Still underwater, go around and go through the underwater door you opened. Climb to the surface and activate another lever.

With that done, go to the gate above that has been opened and go through it. Eliminate the enemies you find along the way and collect the items from Pierre’s body. Use the key you found to open the last door and finish the level.

City of Khamoon

Once you start, jump into the hole and then to the block on the right. Grab the gap in the wall and, while still hanging, move left until you reach the other side. Turn left and enter the tunnel. Activate the lever to open the previous door. Go down and go through the open door.

Inside, pull the block to open the passage and collect the items you find. Go back and pull the blocks to the other side, pushing them towards the wall. Go to the block in the corner and jump across the gap. Keep heading right until you can jump into a cave. Enter the cave and turn left. Climb up the rock and get more items. Return to the ground and slide towards the sphinx.

Go behind the sphinx’s head and get the Sapphire Key. Move the block between the sphinx’s legs and use the key to open the passage. Drop down and go right, jumping to the rock at the end of the path on the right. Go down the passage and go under the bridge. Hold on to the rock and climb down towards the Phoenix.

Go down and pick up the medical kit you find along the way. Enter the room and avoid the giant rock by jumping to one side. Avoid the rock and go to where it stopped. Turn right and go up the hill to the dark passage. Dive into the water in the other corner and activate the submerged lever to open the door. Enter through it and exit the water.

Climb the platform above the gate and push the block forward, then climb up. Jump to the rock in front of the bridge and follow the stairs. Jump over the tunnel and activate the lever to extend the golden bridge from the previous room. Return to the room and jump the block back to its original position. Pull the block towards the water. Go to the other side and push it once. Stand on the block and jump to the platform ahead. Push the block to open the hidden door. Enter and activate the lever to open the ceiling door above the golden bridge.

Go back to the rock and pull the block. You will now be able to jump to the golden bridge. Jump and go up to the ceiling door. Activate the lever to open the door to the cat statue.

Head to the silver congo and jump to the rock on the left. Turn right and jump. Go to the end and get ammo. Slide down the ramp on the left and get a med kit. Jump to the rock on the right and go to the green platform on the left to get more ammo. Carefully drop down to the green platform and then to the ground.

Enter the door without stairs and turn around. Go down through the hole. Don’t activate the lever yet. Instead, descend into the darkness and follow the passage. Go behind the room and look for a rock to the right of the bridge. Climb up and turn around. Jump left onto the bridge and make your way back to the ground. Go to the lighted tunnel, climb back up to the bridge and enter through the lighted passage. At the end of the tunnel, there will be a cat mummy.

Enter the next room and jump into the tunnel on the right, heading into the next room. Climb the pillar and get the key at the top. Proceed to the column and enter the door. Jump over some rocks and climb up to the lever. Activate it and make your way back to the entrance. Go down the ramp and go to the ramp to the right of the room with the lock. Use the key to open the door and finish the level.

Obelisk of Khamoon

Once you start, enter the area and go right, up the platform on the left to enter the tunnel. When you enter the room, go to the pillar closest to the golden door and pull the block. Push it under the door to keep it open. Enter through the door and grab the item inside. Then go back to the pillar area and go to the end on the right. Push the block to the left and enter the revealed tunnel.

Swim through the tunnel until you find a key. Get the key and go back to the main room. Go to the door in the right corner, above the wall, and use the key to open it. Pull the block once, go up and enter the golden door that has opened. Follow the stairs and activate the lever in the left corner to access the bridge. Cross the bridge to get the Eye of Horus.

After getting the Eye of Horus, go up to the bridge and look for ammo. Dive into the water below and collect more items you find. Return to the surface and enter the tunnel opposite the golden door. Slide down the ramp and climb the stairs to the top. Use the top step to jump to the adjacent rock. Reverse direction and jump to the rock in the corner. Invert again and jump, grabbing the first rock. Jump back onto the longer rock and go to the corner. Turn left and jump to the highest rock in the room. Go up the stairs to the next area.

Before facing the mummy, go down the stairs and activate the lever on the pillar to access the bridge. Go down to the left of the lever and get some hidden items. Go back to the top of the stairs and go up through the hole on the left. Slide to the back of the room and run to the lever on the right.

After activating the lever, go to the door opposite the alcove and get ammo. Return to the main room and go up the stairs again, jumping to the rock on the left to get more items. Jump back to the stairs and continue climbing until you reach the rock. Enter the room ahead, jump to the rock below and then to the bridge, where you will get the Ankh. Return to the rock and activate the lever before climbing down again.

Continue into the room on your left and take the stairs to the top. Turn around and jump into the gap on the right. Follow the rock to the right, go up and enter the hieroglyphics room. Activate the lever inside. Go back outside and continue climbing the ladder that was buried. Pull the lever to activate the third bridge and grab the nearby medkit. Go back and activate another lever to open a door.

Go through the new door and go down the stairs. Climb down the rocks, holding the edge to carefully descend. Go right and then go down. Go back and fall down again, holding on and moving to the right before dropping all the way down. Return to the ground and run up the rock you just climbed down. Follow the passage to the left, until under the green platform, and enter the room to activate the lever that accesses the last bridge.

Go back to the mummy room and jump over the rock, going down and between the two columns. Go up until you find the green platform. Enter and cross the bridge to get the Scarab. Get the Seal of Anubis to open the final door. Dive into the tunnel ahead.

Swim to the bottom and head to the second alcove in a series of alcoves. Find the correct location to use the four artifacts. To the left of the Sphinx, you will end the mission.

Sanctuary of Scion

Once you start, head up the stairs and get ready to face some mummies. Finish them off and then jump to the room above. Go right and slide down the slope, eliminating another mummy you’ll find along the way. Jump onto the block near the pillar and climb to the left, jumping to the pillar above. With the wall to your left, jump to the next pillar and move forward to the gap.

When you reach the crevice, climb up and, hanging, move to the right until you can drop down to a safe floor. Go up the stairs to the right and jump from pillar to pillar. Take three jumps to reach a rock at the end of some steps. Go down the stairs and activate the lever you find down there. Get ready to face a demon that will appear.

After eliminating the demon, go to the ledge where you activated the lever and jump to the left, grabbing the ledge. Head to the next rock and climb down. Turn and jump to the next rock and slide down, grabbing the end of the ramp. Between the claws of the Sphinx, you will find two leaning columns. Climb the block and follow it to the pillar.

Go past the blades on the right and follow the path to the next lever. Activate it to open a door. Kill the demon that appears and jump to the rock on the right to get a med kit. Go back and jump, grabbing the rock. Climb back up to the lever area, facing the sloping rock on the pillar below. Drop down to the pillar and turn around the corner. Jump over the pillar to the slope where you slid the block to the Sphinx.

Enter the passage to the left of the Sphinx and go left. When you find the ramp, turn around and jump back down. Grab the end of the ramp and, holding on, climb all the way up the ladder and dive down to get the golden key. Get out of the water and go back to the top.

Jump the ramp and use the key. Eliminate the centaur and get the Ankh. Jump onto the bridge and follow the sandy rock. Find a wall and turn left. Jump to the next rock and continue forward. Enter the tunnel and push the block to the right. Climb the block to the rock and get the Ankh. Return to the rock above the Sphinx.

Climb up to the head of the Sphinx. Go ahead and climb to the top of the Sphinx and use one of the Ankhs. Drop down to the opposite side and use the other Ankh. Go back to the top and walk to the left side of the head until you can move forward. Jump onto the rock to reach the cliff. Return to the ground and enter through the door between the Sphinx’s legs. Go between the statues and get the cartridges.

Take a breath and dive again, heading towards the statue on the right. Enter the passage between the feet and activate the lever. Let the current carry you to the surface. Climb the stairs and slide into the cave. Looking at the wall to the left, take a standing jump to the rock below and turn around. Jump onto the head rock. Walk to the right, facing head, and go down. Looking left, jump back and slide down the ramp. Dive and activate the lever.

Swim to the tunnel between the feet of the statue on the left. Go to the door where you started the level and get ready to face two mummies and a Centaur. Use the Scarab on the right lock and go inside. Go down the ramp and jump into the hole in the Scion’s room. Larson will be back and you will have the opportunity to get rid of him. Get the Scion and complete the level.

Natla’s Mines

When you start, swim and head to the surface behind the waterfall. Climb to the surface and activate the lever you find. Then go back and climb to the other side. Enter the tunnel on the right and pull the block to open a passage. Enter the passage that was blocked and activate another lever inside. After that, swim behind the waterfall again.

Climb ahead and go through the corridors and platforms until you reach a large area. Take the medical kit you find and go to the next part, where you will see two buildings. Pull the block to climb onto the roof of one of the houses. Drop down to the corner of the roof and go forward to pull the lever, which will return the boat to the dock.

Then, go to the end of the tunnel and slide to the gate near the houses. Follow the tracks and pass the obstacles, quickly enter the passage at the bottom and get the fuse. Return to the water, climb into the boat and jump forward. Enter the back tunnel where there are some Natla boxes, one of which is a moving block. Move two boxes and activate the lever to open a blocked tunnel.

Find and push the block in the new tunnel, go forward to get the fuse and immediately return. Climb onto the box and jump onto the platform to activate another lever. Go back to the two buildings and enter the tunnel on the left. At the end of the corridor, activate the lever and collect the fuse in front of the conveyor belt.

With all the fuses in hand, use them and recover the pistols in the “house” you came down through. Go back to where you got the second fuse and go near the abyss. Defeat the cowboy and go down the right side, where there is a save point. Drop down to a hanging platform and reach the other side to enter the cave.

Go forward until you find TNT boxes. The last one is movable, so pull it into the other room. Climb through the opening on the left side. Near the lava chasm, activate the lever to explode the TNT crates. Go back the same way and see that the passage previously blocked by rocks is open. Up ahead, eliminate the skateboarder. Proceed and climb the platforms to the ceiling, pushing the block at the top of the climb.

Push another block again and go down. Pull another block and go back to the first one. Push it and see that there is now a lever. Activate it and go to the open door. Go down and push another block. Activate the lever and go to the door that has been opened. Defeat the enemy that appears and head towards the pyramid.

Climb up the ledges on the left side of the pyramid, and once you’re at the top, slide around the right corner to reach the entrance to a passage in the wall. Activate the lever you find and go to the door that opened. Take the key and use it on the pyramid to open the entrance.


When you enter the room, head through the pit and take the path to the left. In the left corner, go towards the shotgun cartridges and activate the lever you find there. Then, pull another lever and run back to the other side, entering through the door that opened. Go down the stairs until you find another lever, which will open the central door.

Return to the central door and enter. Get off the rock and go down. Go forward and climb the platform, then go down to the hole. Go to the passage below the platform. Then, go to the opposite side of the lever and jump, grabbing the lower crevice. Slide and drop down into the tunnel below the entrance. Climb up and activate the lever in the tunnel. Continue up the stairs and jump to the platform below.

When you reach the end of the platform, jump to the next one and grab it when the sphere explodes below. Climb into the tunnel and head to the platform to the left of the pyramid. Go to the next platform and jump to the right. Slide and jump to the top in the right corner.

Inside the water, find and activate a lever to open the door. Get out of the water and go behind the pyramid. Go back to the red door. Jump across the platforms until you find a door, go up the passage and save your game. Go through the hole and dive into the water. Go to the underwater room, activate the lever and swim back to the surface. Grab the uzi shells after passing the blades and go to the next platform.

In the tunnel, dive down and grab the items you find. Return to the surface, swim towards the two spheres and climb onto the platform. Every time you press a lever, a monster will appear. After activating all the levers, dive and go through a long tunnel, where there are three open doors. Exit, go up and activate the lever.

Find a block in the rock and pull it. Go back to the red door through the tunnel and activate the lever again. Enter the blocked tunnel and destroy the demon. Jump to the platform on the right. In the tunnel, jump into the room with two demons. Enter the area where there were monsters, slide down the ramp and jump onto the platform. Enter the next room. Go past some platforms and enter the tunnel on the left. Now you can go back and jump onto the ramp.

Activate the lever and go to the end of the platform, pulling it. Inside the tunnel, go up and go to the platform. Jump to the right and enter the tunnel. Follow and go through the door to the end. Jump the platform and enter another tunnel. Activate the lever and return to the room. Jump the platforms and activate the lever at the end of the passage. Return to the platform and find the tunnel. Proceed to the right corner and a secret door will open. Continue and turn right. After the door closes, go up to the passage above on the left and go to the end. Enter through the passage and continue along the ramp. A stone will start to roll. Jump to the left and continue. Now, push the left block and go up to the right tunnel.

Activate the right lever and jump back, avoiding the trap. Slide through the trap door and follow it until another rock rolls down. Jump back and into the hole. Go forward and enter the tunnel. Climb the left platform to reach the lever. Activate it and go up. Go to the new door and activate the lever in the corner.

Enter and glide into the next room. Climb to the right platform, jump to the pillar and then to the door platform. Activate the lever. Climb up and jump to the pillar and platform. Get to the middle of the platform quickly, as your opponent will fall into the hole. Return to the rock with the gap and climb up. Continue eliminating monsters and go right, at the end of the tunnel, until you find a lever. Run to the rock on the left and trigger another one. Run to the entrance, cross the bridge and activate the device to complete the level.

The Great Pyramid

As soon as you enter the room, prepare to face the first enemy. Run around the room shooting until he is defeated. When the enemy dies, the door will open. Slide down the tunnel to the end, push the block you find and head to the ramp. Push the next block and jump to the tunnel above.

Go through the blades carefully so you don’t fall. Follow the tunnel and, at the fork, turn right until you find a block. Push it and go back to the fork, heading towards the door. Go down to the room with the block.

Go behind the block and push it twice. Go back to the fork, where you placed the block, and activate the lever. Turn around and go through the door that has been opened. At the end of the tunnel, jump to the platform on the right in the darkest part. Continue jumping to the right, looking for a dark area ahead. Jump forward and go right. This will allow you to reach the other side. Jump forward into the dark area where there will be an entrance.

Proceed through the tunnel and jump when the rock starts to roll. Avoid the rock and return to the tunnel to repeat the action with the second rock. At the end of the tunnel, there is a breakable platform that you will need to quickly cross before it collapses. Grab the edge and carefully climb down.

Now, you will face the Scion. Shoot it until it explodes. Then, go to the door on the left. Drop down the rocks to the right of the bridge and continue carefully down to the hole near the wall. Turn and jump, grabbing the gap. Hold on and swipe right. Jump to the gap in the red wall and keep sliding to the right. As soon as you go down, jump back.

Enter the next room, go to the right side of the hill and continue down. A stone will roll and fall into the hole. Now, go to the swinging blade and jump to the other side. Walk between the spears on the floor and go up the ramp, jumping towards the tunnel entrance. Take another quick jump to the tunnel entrance.

Jump over the rock in front and, when you start to slide, jump back. Turn around and jump into the gap, sliding to the right until you can climb down. The floor is brittle. A stone will roll towards you. There is a hole on the right and an entrance with a swinging blade. Run to the blade entrance and jump to the right. Run down the ramp and turn right. When the rock finishes rolling, jump on it and get the med kit. Jump back and go down another ramp, jumping to reach a platform. Go down and enter the new tunnel. Run until you can activate the lever to open the door.

Grab the Uzi shells from the passage on your right and head back. A rock will roll above you. Run to the end of the platform. Once it passes, jump forward and hold on until the second rock passes over your head.

Jump and enter the next room with a series of burning platforms. Stay close to the wall and jump to avoid the flames. You will come out onto a ramp. Below, there is a room with a pool and a crevice. Jump to the brittle platform in front of the blade. Climb up and jump to the cave entrance ahead. Pick up some items. When you’re ready to leave the room, step back and jump into the pool. Grab more items and swim through the tunnel to the next area. Proceed to the large room.

Defeat the enemy you encounter and enter the tunnel. Jump onto the corner of the ramp and go up to the passage. Jump to the nearest one and turn around. Go to the pillar on the left and then to the one below the passage. Climb to the top and turn around. Drop down to the pillar area. Turn and jump a few times to continue.

Go to the pillar below the other passage and enter the tunnel. Run across the area and go to another pillar. Turn right and jump to the platform below the tunnel. Climb into the tunnel and run forward. Slide down the long ramp and finish the game.

Congratulations, you’ve finished Tomb Raider!

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