Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

March 1, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

By: José Ricardo Fortes da Silva (Ash_Riot)

WARNING: This walkthrough contains some spoilers, the aim is for players who don’t know much English to be able to understand the plot, although in the case of Xenosaga, the plot is quite complex, but I will try to explain the parts that I consider most relevant to the story. best way possible, if you have any questions, just send an email.

1.1 – KOS-MOS Simulator
1.2 – Wonglinde
1.3 – Pleroma 1.4
– Elsa
1.5 – U-Tic Battleship
1.6 – Dock Colony
1.7 – Cathedral Ship
1.8 – Durandal
1.9 – Kukai Foundation
1.10 – Encephalon
1.11 – Kukai Foundation
1.12 – Song of Nephilim
1.13 – Proto Merkabah
2.1 – Shion
2.2 – KOS-MOS
2.3 – Ziggy
2.4 – Momo
2.5 – Chaos
2.6 – Jr.
3.1 – Shion
3.2 – KOS-MOS
3.3 – Ziggy
3.4 – Momo
3.5 – Chaos
3.6 – Jr.


20XX – During an archaeological excavation in Lake Turkania, Kenya, Dr. Matsuda and his team find what appears to be an ancient mechanism, the doctor then inserts a key into it and the mechanism immediately responds, causing a gigantic building to emerge from the lake, barely Then, a golden rectangular figure appears that emits a mysterious light into the sky…

4000 years later…



After a few scenes, you will control Shion Uzuki, the chief engineer of Vector Industries, she is in a simulator to test the battle capabilities of KOS-MOS, a combat android built to face the Gnosis, creatures from another dimension that have been terrorizing the humans throughout the galaxy, after the initial cutscene you will have a short tutorial:


To start a battle, you must touch the enemy that is moving around the scene, talk to KOS-MOS and choose the first option, then touch the soldier to start the simulation:

NORMAL ATTACKS: In the bottom right corner of the screen there is a turn bar (GTW) where characters and enemies appear, the character on the left is the next to perform an action, after him, it will be the turn of the one on the right , choose a target with the directional pad and press square or triangle to execute a normal attack, there are three basic types of enemy: Biological (B), Mechanical (M) and Gnosis (G), each one has specific resistances and weaknesses, each attack normal consumes 2 AP (Attack Points), each character has a maximum of 6 AP and 4 AP is recovered each turn, as a basic rule, the square’s attack is physical, while the triangle’s is ethereal, when a battle ends the character It will flash for a few seconds, during this period, even if you touch an enemy, it will not start another battle, talk to KOS-MOS again, choose the second option and touch the soldier.

TECH ATTACKS: Techs are special attacks that can be used by making a combination of two normal attacks + the O button, to use a Tech you need 6 AP, but you start the battle with 4 AP, so what to do? Simple, you have two options, either defend yourself, or you use a normal attack and press X to end your turn, leaving you with 2 AP reserved for the next turn where you will gain 4 more AP, totaling the 6 you need, the Tech Attacks are divided into two categories: long-range ones that can only be equipped in the Triangle-Triangle slot and short-range ones that can be equipped in other slots, (There is one character to whom this rule does not apply, but we will talk about that later), after the battle, talk to KOS-MOS, choose the third option and touch the soldier.

SUB MENUS: To open the Sub Menu , press spends 4 AP
-ITEMS: As you can imagine, it is used to use healing, attacking or support items, you need 3 AP to perform this function, you can use up to 2 items in the same turn, but you will spend 6 AP to do so , to do so, place the cursor on the desired item and press triangle, the item’s effect will extend to all allies or enemies.
-MOVE: Changes the position of characters on the battlefield, this influences the damage caused or received by them.
-AGWS: Used to enter the attack robot (something similar to Xenogears).
-GUARD: Spends 2 AP and serves to reduce damage received.

Note: There is no option to escape the battle in the Sub Menu, if you need to escape you will have to use the ESCAPE PAD item, or Shion GOODBYE’s Ether.

BOOST: Below the AP bar is the Boost Bar, it fills up as you deal damage to enemies, it has 3 levels and when you fill a level you can use the Boost which is used to advance a character’s turn, from that it is not appearing in the turn bar, to find out if a character can use Boost, press and hold R1 or R2, if a character can use Boost, their face will appear in the bottom corner of the screen, depending on the color of the outline, you must press the square (purple), triangle (green) or circle (red) buttons to use Boost.

EVENT SLOT: Just to the left of the turn bar, there are figures that alternate as the turns pass, each figure represents an effect that the attack will cause on allies or enemies, they are:

  • GRAY SQUARE: No effect
  • FLAME: Increases the chance of performing a critical attack, this applies to both you and enemies;
  • GOLDEN RING: The boost bar fills faster;
  • CURRENCY: If the enemy is defeated at this moment, you will gain more SP (Special Points), which are necessary to evolve the characters’ skills, they are divided into:
  • Ether Points (E.Pts) – Used to evolve Ethers or transfer Ether from one character to another.
  • Skill Points (S.Pts) – Used to extract special abilities from accessories.
  • Tech Points (T.Pts) – Used to evolve Tech attacks or the characters’ basic parameters (Attack, defense, etc.)

After the battle, talk to KOS-MOS and choose the fourth option to face a real battle, where enemies will attack, you should have no problem defeating them.

After a few scenes, Shion will explain about some explosive objects spread around the place, you will know if an object is explosive when a blue light appears on it when you get close, then press square to explode it, some hide items, others, enemies, there are also Effect bombs, depending on their color, will have different effects, they are:

YELLOW: Delays all enemies’ turns at the beginning of the battle;
RED: Gives you a full Boost bar at the start of the battle;
PURPLE: Makes enemies unable to use special attacks for a few turns, you won’t see one of these anytime soon.

Go up the stairs to the left, shoot the red bomb and then the door, defeat the enemy and get 2 MED KIT S from the chest, go down the stairs and defeat the enemies in this area, there is a yellow bomb here, go to the next area through the entrance to the northeast, we will need a key to open the door ahead, go up the stairs and go west and then south, destroy the box and go forward, destroy the box at the end to get a REVIVE, go back and enter the door to the west, move forward and you will have your first battle with AGWS, to call him, open the Sub Menu, choose the AGWS option, then choose which position you will place him in and then press circle, after the battle, save your game in yellow object.

Go down the stairs to the southeast and head south, in the next area destroy the boxes to the east to proceed (the box to the west has a monster), in one of them there is an ETHER PACK, in another there are 2 MED KIT S, destroy the object in front of the red door and examine it to discover Segment Address Nº 10, we will need a key to open it, unfortunately we won’t get it anytime soon, go back to the previous area, go up the stairs and enter the room to the east, get the MISSION KEY on top of the panel and destroy the closet to the east to cut the path, you will find some flying enemies, they cannot be hit by square attacks, so use triangle attacks, if you already have 40 E.Pts with Shion you can acquire a new Ether for her, press triangle to open the menu, go to “Ether”, “Use E.Pts” and “Medica” which is the Ether she already has, you can choose between Analise or Goodbye, it doesn’t make much difference which one you choose first, as you will need both, when finished, return to the previous menu and choose “Set” to equip the new Ether, note that each Ether requires a certain number of WT to be equipped, that is, even if you learn them all, you will not be able to Equip them all, go down the stairs and examine the panel next to the door to open it, go inside and after a few scenes you will face another battle against a GX Drone, I don’t consider it a boss, but it’s good to be careful, use R- Blade twice with KOS-MOS while Shion just defends herself or heals if necessary, after the battle, something wrong happens in the simulator and before things get ugly, Allen gets Shion out of there.


After a few scenes, the ship’s commander wants Shion to give a report on KOS-MOS’s performance, when he regains control, open the menu and go to UMN which can be defined as Shion’s personal computer, go to Mail and read the three that are available, they give some tips on the game, at the moment, the most interesting one is the one that teaches you how to evolve Tech Attacks, to do this, open the menu, go to “Tech Attacks”, choose a character, go to “Use T-Pts” and then choose a Tech to evolve, you can evolve three parameters, they are:
-TECH: Increases the damage caused, I believe it can reach level 99;
-SPEED: This is the most interesting thing, initially the techs can only be equipped in the 2-button slots, but when its SPEED evolves, it can be equipped in a 1-button slot, the square being for the short-range and the triangle for long-range ones, thus reducing the AP needed to execute it.
-WAIT: Decreases recovery time after using a Tech.

Well, save to the south if you want and go up the stairs to the northwest, talk to the girl up there and go back, go through the door to the east, go forward until Shion receives an email, after the cutscene, continue forward until the next area, see the scene where Allen realizes that Shion forgot the disk with KOS-MOS’s data and decides to take it to her, walk a little further for some more scenes, you will also see the same golden object seen at the beginning from the game, he is called Zohar, Shion will remember her fiancé, Kevin, who died in an accident two years earlier, after the scene, continue forward to another scene where Allen catches up to Shion and hands her the disk, after the scene moves forward and Shion says she needs to get some more data from her room, continue forward to find Segment Address No. 18, we’ll come back here when we have the key, for now, go through the next door to get to Shion’s room, take the MAINTENANCE DATA, on the table, try to leave and Shion will receive an email from Miyuki, nothing very important, leave, go back to the intersection and follow the corridor to the west to reach the laboratory where the Realians’ maintenance is carried out, adroids identical to humans in almost every way, created for various functions, but mainly for combat.

After the scene, talk to all the Realians, then go back to Dr. Caspase for a new scene to begin, you will meet Lieutenant Virgil, for some reason he despises the Realians, after the scene, go through the door to the north and after more a scene, move forward until Shion receives another email, from now on you can access the Database within UMN, it has diverse information about characters, monsters and various other terms, as you progress in the game, new information will being added, well, enter the next door and continue forward, ignoring the side doors, until you reach the door at the end, enter and watch the scene with Sgt. Swaine, he will tell you about the Segment Address and give you the SEGMENT FILE , you can access it by opening the menu by going to “Items” and pressing R1 to go to the list of Key-Items, this particular item contains a list of the red doors that are scattered in different places, there are 18 in total and behind They have very important items, notice that 10 and 18 have a picture of a door below, they are the ones we have already found, but haven’t opened yet, when we open one, the star next to the number will light up.

Examine the door ahead to discover Segment Address Nº 7, go right until 2 soldiers invite Shion to a game of tag, you must get the item that is behind them, as soon as you start run and go around the platform north, then go back and run to the item, don’t hesitate or you won’t get it, anyway, if you do you will get a MED KIT, follow the northwest path and then go through the door to the east, go straight until you see another red door, examine -a to discover Segment Address Nº 16, continue forward a long way until you see an orange door, follow it to finally reach the bridge, talk to the Captain at the highest part and after the cutscene, go back via the elevator, Downstairs, Shion will be informed that a package has arrived for her and that she must pick it up at the AGWS Hangar, well, go through the door to the west, then go west, north and west to find a red door, enter through it to reach At the hangar, turn left and talk to the guy sitting to receive an MVS which is a weapon for Shion, (the only one, in fact), she will automatically equip it, in the east corner there is a guy who sells items, but I advise you to save your money for now.

Now you must go to Shion’s room, go south until you reach the Realians laboratory, then go east two screens and then go north at the intersection, enter the door just after the red door, see a scene where Cherenkov talks to a Margulis, it looks like there will be an attack soon to steal Zohar, after the scene, choose the first option to go to sleep, watch the scene, a few hours later the ship receives an alert, it looks like KOS-MOS is being activated, Shion wakes up and tries to get to the laboratory, but the path is closed, a group of Gnosis appears and some enter the ship, when you regain control go against the Gnosis, you won’t be able to defeat them, so just defend yourself, see the scene in which Shion manages to escape from two of them, when you regain control, head east and activate the second red button to block the monsters’ path, move forward until you see another Gnosis, quickly go to the panel on the right and examine the red button to create a distraction, continue forward going straight through the next door until you come across another Gnosis, immediately go back and enter the previous door and the creature will go straight through, try to leave and watch the scene in which KOS-MOS finally awakens.

Head west to the next area, climb the ladder a little ahead and press the green button to send the Gnosis into space (literally), go down and head south, but the path is blocked by a car, talk to the soldier on the left and he says there is a vaporizer in the hangar, go there, try to get 2 VEIL from the chest without touching the monsters and enter the hangar, talk to the guy on the right and he will give you the vaporizer, now you can destroy obstacles with it, getting close and pressing square, well, leave the hangar, go to the car and get it out of the way, a little further on there are 2 gnosis, remember the game of tag, well, use the same scheme to escape of the animals, when you get it you will find Sgt. Swaine, before he dies he gives you DECODER 7 which is the key needed to open Segment Address Nº 7, which is exactly the door ahead, so go through it and get a chest from the ROBO PART RIGHT ARM, unfortunately this item will only be useful much later in the game, go back, destroy the panel on the left to get a BIO SPHERE, go through the door to the south.

You will find Lieutenant Virgil and some soldiers fighting against the Gnosis, after the scene, examine the body to get the CREWMAN’S KEY, go through the next door and get an SMP53AG from the chest, which is a weapon to be equipped on an AGWS, exit and head south, see another scene in which Virgil uses the Realians to blow up some Gnosis, which makes Shion angry, but others soon appear and Shion is caught by one of them, when everything seemed lost, KOS-MOS arrives to save the day , after a small demonstration of her power, she says that they must go to the hangar where Zohar is, as that is the target of the monsters, but we will have to get rid of a small obstacle:

BOSS: Cyclops (G)
Don’t use ethereal attacks against him, or he may use Counter Boost, besides, he doesn’t have any worrying attacks, Virgil will help you in this battle, just attack in the square, KOS-MOS uses R-Blade and Shion defends himself and then uses Lightning Blast and heals if necessary, when you defeat him you will win an SMG99AG, a weapon for AGWS.

After the scene, blow up the nearby objects to get an ETHER PACK and a MED KIT, go forward and enter the room at the intersection, press the red button and then go north, blow up the table to get a BIO SPHERE, defeat the monsters and go through the door to the north, blow up the table to get 2 REVIVE, go left and then north, I advise you to avoid the yellow gnosis, as it is very strong, blow up the objects on the right to get a MED KIT S and an ETHER PACK S , continue forward and enter the next room, blow up the glass and get DECODER 18 from the chest, it opens the red door near Shion’s room, go there and get a COAT.LIGHTNING (accessory) from the chest, go back and follow south until you reach where Zohar is, on the way explode some objects to get 3 REVIVE, when you reach the hangar, see the scene where to save Shion, KOS-MOS kills Virgil, Shion doesn’t accept it, but KOS-MOS says he wasn’t priority and in any case there wouldn’t be room for everyone in the escape module, Shion asks if she doesn’t have a conscience and the android responds that it’s a weapon, nothing more, the group prepares to flee when another gnosis appears.

BOSS: Minotaur (G)
This one will be a little more difficult than the previous one, he is accompanied by 2 smaller monsters that only use physical attacks, the big one uses an electric one that hits everyone and takes away around 45 HP, Shion must focus on healing and when not necessary, attack the smaller monsters, while KOS-MOS takes care of the big one using R-Cannon, if a message appears on the screen, it means that he will use a super attack in the next turn that hits everyone and can get up to 90 HP from each, when this happens, defend yourself with both and immediately recover the HP of both, when you defeat him you will win 1 SKILL UPGRADE Z and 2 ESCAPE PACK.

Shion, Allen and Cherenkov manage to escape in the escape module, after the scene you will have the option to save the game, do that, KOS-MOS, then ask for help from the crew of the Elsa Ship that was passing through the place, but Captain Mattews did not is very willing to cooperate, so KOS-MOS asks more “delicately” and after almost soiling his pants, the captain agrees to help her, KOS-MOS says that he received orders to go to the planet Second Miltia and that soon a ship of the Federation would rescue them, but Shion orders KOS-MOS to rescue them immediately or she will open the escape module cabin killing everyone, KOS-MOS is still not willing to help, so a young man named Chaos appears and convinces the android, after due introductions, a Gnosis invades the ship and grabs Cherenkov, but with just one touch Chaos vaporizes the creature, which leaves the others impressed, Chaos simply says that this is something he can do, after that you will see a scene with a certain Willhem, then you can save again, the next scene shows a group of Federation scientists sending a cyborg called Ziggurat 8 to rescue the prototype of a new type of Realian from the hands of Margulis, the cyborg accepts the mission , but says that in exchange he wants his memories to be erased and for him to be turned into a complete machine, after a few scenes Ziggurat 8 arrives at the place where the realian is being kept.


The cyborg will be using a camouflage that makes him invisible, don’t talk to the soldiers, go ahead and explode the objects to the east to find a SCOPE, enter through the passage to the northeast, after some scenes, the camouflage ends up failing and Ziggurat 8 is exposed , well, you must go east for two screens without being seen by the soldiers, they can be a problem if you are going to face them alone, walk by holding R2 to go slowly, don’t try to blow up the objects in the way now, when you manage to get past the soldiers , move forward and in the next room you will see an AGWS patrolling the area, believe me, you don’t want to face him now, so examine the panel to the southwest to distract him and then go down the stairs and head east to find the Realian , defeat the soldiers and watch the scene, Ziggurat 8 intends to break down the door, but Realian says that if he does that he will set off the alarm, she says that there must be a key somewhere and the cyborg says he will look for it.

Follow the southwest path, try to get 2 VEILs from the chest without being caught by the soldier and then go through the door to the southeast, enter the first room on the left and destroy the boxes to get some items, in one of them there is a robot, be careful, go south and enter the next door, defeat the robot and get the MASTER KEY from the chest, go back to the cell where Realian is and free him, she says her name is Momo, a soldier ends up activating the alarm, now we have to give the Outside of here, in the cell before Momo’s there is a save point and in the next one, there is a SPEED STIM. In battles, Momo will be at the rear, where she will not be able to attack, just use Ethers, you can put her at the front if you want, but I don’t advise it, take the northwest path, now that you have Momo, you can face that AGWS near the stairs that I told you to ignore before, attack him with Lightning Fist and heal whenever necessary, when you defeat him you will gain the DECODER 4 go up the stairs and head west, but the soldiers are blocking the way so we will have to find another route, go to the room where you got the master key and watch the scene, upon learning Cyborg’s name, Momo says that he makes him look like an ordinary machine and decides to call him Ziggy, as he doesn’t really care, so I will also call him that from now on.

After the scene, examine the panel with the red light to open the door at the end of the corridor, go through it and go down the stairs, go forward, destroying the red objects to get some items, when you see a passage to the north, go through there, in the next room, take an ETHER UPGRADE Z from the chest, destroy the objects on the left and right to find some Ether Packs, go back and continue forward, going up and down stairs, until you reach a staircase at the end, go up it and you will be in a room full of AGWS, Momo will then use the Hilbert Effect, the same phenomenon that KOS-MOS used to weaken the gnosis, to weaken them, now we will have to face them:

BOSS: Zolfo (M), Mercurio x2 (M)
They have powerful attacks that can finish off Ziggy in an instant, fortunately the three will hardly attack in the same turn, but don’t hesitate, Momo should heal Ziggy practically every turn, don’t leave the HP If it drops below 200, Ziggy defends himself and in the next turn attacks with Lightning Fist, but not those in defense position, or they can use counter boost, try to defeat Zolfo first, as he can hit Momo, even in the rear, which can be a serious problem, follow this scheme until you defeat them.

Go through the door to the northeast, in this room you will find a Save Point, use a Bio Sphere and save, go through the door to the north, go to the right being careful with the soldiers, although now, they shouldn’t be a big problem, in next room, blow up the object to the northwest and then blow up the wall behind it to find a secret passage, follow it until you find a chest that contains a SNAKE HUNTER (accessory), I advise you to equip it on Momo, blow up the stone plate forward to discover Segment Address Nº 4, open it with the Decoder we got before and get a THIEF RING from the chest, go back to the previous room and go east until you see a statue, blow it up and get a DECODER 11 from the chest , now head west until you return to the starting area, it seems that Commander Margulis decided to come personally to prevent us from escaping:

BOSS: Margulis (B)
Margulis only uses physical attacks, but very powerful ones that can cause up to 120 damage to Ziggy, in addition to having an absurd defense, her attacks will only tickle him, that is, you will hardly win this battle and it’s not even forced to do it, but it is possible with a lot of patience and healing items, but if you are not very willing just let the Commander kick your ass.

Ziggy and Momo manage to escape, after a few scenes you’ll be back with Elsa.


Once you have control of Shion, exit through the door to the northwest, walk a little and Shion will receive an email, from now on you can use the simulator to return to certain places you have already been to, either to gain some levels or get any important item you left behind, to access the simulator open the menu when you are at a Save Point that has a blue object at the top, go to UMN, then EVS and then choose the location where you want to go, when you are finished read the email, head south to return to the bar, talk to the robot bartender to get a CARD PASSPORT, use this item at a save point with EVS to access a somewhat complicated card game, go back and enter one of the rooms, talk to the robot if you need to rest, exit to the south and enter the next room, examine the red sofa in the center of the room to find the DISARM KEY, exit the room and head west until you find an elevator, go down it, after the scene, go forward and blow up objects on the way to get some items, in the next room, talk to Chaos and go through the door to the north, blow up the objects ahead to discover Segment Address Nº 8, examine the panel on the left to use the Disarm Key, examine it again to activate a bridge, go left and in the next area explode the objects to find some items, including a SPIRIT PENDANT and DECODER 10 in the chest, go back and go to a fork, to the left there are some more objects to explode and get items, do this and go right until the end, in the next area, go down the stairs and go north, explode the objects on the sides, behind one of them is Segment Address Nº 14, you too you will find a FIBER SUIT, equip it on Shion.

Now go all the way back to the room where Chaos is and then go through the door to the south, go down the small elevator, to the north there is a robot that sells equipment for AGWS, I advise you to buy a new Frame HP for Shion’s and also a Generator, when finished, head south to the next area, look far south for a chest containing a COAT.BEAM, return to the previous room and go up the elevator to the northwest, enter through the door ahead, see some more scenes, when you recover the control, leave the room and Captain Mattews will call Shion to the bridge, go all the way back to the elevator, but before going to talk to the Captain, access the simulator through the Save Point to the northeast and enter KOS-MOS Simulator, go to Segment Address 10 and open it with the Decoder you just got, get the 2 BOOSTER PACK from the chest, go to the place where you faced the GX Drone and explode the red box, get the BATTLE PASSPORT from the chest, use this item in a Save Point with EVS to participate in a mini-game with AGWS, exit the simulator and head to the command bridge to the north, it seems that there is a problem on the ship, but they can’t say where exactly, after the scene go to the place where the AGWS are and talk to Tony, choose the first option and return to the bridge, talk to Captain Mattews and he will give you the HAZARDOUS AREA MAP, take it to Tony and he will give you a MED KIT DX , now go to the place where Segment Address 14 is and examine the mechanism to the north, Shion doesn’t find any defects, but there is definitely something wrong, well, go back to the command bridge.

Watch the scenes, Ziggy and Momo end up meeting Elsa and they have U-Tic ships on their tail, after Elsa is hit, Mattews decides to help them, they manage to bring them in, but so do some enemy ships. manage to get in, Shion and Chaos decide to go there to get rid of them, go to the elevator and go down, there are new items in the explosive objects, so take everything, move forward until you see a scene where Shion activates a mechanism that slows down enemy AGWS , go through the door to the north and go down the stairs, exit to the south, now commanding Ziggy, go south, if you want, defeat the robots, they are not difficult, go up the stairs and go east until you find Shion and the others, after the appropriate introductions , Ziggy says that they will have to destroy the mothership or the robots will continue invading the ship until they finish it, now that you have 5 characters, you will have to decide who will participate in the battles, to change characters go to Menu, then Battle Formation, choose the character you want to remove and then choose Replace and finally, choose the character that will take his place, my group will be made up of Shion, KOS-MOS and Chaos, but you can choose the formation you want, whenever you are Ready, head to the AGWS hangar and from there go through the door to the south, I advise you to save on the way, touch the robot to the south to face it:

BOSS: Domo Carrier (M)
On his first turn, he will use the Tremor attack that takes more than 200 HP from everyone, pay attention to the event slot in which this happens, because whenever his turn is in that event, he will use this attack, you must prevent this from happening by using Boost in the previous turn, if this is not possible, keep everyone’s HP above 200, his other attack is a beam that causes around 65 damage to a character, he is resistant against physical attacks, use R-Cannon with KOS-MOS and Lunar Seal with Chaos, Shion must enter his AGWS and use sword attacks, when he is almost defeated he will start using Auto Repair which recovers 600 HP from him, at that time, it is It’s good to have accumulated a lot of Boosts, if that’s the case, use them without regret to finish him off before he uses Auto Repair again and makes this battle longer than it should, when you defeat him, you’ll win an ANTI-BEAM ARMOR .

We finally get rid of the ships, for now, watch the scene, Shion talks to Momo and Ziggy and finds out that they are also heading to Second Miltia, well, upon regaining control, let’s take a tour of Elsa, go to the rooms and then to the cockpit, Shion will then say that she is tired, choose the first option to go to sleep, watch the scene, you will meet Jr. together with the Durandal crew, he is investigating the disappearance of Planet Ariadne (the one that Margulis blew up previously ), meanwhile Margulis talks to a guy with white hair who looks like a psychopath, he seems very interested in Momo, back with Jr. he finds the wreckage of a ship and goes to investigate, but is soon attacked by U-Tic ships , after the easy battle and a few more scenes, we will now invade the mothership.


Keep going forward until you see some red lasers, don’t touch them, blow up the mechanism to the north to deactivate them, head east until the end, the doors to the north and east are locked, but there is another mechanism to the left of the door to the north , blow it up, go back a little and follow the northernmost path, examine the panel at the end to open some doors, head south, some soldiers will ambush you, finish them off, in the middle of the path there is a door, go in and blow it up the object to find some items, go back and continue forward to the next door, examine the panel to open door 4, go through it, go east and then south until you find door 5, but it is also locked, in the room a On the left there is a save point, go back a little and go right, go right through the door to the north and blow up the mechanism ahead, now go through it, talk to the soldiers and leave, continue forward, blow up the mechanism connected to next door and go through it, defeat the soldier and explode the object to the northeast to find Segment Address Nº 11, as we already have Decoder 11, open the door and get a COAT.ICE in the chest.

Leave the room and continue forward to the next door (after passing some more soldiers), enter the door straight ahead and examine the panel to open door 5, exit and head south until you reach an AGWS hangar, follow the left and go down, now go right, explode the objects near the AGWS to get some items and get a TECH UPGRADE Z from the chest, go back to the highest part and go south at the intersection, get rid of some more soldiers and enter through the next one door, blow up the object in this room and get a U-TIC CARD from the chest, go out and enter the door to the south, get CARD Nº 3 on the counter to the north, go out and go back to the place where you opened door 5 , go right until you reach a door with a panel on the side, examine it to use the U-Tic Card and open the door, go in and get the DECODER 16 from the chest, exit and go north and then west to the next area , enter the room to the northwest and examine the place with the green light to use Card nº3, now examine the red light to open door 3, go through it and enter the next door, examine the computer in the center of the room and prepare it if for a boss:

BOSS: Ambix (M)
Very easy, first of all, put Jr. in your AGWS, now defend yourself with everyone and on the next turn use W-Act, repeat this 2 or 3 times and he’s gone, don’t even worry worry about his attacks, when you defeat him you will earn a FRAME REPAIR Z.

After a few cutscenes, you will be back on Elsa, we arrive at Dock Colony and it seems that Cherenkov left alone, Mattews says that this was a bad idea, since the inhabitants here are not very fans of the military, Shion decides to go after him and Chaos go along, try to leave and Shion will receive an email, KOS-MOS has gained a new Tech Attack: R-Drill, equip it as soon as possible, head to the elevator to B1, head north, east, south and west to arrive in the next area, talk to Ziggy to join the group, go back upstairs, but before looking for Cherenkov, go to the Save Point to the northeast, access the simulator and return to Wonglinde, once inside, follow north for a long way to the next area, now follow the path east until you find Segment Address 16, open it and get a STIM DX from the chest, go back to the beginning, examine the blue and red sign and choose YES to leave , this is the last time we will come here, now let’s go after Cherenkov, exit Elsa through the door to the west.


The northwesternmost door leads to the Clinic, for now, there is nothing to do there, so go through the next door, here you can buy new equipment, for the moment, give priority to the characters, but if you have money left over, buy some things for the characters. AGWS also, talk to a boy called Tom, he talks about a purple doll that used to be here, but is now gone, go down the stairs to the southwest, blow up all the objects in front of you until you find Segment Address Nº 2, talk to the face in purple and choose the first option twice, now leave the store and head south, watch the scene where Cherenkov is being beaten by some bullies, but something strange happens to him, continue forward and the group will find the bullies in the ground, almost dead, back at Elsa, Cherenkov says that they started fighting each other and he took the opportunity to escape, well, when you regain control, walk a little and Shion will receive an email informing you that the U- Tic Battleship is now available in the simulator, go there if you want to gain some levels, but there is nothing important to do there, when you are ready, go to the bridge and talk to Mattews, choose the first option to leave, see In the scene, Elsa is drawn into a gigantic gnosis, Shion and the others end up being separated from the rest of the crew.

NOTE: If you are playing on an emulator, before talking to Mattews, save and switch to Disc 2.


Save and explode the objects to the north to continue, one of them has the NIGHTWALKER accessory, go forward until another scene begins, Cherenkov will remember his past and how he allied himself with Margulis, when he regains control, go left and blow up some objects to get items, go back and go right until another fork, go north and blow up the red sign behind, get a COAT.FIRE from the chest, go back and follow the path south to the next area, blow up the door just beyond forward and climb the ladder, follow it to the end and explode everything you find until you find a chest containing a REVIVE DX, go back up the ladder and head south until two boxes that you must explode, go back and follow the path north until you find a platform with a red light, examine it to go down and proceed to the next area.

Climb the ladder and explode the object on the right to form a bridge below, in this area put Momo as leader and notice something shining in the northern part, examine this glow to acquire the Tech Attack “Magic Caster” and the Ether “Star Wind”, go down and follow the bridge formed, you will have to pass by a very annoying monster, I advise you to use AGWS against it, after defeating it, get a TUNED CIRCUIT from the chest, go back and follow the path southwest until you reach the next area, follow Go forward until you reach a save point, use a Bio Sphere and save, and if you don’t already know, the gray object gives you access to an item shop, at the moment there isn’t anything very interesting, but if you need it, buy some healing items, when you’re done, enter the building ahead, move forward until another monster, once again I recommend using AGWS to defeat it, climb the ladder and enter through the broken shop window, defeat the monster to gain a DECODER 15 and get a FLOWER SEED on the table at the end, go back and head to the next area, exit on the other side.

Go down the elevator ahead and go through the door to the north, explode the boxes until you find Segment Address Nº 13, here there is also a chest containing a MED KIT MAX, when you finish getting everything, go back and go up the elevator, go south until Leave the building, go east until a fork, go west until the end, notice that in the middle of the way there are some rocks blocking the path to the north, blow up the door to find a chest containing a REJUVENATOR, now go south and then west to find another monster like that, you know what to do, right? After defeating him, get the DECODER 9 from the chest, go east until you see a box, explode it to find a CLOCK SHIELD, now go back to the rocks I mentioned before and remove them from the path so you can continue, see some more scenes and when you regain control, enter the building ahead.

Get rid of the monsters and explode the objects, in the northwesternmost one you will find a chest containing an ETHER PACK MAX, go through the door to the north, destroy the two yellow objects on the sides of the elevator, save and go through the door to the northwest, go up the stairs to the east, in the next area, press the red button on the wall and destroy the yellow object at the end, go back to the previous room and go up the stairs to the west, destroy the other yellow object and go up the stairs, destroy two more yellow objects to activate the elevator, destroy the object to the east to reveal a door, go through it to find Segment Address Nº 9, open it and get the ROBOT PART LEFT ARM from the chest, go all the way back to the ground floor and enter in the elevator to go underground, go south and destroy the objects to the east and west and then go to the elevator in the center, go down it and examine the red screen to open the way, go forward and the group finds Zohar, that is , a copy, it is unknown where the real one is, Cherenkov then appears, his body is disappearing, he says that he was responsible for the disappearance of Planet Ariadne and that his objective was to take Zohar to Margulis, he then transforms into a Gnosis and now we will have to face it:

BOSS: Gargoyle (G)

Pedreira, he is accompanied by other monsters that are a pain in the ass, their only attack hits everyone and takes away 90 to 130 HP, while the big guy initially only uses an attack that leaves a character with the Silence status, finish it off quickly. the two smaller monsters using physical attacks, the problem is that when killing them Gargoyle becomes stronger and starts to constantly use Hell Lance which causes fire damage (150 to 200) and Obsidian Claw, which causes similar damage and also lowers defense , if you have Chaos in the group, put him in your AGWS and use W-Act whenever possible, Shion or Momo should stay in the back just healing the others, KOS-MOS uses A7 Mode and attacks with R-Blade or R-Drill , Ziggy is not very advisable here, defeating him will earn you 2 FRAME REPAIR Z and 1 SILVER CROWN.

After a few scenes, the group is rescued by Elsa, but the gnosis are on their tail, Durandal appears to help, but there are too many of them and things are really getting ugly, so KOS-MOS, in yet another impressive demonstration, absorbs everyone the gnosis inside, Shion and Allen are scared as they had no idea she could do this, Shion then ponders whether this was Kevin’s work, anyway the group arrives at Durandal.


After a few more scenes, save the game, Jr. takes the group to a room containing several Zohar emulators, after which he shows in another room some bodies of people who were transformed into gnosis upon contact with them, which leaves Shion terrified (remember when that gnosis caught her at the beginning of the game?), Jr. also says that the gnosis are creatures from another dimension and the person responsible for bringing them to this dimension was Joachin Mizhari, the scientist who founded the U-Tic Organization , this time it is Momo who is disturbed, since Joachim is her creator (or Father, as she prefers to call him), when you regain control, head west and Shion will receive an email, now the Cathedral Ship is available in the simulator, continue forward until you reach a train, go to “Residential Area”, go west, in the next area, go north and then east and enter the door at the end, go east to the end to find a chest containing a CASINO PASSPORT, use this item in a Save Point with EVS and you will access the Casino where you can play Poker or Slot Machines, earn coins and exchange for very interesting items, exit and head west, in the next area continue west and enter through the door at the end, explode the doors to the northwest to get some items, leave and go north and then east, enter through the door, here is a gray sign, buy new equipment, to the northwest there are some doors that can be blown up, one of them has an item, take it and leave .

Get back on the train and head to the Hangar, enter through the door to the west, Shion should (or may not) receive an email offering an investment opportunity in a company, if you have 6000 G left press circle to respond, you will have three options , choose any one and in the future you will receive a good reward, depending on your choice, go back to the train and go to the Park, go to the next area to find Momo, after the scene, go to the Residential Area, go west and go to the room to the west, go left and choose the first option to rest, you will soon arrive at the Kukai Foundation headquarters.


You will meet the President of the Kukai Foundation, Gagnun, after a few cutscenes, head to the train and go to the Dock, go up the conveyor belt and talk to Jr. then enter the small ship to go to the beach, after a few cutscenes, head northwest To get out on the map, go to the building to the south, now go east and examine the machine at the end, answer the questions correctly to win a prize, the correct answers are: “Talk to Me”, “Professor”, “Smelly-looking Purple T-Shirt”, “Holgar” and “Luty”, by answering all the questions correctly you will win a PM CARD C, to the west there is the AGWS store, it would be good to improve yours, if you don’t have enough money, give Priority to those of Chaos and Jr., go down the stairs to the west to reach the Professor’s laboratory, he says he is building a giant invincible robot, but he needs some parts that are scattered throughout the universe and asks us to find it, well, if If you followed this walkthrough, there should already be two parts, so leave the laboratory and enter again, the Professor asks you to clean the laboratory, blow up everything you can and when you’re done, talk to the Professor and Shion will win the Ether “Throni Blade”, return to the map and head to the central part called “City Sector 26 & 27.

Enter the “Iron Man” bar and talk to the woman in pink to the southwest, she says she lost her engagement ring and is devastated, leave the bar and head west to the next area, climb the stairs north to the end, but Do not enter the building to the north, go left and then south and you should see a staircase, go down it and press the button on the left to lower it, this will help in a future event, now go back and enter “East 6” , talk to King (the guy hitting the sandbag) and explode some objects to get some items, but be careful, inside one of the blue boxes there is a purple doll, DO NOT DESTROY IT, talk to him and choose the fourth option so that he tells a story about a certain object in Durandal Park, if the options don’t appear it’s because you didn’t talk to Tom in Dock Colony, if that’s the case, as soon as you can, go back there and do that, after that, go up the stairs and go west two screens, go down and explode the objects until you find Segment Address Nº 3, go to the room just south and go up the stairs on the right, examine the clothes on the wall to find the FISH DETECTOR, go to the beach and enter in the water, choose the first option to fish, just get close to the fish and examine them until you find the ENGAGEMENT RING, go back to Iron Man and give the item to the woman in pink and she will give you DECODER 8, go to the hotel “Our Treasure”, talk to the little girl to the north to rest.

Go back to the map and head to the “Lauch Pad” to the east, enter the small ship to the east to return to Durandal, take the train and head to the Park, head to the area to the north look in the east corner for a shiny object on the ground which is DECODER 1, go back to the Dock and talk to Mattews who is on the bridge to the southeast and answer Yes to go back to Dock Colony, go to the clinic and talk to the little girl called Luty, Shion will give her the FLOWER SEED, for now, that’s all to do here, go back to Durandal, enter Elsa and talk to Allen, after a few scenes, the Foundation is taken over by Federation soldiers commanded by Captain Lapis, they are accused of being responsible for the destruction of Wonglinde, this is clearly a setup by the U-Tic Organization to recover Momo and destabilize Second Miltia, but you soon learn that Lapis is on our side, she says we need proof of our innocence and the only way to To obtain them is to find KOS-MOS, she will then give you a key that will open all the locked doors of Durandal, after a very easy battle with just Chaos, you will regain control.

Go to the northeast room and get your equipment from the chest, exit and go through the southeast door, now go to the southwest room, blow up the northwest doors to find a chest containing the ARMORY KEY, you can rest here if you need, just get close to the beds, get out and head to the train and go to the Hangar, with the Armory Key you can open the glass door to the east, blow up the boxes to find a chest containing the DECODER 5, now head to the Dock, try to enter Elsa, but the door is locked from the inside, follow a passage to the southwest to a staircase, go down and climb the next one, go east to the end and choose Yes to enter, follow the path to the east and open the Segment Address 8, go to a chest that contains the ROBOT PART LEFT LEG, go back and go to the hangar, go down the elevator and go up the other one to the west to get to where KOS-MOS is, Shion will access her memories, but for some reason all others are also transported there.


Shion ends up in a memory from her past and finds that girl she keeps having visions of, she introduces herself as a Nephilim and says she has been waiting for Shion for a long time, meanwhile, Jr. was transported to his own memories, along with Momo and Ziggy, it seems that he participated in the conflict that devastated Planet Miltia 14 years ago, when he regains control, there is a Save Point to the west, head east, if you stay under the spotlight you will enter a battle, be careful, on the way there is a chest containing a COAT.SWORD (Accessory), further north, destroy the rubble to find some items, including a RUBY HELMET, head south until another scene begins, after that, you control Shion, enter the building ahead and Go forward, destroy the statues on the way to obtain some items, including a BLADE SOUL (accessory), then you will reach the next area.

Follow the single path, when you see a blue sign in the southernmost part, look behind it for a chest containing the PM CARD E, continue forward until you see a manhole, a little further on there is a black box, next to it there is a woman, if you talk to her, she will attack you, use healing Ethers to defeat her, normal attacks will be absorbed, after defeating her, explode the box to reveal another manhole, go down it and climb the stairs to the north , examine the panel with the red light to open a door, follow the path south until you see an object on the wall, explode it to find Segment Address Nº 5, open it and get a DOUBLE BUSTER from the chest, one of the best game accessories, it allows you to use two Tech Attacks in a row, as long as one of them is equipped in the one button slot and the other in a 2 equal button slot, for example, square-square, well, go back, climb the ladder and press the red button to open another door, blow up the blue sign on the right to find a chest containing a GUARD CLEANER, now go all the way back to the first manhole and go down it.

Go east until you see a red button, press it and follow the path south to the next area, the command will return to Jr., go forward until you enter a building, continue forward until you see a save point, follow the path to northeast and enter through the door, go left until a blue part, look here for Segment Address Nº 15, open it and get an ANGEL RING from the chest, another great accessory that reduces EP consumption by half, go back to the save point and go down the stairs to the west, go forward and explode the object at the end, go up through the wreckage of the train and follow it to the end, explode the object and get a RED TOPAZ from the chest, now go back and go east along the tracks until the next area, go forward until you enter the train, go right to a staircase, go up and explode the object to the west to make the chest fall, go to it to get a VENOM BLOCK, re-enter the train and this time go left until the next area.

Go forward and after passing the second bridge, go up the stairs to the north and go through the door to find a chest containing DECODER 12, go back and go up the stairs to the east, watch the scene where you will see how Joachim Mizrahi died, the control returns for Shion, save and move forward to the next area, you will see a rabbit harvesting what appears to be a battery, when he sees us he runs away, continue forward to a fork, head west to the end, blow up the wall to find a passage, follow it, blowing up the walls on the way until you find a pillar with a chest on top, blow it up (the pillar, not the chest, ok?) and get a BLUE TOPAZ, go back to the fork and head east to get to the next one area, go forward to the fork, go west to go back to the previous area, blow up the carrots to get some SUPER CARROT JUICES, go back to the previous area and go under the bridge south, examine the table and choose yes to place a Carrot Juice there, the rabbit will come and get it, as soon as you regain control, enter his house before him, when you can, take the DECODER 3 from the chest, leave the house and head north at the fork, in the next area the two groups will meet.

After the scene, head east and enter the church, you will meet Febronia, Shion seems to know her, but the memories are not pleasant at all, Febronia then shows a door and asks us to cross it, save your game and go through the door, after some scenes we will face a boss:

BOSS: Tiamat (G)

Shion and Jr. will be mandatory in this battle, as a third character I recommend having Ziggy, this guy has a considerable arsenal of attacks, his most basic attack takes up to 120 from a character, some attacks he only uses if they come in the turn following Shion’s or Jr. Berserker Fist can take up to 300 from a character and can be fatal if he is in an AGWS, Ruined Earth hits everyone and can take up to 220 from each, he also uses an attack that causes confusion and another that causes AP recovery is reduced by half and as if all that wasn’t enough, the bastard still uses and abuses Counter Boost, Ziggy will be your main source of damage here, have him equipped with the Double Buster and Blade Soul accessories, defend yourself in one turn and in the next turn use two Cyber ​​Kicks in a row (preferably in the flame’s Event Slot), Jr.’s attacks are not very efficient against him, so put him in his AGWS and alternate between defense and W-Act, If you already have the Ether Psycho Pocket you can try to steal great items from him, Shion should heal Ziggy and herself (it would be good to have her equipped with the Angel Ring) and when not necessary use Spell Ray, have at least one character equipped with the Skill Search Eyes, to keep an eye on his HP, when he is close to dying, you must give the final blow with Shion or Jr., if you succeed with Shion, for example, he will recover 1500 HP, but you will no longer be able to use it the Ruined Earth attack, which makes the battle a lot easier, keep attacking and this time deliver the final blow with Jr. to dispatch him once and for all.

See the scene, Febronia shows two girls, Cecile and Cathe, playing together with a copy of Febronia herself, but everything is just an illusion to keep them prisoners in this place, in fact they are being used by humans to control Zohar, Febronia asks Shion to free them, Nephilim tells about U-DO, an anamolia that hit the planet Miltia and caused its destruction, she also showed an image of KOS-MOS destroying what was left of the planet, she says that this is an image of the future , but that it can be changed and Shion is fundamental to this, but Nephilim doesn’t say why, the group then arrives where KOS-MOS is and returns to Durandal, Shion gives Lapis the memory card that proves our innocence and she He says he will take steps to have us released.


When you regain control, walk a little and Shion will receive an email, from now on the Encephalon is available in the simulator, leave the room and head to the train, on the way Shion will receive another email, KOS-MOS will get a new weapon F-RShot and a new Tech Attack, X-Buster, go to the train and head to the Dock, enter Elsa and talk to Mattews to return to Dock Colony, head to the clinic and talk to Lute, the flower Shion gave it to her is growing up and the little girl is much more excited, go back to Durandal and take the transport to Kukai Foundation and between Sector 26 & 27, enter Iron Man and talk to Allen on the right, see the scenes, a strange music starts playing, it’s the “Song of Nephilim”, soon a bunch of gnosis appear and start to invade the foundation, Jr. decides to evacuate the citizens to Durandal and we will have to help, so head back to Sector 26 & 27 , the guy at the entrance sells items if you need them, he says that there are still 13 people left to be rescued, so, get to work, enter Iron Man and talk to the guy hidden in the display on the right, exit and enter Our Treasure.

Talk to the fallen man, he says that the code in the safe on the left is the birthday in the photo, get a SWIMSWIT from the chest behind the counter, which considerably reduces defense, but increases the amount of T.Pts gained in battle, go up the ladder on the right, blow up the shelf on the right to find a BATTLE GEAR, head to the next area and you will be on the upper floor of Iron Man, examine the mechanism to the north to open a passage, go back and climb the ladder to the upper floor. top, examine the photo on the left and see the date: October 28th, exit to the south and you will be on the roof, go to the left holding the directional up and left until you reach a platform, explode the object that is there to find the Segment Address Nº 1, open it and get the ROBOT PART HEAD from the chest, go back and fall to the part of the screen and enter through the door on the left, go up to the roof again, but this time go to the right until you fall to the part with the trash containers, blow them both up and talk to the guy who was hiding, go back to Our Treasure.

Defeat the monster near the safe and then enter the password 1028 to open it, you will find the hotel owner’s daughter hidden inside, return to Iron Man and blow up the boxes to the north to find the bar owner, talk to him and head east behind the counter to a chest containing a WOODEN IDOL, go back to Our Treasure and once again, go up to the roof, go left holding the directional up and right until you reach another area, go to the end to find a chest containing DECODER 13, return to the previous area, go down and head west to the next area, defeat the monster near the statue and blow it up, talk to the man in purple to send him away, now there are 8, go up the ladder on the left (if you lowered it the first time you came here) to the end and enter East 6, blow up the car to find a RUNE CRYSTAL, defeat the monster and talk to the fallen man, blow up the box behind him to find a woman, talk to her and the two will be rescued, now there are 6 left, go out and enter the door above, talk to King to rescue him, now there are 5 left, cross the bridge to the west and press the button to the north , enter through the passage that opened to the northeast.

Go forward and talk to the cat in the hallway to rescue him, now there are 4 left, blow up the door ahead and go east to another door, blow it up to find a boy, now there are 3 left, blow up the iron gate and fall down to the lowest part, go east and then south, enter through the door before the rubble, go south and exit on the other side, enter through the next door and follow north, east and south to exit again, go down the ramp and activate the mechanism to lift it, go up the stairs and go through the middle door, defeat the monster and talk to the baker, now there are only 2 left, destroy the shelves and go down the ramp, go to the laundry room to the northwest, talk to the woman in the east, now there’s only one person left, leave the laundry room and go to the upper floor of East 6, go through the door to the northwest and cross the hallway, go down the stairs, defeat the monster and talk to the woman, that’s it, everyone rescued, just one more Last thing, open Segment Address 3 and get the ROBOT PART RIGHT LEG from the chest, now go all the way back to the first area, if you need to buy healing items from the man in white, recover and save in Our Treasure, try to leave through east and a boss will appear:

BOSS: Gigas x2 (G)

They have several dangerous attacks, the worst are those of the monster on the right, Frost Bite which causes ice damage of up to 250 HP to everyone, it would be good to have everyone with the Frost-20 skill equipped and Doombringer which instantly kills a character, unfortunately it is It’s unlikely that you have protection against this, so have a good stock of Revives, the one on the left is weak against ethereal attacks and resistant to physical attacks and the one on the right is just the opposite, eliminate that one first, have KOS-MOS equipped as Double Buster and use the combination R-Blade + R-Drill or R-Blade x2, and when he falls use R-Canon x2 on the other, Momo or Shion will probably not do anything other than heal or use Ethers for assistance, especially one that increases etherea, Jr. or Chaos defense help with healing if necessary and use your best Techs, I don’t advise Ziggy here, but if you want to use him instead of KOS-MOS, it’s up to you, when you defeat him you will win a SOUL and a SPIRIT.

Head to the Launch Pad and watch the scene, that guy with white hair appears and starts attacking the gnosis like a maniac, meanwhile, the group heads to Durandal, but Momo stays behind to help the injured, when he regains control go back to the Foundation, but Momo is no longer here, then go back to Durandal and take the train to the Residential Area, but Momo is not here either and the group starts to worry, soon you discover that she was captured by that guy from white hair, meanwhile the gnosis continue to attack, it seems that they are being attracted by the Zohar emulators on Durandal, because of this the Federation ships begin to point their weapons at the Foundation, but soon a gigantic ship arrives and vaporizes the gnosis, saving our asses, Miyuki is on the ship and says that there is a force field in the area that is hiding something, she gives Shion a weapon to be used by KOS-MOS, this weapon can locate and destroy the force field, see the scene where KOS-MOS destroys the force field and reveals the ship where the Song of Nephilim is coming from, the group discovers that Momo is there and you will learn that the guy with white hair is called Albedo and has some relation to Jr. and Gaignun, the group then decides to go there to rescue Momo.

Go down the elevator and Shion will receive an email, KOS-MOS will gain two new Tech Attacks S-CHAIN ​​and R-HAMMER, head to the Foundation and go to the Professor’s Laboratory, you will meet his assistant Scott, the group delivers both legs of the robot we found and Shion will win the Ether “Dominion Tank”, exit and enter again, it seems that the Professor and Scott are having a serious argument and the young man decides to resign and leaves, anyway the group hands over the head of the robot and Shion will win the Ether Seraphim Bird, now head to Elsa, but before going to our next destination, let’s access the simulator and return to Cathedral Ship, head to the place where Segment Address 13 is and open it, get a SAMURAI HEART from the chest, this accessory when combined with REVENGE POWER, allows the user to use Counter Boost, I recommend equipping them mainly on your main healers (Shion and Momo), well, that’s all to do in this place, leave from the simulator and go talk to Mattews on the bridge, choose the second option to return to Dock Colony, go to the clinic and talk to Lute, the plant has already given flowers and the little girl is talking again, as a thank you she gives Shion a TECH UPGRADE Z, return to Durandal and go talk to Mattews at Elsa, choose the first option.


Right at the entrance the group will find Momo, but Albedo has already done a lot of damage to her mind and she can’t speak, even so she wants to go with us, keep going until you reach a dead end, here is an elevator and it will take you to a different floor according to the objects you destroy here, let’s call them small, medium and large objects, well, destroy the two small and two medium objects and then examine the mechanism in the center to reach the third floor (there’s nothing interesting in the second one), go north and in the next area, go west until the end, explode the box to find a MED KIT DX, look for a door in front of the second space in the wall, where the enemy stands stakeout, follow it and examine the panel at the end to activate a bridge higher up, go back and head east to the end and follow the passage to the south to return to the elevator, now destroy 3 large and 3 small objects and go up to the fifth floor, (there’s nothing in the room either), go west to the end, blow up the object and get the DECODER 14 from the chest, go back to the elevator and destroy 3 large, 2 medium and 2 small objects to get to the sixth floor (there is no nothing in the seventh either).

Go west until the end (notice the two passages on the way), and destroy the object to find a NEO ARMOR ALFA, go back and follow the northernmost passage, cross the bridge and you will arrive in a room with several doors, save and put Momo as the group leader, go through the door to the northeast and examine the glowing object to get the Ether “Star Light” and the Tech Attack “Momo’s Kiss”, go back and go through the door to the north, explode the object to the right to find a CROSS, go back and go through the northwest door, go straight, go down the ladder and go up the next one, blow up the object to find a SOLDIER’S HONOR, go down the ladder and continue to the next one, go down and go west to the end, go up the ladder and go south, explode the red objects to find a DEFIBRILLATOR VEST, a NEO ARMOR BETA, next door there is a very annoying monster, when you use a certain attack on him, he is immune to that attack for the rest of the battle, so it would be good to have a good variety of Tech Attacks equipped, when you defeat him you will receive DECODER 2, the next object hides Segment Address Nº 12, open it and get a W HAMMER ROD from the chest, a weapon for Momo that can leave enemies confused, go back to the ladder, go up and then down the previous ladder, go through the door to the south, examine the panel to go down to the platform above, go back and go through the door to the southeast, blow up the object, go back and go through the door to the southwest and blow up another object , recover and head south to face a boss:

BOSS: Rianon Se (G)

He’s not difficult at all, his tail attack takes around 300 HP from a character, he also has an attack in which he sends a character to the rear and unless you put him back in front, the next turn it will drain 400 HP from him, in addition to these he also has an attack that hits everyone and prevents the use of Boost, a Cure-all resolves this, the most recommended group here is Shion, KOS-MOS and Jr. Shion should only heal and remove negative statuses, when not necessary, defend yourself, her attacks are not very efficient and you still run the risk of making the boss use Counter Boost, Jr. uses Psycho Pocket until you manage to steal the great SHIELD ARMOR accessory, which protects against all negative statuses, when you can, put it in your AGWS and alternate between defense and W-Act, KOS-MOS must have the Double Buster and alternate between defense and R-Cannon x2.

Go south and examine the mechanism on the right to activate an elevator to the upper part, follow it and enter the room to the north to return to the Save Point, save and return, go to the next area and then go through the door to the west, go down the stairs to the next floor, explode the boxes on the left until you form a bridge, cross and explode the cylinder to find a FIELD RING, go down and explode the rest of the boxes to lower the bridge, cross it and climb the next staircase to the next floor, explode the boxes until another bridge is formed, climb the next ladder and head east to the end, explode the object to find a TECH UPGRADE, reach the edge that is damaged and choose YES to jump, you will fall right on top of an ETHER PACK DX, blow up the door and the next object, get the DECODER 17 from the chest, go down the stairs two floors, blow up the rest of the boxes to lower the bridge, defeat the monster and blow up the object to find an ETHER PACK DX, exit through the door to the south and return to restore the boxes, go up the ladder one floor, blow up three boxes, cross the bridge, go down the next ladder and go through the door to the west.

You will see three pillars of light, one red, one blue and one green, go to the next room and notice the lights at the end, go back and shoot the red pillar 4 times, the blue 3 times and the green 1 time, this will open the door to the south, go through it and examine the panel to the east to activate a bridge, further up, enter the door to the right and go up the elevator, go through the door to the northeast and go to the next room to recover and save, go back two screens and go through the door to the east, go down the elevator in the middle of the bridge and enter the next door to find Albedo, you will discover that the Momo who accompanied us was an impostor, that Albedo is a URTV just like Jr. these special beings were created with the purpose of destroying U-DO, Jr. tries to kill Albedo, but as we have seen before, he is immortal and soon regenerates, he then begins to extract information from within Momo, Jr. becomes enraged and releases a large amount of energy that knocks Albedo down giving us the chance to rescue Momo, Albedo then goes on the attack in his AGWS:

BOSS: Simeon (M)

He has several attacks that hit one or all characters and deal up to 320 damage, but none of them have any extra effects as far as I could see, he is immune to physical attacks and ethereal attacks don’t do much damage, but when he uses them the Aird attack, your etherea defense decreases until your next turn, so do the following, Shion must use Boost 1 on everyone until the bar fills three levels, while the others use normal attacks, or, in Jr.’s case, try steal his items, when he uses Aird, unload all your Boosts and send your best ethereos attacks, hoping he doesn’t use Counter Boost, this should take away more than half of his HP, now just repeat the process and maintain his HP. all above 400 and this might even be an easy battle.

Jr. and Albedo start to have a duel of energy, but Momo interferes and asks why Albedo keeps hurting others, but the guy is a psychopath and just mocks Realian’s feelings, so a guy in a blue outfit arrives and tells Albedo to continue with the plan (don’t ask me what this plan is) and says that you will take care of the group, when you regain control, go back to the save point to recover and save (If you are playing on an emulator, switch to CD 3) and then talk with the guy in blue:

BOSS: Ein Rugel (G)

At the beginning he doesn’t have any really powerful attacks, just a few that cause negative statuses, it would be good to have protection especially against the Attack Disable status and also the Ether Purify Storm of Chaos on at least two characters, I advise you to have the same characters from the previous battle , with KOS-MOS use attacks like R-Cannon and he is close to dying he will use Ether Bomb, when he does this, unload your boosts and finish him off immediately or in the next turn he will use Lightning Blast which can annihilate the entire group, when defeated he will change form and now the animal Take it, have KOS-MOS protected against Stop and Confusion, it is resistant against almost all attacks, F-RShot is the only attack that will do decent damage, that and the AGWS attacks, so as soon as possible put Shion on hers, Jr. tries to steal a GEMINI CLOCK and a SAMURAI HEART from him and also enters yours, then do the usual, Guard and W-Act, the problem is that he must use an attack that paralyzes them and the only way to stop this is with the ENGINE SHIELD accessory, if you don’t have it equipped, things can really get complicated for your side, its most dangerous attack is the Eternal Storm which deals up to 400 damage to everyone, 600 if used during the Critical Slot, this will be definitely one of the hardest battles in the game, good luck!

Shion asks what he intends, he responds that if she wants to know she should go to a certain place at a certain time and that she knows very well what he is talking about, without saying anything else, he leaves, having regained control, exit to the south, back to the Foundation, Jr. orders the Song of Nephilim to be destroyed, but when firing the cannons, something prevents it from being hit, so Albedo returns and summons a colossal ship called Proto Merkabah, Momo says that that was the where it was created, you will then discover the identity of the guy in blue and have a big surprise, Albedo then fires a powerful weapon and vaporizes the Federation ships, he says that his next target will be Second Miltia and challenges us to stop him , when you regain control, go down the elevator and Shion will receive an E-mail, KOS-MOS will gain a new Tech Attack R-Dragon, head towards the train and Shion will receive another e-mail, Song of Nephilim is now available in the simulator , get on the train and go to the Dock, go to Elsa and go to the place where Segment Address 14 is, open it and get a SPEED SHOES from the chest.

Talk to Mattews on the bridge and choose the second option to go to Dock Colony, go to the store and go down to the basement, open Segment Address 2 and get the ROBO PART BODY from the chest, go back to the Foundation and go to the Professor’s laboratory, the group delivers the robot’s body and the professor modifies it, talk to the professor again and he says that to complete it we will need the help of assistant Scott, well, go to Iron Man and talk to Scott at the counter, back at the laboratory the two make peace and finally finish the robot, Shion will win the Ether Erde Kaiser, ok, now we are going to face two optional bosses, they are thick-skinned, so I advise you to level up your characters in Song of Nephilim , especially Jr. and Momo, when you think you’re ready, put Jr. as the group leader and head to the Residential Area, go to the room where there is the gray sign that sells items, blow up the doors to the northwest and behind one of them go hides a guy who challenges Jr. to a duel, choose the first option to face:


His only worrying attack is the Soul Crusher which hits everyone and causes around 350 damage, he also has an attack that causes the Curse status on a character, have protection against this or a good stock of Cure-All, otherwise this will be a very easy battle, use physical attacks, he is resistant to ethereal attacks, have Jr. equipped with the Double Buster, as his attacks are more efficient against Great Joe, Shion or Momo should stay in the back just healing, if you have Ziggy use Cross Lancer and if you have KOS-MOS, send R-Drill or R-Hammer, if you want you can steal a SWINSUIT from him, but you will win it anyway when you defeat him, so…

Great Joe is impressed with Jr.’s skill with firearms and teaches him the Tech Attack “Soul Rhapsody” and the Ether “Magnum Joe”, recover your characters and put Momo as the leader of the group and head to Sector 26 & 27 of the Foundation, notice below the Iron Man awnings what appears to be a small red crank, well, move it to reveal another awning, enter Our Treasure, save and go up the stairs, exit through the door to the southwest and head east to the end, explode the object and fall into the awning, enter through the window at the end and you will find a strange little girl, she challenges Momo to a battle, to accept choice Yes (Oh come on, swear?):


Three things you need to know about this girl: 1 – She hates AGWS and therefore won’t allow you to use them; 2 – She hates boys and will use Counter Boost every time she is attacked by one, so the recommended group here is Momo, Shion and KOS-MOS; 3 – She loves to cause negative statuses, so, if possible, have at least two characters equipped with the Shield Armor Skill and the third equipped with the armor itself, if not, have protection mainly against Attack Poison and Attack Disable and a good stock of Cure-All, she has a high defense, so this battle will be very long, keep your HP between 300 and 350, but try not to exceed that, as she has an attack in which she absorbs a character’s total HP -1, or In other words, if he has 999 HP she will absorb 998, being able to prolong this battle indefinitely, have a character with the Ether Psycho Pocket and steal from her a CRAFT APRON and a PENGUIN ROD, Momo’s weapon, use your best elemental attacks and have KOS-MOS with the Double Buster equipped.

Momo will learn the Tech Attack “Dark Scepter”, if you defeat a Gnosis type enemy with it, it will transform into an item, ok, time to go to the final dungeon of the game, if you have defeated the bosses above, you shouldn’t have problems with the enemies there, otherwise you can upgrade your characters in Song of Nephilim or Encephalon, when you’re ready, talk to Mattews on Elsa’s command bridge and choose the first option, after a few scenes, exit the Elsa.


Go down the stairs and go north, blow up the yellow box at the end and get a DEFIBRILATOR VEST from the chest, go back to the entrance and follow the path southwest, then north across the bridge to a staircase to the next area, go straight to some boxes , explode them and go down the stairs behind them, go to a room to the west with two panels with yellow lights, activate both and then go to the room to the north where there are two more panels, activate only the one on the right and go up the treadmill to the south, take the single path to an elevator, go up to the next floor, go up the next staircase to reach floor 41, go through the door on the left and enter the next room, examine the monitor to the north for a cutscene, go back and go up to the next floor, go through the door on the left and then into the next room, examine the monitors to the north for another scene, go back and go up to the next floor, go through the door on the left and then into the first room, blow up the box on the right and get in the chest 2 FRAME REPAIR Z, go back and enter the next room, here is a save point, examine the monitor to the north for another scene, go back to the stairs and go up to the next floor.

Enter the door on the left and go forward until you see a transparent door, blow it up and get a DRAGON ROD from the chest, Momo’s best weapon in terms of attack power, continue forward until the end, the northernmost orange door it is locked on the other side, go through the blue door, go down the stairs to floor 43 and enter the door on the right, enter the next room and explode the object to the northwest to find Segment Address Nº 17, open it and take the chest a BLOOD9, Jr’s best weapon. Go back to the hallway and if you want, examine the panel on the right to open a door, go back to the stairs on the left and go down to floor 42, enter the door on the right and activate the mechanism at the end, go back to the stairs and go down to floor 41, go through the door on the right and then in the next room, go out the other side and get an M CHIP GUARD from the chest, go back to the stairs and go up to floor 44, go through the door on the right and go to the transparent door, then go south to the next area, go right and blow up the objects at the end to find a hidden passage, go through it and blow up the objects until you find a chest that contains a CHAKRA SHIELD, go left and then south to the end, choose Yes to jump and prepare for a boss:

BOSS: Proto Dora (M)

He is accompanied by two other robots called Schultz, get rid of them first, but don’t even think that things will get easier, the most advisable group here is Shion or Momo (but only if she has the Ether “Boost 1”), Ziggy and Chaos (If possible with Ether “Best Ally”), don’t bring KOS-MOS, as it will be completely useless in this battle, defeat the Schutlz using thunder attacks like Lightning Fist, Arctic Blast also works very well, while Shion uses Boost 1 on both and heals whenever necessary, after they fall use Best Ally with Chaos, it would be good to have at least one character with the Double Buster Skill and another equipped with the accessory, use your best ethereal attacks and when a message appears, it means that in the next turn he will heal more than 2000 HP of him, at that time unload your Boosts and attack with everything to try to defeat him before this happens, the problem is that it is almost certain that he will use Counter Boost to attack with Sonic Buster who should kill if his HP is below 800, that’s why the Best Ally is recommended, if you can’t stop him from healing, at least leave his HP around 4000, use Boost 1 again on Chaos and Ziggy and continue attacking and if the message appears again, repeat the scheme until you finish him, oh yes, if you want, you can steal a FAST CIRCUIT 50 from him.

By defeating him you will win DECODER 6, the last one in the game, go up the stairs to the northwest and enter the next door and cross another door ahead, examine the panel just to the north for a scene, Chaos talks about Lost Jerusalem which was the ancient planet where humans lived, but it was lost a long time ago and nowadays its location is not even known, explode the object to the east and go down the ladder, explode another object to the west to find Segment Address Nº 6, open -it and take a TRAUMA PLATE from the chest, this accessory protects the user against critical damage, I advise you to equip it on Shion or Momo (depending on who you use more), go back and climb the ladder, if you want you can unlock the door orange to the east, but you must go through the door to the north and then east to the next area, here there is an enemy that with Momo’s Dark Scepter, can be transformed into SKILL UPGRADE Z that gives 100 S.Pts when used, which makes this is the best place to level up your Skills, well, enter through the door to the north for a scene, Momo says that it was in this room that she was born and that her mother referred to this place as an abomination, if because of Momo’s creation many people died she wonders if it would also be an abomination, Shion says that no father or mother would say that about their son and that even though she is a Realian, Momo is still their daughter.

Back in the previous room, go down the stairs to the southeast and use the elevator, recover, save and head west to another elevator, activate it, during the descent, some monsters will attack you, nothing too serious, when you arrive, head east enter the door at the end, go forward, past some monsters, climb the ladder, before continuing, recover your characters, when you’re ready, continue forward to finally find Albedo:

BOSS: Albedo (B)

He’s actually quite easy, my team was at level 41 when I faced him, but I believe you can easily win at level 39, his only worrying attack is Fallen Angel which hits a character and takes away more than 1000 HP, that is, certain death, he also has an attack that drains your HP, but it’s not a big problem, in addition to constantly increasing your speed, revive whoever dies immediately and send your best physical attacks to finish him off.

Jr. asks why Albedo is doing all this, he replies that he wants to punish him for something he would have done 14 years ago, Albedo then releases a gigantic creature to attack us, he says that if we want to stop the destruction of Second Miltia we will have to destroy it, Albedo then leaves, prepare for the final battle:

FINAL BOSS: Sophie Peithos (G)

At first he doesn’t seem like much of a threat, but it would be good to have Chaos with Best Ally here, use it early on and recover his MP right away, his initial attacks aren’t too worrying, as you attack him, he summons smaller monsters to help him, use Techs that hit everyone to get rid of them, Sophie doesn’t have any specific weakness, so attack with your best, having everyone equipped with the Double Buster and Shield Armor Skills, when he loses some 2/3 of the HP should use Dark Omen, its most powerful attack that hits everyone and can cause up to 1000 HP of damage, but if you have the Best Ally you don’t need to worry, just keep attacking until you finish it off.

Proto Merkabah’s weapons are deactivated, but Albedo activates the ship’s thrusters and puts it on a collision course with Second Miltia, if this happens, the entire planet will be annihilated, will our heroes be able to prevent this catastrophe? Well, I’ll stop the spoilers here and let you see the rest of the ending for yourself, after the credits save the Clear File in a different slot on the memory card, this save can be used in Xenosaga – Episode 2, what for, you ask me, well, I’ll answer that question in the walkthrough I’ll do soon, see you then.


Equipping Ethers: Open the menu, go to ETHER, then SET and then equip the available Ethers, note that each ether has a specific number of WT, each character has 12 WT available, that is, you can only equip a limited number of ethers By weight, choose carefully which ones you will equip depending on the situation.

Unlocking Ethers: Open the menu, go to ETHER, then USE E.PTS and then EVOLVE, choose an ether that you already have and if you have enough E.Pts you can unlock an ether that is close to the one chosen in the ether tree.

Transferring Ethers: Open the menu, go to EHTER, then USE E.PTS and then TRANSFER, choose the ether that will be transferred and then the character that will receive it, not all ethers can be transferred, in the tables below they will be marked with a *.

2.1 – Shion

NameEP/WTEther RequiredIt is made
Doctor2/1NoneRecovers an ally’s HP
Analyze2/1DoctorShows the HP and Items the target has.
Goodbye1/1DoctorEscapes from battle, doesn’t work on bosses (obvious)
Medica All8/2AnalyzeRecovers HP of all Allies
Refresh2/1AnalyzeRemoves all negative statuses from an ally
Boost 14/2GoodbyeFills the boost bar by 1 level
Jamming4/1GoodbyeDecreases the accuracy of mechanical enemies
Medical Rest8/2Medica AllRecovers an ally’s HP
Revert12/2Medica AllResurrect an ally
Safety Level12/2RefreshAutomatically revives an ally with HP=1
Quick6/2RefreshIncreases an ally’s speed by 25%
Queen’s Kiss8/4Boost 1Can kill an enemy or steal an item from them.
Seraphim Bird24/4NoneNon-elemental damage to all enemies
Throni Blade4/16NonePhysical damage to all enemies
Dominion Tank4/20NoneNon-elemental damage to all enemies
Erde Kaiser60/12NonePhysical damage to all enemies

Note: The Ethers Seraphim Bird, Throni Blade, Dominion Tank and Erde Kaiser can only be used once per battle.

2.2 – KOS-MOS

NameEP/WTEther RequiredIt is made
Mode A72/1NoneIncreases user’s attack
Down Dex4/1Mode A7Decreases the accuracy of mechanical and biological enemies
Down Force4/1Mode A7Decreases the physical attack of mechanical and biological enemies
Down Ether4/1Down DexDecreases the ethereal power of mechanical and biological enemies
Gate8/4Down DexCan kill the target or reduce its HP by 1/4, does not work on gnosis
Ethereum Limit3/16Down ForceDoubles ethereal attack power, but also doubles EP cost
Dex Ether Ra12/4Ethereum LimitIce damage to all enemies
Dex Ether Fa12/4Ethereum LimitFire damage to all enemies
Dex Ether Le12/4Ethereum LimitThunder damage to all enemies
Satellite*16/6GateNon-elemental damage to all enemies

Note: The Ether Satellite can only be used once per battle.

2.3 – ZIGGY

NameEP/WTEther RequiredIt is made
My Guard2/1NoneIncreases user defense
Recharge4/2My GuardRecovers user’s HP
Bodyguard*2/1My GuardIncreases attack and defense when Momo is behind
Ether Shift A4/1BodyguardIncreases user’s etherea defense
Ether Shift B4/1BodyguardIncreases user’s ethereal power
Charge X4/2RechargeDoubles HP and EP recovered by items or ethers (only 1 time)
Redmark4/2Charge X80% chance to deal critical damage to mechanical enemies (1 time only)
Speed ​​Boost10/4Charge XIncreases speed by 50%

2.4 – MOMO

NameEP/WTEther RequiredIt is made
Life Shot2/1NoneRecovers an ally’s HP.
Miracle Star4/1Life ShotNon-elemental damage to an enemy.
Sheep Beam4/1Life ShotPuts enemy AGWS pilots to sleep.
Prayer6/1Miracle StarGives a random item to Momo.
Refine6/1Miracle StarRevive an ally.
Junk Beam6/2Sheep BeamReduces the accuracy of mechanical enemies by 50%.
Star Wind*10/2NoneIt turns Momo into a kind of superhero.
Star Veil*4/2Star WindIncreases the etherea defense of all allies.
Star Action*6/2Star WindIncreases an ally’s AP to maximum.
Starlight*10/2NoneIt turns Momo into a kind of superhero.
Star Bell*4/2StarlightNon-elemental damage to an enemy.
Star Bunnie*8/2StarlightNon-elemental damage to all enemies.

2.5 – CHAOS

NameEP/WTEther RequiredIt is made
Protective Wear4/1NoneIncreases an ally’s etherea defense
Healing Dew6/2Protective WearRecovers HP of all allies
Ice Wings4/1Protective WearIce damage to an enemy
Purifying Storm6/2Healing DewRemoves status from all allies
Flame Wings4/1Ice WingsFire damage to an enemy
Lightning Wings4/1Ice WingsThunder damage to an enemy
Supreme Judgment8/2Flame WingsDecreases an enemy’s HP recovered
Cataclysm12/4Lightning WingsAffects enemies’ attack order
Light & Wings12/4Lightning WingsPositive physical damage and status removal from all enemies
Best Ally*50/8Purifying StormAutomatically resurrects all allies with full HP

Note: Best Ally ether can only be used once per battle.

2.6 – JR.

NameEP/WTEther RequiredIt is made
PsychoArm4/1NoneIncreases the user’s attack power.
Ether Flare4/1PsychoArmIncreases user’s ethereal power
Dandyism*8/2PsychoArmAutomatically resurrects if a female character is behind Jr.
Psycho Pocket4/1Ether FlareSteal an item from an enemy
Chain4/1Ether FlareDecreases an enemy’s evasion (does not work on mechanics)
Misty10/2Ether FlareDisables an enemy’s ethers (does not work on mechanics)
Coin Lock8/2DandyismProtects an ally against negative statuses
Speed ​​Machine6/2MistyIncreases an ally’s speed by 25%
Magnum Joe*6/3NoneNon-elemental damage to an enemy
BusterJoe*12/3Magnum JoeNon-elemental damage to all enemies


3.1 – SHION

NameRangeIt is made
Lightning BlastShortThunder damage to an enemy
Spell RayFar awayNon-elemental damage to an enemy
Shock BladeShortNon-elemental damage to an enemy
Thermal BlastShortFire damage to an enemy
Ether AmpShortDoubles the damage dealt by the next ethereo attack.
GravityWellShortNon-elemental damage to an enemy, may cause “slow” status
Lunar BladeShortNon-elemental damage to an enemy
Rain BladeFar awayNon-elemental damage to all enemies.

Note: The “Shock Blade” Tech can add different negative statuses to the enemy depending on the cartridge you equip on Shion.

3.2 – KOS-MOS

NameRangeIt is made
R-BladeShortPhysical damage to an enemy
R-CannonFar awayNon-elemental damage to an enemy
R-DrillShortPhysical damage to an enemy
X-BusterFar awayNon-elemental damage to all enemies.
S-ChainFar awayCauses multiple negative statuses on an enemy
R-HammerShortPhysical damage to an enemy
R-DragonShortPhysical damage to an enemy

3.3 – ZIGGY

NameRangeIt is made
Cyber ​​KickShortFire damage to an enemy
Lightning FistFar awayThunder damage to an enemy
Meteor ShotFar awayFire damage to all enemies
CycloneShortPhysical damage to an enemy
Cross LancerShortPhysical damage to an enemy
ExecutionerFar awayThunder damage to all enemies
hell fireShortFire damage to an enemy

3.4 – MOMO

NameRangeIt is made
Star StrikeShortPhysical damage to an enemy
Tempest FloralShortNon-elemental damage to an enemy
Meteor StormFar awayNon-elemental damage to an enemy
Star CannonFar awayPhysical damage to all enemies
Angel ArrowFar awayNon-elemental damage to all enemies
Dark ScepterShortPhysical damage to an enemy, if a gnosis is defeated with this attack it will transform into an item
Magic CasterFar awaySteal an item from an enemy
Momo’s KissFar awayNon-elemental damage to an enemy.

Note: The Magic Caster and Momo’s Kiss attacks can only be used during the Star Wind and Starlight transformations respectively.

3.5 – CHAOS

NameRangeIt is made
Angel WingsShortNon-elemental damage to an enemy
Lunar SealFar awayNon-elemental damage to an enemy
Heaven’s WrathShortThunder damage to an enemy
Angel BlowFar awayNon-elemental damage to all enemies
Chained BlastShortNon-elemental damage to an enemy can cause sudden death to AGWS pilots
Arctic BlastFar awayIce damage to all enemies
Demon BanisherFar awayCauses the Curse status on gnosis
Divine SpearShortNon-elemental damage to an enemy

Note: The “Divine Spear” attack can only be performed if one of the allies is down.

3.6 – JR.

NameRangeIt is made
Prelude to BattleFar awayNon-elemental damage to an enemy
Moonlight SerenadeFar awayNon-elemental damage to an enemy
Storm WaltzFar awayNon-elemental damage to all enemies
Last SymphonyFar awayNon-elemental damage to an enemy
Mystic NocturneFar awayNon-elemental damage to all enemies
Angelic RequiemFar awayNon-elemental damage to all enemies
Soul RhapsodyFar awayNon-elemental damage to an enemy

Note: For every five gnosis that Jr. defeats using “Soul Rhapsody”, the Buster Joe and Magnum Joe ethers will increase the damage dealt.

Note 2: Before anyone emails asking: No, I didn’t make any typos, all of Jr.’s attacks are long-range.


Extracting Skills: Open the menu, go to SKILLS, choose the character who will extract it, then go to EXTRACT, choose the accessory and if you have enough S. Pts and your Skill Level is at the corresponding level, you can extract the skill from that accessory .

Equipping Skills: Open the menu, go to SKILLS, choose the character, then go to SET, you can equip up to three skills on each character, some skills have their effect doubled when equipped together with the corresponding accessory, in the table below they will be marked common *.

LevelNameAccessoryIt is made
1PATK GuardPower BraceProtects against decreased attack power
1PDEF GuardGuard PendantProtects against reduced defense
1DEX GuardSniper GooglesProtects against decreased agility
1DEX + 2*Blue RingIncreases agility by 2 points
1EVA+2*Kobold RingIncreases evasion by 2 points
1EATK GuardSpirit PendantProtects against diminished ethereal power
1Poison GuardSnake HunterProtects against poisoning
1Search EyesscopeShows enemies’ HP
1Slow GuardClock ShieldProtects against slowdowns
twoPATK + 2*Red RingIncreases attack power by 2 points
twoPDEF + 2*Green RingIncreases defense by 2 points
twoEATK + 2*Purple RingIncreases ethereal power by 2 points
twoEDEF + 2*Orange RingIncreases etherea defense by 2 points
twoRare+10*Thief RingIncreases the chance of obtaining rare items in battles
twoSleep GuardNightwalkerProtects against sleep
twoLost GuardMagic HatProtects against silence
3Special GuardSoldier’s HonorProtects against Attack Disable
3A-Poison GuardVenon BlockProtects against Attack Poison
3Beam-20*Coat-BeamIncreases defense against laser attacks
3CBOnRevenge PowerAllows the use of Counter Boost, but also requires the Counter+10 skill
3Confusion GuardBlade SoulProtects against confusion
3Counter+10*Samurai HeartIncreases counterattack chance
3CRTC+5*Hunter GoogleIncreases the chance of dealing critical damage
3Damage UDGolden DiceDamage dealt varies depending on HP
3Damage-10*CrossAll damage is reduced by 10%
3EDEF+4*Neo Armor BetaIncreases etherea defense by 4 points
3Double Guard EPRune CrystalProtects EP Overconsumption
3EP GuardChakra ShieldProtects against EP damage
3EPMAX+15*Silver CrownIncreases maximum EP by 15%
3Ether Power DBlue TopazIncreases etherea defense
3Ether Power URed TopazIncreases ethereal power
3Fire-20*Coat-FireIncreases fire defense by 20%
3HPMAX+15*Yamato BeltIncreases maximum HP by 15%
3Ice-20*Coat-IceIncreases ice defense by 20%
3KO GuardDefibrillator VestProtects against sudden death
3Lightn-20*Coat-LightnIncreases defense against thunder by 20%
3Lonely EDUPSpiritIncreases etherea defense but decrease ethereo power
3Lonely PDUPSoulIncreases defense, but decreases attack
3PDEF+4Neo Armor AlphaIncreases defense by 4 points
3Stop GuardField RingProtects against Stop
3Sword-20*Coat-SwordIncreases defense against sword attacks
3Tech Attack ACBattle MaskIncreases the accuracy of Tech Attacks
3Bind GuardWooden IdolProtects against Curse
4AP+1*Commander’s CrestStart the battle with 5 AP
4AGL+1*White RingIncreases agility by 1 point
4All GuardShield ArmorProtects against all statuses (negative and positive)
4Battle BC+1Boost PackStart the battle with a full boost bar
4CRTC GuardTrauma PlateProtects against Critical damage
4HP StrongBravesoulIncreases attack when HP is low
4Recovery DoubleLife StoneHealing items and spells have double the effect
4Speed+25*Speed ​​ShoesIncreases speed by 25%
4ST DoubleGemini ClockDoubles the effect time of positive statuses
4W SpecialDouble BusterAllows you to use 2 tech attacks in a row
5EP HalfAngel RingReduces EP cost by half
5Ether P+25*Star HatIncreases E.Pts gained in battle by 25%
5Experience P+25*Master’s PendantIncreases experience gained in battle by 25%
5Skill P+25*Craft ApronIncreases S.Pts gained in battle by 25%
5Tech P+25*SwimsuitIncreases T.Pts gained in battle by 25%


SegmentPort LocationDecoder LocationChest Contents
1Durandal – ParkKukai Foundation Sector 26 & 27robot part head
twoDock ColonySong of NephilimRobot Part Body
3Kukai Foundation Sector 26 & 27EncephalonRobot Part Right Leg
4PleromaPleromaThief Ring
5EncephalonDurandal – HangarDouble Buster
6Proto MerkabahProto MerkabahTrauma Plate
7WonglindeWonglindeRobot Part Right Arm
8ElsaKukai Foundation Iron Man BarRobot Part Left Leg
9Cathedral ShipCathedral ShipRobot Part Left Arm
10KOS-MOS SimulatorElsa2 Booster Packs
11U-TIC BattleshipPleromaCoat-Ice
12Song of NephilimEncephalonHammer Arm
13Cathedral ShipKukai Foundation Sector 26 & 27Samurai Heart
14ElsaSong of NephilimSpeed ​​Shoes
15EncephalonCathedral ShipAngel Ring
16WonglindeU-TIC BattleshipStim DX
17Proto MerkabahSong of NephilimBLOOD9

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