Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

March 20, 2024 Off By Markus Leite

By: José Ricardo Fortes da Silva (Ash_Riot)

  •  1.1 – OLD MILTIA
  •  1.2 – SECOND MILTIA
  •  1.4 – DAMERÜNG
  •  1.5 – ELSA
  •  1.7 – DURANDAL
  •  1.9 – LABYRYNTHOS
  •  1.10 – OMEGA SYSTEM
  •  1.11 – DESERT (OPTIONAL)
  •  1.12 – FACTORY (OPTIONAL)
  • 3 – SKILLS
  •  3.1 – LEVEL 1
  •  3.2 – LEVEL 2
  •  3.3 – LEVEL 3
  •  3.4 – LEVEL 4
  • 6 – SPECIALS
  •  6.1 – ASHER
  •  6.2 – DINAH
  •  6.3 – ZEBULUM

Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide) of Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse

When starting a new game, if you have a Clear Save from Xenosaga Episode I, you will get the KOS-MOS Swinsuit and the Ziggy Swinsuit as well as the Geriatric Swinsuit.

The initial events take place 14 years before episode 1, at the beginning of the conflict that devastated Planet Miltia, a realian called Canaan is sent on a mission to recover the Y-Data from the U-TIC Organization, to accompany him he is assigned a old acquaintance of ours: Chaos



After the electrifying opening scene, you will be in control of ER Asher (in this episode the combat robots are no longer called AGWS), go forward to a save point, save if you want and go to the next area, continue forward, there is some obstacles on the way, destroy them by pressing square, in one of them there is a hidden chest that contains a POWER SHIELD, to equip it, press triangle to open the menu, go to STATUS and press circle twice, continue forward to the Next area, after the cutscene you will have your first battle.


Some things from Episode 1 remain here, such as the Boost system that works in the same way, hold R1 and press square, triangle or circle depending on the character, but remember that his icon cannot appear in the bar of turns which, in fact, has not undergone major changes either, an addition we have is the EC bar which is below the EP bar, it is charged by executing normal attacks and when it reaches a certain level we can use special attacks (not ethereos) of ESs, to do this press to the attack carried out, in addition to the previous effects of increasing the chance of a critical attack, increasing the speed at which the boost bar fills or increasing the Skill Points gained at the end of the battle, a random event has been added which can be:
ETR (square yellow) – Increases damage dealt or HP recovered by Ethers by 50%
TC (black square) – If the target takes damage and its image is appearing on the turn bar it will lose its next turn.
RV (purple square) – If the target takes damage, its boost bar will fill faster.

Battles in ESs do not give Skill Points, only experience (yes, here Robots level up) so don’t worry about trying to increase them.

After the battle, continue forward, destroying some more obstacles to find some items, continue forward until the next area, Chaos and Canaan will be surrounded by enemy robots, but are saved by another ES, the pilot introduces himself as Captain Jin Uzuki (hey , it’s the same surname as Shion, maybe…), after the scene, Jin joins the group and from now on you’ll continue on foot, if you want you can learn some Skills, let’s go to another tutorial.


LEVELS AND CLASSES: Skills are divided into 4 levels, each level has 8 skill classes with the exception of level 4 which has 4 classes, each class has up to 4 skills to be learned, initially you only have access to level 1, but depending on you learn new skills the other levels are unlocked, to unlock a class you need C.Pts and to learn a new skill you need S.Pts, both are earned in battles.

LEARNING SKILLS: Open the menu, go to SKILLS, choose the character, then the level and then the class to open and finally, choose the skill you want to learn when you learn all the skills of a certain class you will earn a certain amount of bonus C.Pts.

EQUIPPING SKILLS: There are three types of skills: Ethereas, which are spells and support or accessory skills that must be equipped to have an effect. To do this, open the menu, go to STATUS and then EQUIPPED SKILLS and choose the skills that want to equip, you can equip up to three per character, there are also automatic skills that already take effect just by learning them.

Go forward and destroy some rubble on the right until you find a chest containing a REVIVE S, touch the soldier to have your first common battle:


In this episode the battle system with characters has been greatly reformulated, you will no longer see those special attack animations from episode 1, here the attacks are faster and simpler, but the square (Q), triangle (T) and circle button combinations (C) still exists, here the attacks are divided into zones, they are:
Zone A – These are attacks that hit enemies higher up, above 3 meters, they can be executed simply by pressing the circle button.
Zone B – Attacks that hit enemies between 1 and 3 meters are executed using combinations involving the square and circle buttons.
Zone C – Attacks that hit enemies below 1 meter are executed using combinations involving the triangle and circle buttons.
Each enemy has a weakness in a certain area, but some enemies have no weakness at all, by constantly attacking the enemy’s weak area you can break their defense and the next blow (which should be the circle) can throw them into the air. or knock him to the ground, he will recover from this break the next turn, but if you use a Boost immediately after the break, the next character will be able to continue the sequence of attacks, dealing greater damage than normal.

STOCK: There is a new item in the Sub-Menu called STOCK, by selecting it you will fill your ST by one level, which can go up to 3, by doing this you increase the number of normal attacks you can perform from 2 with your ST reset to zero up to 5, this is very useful as you can throw or knock down an enemy without needing to use a Boost.

DOUBLE: Another new feature in this episode are the double attacks, executed by two characters, to do this certain conditions must be met, Doubles need a certain number of ST to be executed and the two characters involved must have that amount available, another condition is that one of the characters must be on the turn bar and the other must not be, the one that is not must use a Boost, only then will they be able to use their Double, each Double can only be used once per battle.

Continue forward to the next area, just after the car there is a door that you can blow up, behind it is Segment Address 14, we will come back here when we have the corresponding Decoder, continue to a ladder, go up and follow it to the end, blow up the rubble to get an item, go back and continue to the next area, on the way you will see some pillars with some green rings, you can blow them up to get some items, further ahead there is a wide red door under a neon star, We won’t be able to open it now, but remember this location, continue forward to the next area, save and explode the obstacle ahead twice to continue, you will then find another old acquaintance:

BOSS: Margulis (B) – 1000 HP, DEFENSE BREAK – CB
Initially he only uses physical attacks that take away around 20 to 30 HP, fill Chaos and Jin’s ST up to 3 then start a combo with Chaos using TTCCC, this you should take him down, finish off Jin using the same combo, this should take about 800 HP from him, he will use a technique that greatly increases his defense against physical attacks, fill up two ST levels for both of them and then use Ice Brand to do the job from him, when you defeat him you will earn a REVIVE DX.

Now relax and enjoy the magnificent scene, it seems that Margulis has an old feud with Jin, you will then learn how Margulis got her scar, after the scene, save and we will be back to the present.


After a few scenes, you will control Ziggy, talk to the robot to the northeast, he says that Captain Mattews has a debt of 10000000 G and that he is there to collect it, he says that you can pay off this debt by selling items to him, so always If you have any items you want to sell, come here, it won’t be easy, but if you manage to pay off all the debt you will win a good prize, head south to find Momo, Jr and Chaos, they go to the place where Momo will undergo a procedure to analyze the Y-Data inside it, during the journey the group is attacked by two E.Ss from U-TIC, after an intense chase, the group will be on foot, save and walk a little, a robot will attack you, it will be a easy battle, notice that now Momo uses a bow and arrow as a weapon and can only attack with the circle button, after eliminating him, go up the ramp to the right and remove obstacles from the path so you can leave, a little ahead, turn Go left and blow up the box to get some Skill Upgrades, go back and go right to the next area.

Go north along the river and blow up the obstacle at the end, go up the ladder and go north to another ladder, go up and go to the next area, after the scene, continue forward, blowing up the pink objects to find some items, in the next area, Head south down the ramp and a robot will chase you, you won’t be able to escape it, but don’t worry, it’s very easy, after defeating it continue forward, a helicopter arrives bringing new enemies, defeat them and escape the nets of energy if you touch them another battle starts, explode the objects on the way for some items, then you should arrive at a save point, do what you have to do and use the elevator ahead, keep going forward until a boss appears .

BOSS: O-88 Libra (M) – 3360 HP, DEFENSE BREAK – AA
He has some simple attacks that take about 50 HP from a target and some attacks that hit everyone and can take up to 200 HP be careful, stock ST with everyone, if you can, use an Armor Break on him and then just attack with the circle, hoping he doesn’t use Counter Boost, start with Jr, then Ziggy to take him down and finish with Momo, Chaos is not a good option for this battle , so it’s a good idea to leave it in reserve, when you defeat it you will earn an AUXILIARY ARMOR B.

Go to the crane and shoot the red dot, cross the arm and go to the next area, keep moving forward and you will have to face a slightly complicated battle, two ground robots and a helicopter, let Momo take care of the helicopter while the others detonate the other two, pay attention to the cure, continue forward, save and go through the door on the left, climb a long staircase, more robots will be on your tail, run away from them and in the next area the group will be ambushed by the two E.Ss:

BOSS: Scutum (M) – 4800 HP, Pillum (M) – 3360 HP
They have some simple attacks that deal between 60 and 70 damage and can cause some negative statuses, but nothing too worrying, Pillum occasionally uses missiles that they hit everyone and can cause around 150 damage, the most recommended group here is Momo, Jr and Chaos, the latter with the ether Aura Sword learned, Momo and Jr. will be your main attackers, Chaos should use Aura Sword on both of them and heal whenever necessary, while Momo and Jr stock ST and then attack, I advise you to defeat Pillum first as he is faster and uses Boost like crazy, after he falls things should get a little easier, by defeating them you will gain a AUXILIARY ARMOR B and an EF CIRCUIT B.

Pellegri appears and demands that we hand over Momo, but then Canaan arrives to save the day, after a few scenes you will control Shion, head to the city in the center of the map, you will see a save point and next to it, a green sign, this is the EVS Point, where you can access Encephalon and return to places you’ve already been and pick up any items you left behind, look for a robot rabbit and talk to him, always choose the first option until he gives you the GS PATH, So we will start the GS Campaign side quest which consists of optional missions that will give us some interesting items, there are 36 missions in total, I will detail them in a separate topic, whenever a new mission is available I will let you know, enter the clinic a northwest and talk to a little boy to learn about Double Ethers, if two characters have the same Ether (or two certain different ethers in some cases), when one of them is going to use that Ether use a Boost with the other, and then press triangle to open the Double Ethers list, well, leave the clinic and head east to the next area.

Climb the stairs and enter the building to the north (Publishing Agency), go through the door to the northeast and destroy the object on the north wall to find Segment Address 3, also destroy other objects until you find a MAX BOOST, this item is very rare and increases the your boost bar to up to 5, leave the building and follow the path north until a scene starts, you will meet Angelina Swaine, the sister of Sergeant Swaine who died at Wonglinde in the previous episode, she says that before her brother died, she sent some items and said to give them to Shion, she will then give us the SEGMENT FILE and the DECODER 6, examine the door near it to find the Segment Address 6, open it and get the SECRET KEY 3 from the chest, with this key you can unlock one of the level 1 H Class skills, in this case, “Focus”, go out and go up the ramp to the right to reach Moby Dick’s Cafe, go in and watch some scenes, you will discover what we already suspected: Jin is Shion’s brother and for some reason he and Chaos pretend they didn’t know each other before, Jin invites them to visit his house, after the scene, go to the northeast kitchen and talk to the chef, choose the first option and he will unlock the back door of the cafe, just to the south, exit through it and head east to return to the map, we must go to Uzuki Residence, but if you want you can now do the GS Campaign one, as we can now enter Durandal through Space Port, upon completing this mission it will become available, anyway go to Durandal and take the train to the Park Area, go to the park and look for a girl with blue hair near the fountain, talk to her and choose the second option and then the first to win DECODER 11.

In Uzuki Residence, watch some scenes, after that you control Chaos, enter Uzuki residence again and explode the object to the northeast to find Segment Address 9, go to UMN Control Center, watch another scene, save if you want and move on until a double door, go through it and go to the corridor to the north, enter the door on the right for another scene, Jr. will join the group, leave and return to the initial corridor, go east to another door, see another scene , Ziggy joins the group, go back through the double doors and talk to the man in front of the red door and choose YES to start Momo’s analysis, but something strange happens and the data inside her starts to be hacked, it was a trap planted by Albedo when they were in Song of Nephilim, Momo then in a drastic attitude, destroys the trap, but this ends up causing considerable damage to her neural system, Helmer then asks for Shion’s help to try to save her, when he regains control, you you must go to UMN Control Center, but if you want you can now carry out missions 3, 5,7, 8, 9, 11, 19 and 25 of the GS Campaign, when you arrive watch some scenes, when you regain control talk to Allen twice and choose the first option to enter Momo’s subconscious through the Encephalon.


Enter the house and shoot the white door near the stairs, go through it and shoot another white door to the south to find 2 SKILL UPGRADE C, go back and climb the stairs, go forward until you see a scene where you will meet Sakura, the daughter of Dr. Mizhari who died of a rare disease, this is one of the reasons for her father to create Momo, after that, leave the house and enter the portal to the southeast, you will be at the Yuriev Institute, the place where the URTV were created, after another scene, go south to reach a corridor, go a little east and then south to come out in a square, go west two screens until you see another scene, after that, go back until you see another scene, then go through the door to the north, in the corridor, go right and enter the penultimate door for another scene where you will meet Citrine, a female URTV, leave this room and enter the door near the save point, here there will be another scene, you will see that Jr., Gaignun and Albedo (still children) will be inserted into Sakura’s subconscious to try to cure her.

When you regain control, save, break the boxes to find some items, head north to the truck, (note that Shion, like Momo also only attacks in the circle), climb onto the truck bed and break the box to find a chest containing 2 MED KIT S, go back to the gas station and follow the path east to the next area, continue forward until you see a wooden hut, blow it up to discover the red Forbidden Encephalon Device, for now there is nothing to do here, but remember this place, as it will be very important in the future, continue forward and head east at the fork to reach the next area, continue forward to a rock, expose it to find a chest containing 4 SKILL UPGRADE B, look for a half-hidden log to the northeast and go down it, follow the lower path and knock down the tree at the end to continue, continue forward to the next area, go straight to a trunk to the northwest, but don’t knock it down yet, notice that Along the river there are some rocks that you can blow up, well, from left to right, blow up the first and second rocks and then knock down the log, cross where it stops, blow up the box and get DECODER 4 from the chest.

Go to the previous area and come back to restore the log and rocks, knock down the log without destroying any rocks, save and get 2 ANTIDOTE H from the chest, go north to the next area, cross the log on the right and blow up the area a little forward to find a secret passage, follow it and fall down the ravine, get a BOOST MAX from the chest, fall again and cross the thing again, go north to the next area, watch a scene and after the battle, save and follow straight ahead, in the next area there is a boss:

BOSS: Level 4 (G) – 5760 HP, DEFENSE BREAK – CCBB
He basically uses physical attacks whose damage varies from 100 to 250 HP and up to 350 if critical, he can also summon some Infect URTV to help him, don’t care for them and focus on the boss, the most recommended group here is Shion, KOS-MOS and Jr. I have at least one of them with the ether Thunder Sword already learned, stock ST with KOS-MOS and Shion to the maximum and then use Thunder Sword on KOS-MOS, start the combo with Jr. using TT, use a Boost with KOS-MOS and continue with QQCCC and finish with Shion, this should take away more than half of his HP, but he should soon recover around 1200, but don’t worry, he doesn’t do this often, just repeat the scheme until you’re done with him, if you already have Psycho Pocket, try to steal a SKILL UPGRADE from him. And when you defeat him you’ll win an ETHER PACK DX.

Watch the scene where Albedo starts to show signs of imbalance, you will return to Yuriev Institute, leave the room and head east along the corridor, enter the door at the end and continue forward until another scene, you will see how Albedo discovers that he is immortal , but is terrified to learn that the other URTV are not, continue forward until an opening in the wall, enter it and watch another scene, when it ends, go west and then through the door to the north, enter the next door, after another scene , you will return to the gas station, but now it is snowing, save and destroy the boxes to find items, go north and destroy the box behind the billboard to find a chest containing 2 ANTIDOTE L, go back and follow the path east, there is no Lots of mystery here, just keep going forward as before, picking up the items on the way, when you get to the part of the log and rocks, blow up the first three rocks, leaving only the one that is further east, knock down the log, cross it When it stops, explode the rock to find a chest containing 4 SKILL UPGRADE B, (in the middle box there is only a BIO SPHERE, if you want to get it, you know what to do.) go to the previous area and come back, knock it down the trunk, save, get a REJUVENATOR M from the chest and move forward to the next area.

Cross the trunk to the north and knock down the tree to access the secret passage, fall down the ravine to find Segment Address 15, cross the trunk again and head north to the next area, save and follow the middle path, when you reach a fork , go south, explode the stone and get 2 ETHER PACK M in the chest, to the north, at the end explode the stone to get 10 SKILL UPGRADE A, go back a little and go north to the next area, watch the scene, you discover that Albedo He already knew we would come here and he set up another trap for Jr. but he manages to free himself and now we will have to face him.

BOSS: Albedo (B) – 7680 HP, DEFENSE BREAK – BCCB
The recommended group here is Ziggy, Momo and Jr. also have the ether Fire Sword learned, at the beginning he has a very high defense and you won’t be able to break it, His main attacks can take up to 230 HP from one or all characters and he can even weaken their etherea defense. Steal an AWAKENING I from him, which shouldn’t be difficult, stock ST with everyone and use simple attacks in the circle until he destroys his arms and of course, fill the Boost bar to the maximum, when this happens, use Fire Sword on Jr and Momo, start the combo with Ziggy using TQ, continue with Jr. using QTCCC, then Ziggy again with TTQQQ and finish with Momo using CCCC, this should take about 5000 HP from him, he should restore his arms soon after, repeat the scheme to finish off what’s left of him, when you defeat him you get a SKILL UPGRADE E

Albedo’s plan works and he manages to get hold of the Y-Data and open the way to Old Miltia, after the cutscene, save your game and insert Disc 2.


Watch some scenes, The U-TIC Organization heads to Old Miltia to take over the original Zohar, the Federation, Vector and Kukai Foundation come together to send a mission to stop them, when you regain control, leave the room, head east and enter the door at the end, go through the door just south and talk to Allen, go back to the room and examine the bed to sleep, Shion will have a dream with Febronia, where she asks her again to save Cecile and Cathe, go to the same room where he spoke to Allen before and see another scene, Nephilim appears to Shion and says that Cecile and Cathe are in Old Miltia, Allen arrives and Shion then decides to go there alone stealing a transport from Dammerüng, obviously Allen’s gum will behind it, go through the door to the north and go to the next area, take the elevator at the end to reach a restricted area, go forward, passing some sentry robots, they are very easy, so don’t worry, in the next area, blow up the boxes to the south to find some items, enter the yellow area to the south, here there are more boxes hiding items, shoot the door on the left several times until it is destroyed, go in and get the DECODER 18 from the chest, go back and head west until a ladder, climb it, examine the panel to the north, choose the YES option at the right time to hit the boxes that pass by, until an object falls from one of them, now examine the panel to the south to blow up a truck that was blocking a door, go down and exit the yellow area to the west.

Get the SECRET KEY 7 just ahead, it unlocks the level 2 F Class skill “Junk Beam”, go through the door that was blocked by the truck, destroy the pillar under the bridge and climb up it, enter through the door to the north, go down the stairs ahead and destroy the boxes until you find Segment Address 1, as we already have its decoder, open it and take the SECRET KEY 8 from the chest that unlocks the Level 2 Class H Skill, “Boost 1”, I advise you to learn this skill as soon as possible, leave and return to the previous room and return, now you must destroy the boxes to form a bridge to the other side, when you can, exit through the door to the southwest, continue forward until you reach a large monitor, after the scene, examine the panel to activate the elevator, go down it and save if you want, and go through the door just to the left, go down the stairs and go to a corridor with several doors, enter door A to find the Segment Address 7, there is nothing interesting in the other doors so go back to the elevator and go through the door above.

You will arrive at a place with several conveyors, go up the main one, you should get to the hole with number 4, but if you want, you can knock down some boxes that pass by to get some items down there, anyway when you fall into hole 4, go down the stairs and go straight ahead for a long way to reach a room with a large glass platform, supported by boxes that can be destroyed, to the north, there is a button that restores the boxes, well, just leave the box that is most to the right and destroy the other three, climb the platform and go to the upper left corner to make it tilt, go southeast until you reach the top floor, but don’t go through it now, continue to the southeast corner to lower the platform, destroy the box and reveal a hidden chest, which will float to the opposite corner, go to it and get the DECODER 15, now go to the top floor and enter the door at the end, you will arrive in a wind tunnel, first defeat the robots so they don’t bother you, then go straight through the middle until you reach the structure, go slightly to the right and go north until the end, now go right until you reach the panel, press the button to turn off the fan, go up the stairs to get to the elevator, now we will have to face a pair of bosses:

BOSS: VSS Fresnel x2 (M) – 2750 HP, DEFENSE BREAK – BB
Practically a normal battle, just stock ST and attack normally, if you want steal a JUNKED CIRCUIT from them, to sell to the robot in Spaceport, otherwise, you shouldn’t have no problem.

Shion and Allen manage to take the ship, but along the way they are attacked by a mysterious fleet of ships, when everything seemed lost, KOS-MOS once again arrives to save the day, soon after the new and improved Elsa also arrives.


First of all, enter the door to the east and watch the scene, after that, return to the previous room and go through the door to the northwest, enter the second room and explode the object to the northwest to find Segment Address 2, exit and enter the bar to the west, here you can perform Mission 27 of the GS Campaign and get DECODER 14, I suggest you do it now, when you’re done, go back two screens and take the elevator to B1, go west and talk to the Kamikaze robot to start Mission 32, but know that you probably won’t complete it anytime soon, talk to pink robot twice and give her the Geriatric Swinsuit for the Professor to wear, if you want, go down the stairs ahead just to see the Professor in her outfit shower, but for now, there’s nothing to do here, go to the UMN Device and enter Subconscious Domain (winter), go to Segment Address 15 and open it with the Decoder you got in Dammerung, get the chest from the SECRET KEY 5 which unlocks the level 2 Class D Skill “Stock 1”, return to Elsa and head to the bridge, talk to Mattews and choose the second option to go to Old Miltia.

On the way, the Elsa is intercepted by an enemy fleet, as there is no way to escape them, the group decides to enter the mothership and destroy it from the inside, when they regain control, go to the EVS Point and transport to Old Miltia 14 Years Ago, without ESs, as we will explore some parts that we couldn’t before, well, go ahead until some cylindrical objects that block the path, blow them up and climb the stairs to the west, go ahead to the next area, press the button at the end to activate the ladder, go down it and go south until you find a chest containing a BIO SPHERE, go back and open Segment Address 14, get a DECODER 07 and a ROBO PART RIGHT ARM from the chests, that’s all the To do here, exit the EVS and go through the door that leads to the Hangar.


In this dungeon we will go to ESs, in addition to Asher who you may already know, we also have Dinah and Zebulum, Jr, KOS-MOS and Momo are the main pilots of their respective ships and cannot be removed, the other characters can be placed as co-pilots on any of the ships, depending on the combination you will be able to use different special attacks, only two ESs can be used in battle and Zebulum is the only one that can use Ethers. Go forward until you enter the ship, continue forward until a fork, head east and shoot the mechanism at the end to discover the yellow Encephalon Forbidden Device, we’ll come back here much later, go back and head south to another fork, head northeast to the next area, continue forward until you see some mechanisms with two pins that you can shoot and a number above, don’t touch them for now, continue forward and you will see other mechanisms with the same numbers, notice that there are green lights on each side of them, well, go back to the pins and at each number shoot one of them until all the green lights go out, this will open a passage, go down the elevator that appeared and enter the door to the west, continue forward until you have Once you get out of the ESs, save if you want and go to the next area, press the red button to the north and go back to the ESs, go all the way back to the second fork.

This time go southwest to the end, blow up the metal plate to reveal a passage, go through it and go straight to a ramp to the north, ignore it and go down the next one to the west, go south until you can’t go any further and then east to a chest that contains a G SLOW GUARD, go back to the ramp that I told you to ignore and follow it, go east, go up the next ramp and go north to get a CHARGE RECOVER, go back to the first ramp and follow the path west until you reach a door to the next area, destroy the vehicles to find some items, save and climb onto the platform on the right, as it goes up, explode the object a little above, enter through the door to the north, Richard and Helmur are standing by. come back and want a revenge:

BOSS: Scutum (M) – 19200 HP, Pilum (M) – 17700 HP
This time they are not messing around, they have simple attacks that can cause 800 to 900 damage to a character and others that hit everyone and can cause until 1800, the group recommended here is Dinah and Zebulum with Jin and Chaos as co-pilots respectively, attack Pillum first, he has no specific weakness, send what you have best, there will come a time when Scutum will start to suffer half of the damage you cause when attacking Pillum, around the fifth turn he will go completely insane and use a cannon that can take out more than 6000 HP, and this in normal damage, if he uses this attack in the event slot critical, say goodbye to your ES, so don’t let that happen, recover the HP of whoever is hit (Yes, Momo, and only she, can use her ethers here.) and keep attacking until you finish him off, now things will be much easier, stock up on EC until 200 and then send Golden Arrow and Chained Blast at Scutum to cause great damage to him, when defeating them you will earn an ANTI-THUNDER ARMOR and an ANTI-FIRE ARMOR.

Press the button to the north to activate a bridge, now go all the way back to the place where you activated the elevator in the previous room and get the SECRET KEY 14 from the chest that unlocks the Class C skill at level 3 “Rapid Refresh” , go through the door to the west, go up the stairs and go forward to a conveyor belt, go up and go west until you see a wall that can be destroyed, shoot it several times and then go to a chest that contains the DECODER 02, go back and continue west, go up the stairs at the end, save and go through the door on the right, cross the bridge and in the next area go down a long ramp until you reach a room with an elevator, near it there are some objects with different weights, if you attack them from the right you will push them towards the elevator making it go down according to their weight, if you attack them from any other side you will destroy them, well, push the first two, destroy the second and push the next two, go down the stairs, climb the elevator and destroy the object below to reach the next door, you will be in a room with six black blocks that can be pushed, you must form a bridge to the other side, the blocks are arranged more or less as in scheme below:



Do the following: Push Block C to the north and then east, Block D to the north, east and north, Block A to the east and then north, Block B to the north, Blocks C, E and F (not necessarily in this order) to north, west and north, cross the bridge, on the other side we have green blocks in horizontal ABCDE, now we have to form another bridge to the rightmost block, push block D to the south twice, block E to the west and then south 3 times, block C to the south, east, south 2 times, and then east, Block B to the south, east 2 times, south 2 times and east 2 times, Block A to the south, east 3 times, south 2 times and east 3 times, you will then reach Segment Address 13, follow the door to the northeast to reach a room with some transporters, the yellow ones take you down and the blue ones up, well, go down the yellow one and go up the blue one at the end, go down through the yellow at the end and head east to find Segment Address 4, open it and get the SECRET KEY 9 from the chest that unlocks the Class H skill of level 2 “Expansion Pack”, go back and go up through the blue, blue again, go down the yellow and up the blue to return to the beginning of the room.

Go down the yellow one, go up the blue one, go down the first yellow one and then go down the next yellow ones three more times, go up the blue one, go down the yellow one and then go down the green conveyor in the center, save and go up the blue conveyor to the northeast, go forward up to the apex of the pyramid and enter through the passage that appears, you will find a strange woman, she says that we will not escape from here, so we better confess our sins before we die, well, I’ve never been a big fan of confessing, so let’s finish with this bitch… ahan, I mean, villain:

BOSS: Orgulla (M) – 18000 HP, DEFENSE BREAK – BCBB/CBB
Initially she uses an attack that causes 250 damage to a character, another that can also cause up to 550 to a character, there is also another that hits everyone and take 200 to 300 of each, the recommended group here is KOS-MOS, Jin and Shion, right at the beginning steal an AWAKENING II from her, stock ST with everyone, use Thunder Sword on Jin and KOS-MOS and then start the combo with Jin using QT, continue with KOS-MOS using QQCCC, Jin again using TTCCC and finish with Shion, this should cause around 4000 damage to her, repeat this combo once more and then she will transform and become stronger, her attacks can cause up to 600 damage to a character, and she frequently attacks those with the lowest HP, as if that weren’t enough, she also uses an attack in which she sacrifices some of her HP to considerably increase her attack and she can use this twice in a row, is that good for you? well, your Defense Break will change and your elemental weakness too, change Shion and KOS-MOS for Momo and Ziggy and again stock ST with everyone, use Flame Sword on Jin and Momo, start the combo with Ziggy using TQCCC, Jin uses TTCCC and Momo finishes, this should leave her last, fill up an ST level with each and use another combo to finish her off once and for all, when you defeat her you will earn an ETHER UPGRADE E.

Shoot one of the pillars in the room to make the structure below fall, exit and go down the yellow transporter, save and enter the structure to the north, you will be in a maze, in the center there is a bomb that can send this entire ship flying, it there are four detonators and they must be activated at the same time, for this you must adjust the red fuses throughout the maze, each fuse is in a red bar, two of them in two bars forming a V, notice that one of the bars is smooth and the other dotted one, well, shoot the single bar northeast of the panel, shoot the double bar further northeast, making the fuse go to the smooth bar, shoot the single bar northwest of the panel and the double bar further forward making the fuse go to the dotted bar, finally, shoot the simple bar that is in the smaller square to the west, leave the other one as it is, go to the panel and choose the second option to activate the detonator, now we have 30 minutes to get out of here , go all the way back and avoid battles as much as you can and when it’s not possible, finish them quickly, soon you will come across Pellegri and she won’t let us escape so easily.

BOSS: ES Isachaar (M) – 30400 HP
Compared to the last battle with ESs, this one will be easy, have the same group as the fight against Scutum and Pillum, initially your attacks cause 500 to 1000 damage to one or all ESs , attack in the triangle to fill the boosts, and then stock up on EC and send Chained Blast and Golden Arrow at her (the latter preferably in the Event Slot Critical), when you take away a good part of her HP, she will use an attack that increases her ethereo attack and in the next turn you will use Genesis which antagonizes everyone and can take more than 6000 HP from each if used in ES CRTC, at this time use boost + Medica 2 with Zebulum and continue attacking until you finish it, when you defeat it you will win an EMAX300 .

Watch the scene, Pellegri runs away leaving us about to be sucked into a black hole, but once again Durandal appears to save our ass, save your game and watch some more scenes, when you regain control, go to the train and head to Dock Area, enter Elsa and go to the room where Segment Address 2 is, open it and take the SECRET KEY 22 from the chest, which unlocks the level 3 H Class skill “Combo Boost”, now we can carry out the missions 4, 6, 10, 12, 22, 23, 29, 31, 33 and 34 in addition to finishing 32 (which I think is unlikely at the moment) of the GS Campaign, when you want to continue with the story, talk to Mattews and choose Yes to go to Old Miltia, watch some scenes, in one of them you will see that Dimitri Yuriev somehow took control of Gaignun’s body, after the scenes, you will be in Old Miltia, new GS Campaign missions can now be carried out, they are : 15, 17, 18 and 20, when you’re done, return to Old Miltia and exit Elsa through the Hangar door.


Go forward until a fork, destroy the truck to find a G-BLIND GUARD, go west until you have to leave the ESs and you will find Segment Address 10, go back and head northeast to the next area, go to another fork, destroy the objects around here until you find a G-WEAK GUARD, I advise you to equip it in Zebulum, go northwest, knock down the wall at the end and get a QUICK CHARGER from the chest, go back and continue forward to the next area, continue forward along the path higher until you leave the ESs, destroy the objects to find Segment Address 18, as we already have Decoder 18, open it and take the SECRET KEY 16 from the chest which unlocks the level 3 E Class skill “First Combo”, go back and blow up the truck that blocks the lower path, further ahead, destroy the boxes to get some items, continue forward to the next area, here you will find an enemy a little stronger, but he is not a boss, use attacks like Golden Arrow and Chained Blast and don’t forget to steal a G-POWER CHARGE from him, an excellent accessory at this point in the game, after defeating him, save and continue forward until the end, shoot the structure to form a bridge, follow it to the next area.

Go forward and you will see another door with a big star on top like the one we saw in Old Miltia (14 Years Ago), maybe it’s the same one, but I’m not sure, anyway, we can’t go in now, so when you get to Fork, go up the ramp to the south and destroy the rubble until you find a chest containing DECODER 09, go back and continue heading west to the next area, destroy the obstacles to find a G-POISON GUARD, you can’t get to the Save Point, because the water blocks the path so go left until some spherical objects, shoot them to knock them into the water, go back a little and shoot one of them to clear the path, save and go to the next area, walk until a scene starts , get ready, boss in the area:

BOSS: Neglfar Cannon (M) – 35200 HP
Don’t be scared by the high HP, this will be a very easy battle if you know what to do, right at the beginning he will use a shield that makes him invulnerable, notice the event slot in which he does this, you must attack him in this event slot twice to knock down the shield, his strongest attack is a cannon that can cause up to 4500 damage to a single target, the most recommended group is Zebulon and Dinah with Jin and Shion as their respective Co-pilots, first of all, steal an EMAX300 from him, with Zebulum take down his shields (use Boost if necessary) and heal whenever he needs it (but maybe not even), and then stock up on EC and send Golden Bow, Dinah uses Stock twice and use Tornado Fist after the shield drops, don’t pay attention to the other robots helping him, if you destroy them they will soon be restored, if he restores the shield just repeat the process, when you run out of his HP, he will use the reserve fuel and will recover 6000, which isn’t a big problem, just keep attacking until you finish off what’s left of him, when you defeat him you’ll earn a CLEAN GUARD.

Return to the Save Point to recover and then go to the next area, walk until you see a scene, after it, destroy the objects ahead and get a G ST DOUBLE from the chest, destroy the gate on the left, from here we will continue on foot , go down the stairs.


Go forward to a bridge, cross it and head south, go down and climb the stairs to the north, destroy the door ahead and get the SECRET KEY 13 from the chest that unlocks the level 3 Class A skill “Limiter Up” , examine the panel to the west to open a gate, follow it to the next area, now a small puzzle, to proceed you must adjust the water level to zero, there are three buttons for this, with the numbers 2, 6 and 5 , well, press buttons 6, 5, 2, 6 and 2 in this order, follow the path to the left until the next area, continue forward along the single path until the next area, after the scene, follow the door to the north and go right until you reach an intersection, go north to the end to find Segment Adress 5, return to the intersection and go left until the next area, save and enter the train.

When you disembark, go through the door to the north, you will arrive in a circular area with a Save Point to the north, go to it, get rid of the enemies and get DECODER 5 from the chest to the north, go all the way back to Segment Address 5 , open it and take the SECRET KEY 20 from the chest that unlocks the Class H skill of Level 3 Skill Up 10, I advise you to learn this skill as quickly as possible, go back to the circular room and follow the path to the southwest, follow forward to a red button, press it to go up the gate, go under it, you will see another button, don’t press it now, go to a chest to the northwest and get a REJUVENTOR And now, go back and press the button , go back to the first button and press it again, go south over the gates until you reach a third button, press it and then press the first button again, now take the only possible path to the next area, one more puzzle, now you must push the blocks to form a bridge to the door to the northeast or to the chest to the northwest, but be careful, once you shoot a stack of blocks, they all fall at once, the stacks are arranged more or less as in the diagram below:


Shoot pile A from the south, B, F and E from the north, D and C from the south, go to the chest and get 5 SKILL UPGRADE D, and then go through the door to the northeast, soon you will reach the floor from above the circular room, examine the southernmost panel and then go down the red elevator, save if you want and follow the southeast path, go to a staircase, go up and break the boxes to get some items, go down the northernmost staircase two floors, break the boxes until you find a chest containing a REJUVENATOR DX, climb the ladder just behind two floors, destroy the boxes and enter through the door to the north, here is a small maze, to move forward, you must shoot the cylinders in the top, they are arranged as follows:


Very well, shoot in this order: D once, B once, E once, C three times, go down and get the chest 6 CLASS UPGRADE B, go back to the cylinders and shoot as follows: C once, B twice, D twice and C once to clear the way to another chest that contains a BOOST MAX, go back to the cylinders and this time shoot C twice, A once, B twice and C once to open the way to the door a northwest, follow until you reach the circular room, examine the southernmost panel and go down the red elevator, save and go down the elevator just to the south and then go through the door to the north, after the scene, go up the elevator to the west and exterminate the panel from the south to go up the structure in the middle, go down the elevator and press the red button in the center, go up again, go west to another panel, examine it to lower the structure, follow the only possible path and enter the door at the end, see In the scene, Jin begins to extract data from Canaan, Shion asks what this data is and Jin reveals that it contains, among other things, the identity of the true culprit for the tragedy 14 years ago and clears Joachim Mizrahi, which leaves Momo very fortunately, originally the U-TIC Organization was founded to study Zohar, but members of another organization, the “Imigrant Fleet”, infiltrated and tried to obtain the data, they ended up causing the tragedy that originated U-DO and brought the Gnosis to this universe and led to the destruction of Miltia, so that the tragedy would not spread to other planets, Joachim Mizhari made a difficult decision: He threw Miltia into a black hole and sacrificed a large part of its citizens to seal U-DO.

Jin will temporarily leave the group, after the scene, press the button to the north and leave, go down the elevator to the east and go through the door to the north, go down the elevator ahead, save and go through the door to the north, you will have to go through some enemies to reach the next room, return to the Save Point to recover whenever you need, when you reach the next area, watch the scene, after another spectacular duel between Jin and Margulis, we will face the Colonel once again:

BOSS: Margulis (B) – 20800 HP
Margulis is much more aggressive here, most of his attacks are based on the fire element, so have protection against this, the most dangerous is the one that hits everyone and can cause up to 550 damage, Jin will join the battle automatically, the other recommended characters are Jr. and Momo, first steal AWAKENING III from him and then stock ST with everyone, Margulis has a high evasion rate, especially against Jin’s attacks, so attack him preferably when his back is turned, start the combo with Jr. using TQ, followed by Jin with TQCCC, Jr again just in the circle and finish with Momo, when he loses around 80% of his HP, he will start charging an attack that will kill everyone after three turns, so don’t waste time and finish him off as quickly as possible, the final blow must be delivered by Jin, upon defeating him you will earn 2 SKILL UPGRADE E.

Margulis leaves and the group arrives where the original Zohar is and also Cecile and Cathe, Shion is horrified by what she sees, the group will then meet the Patriarch, leader of the Imigrant Fleet, he reveals that in fact the organization is called Ormus and that they have existed since ancient times, he also says that Zohar is their property and that they will use it to rid the universe of Gnosis and also weak humans and bring about a new order, the group tries to stop him, but he uses a powerful robot called Proto Omega to take over Zohar, the group has no other option but to get out, see the spectacular scene where Miltia is completely destroyed, save your game and after a few scenes you will be in Durandal, to continue with the story we must go to Omega System, but first, let’s do some optional things, first go to Uzuki Residence in Second Miltia and open Segment Address 9, get the SECRET KEY 4 from the chest, which unlocks the H Class skill of level 1 EP REGEN, Now go to some EVS Point and enter Dammerüng Restricted Area, go to Segment Address 7, open it and get the ROBO PART LEFT ARM from the chest, now go to the Professor’s Laboratory on Elsa, talk to him to learn Ether ” Erde Storm” for Shion, you can also carry out missions 14, 16, 26 and 35 of the GS Campaign, when finished, talk to Mattews to go to Omega System, exit Elsa through the hangar door.


Go forward to an electric fence, destroy it and go down the elevator, on the first floor choose Stop and go right, defeat the enemy, destroy the obstacle ahead and enter to find Segment Address 17, open it and take it in the chest the SECRET KEY 28 which unlocks the Class D skill of level 4 “Best Ally”, go back to the elevator and choose Down to continue going down, at the next stop, if you want there is a NANO SPHERE to the left, continue going down and at the next stop there is an item on the right and a save point on the left, we can’t go across the bridge now, so go back to the elevator and continue going down, go left until the brown floor where you will have to exit the ES, enter through the next door, destroy the the boxes to find stairs, go up until you see a green door, go straight through it and enter another one at the end, examine the panel to unlock the door at the back, go back and enter the other green door, cross the bridge, destroy the objects on the right to find a chest containing the SECRET KEY 24 that unlocks the level 4 Class A skill “Curse”, now touch the panel on the left to unlock another door, go all the way back to where your ESs are.

Follow the door to the north and continue forward until you reach a green door where once again we will go on foot, the door gives access to an elevator, go down it, the panel ahead activates the elevator where our ESs are, but it is out of power, go down the stairs, notice some mechanisms on the way, they serve to remove the obstacles that prevent the elevator where the ESs are from going down, but don’t touch them now, continue going down the stairs to a Save Point, save if you want and go to the next elevator, move the panel to activate the power, go back to the panel that activates the elevator and activate it, immediately go to the mechanism that removes the obstacle and activate it, but be careful not to activate it too soon too much or it will close and make the elevator return, continue going down and activate the second mechanism, when the elevator passes by it, go to the elevator near the save point, go down it and enter the ES, head towards the door to the north, but something appears to block our path:

BOSS: Inversion (M) – 49600 HP
His attacks are not very worrying at the beginning, as they do not take more than 1500 damage, the recommended group here is Dinah with Jin as co-pilot and Zebulum with Ziggy, both equipped with EMAX300 (if If you only have one, put it on Zebulum), only use normal attacks if you need to fill the Boost bar, stock EC up to 300 and use Meteor Blast (in the event critical) and Iron Blade or Twin Dragons to deal around 15000 damage to him, repeat the operation once again and that’s where the appeal begins, he will be in a counterattack position and anything you use on him will make him use an attack that hits everyone and can cause up to 3000 damage and this twice in a row, When this happens, take the opportunity to heal and use Stock until he leaves that position and then continue attacking until you finish him, when you defeat him you will gain an AUTO RECOVER.

Go through the door to the north and we will have a puzzle to solve, there are some blocks in a maze, you must destroy them to get them out of the way, you can only shoot them from the green side, there are also some yellow boxes that hide items, among them a CHARGE BOOST and AN ETHER PD GUARD, there is no secret here, just destroy all the boxes to get to the door to the northwest, in the next room another puzzle, this one a little more complicated, you must destroy the boxes to the north in order to form a bridge, but be careful, when you shoot a box, all adjacent boxes of the same color will be destroyed, there are 10 columns of boxes, which I will call 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10, so when I say to shoot column 3 for example, I’m saying to shoot the third one from left to right, (use the L1 and R1 buttons to select targets) very well, here’s the solution:

  • In column 8, shoot the blue box that is highest;
  • In column 9, shoot the red box that is lowest;
  • In column 7, shoot any yellow box;
  • In column 10, shoot the highest yellow box;
  • In column 9, shoot the red box;
  • In column 4, shoot the lowest red box;
  • In column 6, shoot the highest blue box;
  • In column 1, shoot the yellow box;
  • In column 3, shoot the lowest blue box;
  • In column 4, shoot the highest blue box;
  • In column 1, shoot any blue box;
  • In column 2, shoot any yellow box and then the blue one;
  • Finally, in column 3 shoot any red box and then the blue one.

Save and leave the ESs to the north, enter the purple door on the right and destroy the box at the end to find a Med Kit DX, go back and enter the green door, destroy the objects until you find a BOOST MAX, go back and go through the purple door on the right. left, go forward and then turn south just before the second enemy, destroy the object at the end and get the SECRET KEY 27 from the chest that unlocks the Class C skill at level 4 ST Double, go back and continue forward until the green door, before entering press the red button on the wall, in the next area you will see some yellow crystals, some of them hide very annoying enemies, which initially don’t seem like much, but when they are almost dying they use an attack that can kill the entire group and if by miracle someone survives, in the next turn they will recover all their HP, in short, I advise you to avoid them for now, as you won’t gain anything really important by defeating them, if you want, you can come back later when you are stronger , break just the penultimate crystal before the door to get an item, and continue to the next area.

There are more crystals here, just break the third one to get a Skill Upgrade C and go through the door to the north, go to the giant luminous object and shoot it to reveal a save point, do what you have to do and follow the platform to the north, Get ready for another boss:

BOSS: Cathedral (M) – 32000 HP
Initially its only attack hits everyone and causes 130 to 150 damage, nothing to worry about, the recommended group here is KOS-MOS, Momo and Chaos or Ziggy (I prefer Chaos), stock ST with everyone and send a combo initiated by KOS-MOS with TT, then Chaos with TTCCC, KOS-MOS again and finish with Momo, after that the message “Wheel of Memory begins to turn” should appear, at that moment DO NOT ATTACK IT IN ANY WAY, I won’t go into details, but you definitely don’t want to know what happens if you don’t follow my advice, go back to stocking ST, healing or using assistance ethers and only when the message “White Robe Awakens” appears ” attack him again, repeat this scheme, when he loses more than half of his HP he will use an attack in which he chooses a character and in the next turn a countdown begins, at the end of it, that character will die, to avoid this , at the moment the countdown starts, exchange that character for another and the attack will be cancelled, if you want, then return that character to the battlefield, continue attacking in the same way and this could be an easy battle, when you defeat him. You will earn a SKILL UPGRADE E.

Before proceeding, I advise you to return to the save point to recover and save, examine the monitor to the north to move a large platform and get to where the Patriarch is, he doesn’t seem too worried about the group’s presence, then Albedo arrives and attacks him , wanting to take Zohar’s power for himself, but not even he is a match for the power of Proto Omega and ends up being destroyed (or not!), Jr. becomes furious and says that the only one who can destroy Albedo is him:

BOSS: Patriarch (B) – 21600 HP (1st form); 32400 HP (2nd form)
DEFENSE BREAK: BCBB (1st form); BCC (2nd form)
The recommended group here is Jr., Momo and Jin or KOS-MOS (I preferred Jin), initially his attacks are not too worrying, as long as you don’t let him execute them in the Event Slot Critical, then guy, steal an AWAKENING IV from him and then do the usual, stock up on ST with everyone and start the combo with Jin, using QTCCC and then with Jr. and Momo (not necessarily in that order) just in the circle, keep repeating this scheme until you end up with him, but don’t think he’s going to give up so easily, he returns, now with higher HP and much more powerful attacks that cause several negative statuses, his DEFENSE BREAK will change, but his weakness remains the same, once again keep stocking up ST and start the combo with Momo by pressing circle once, followed by Jin with TTCCC and then Jr and Momo only in the circle, keep everyone’s HP full, or at least Jin’s above 1000, because when you get around 80 % of his HP, he will use the Proto Omega attack that hits everyone and can take up to 900 HP from each, it would be good to have Jr. and Momo with the Last Revenge Skill to avoid premature death for both, in any case, recover everyone as quickly as possible and finish off what’s left of this bastard’s HP, when you defeat him you’ll earn a SKILL UPGRADE E.

The Patriarch does not give up and tries to fire the Proto Omega cannon, but is stopped by three hooded men, he calls them Testament and before he can say anything more, the men vaporize him, Ziggy recognizes the man in black and is taken out of anger, he tries to attack him, but is easily knocked down, Testament then bring Albedo back and he merges with Zohar creating an anomaly in space-time, the group manages to escape on Elsa, already on Durandal, Jin says that the anomaly it will soon expand and swallow the entire galaxy and the only way to stop it is to destroy the source, that is, Albedo, but the risks would be enormous, Jr. so he decides to go alone, when he regains control, take the train to Park Area, go to the park, watch the scene where Jr. talks to Shion, Ziggy and Momo, and then head to the anomaly.


Save your game and continue forward, on the way you will see some scenes, soon you will meet Albedo, Jr. still trying to make him stop the anomaly, but Albedo is completely insane and doesn’t care about his request, then the brothers’ time arrives. settle their accounts… once and for all:

FINAL BOSS: Albedo (B) – 5300 HP
First of all, know that it is impossible to lose this battle, the problem here is how to win it, since if you make the final attack at the wrong time Albedo recovers well part of your HP, prolonging the fight even further, initially stock up on ST, use Aura Sword on Jr. and send any combo at him, attack until his HP is below a thousand, from that moment on, use only simple attacks until you finish off what’s left of the his HP.

Albedo recognizes Jr.’s power and says that now he no longer needs to fear seeing his brothers die and that he has finally found the peace he was looking for, Chaos manages to get Jr. out of the anomaly before it falls apart, already on Durandal, the group is ready to catch Zohar, when a gigantic ship called Abel’s Ark appears and absorbs it, see the rest of the ending for yourself and after the credits there is an extra scene where you discover that there is a fourth Testament, what will await us in episode 3.

Save your game, because it’s not over yet, we have some extra dungeons to explore, GS Campaign missions to complete, Segmet Addresses to open and Secret Bosses to defeat, all of this can only be done with a Clear Game Save, so save and then load this save, you will be at Elsa, talk to the Professor who is right behind you, he says that he has an evil twin brother and that he is planning something evil that involves the “Forbidden Device” and in addition he is also building a giant robot called “Dark Erde Kaiser”, so he asks for our help to stop him and says that you must talk to the other Professor in Second Miltia, but first, go to the UMN Device and enter the Omega System, but this time without the E.Ss (choose “character”), go forward to the elevator, go down to the end and go to the large door to the northwest, destroy the boxes to the north until you find a chest, inside it is DECODER 10.

Go back to the previous screen and take the elevator up once, follow the bridge west to the next area, continue to another elevator, go down it and continue forward until you reach a room with another elevator, several stairs and three stacks of green boxes , well, destroy the mechanism ahead and then destroy the only two possible boxes, go down the elevator and explode a box from the most southwestern pile, go up and explode the two boxes from the northernmost pile, go down and explode a box from that same pile stack, go up and go to the northeast mechanism, blow it up to reveal a chest containing 20 SKILL UPGRADE D (Yes!), go down and blow up all the remaining boxes in the southwest pile and then blow up a box in the southeast pile, go up and follow to another mechanism, explode it to find a chest containing 10 CLASS UPGRADE C, go down and explode all the remaining boxes, head to the mechanism to the east and explode it to find a chest containing the SECRET KEY 25 that unlocks the Skill of the level 4 of Class B “Focus 2”, that’s all to do here, leave Omega System and enter Submerged City, go to Segment Address 10 and open the chest to get SECRET KEY 26 which unlocks the level 4 Skill from Class C “Overload”, ok, now let’s talk to the Other Teacher, in case you don’t remember, his laboratory is next to the Ballet Academy, in Sector 1 of Second Miltia.

When talking to the Other Professor he will give you SEQUENCER B, an item that allows you to access the yellow Forbidden Device, this Divice is in Ormus Stronghold, so go there via the UMN Device, enter the ship and head east at the first fork to reach the Forbidden Device, examine it to be transported to a new area.


Shoot from the whirlpool just ahead to get a G ETHER PD GUARD, be careful, some whirlpools hide enemies and they will always surround you, which won’t be good for you, also shoot the pillars to get some healing items, go underneath from the platform on the left and go up the other side, defeat the enemy and get a G POISON GUARD from the chest, I advise you to equip it, as the enemies here tend to leave this status a lot, go down and shoot the whirlpool to the northeast to get a G LOST GUARD, defeat the enemy a little to the south and go to the red door to “Segment Address 8”, if you are following the walkthrough, you should already have his decoder, so open it and get the ROBO PART BODY from the chest, Go back and search the wall to the north for a place where you can shoot and open a secret passage, follow it.

Go forward until a fork, explode the boxes to get some items, follow the right path to the next area, get a G STUN GUARD from the chest, go back and follow the left path, touch the mechanism with the red light to move the bridge, go to the next area, go forward until another fork, go north to the next area, get a G BIND GUARD from the chest and go back to the fork, this time go west and then south to return to the previous area, follow east at the fork and get a G POISON EP GUARD from the chest, go back and head west to return to the outside area, get a POWER SHIELD from the chest, go back two screens and go to the fork, now take the path east to the next area, Save your game and let’s face the boss ahead:

BOSS: Scarabeille (G) – 96000 HP
This boss is quite easy if you know what to do, otherwise you could have serious problems, the most advisable group is Asher and Zebulum with Shion and Ziggy as respective co-pilots, have both protected against poison and equipped with EMAX 300, right at the beginning of the battle move one of the ESs to the other side to leave the enemy surrounded, stock up on EC until you have 300 and then use Odin Buster and Meteor Blast when his back is turned for damage of up to 20000, but be careful, when he has less than 30000 HP, you must pay attention, if the message “Scarabeille boosted you engine” or something similar appears, DO NOT ATTACK him, as not only will you not cause damage to him, he will will return the attack to you, causing up to 15000 damage to the entire group, wait for him to launch an attack at you and then send a bullet, when you defeat him, you will gain a SKILL UPGRADE E.

Go to the next area and get the SEQUENCER C from the chest, which unlocks the red Forbidden device, enter the yellow device to return to Ormus Stronghold and then exit the UMN, go to Elsa and give the Professor the Robo Part Body (talk to him twice), to finally complete the Erde Kaiser, he will ask you what type of body you want: A, B, or C, I honestly can’t tell the difference between them, so choose any one and Shion will learn the Ether “Erde Kaiser Fury”, then head to a UMN Device and enter Subconcious Domain (summer), head east until you reach the red Forbidden Device, examine it to be transported to…


Go forward to the next area, go north to the next door, there is an elevator here, but it is not working, continue forward to the next room, destroy the objects to get some items, follow the conveyor belt to the southwest and go forward and press the blue button at the end to lower the stairs, follow the bridge to the right to the next area, press the blue button at the end to activate the elevator, go to it and use it to get to the other side, in the next area follow until the save point, save if you want and go to the next area, here there is another deactivated elevator, so enter the door to the south and explode the objects in this area until you find a chest containing a SECRET KEY 29 that unlocks the level 4 skill of the class D “Skill Up 15”, take the elevator to the east, go straight to another elevator, go up it and press the blue button to lower the stairs, save if you want and go upstairs to the next area, press the blue button to activate the elevator, go down it and enter the door to the south, go forward to the next door, activate the crane at the end to remove some obstacles, return to the previous area and go down the stairs near the door.

Go to the next area, you will see another deactivated elevator, continue forward and explode the objects on the left until you find another Save Point, save and go north, west and then south, defeat the enemy and get the SECRET KEY 30 from the chest that unlocks the level 4 skill of class D “Experience Up 15”, go back a little to the fork and go right, press the blue button to lower the ladder and save, go down the conveyor belt and prepare for a boss:

BOSS: Duller Soul (G) – 57600 HP
At first you can’t break his defense, so don’t even try, the recommended group here is Jr., Momo and Jin or KOS-MOS (I went with Jin) , stock ST with everyone and then use simple attacks until the message “Break guard is gone” appears, then use Ice Sword and Attacker on everyone, start the combo with Jr. by pressing QT, continue with Jin with TTCCC followed by Jr and Momo just in the circle, repeat this scheme and heal whenever necessary, try not to take too long to kill him or he may use a fire attack that can kill the entire group, it would be good to have everyone equipped with Flame Coat and Last Revenge just in case , when you defeat him you get a SKILL UPGRADE E.

Go back to the Save Point to recover and save, then go to the next area and activate another elevator, go back to it to get to the other side, go to the next area and you will arrive in a room with a mechanism in the center, examine it and choose the first option, you will have to do the following: there are 8 colored boxes and you must shoot them in a certain order to open the door to the north, you have 5 shots and you must use them all, so shoot the following: Red, orange, yellow, gray and blue, go through the door that opened and collect SEQUENCER A from the chests, which unlocks the green Forbidden Device and the PINK BOOK, an item necessary to complete mission 21 of the GS Campaign, go to the portal on the right to return to Subconscious Domain and then exit UMN. The Green Forbidden Device is in the basement of the Other Professor’s laboratory, head there and enter to be transported to:


Continue forward destroying the crystals on the sides to get some items, enter the castle, at the end you will see a locked door, save if you want and go back a little to the intersection, go right and then south to a box, destroy it to discover a chest containing the SECRET KEY 31 that unlocks the level 4 skill of class D “Rebound”, go back a little and follow the path to the left until the end, defeat the enemy, (he is not a boss, but he is It’s good to have protection against fire, it’s weak against ice so use that to your advantage) and a mechanism will appear higher up, go north and turn right at the yellow bomb and then destroy the block at the end, go back to the first fork and follow left and the next left again and then destroy the red mechanism, go back and go right to a box, blow it up to reveal a chest containing 6 SKILL UPGRADE E.

Go through the door on the right to reach an outside area, defeat the monster to the north (have protection against thunder this time, its weakness is Aura, so have Chaos in your group), destroy the mechanism that appeared higher up and enter through the door on the left from where the monster was, destroy the block at the end and go back to the save point to recover and save, go through the door north of the yellow bomb and face the last monster (this time have protection against ice and use fire attacks on it) , after defeating him, go back and go through the door to the southwest, destroy the last mechanism to unlock the door near the save point, go there and do what you have to do, go in and start climbing the tower, on the second floor there is a fork right at the beginning, to the right, at the end there is a very strong enemy, unfortunately we have to eliminate him and the easiest way to do this is with Erde Kaiser Fury so as soon as the battle is over use Aura Sword on Shion and send the robot to cause up to 10000 damage to everyone, if there is anyone left standing, use Aura Sword on the rest of the group and send your strongest combos, when you defeat them some flames will light up in the area, return to the previous area and head south, in the area Next, as you walk, halfway there is a part of the wall that can be blown up, do this to find Segment Address 12, continue forward.

In the next external area there is another fork to the left at the end, there is another enemy like that, use the same scheme as before to light more flames, go back and continue moving forward until you reach the save point, save and go to the next area, you should face some monsters, the problem is that when you kill one, it is soon resurrected, so you must kill them all at once, for this, have Shion in the group and use Erde Kaiser Fury in the CRT or ETR event slot (use a boost if necessary ), when you defeat them, an elevator will rise and at the top will be the boss of that place:

BOSS: Nepos Rigas (G) – 59000 HP
This will be a quarry, the most recommended group here is Chaos, Jin and KOS-MOS, at first their attacks are not very worrying, so stock ST with everyone use Aura Sword on Jin and KOS-MOS and start the combo with one of the two doing TQ followed by Chaos with TTCCC and finishing with the other two, follow this scheme, when he loses half of his HP the appeal begins, he will use attacks that cause status negatives like EP Poison and Bind, which prevents you from using normal attacks, but the worst of all is Ragnarok which hits everyone and causes fire damage of over 1000 HP, that is if you are equipped with Flame Coat and I hope you are , as if that weren’t enough, he also creates a barrier that prevents you from breaking his defense, heal whenever necessary and use simple attacks until the message “Shield is Gone” appears and then send another combo at him (don’t forget the Aura Sword before), when his HP is below 10000 he will start to counterattack all your attacks with a powerful blow, so do the following, swap one of your characters for Shion and use Aura Sword on her, then send an Erde Kaiser Fury to use up what’s left of your HP, when you defeat him you’ll earn a SKILLUPGRADE E.

Get the DECODER 12 chest, go back to Segment Address 12 and open it, get the SEQUENCER D from the chest, go back to the boss location and enter the green Forbidden Device to go back to Second Miltia, now you must go back to the Desert and follow until the other yellow portal at the end, but this time you must follow the northeast path, leaving the ESs, at the end there is a different portal that can be opened with Sequencer D, it will take you to:


Go forward until you reach the arena, you will see the Professor and the Dark Professor arguing, the second says that he intends to conquer the Encephalon, so everyone who accesses the UNM Device will be under his control, of course we will not allow that to happen, right?

BOSS: Dark Erde Kaiser (M) – 192000 fucking HP
That’s right friends, we’ll have to face a giant robot with all this HP WITHOUT ESs, well, let’s move on to his attacks: Dark Knucle which he uses a lot, hits one character and deals up to 800 damage, it would be nice to have everyone with the Inner Peace skill learned, Dark Cyclone hits everyone and deals similar damage, Dark Chaos which he rarely uses deals fire damage of up to 1200 HP, so have everyone equipped with Flame Coat, besides some that cause negative statuses, the most recommended group here is Jr. Momo and Chaos or Ziggy (I prefer Ziggy because of his high HP), stock ST with everyone, use Flame Sword on Momo and Jr. then start the combo with Jr. only in the circle, then Ziggy also only in the circle and finish with Momo, repeat this scheme and heal whenever necessary, when he loses about half of his HP, he will use Kaiser Shield which will make him practically invulnerable. rest of the battle, at this point you think: F@#$%, but calm down, replace Momo with Shion and send Erde Kaiser Fury to remove the shield and also the smile from the Dark Professor’s face, since the Dark Erde Kaisar’s defense will drop Suddenly, bring Momo back and continue with the combos until you finish him off, when you defeat him you will earn a SKILL UPGRADE E.

The Dark Professor congratulates us, but says that it’s not over yet, as there are other enemies stronger than the Dark Erde Kaiser in Desert and Old Miltia and without saying anything else he runs away, but what he didn’t say is that there is also another optional boss in Dammerüng, and that’s the one we’ll face first, so return to the real world, enter the nearest UMN Device and go all the way to the place where you faced the boss:

OPTIONAL BOSS: Phobos Rigas (G) – 55555 HP
First of all, let’s look at the recommended skills for this battle ST Resist 20 in everyone is fundamental, Best Ally is highly recommended, but if that’s not possible, Safety Level now help, in addition to Last Revenge, Inner Peace isn’t bad either, even with all this it won’t be easy, try stealing an AUTO RECOVER from him, he has several attacks that cause annoying negative statuses, Buried alive can be fatal depending on the Event Slot whatever he uses, the worst thing is that if he has the chance he will use boost like crazy, so don’t hesitate, have Chaos, KOS-MOS and Jin as your starting group, use Best Ally/Safety Level on everyone and stock ST with everyone, use Aura Sword on Jin and KOS-MOS, start the combo with one of the two using TQ, continue with Chaos using QTCCC and finish with the other two, continue with this scheme and heal/revive whenever necessary, when you get about 20000 HP, the This thing gets even more complicated as he starts using Fear which gradually increases his stats, at this point swap Jin or KOS-MOS for Shion, stock ST with everyone, use Aura Sword on everyone and Ether Spear on Shion, then start the combo with KOS-MOS/Jin, continue with Chaos, KOS-MOS/Jin again and finish with Shion (preferably in the Event Slot CTR or ETR) to deal more than 40000 critter damage, which would be more than enough to finish him off, but the bastard recovers 1500 HP and just to make you angry he is still immune to defense breakdown, stock up on ST again and then use some powerful Double Attack to finish off this wretch once and for all, when you defeat him you get an EMAX300.

Leave the UMN and enter again, this time we go to Old Miltia, enter with characters and continue forward to where the boss is, right after the second save point, let’s fight:

OPTIONAL BOSS: Baal Zebul (G) – 99999 HP
DEFENSE BREAK: BCBC (but can change)
Some information to start with, you can use the MOVE command in this battle, but why did I say that now, you ask me? You’ll already understand, but first let’s look at his attacks: he has a physical attack that can cause at least 800 HP to a character and a fire attack that also hits a character (Flame Coat reduces the damage a little), both can be dodged if you have Inner Peace, there is a thunder attack that hits everyone and can cause Status Bind, which is not good at all, so have everyone with ST Resist + 20, this attack attack can also be dodged, although it is more difficult, but his most powerful attack is when he launches a green goo at the self and in the next turn it falls on the selected character causing more than 3500 damage, in other words, certain death, but there is a way to avoid this, before launching the slime it will show the character that will be the target in close-up, well, move that character to another position (use a Boost if necessary), so the slime will fall into an empty space, ok, now let’s attack, the recommended group it’s Momo, Jr. and KOS-MOS, as soon as the battle starts, move a character behind the monster, leaving it surrounded, if you want you can steal an AUTO RECOVERY from it, use Best Ally/Safety Level on everyone and then stock up ST and use Ice Sword on everyone, but be careful, at the beginning he is immune to defense break, so use simple attacks until this immunity disappears (you will know when he uses a Counter Boost), when this happens you will have little time until he restore this immunity, then start the combo with Jr. using QT, then KOS-MOS with QTCCC and then finish with Jr. and Momo in that order, follow this scheme, when you get about 40000 HP from him, he will start using Boost like crazy , he will also start using an attack that does no damage, but prevents you from using the MOVE command for a few turns, at this time the Best Ally/Safety Level will be more fundamental than ever, after some time the attack is canceled and ends up causing a little damage to him, when he has less than 30000 HP, exchange Momo for Shion, stock ST and then use Ice Sword on everyone and Ether Spear on Shion, try to make a combo of at least 10 hits with Jr and KOS-MOS and finish with Shion using Erde Kaiser Fury to finish off what’s left of him, defeating him will earn you an EMAX300.

Leave the UMN, now return to the Desert via Ormus Stronghold, go to the place where you faced the boss and a new one will be waiting for you, save and let’s face the last optional boss of the game.

OPTIONAL BOSS: Mikumari (M) – 200000 HP
He has 2 fighting modes and alternates between them, in “Creeping Mode” he uses several devastating attacks that always hit everyone and can cause up to 13000 damage, in “Pure Mode” , he will spend a few turns doing nothing, unless you attack him, then he will go back to Creeping Mode immediately, but if you use ethers with Down in the name on him (Down Ether, Down Force) he will… heal you, this it will be a really difficult battle and I advise you to have your ESs at level 50 at least, the recommended group is Zebulum with Shion or Ziggy as co-pilots (it won’t make much difference, as he practically won’t attack) and Asher with Jin, both equipped with Auto Recovers, have Momo with the Skills EP Regen, EP Half, Combo Boost and ST Resist 20 (ST Resist 30 would be even better), as soon as the battle starts he will use an attack that should cause 10000 to 13000 damage to everyone , with Momo keep everyone’s HP above 13000, use Boost if necessary and when not use Quick on Zebulum and Boost 1 to fill the bar, with Jr. stock EC, when he enters Pure Mode, use some Down Ether with Momo to make him recover his HP while Jr. moves to his back and then attacks with Wings of Light which should cause 15000 to 20000 damage, as he loses HP he will increase his parameters, this means that he will take longer in Creeping Mode, just continue with the strategy, but also pay attention when he enters Pure Mode, a message may appear that says he doesn’t want you to use Break Ethers (Break Sensors, Break Armor, etc.) , don’t listen to him and use them to make him fill your HP, if you have a chance try to steal an Auto-Recover from him, good luck, when you defeat him you will win another EMAX300.

Well, that’s it, we’re done with all the game’s challenges, perhaps the only thing left to do is complete GS Quest 32 which is to pay Mattews’ debt, you can sell the EMAX300 and Auto Recovers accessories for 500000 G each, another way To achieve this is by returning to Omega System and facing the Patriarch again to steal an Awakening IV from him, you can sell it for the same price, if you have patience do this until you get it, thanks guys and until the next walkthrough.


Talk to the girl named Jacqueline up front at the clinic in Second Miltia, you should have Shion, Momo or KOS-MOS leading the group, she asks you to deliver a love letter to a guy named Sydney , choose the first option to accept and you will receive SIDNEY’S LETTER, go to the Space Port and then enter Durandal, go to Kukai Foundation and then go to Urban Area, you will find Sydney at the Iron Man Bar, talk to him and he will give you will give a letter to deliver to Jacqueline, go give it to her to complete the mission, you will earn SECRET KEY 1, this item unlocks the level 1 H Class Skill “Psycho Pocket”.

You must have completed mission 1 to start this one, talk to a man called Sikes, he is the patient lying in the eastern part of the Second Miltia clinic, he is a postman and as he is unable to deliver your correspondence he asks us to do so, accept and he will give you 4 letters, let’s go, the first letter you must deliver to a man called Enrico, he is in Publishing Agency in Sector 2 of Second Miltia, talk to him and choose the first option to deliver the Spade Letter, now head to Duranda and go to the Park Area, look for a man named Eugene and give him the Heart Letter, the next letter must be delivered to a woman named Ulrica, she is in Spaceport, but be careful with this part, because if you talk to a little girl called Kenna, she asks if the letter is for her, choose the second option to not give her the letter, because if you do that the mission will fail, talk to Ulrica and choose the first option to deliver the Club Letter, finally go to Kukai Foundation, in Urban Area go to the west side and look near the fountain for a woman named Patricia, give her the Diamond Letter, go back to the clinic and Talk to Sikes to complete the mission, you will earn SECRET KEY 2 which unlocks the Level 1 H Class skill “Break B10”.

Go to Kukai Foundation and head to the western part of the Urban Area and enter the Lavare laundry, talk to a woman named Sheila, she asks us to get rid of the rats that are infesting the attic, accept and let’s go to work, go up the stairs to the north and talk to the woman called Amber who will explain what to do, you must shoot the rats with the square button to catch them, you will have a minute and a half to catch 10 rats, at the beginning you may get a little confused, if you don’t succeed the first time you can try again as many times as necessary, you’ll soon get the hang of it, when you succeed, Amber will give you the SECRET BOX, go talk to Sheila to complete the mission, you will receive the SECRET KEY 6 that unlocks the Level 2 Class H Skill “Rare + 10”.

This is perhaps the most annoying and tedious mission in the game, talk to the robot called Spumoni in Elsa’s B1, he says that a robot called Zaza is missing and asks us to find it, accept it and he will say that Zaza said he would go to Shion’s place of work, well, go to Second Miltia and head to Vector Second Division and look for a man named Woody, he will give you ZAZA’S CLUE 1, head to Kukai Foundation and go to Fishing Lab, talk to a girl named Mika and she will give you ZAZA’S CLUE 2, go to Publishing Agency and talk to the woman named Lorraine, she will give you ZAZA’S CLUE 3, go to Durandal’s Park Area and look for Sean to receive o ZAZA’S CLUE 4, go back to Second Miltia and go to Sector Two, look for a woman called Yolanda and she will give you ZAZA’S CLUE 5, go to Kukai Foundation and go to the fountain in Urban Area, talk to Jessica to receive the ZAZA’S CLUE 6, go back to Second Miltia and go to UMN Control Center and look for a woman named Sylvia, she will give you ZAZA’S CLUE 7 (this is the last one, I swear!), go back to Kukai Foundation and in the launch area you will finally find Zaza completely disassembled, he asks you to enter the password to activate self-maintenance, the password is 2587643, go talk to Spumoni to receive your reward: 20 SKILL UPGRADE D and a REJUVENATOR E.

Go to Uzuki Residence in Second Miltia and talk to Jun in the library, he asks you to help him organize some books, accept and you will go to a mini game that consists of lining up sets of books. According to the yellow symbols at the top and also combining the figures on the sides, it’s not very difficult and if you don’t succeed at first you can try again as many times as necessary, when you succeed you will win DECODER 1 from Jun and you will also learn the Double Attack “Angelic Requiem” for Jr. and Shion.

Talk to Chop in the Moby Dick Cafe kitchen with one of the girls leading the group, he asks us to help him prepare a dish that will impress his demanding mentor, accept and talk to him again, you must give him the spices by pressing the corresponding button, you will have a minute and a half to give him 45 spices, the problem is that if you make a mistake just once the mission will fail, so I advise you to save before trying, well, when you succeed you will win the DECODER 17 and CURRY RECIPE, which is of absolutely no use, but…

Go to Publishing Agency and go to the room to the northeast, talk to a man called Miguel, he asks us to place posters of the Miss Second Miltia contest everywhere we can, let’s go There, leave the agency and place 2 posters on the wall where Segment Address 6 is, one on each side of the door, enter the Moby Dick Cafe and place a poster on the southwest wall, exit and place 1 poster on the wall above the café and 4 more on the wall below, go down the stairs to the south and a ramp further south, go left until the end and put a poster next to the yellow sign, go to Sector One and put 3 posters on the wall where the rabbit robot is nearby, enter the clinic and place 1 poster on the left wall of the second room and another on the right wall of the last room, exit and place 1 poster on the bottom wall near the tables, 1 on the wall near the Save Point and another on the wall from above, between the two doors, enter the Ballet Award and place a poster near the stairs, go up and place another poster on the wall just to the north, exit and enter the “Other Teacher” laboratory just to the north, place a poster on the wall north, phew, we’re done, go talk to Miguel to complete the mission, your reward will be 3 SKILL UPGRADE D, a MOMO’S SWINSUIT and a JR. SWINSUIT.

Talk to a man named Lizzy in Sector Two of Second Miltia, he is in the lower part to the southwest, near a yellow sign with a lightning bolt, he says there is some problem with the electricity in the building. city ​​and asks us to enter the substation to try to solve the problem, accept, he will give you the key to the place, enter through the door on the left, go down the stairs and go to a transparent gate, from now on you have 5 minutes to get to the device that stabilizes the energy, go left, straight ahead, be careful in the parts that leak electricity, they don’t cause damage but they can slow you down, avoid them as much as possible, soon you will arrive at a bunch of boxes that can be exploded , the device is just to the north, take some boxes out of the way and activate it, time will stop running, take the opportunity to explode the rest of the boxes and find some items, taking the path to the left you will reach a chest containing a REJUVENATOR M, leave this place and talk to Lizzy, you will learn the Double Tech “Burst Veil” for Shion and Momo.

Talk to the little girl called Maple in Sector One, she says that a woman stole her teddy bear and asks us to get it back, accept the mission and head to Sector Two, go up the conveyor belt and follow the path to the right until you see a scene where you find the thief, go forward until you see another scene, continue forward until a third scene, the thief gives up and leaves, examine the shiny object on the floor to get the teddy bear, go return it to Maple, as a reward you will learn the Double Tech “Elemental Nocturne” for Jr. and Chaos.

Talk to Luty at the Second Miltia Clinic, she wants to grow a rare type of flower and asks us to find some seeds and also fertilizer, accept and let’s get to work, talk to the lady in the next room side to get a HYPER FERTILIZER, go to the Publishing Agency and talk to Hammond to get a WINTER SEED, go to Spaceport, talk to Rosa to get another fertilizer and then talk to Atash to get the SUMMER SEEDS, go to Elza and talk to Kingston in one of the rooms for another fertilizer, go to the other room and talk to Dubonnet to get the SPRING SEED, go to Kukai Foundation and in the launch area talk to Theodore to get another fertilizer, go to Iron Man Bar and talk to Althea for more fertilizer, finally, go to the third floor of the Hotel Our Treasure and talk to Kino to get the AUTUMN SEED, go back to the clinic and examine the flowerbed with a purple fence, plant the Spring Seed there , then use the Hyper Fertilizer on her 4 times, finally, talk to Luty to complete the mission, you will earn the SECRET KEY 15 which unlocks the Level 3 Class C skill “Last Revenge”.

Talk to a man called Ciaran, he is the guy in the orange uniform near a manhole in Sector Two, he says that some machines that purify the water are broken and asks us to get rid of them, accept the mission and go down the manhole, talk to Gleen down there and he will explain what to do, first examine the control panels on the way, choose an area and notice the lights on the machines, the ones with red lights are broken and must be destroyed , you cannot destroy the green ones (not even one) or the mission will fail, it will be a very long job, but when it is finished, you automatically return to where Glenn is, return to the surface and talk to Ciaran to get the SECRET KEY 11 which unlocks the level 2 H-Class skill “ST Resist 20”.

After completing the previous mission, talk to Ray near the manhole, he says that something is blocking the water in the pipes and asks for our help, accept and he will give you the WATER TANK A KEY, go down the manhole and go all the way to the elevator to the north, examine the red light to use the key and unlock the elevator, go through it and on the next floor look for 6 valves, examine them and choose Yes, then turn the lever right 15 times clockwise (30 times in the case of 6), at a certain speed, you will know if you are doing it right when you hear the noise of the crank turning, when you turn the 6 cranks talk to Ray again to receive your reward: THE SECRET KEY 12 that unlocks the Level 3 Class A skill “Safety Level”.

Head to the sewers of Second Miltia and talk to Glenn who is near the elevator to the north, he says that strange noises are heard in a room further down, but no one has the courage to check what it is and asks for our help, accept and he will give you the WATER CONDITIONING TANK BKEY, go down the elevator and go to crank 6 and then follow the corridor southeast of it until the end, examine the red light to use the key, get ready, there is head in the area:

BOSS: Wrait Virus (G) – 25600 HP
Despite not having DEFENSE BREAK, he is not very difficult, his most dangerous attack hits everyone and can cause 600 to 800 damage, but he rarely use it, the most recommended group here is KOS-MOS, Ziggy and Momo, stock ST with everyone, use Flame Sword on KOS-MOS and Momo and send any combo at the big guy, ignore the tentacles that accompany him, leave them to finish them later Once the Wrait falls, defeating it will earn you a SKILL UPGRADE E.

Go talk to Glenn again to finish the mission, as a reward you will get DECODER 08.

Head to the Ballet Academy in Second Miltia and talk to Kate upstairs, she says that her brother died in the Miltia conflict 14 years ago and thinks he is wandering around there without knowing that is dead, she asks us to go back there through Encephalon and find proof that he was really there, accept the mission and go to EVS Point, enter Old Miltia (14 Years Ago), go to the place where the Segment is Address 14, in this area you will find a different enemy, this is Kate’s brother and we will have to face him:

BOSS: Rod Blondel (G) – 17400 HP
The most recommended group is Chaos, Ziggy and Momo, he uses many attacks that can poison you, his most dangerous attack hits everyone and causes around 250 damage and he usually use a lot, stock ST with everyone and use Aura Sword on Momo, start the combo with Chaos using QQ, Ziggy uses TTCCC, Chaos again using TTCCC and Momo finishes, this should take more than half of his HP, repeat this combo one more time once to finish him off, when you defeat him you will earn a Skill Upgrade D.

You will receive the MEMORY LOCKET, exit the Encephalon and go talk to Kate to complete the mission, she will give you the SECRET KEY 21 which unlocks the level 3 H Class skill “Exp. Up 10”.

Go to the Hotel Our Treasure and on the second floor talk to Mallory, maybe you remember her from the previous episode, well, the fact is that once again she lost her engagement ring and asks that we find it, accept the mission and it will give you a device that emits a vibration (if it has an analogue control, it will vibrate) when you approach the ring, the problem is that there are several rings of this type around the city and if you give the wrong ring for Mallory, the mission will fail, but don’t worry, the uncle will tell you where the ring we want is, go to the laundry room and look for a shiny object on the floor more or less in the right corner, choose the third option to get the ring, take it to Mallory to complete the mission as a reward you will receive SECRET KEY 17 which unlocks the level 3 F Class skill “Break B15”.

Go to the second floor of the Hotel Our Treasure and talk to Margoyles, he says that he was a great composer in the past and that his inspiration came from a music box, but it broke and he asks us until we find another one like it, accept the mission and head to East 6, blow up the car and talk to the mechanic below to receive the MUSIC BOX, take it to Margoyles to complete the mission, he will give you the IRON 4 SHEET MUSIC , go to the Iron Man Bar and examine the piano to play the song and reveal Segment Address 16, if you have already completed mission 29 then you should already have the Decoder, open it and get the ROBO PART RIGHT LEG and the DECODER from the chests 03, with it in hand, go to the basement of the “Publishing Agency” in Second Miltia and open Segment Address 3, take the ROBO PARTLEFT LEG from the chest, take both parts to the Professor to get the “Erde Quake” Ether for Shion .

Go to the fountain in the western part of Urban Area in Kukai Foundation and talk to Bonny (you must have completed missions 9 and 23 or she won’t be here), choose the first option three times and she says who wants to leave the life of crime and asks for our help to find an honest job, accept the mission, we must find a uniform and a book that teaches good manners, go to the laundry and talk to Nikita, choose the PINK MAID UNIFORM and then head to Iron Man, go up the elevator to the northwest and talk to Adelaide up there to receive the RULES OF HIGH SOCIETY, now talk to Caito, the bar owner, to complete the mission, as a reward you will learn the Double Tech “Dual Spell Ray” for Shion and Chaos.

Go to the Other Professor’s laboratory in Second Miltia and talk to Janet, she says that there is something wrong with the statue in the western part of Urban Area in Kukai Foundation and asks us to find the sculptor to know what it’s about, accept the mission and head to Iron Man Bare talk to Vimala, now go to the west side and blow up the car between the bakery and the laundry, talk to Darrel to the north, he is the sculptor and will give you the STATUE BLUEPRINT, take it to Janet to complete the mission, she will give you the UNLOCK CODE, examine it in your inventory and see the number that appears, head to the statue in Kukai Foundation, examine it and enter the number to find Segment Address 11, if you are following this walkthrough you should already have Decoder 11, so go in and get SECRET KEY 23 from the chest which unlocks the level 3 skill of class H “EP Half”.

Go to East 6 in the western part of the Urban Area of ​​Kukai Foundation, talk to King, he says that his cat is sick and asks us to bring a doctor to take care of her, go to Second’s clinic Miltia and talk to Hirad, choose the first option twice and he agrees to treat King’s kitten, return to East 6 and talk to King to complete the mission, you will earn 1 REVIVE DX.

With a girl leading the group, head to the second floor of the Our Treasure hotel and talk to Kramer, he asks us to help him clean the hotel windows, accept and talk to him again to start, you have 2 minutes to clean nine windows, face the dirty window, press circle and turn the right lever 4 times clockwise slowly, you will know you did it right when the control vibrates at the end, oddly enough I think This is the most difficult mission in the game, but if you can, talk to Kramer to receive the KEY TO KING’S STOREHOUSE, examine it and see the number that appears, go to East 6 and examine the safe upstairs, enter the number of the key and take 5 SKILL UPGRADE D inside.

Search the upper left side of the Kukai Foundation Urban Area (near the laundry) for a bald man named Roy, he says he hid a time capsule at his old place of work and asks for us to find it, the problem is that he doesn’t remember where it was, accept the mission, the capsule is in Factory, see more details in the walkthrough above, when you find it, talk to him again to complete the mission, your payment: 6 SKILL UPGRADE E.

Talk to Johnny in front of the Kukai Foundation bakery, he says that the bakery is having a promotion, where one of the employees plays “Rock-paper-scissors” with customers, but all employees are busy, so Johnny asks us to play with the customers, accept and talk to everyone in this area, there are 12 in total, you don’t need to win them all, but you have to win at least 7 or 8 or the mission can fails, so I advise you to save before proceeding, when you finish, talk to Johnny to complete the mission, you will learn the Double Tech “Cross Fist” for Ziggy and KOS-MOS.

Go to Elsa’s B1 and talk to the robot Panache, he says that a thief entered Elsa, stole something and erased the other robot’s memory, he asks us to restore it and so on identify the thief, accept the mission and head to Vector Second Division, look for a man named Narcisus, he will give you the POWER BATTERY, return to where Panache is and examine the monitor to the north, choose the first option to begin the restoration, this It will take a few steps and some of them may fail, the battery capacity is limited, when its charge runs out, go back to Narcisus and he will recharge it, when the restoration is finished you will discover that it is the same thief who stole the little girl’s teddy bear In mission 9, as a reward you will learn the Double Tech “Fiery Ritornelle” for Ziggy and Jr.

Talk to the little boy called Simon in the Launching Area of ​​Kukai Foundation, he says that there is a quiz machine at Hotel Our Treasure and that he tried everything to reset it, but couldn’t, he asks us Let’s try, accept and he will give us the FREE PLAY TOKEN, go to the hotel, the machine is in the left corner, the answers are in this order: 4, 2000, 8, 4, 40, 229, 3, 6, 10, 5, 12, 82, 4, 10, 25612, 34, 1, 9, 7, 28080, when you’re done talk to Simon again to receive your reward: an EMAX300.

Go to the Ballet Award in Sector One, talk to Stella, the woman lying downstairs, she asks us to get 3 objects that are in the possession of certain people in the city, accept and go to o Sector Two, talk to Anila near the Publishing Agency, choose the first option and he will give you STELLA’S HAIRPIN, talk to Rachel near the back door of Moby Dick’s Cafe, she will give you STELLA’S CORSET, finally talk to Tess , a lady who is nearby in the lower part, just before the ramp that leads to the manhole, she will give you STELLA’S SHOES, now go deliver the items to Stella to complete the mission, your reward: 2 CLASS UPGRADE C, CHAOS SWIMSUIT E SHION’S SWIMSUIT.

In the Kukai Foundation launch area talk to Pitt, he says that his son entered the Encephalon and can no longer get out and asks us to rescue him, accept the mission and he will give you the TOY STORE KEY, you must remember those doors with a big star at the top, one in Old Miltia (14 years ago) and the other in Submerged City, the key opens both doors, but you must go to the first one, if you go to the second one the mission will fail , well, once there, go all the way to that door, examine the key in your inventory and see the number that appears, enter that number on the panel to the right of the door to open it, enter and you will find the boy cornered by a monster, let’s get rid of him:

BOSS: Grips Sister (G) – 22400 HP
His main attacks are based on the fire element, so have everyone equipped with Fire Coat, he also has an attack that hits everyone, does no damage, but can paralyze, but this status is unlikely to reach everyone, just use a Refresh L to resolve it, the most recommended group here is Shion, KOS-MOS and Chaos, if you want, steal a SKILL UPGRADE E from him, stock ST with everyone and use Thunder Sword in KOS-MOS, start the combo with Chaos using QQCCC, followed by KOS-MOS and finishing with Shion, follow this scheme and you shouldn’t have many problems, when you defeat him, you will get a SKILL UPGRADE D.

Break the objects until the boy leaves the Encephalon, leave too and go talk to Pitt to complete the mission, he will give you SECRET KEY 10 which unlocks the level 2 H Class skill “InnerPeace”.

Go to Elsa’s bar and talk to the attendant, the Adonis robot, he says that when Captain Mattews drinks too much, the next day, he gets a terrible hangover and ends up taking it out on the poor robots, Adonis asks us to help prepare a drink that cures a hangover quickly, accept and talk to Adonis again, he asks you to determine the proportion of the ingredients, put 3-2-2, then talk to the robot further west and then talk to Adonis to complete the mission, your reward will be DECODER 14.

This mission can only be completed after you defeat Dark ErdeKaiser, go to Iron Man and talk to Caito, the bartender, I honestly didn’t understand very well, but it seems like he wants us to defeat a certain Mad Skelter who would be a threat to the universe, well, accept the mission and head to Heaven Ruins, go all the way to the top where he faced Nepos Rigas, once there, Mad Skelter awaits us:

BOSS: Mad Skelter – HP Varies
Right from the start he will copy the parameters of the character with the highest level, that is, if this character is Ziggy for example, he will have a high attack power, defense and HP, but low power and defense ethereos, but if the character is Momo, it will be just the opposite, so think carefully about the group you are going to assemble, in my opinion, the most suitable character here would be Shion, so start with her and two other level characters smaller, after he copies her parameters, form the battle group with Jin, Ziggy and KOS-MOS, initially, their main attack is an arrow that causes several negative statuses, nothing too worrying, so don’t waste time trying to heal them , stock ST with everyone, use Flame Sword on Jin and KOS-MOS, and start the combo with one of the two using TQ, followed by Ziggy with TQCCC to knock him down and then finishing with the other two, when he loses more than half of HP he will start using Pandora’s Gate which hits everyone and can cause up to 1200 damage, so pay attention to your HP, in addition, keep repeating this scheme until you eliminate him, when you defeat him you will gain a SKILL UPGRADE E.

Once the enemy is defeated, go talk to Caito again to end the mission, as a reward you will learn the Double Attack “Grand Ronde” for KOS-MOS and Chaos.

With a man leading the group, go to Kukai Foundation’s Fishing Lab and talk to Butch, he wants us to help him catch a rare fish called Red Eye, accept and talk to him again to start, you have one minute to catch the fish, turn the right lever until you hook something, if you don’t get it at first you can try as many times as necessary, when you do, talk to Butch to get your reward, the DECODER 16 and the RED EYE FISH PRINT, another useless item.

Go to East 6 in Kukai Foundation and talk to Clive upstairs, he asks us to find a home for the kittens that appeared here, accept the mission and get the 5 kittens before leaving, go to the laundry room and talk to a man called Kagari, he will get the cat Rebour, now go to Iron Man and talk to a girl called Nastya, she will adopt the cat Walker, now go to Publishing Agency in Second Miltia, talk to the boy named Agnese to deliver the cat Newt, go to the Moby Dick Café and talk to Valentino to deliver the cat Loop, finally, return to the Space Port and talk to a woman named Marcela, she will adopt the cat Ollie, go back to East 6 and talk to Clive to complete the mission, you will learn the Double Tech “Cross Hilbert” for Momo and KOS-MOS.

Go to Our Treasure Hotel and talk to Layla (Jr. or Momo should lead the group), she says that an old photo of her family was taken and asks us to find it, accept the mission and go to Publishing Agency and talk to Augusta, go back to the hotel and talk to Layla to complete the mission, she will give you the VAULT KEY that opens the hotel safe on the left, examine it in your inventory and see the number that appears , enter the safe with this number to open it and get 4 MED KIT DX from the chest.

Talk to the Kamikaze robot, the mission here is very simple, you will have to pay off Captain Mattews’ debt of 10,000,000 G, to do this you must sell items to the robot. Spaceport in Second Miltia, when you succeed, talk to Kamikaze and you will receive 40 SKILL UPGRADE E (Whoa!), JIN’S SWINSUIT, SECRET KEY 19 which unlocks the level 3 G class skill “Ether Burst”, 1 X-BUSTER and you will also learn the Double Tech “Ziggy Strike” for Ziggy and Momo.

Talk to Hugo at the Kukai Foundation Launch Area, he says he worked on the development of Encephalon and placed some “traps” in some places, just for fun, but he ended up being discovered and suspended and to get back to work he needs to deactivate these traps and that’s where we come in, accept the mission and head to some EVS Point, enter Subconscience Domain (Summer), examine the toilet to the northwest and then head towards the truck to the north, examine the box behind the outdor to deactivate the first trap, go back to the gas station and take the path east, into the next area, examine the red flowers in the middle of the path to deactivate the second trap, go forward two screens and examine the white flowers in the southeast corner to deactivate the third trap, go to the next area, north of the river, examine the wall near the cave where the river comes out to deactivate the fourth trap, go to the next area and look for some flowers blue trees to the east, examine the trees near them until you find the fifth trap, head west through the canyon until you return to the area where the cabin was, examine the rock with the red flowers to find the sixth trap, return to the area where you found the fourth trap and examine the hollow log near the south exit to find the seventh trap, go to the next area to the north, cross the two logs and examine the mushroom log on the left to deactivate the eighth trap, return to the previous area, blow up all the river rocks except the last one on the right, knock down the log to the west and cross where it stops, examine the rocks until you find the ninth trap, return to the previous area and examine the large tree behind a rock to deactivate the tenth and final one trap, a virtual Hugo will appear and give you the SECRET KEY 18 that unlocks the Level 3 F Class skill “Rare+30”, leave Encephalon and go talk to the real Hugo to complete the mission.

Talk to Carlos in Sector Two of Second Miltia, he says that his girlfriend left him and to win her back he wants to take her on a date in a special place, he asks us to talk to some people to find out what this place would be, accept and talk to all the people in Sector Two, there are 11 in total not counting Carlos, when you’re done talk to Carlos and choose “Second Miltia” as the meeting place, go to Sector One and go back, talk to Carlos to complete the mission, as a reward you will learn the Double Tech “Lion Heart” for Jin and Shion.

Go to the third floor of Hotel Our Treasure and exit through the door to the south, talk to Camille and she asks us to help her fix the roof, accept the mission, talk to her again to start, you have one minute stand in front of the damaged parts and press circle as fast as you can, it’s not difficult, when you manage to fix them all, the mission will be accomplished and you will win DECODER 13, whose Segment Address is in Ormus Stronghold, head there and take the ROBO PART HEAD from the chest, with it in hand go to the Professor’s Laboratory on Elsa and talk to him so that Shion can learn the Ether “Erde Beam”.

When you complete all the missions above, look for a woman named Winona in Sector 2 of Second Miltia, she is also doing the GS Campaign and challenges you to see who has done the most missions, talk to her again to complete the mission, but be careful, if you have not completed absolutely all 35 previous missions, this one will fail, anyway, if you succeed you will learn the Double Tech “Twin Buster” for Shion and KOS-MOS.


3.1 – LEVEL 1

DoctorEtherRecovers little HP from an ally
Refresh LEtherRemoves L-type negative statuses
Poison GuardAutomaticIncreases resistance to poisoning by 25%
Blind GuardAutomaticIncreases blindness resistance by 25%
AttackerEtherIncreases attack and decreases user’s defense
DefendEtherIncreases the user’s defense and decreases the user’s attack
STR + 2AccessoryIncreases strength by 2 points
VIT+2AccessoryIncreases physical defense by 2 points
AnalyzeEtherShows the HP, weaknesses and items the enemy has
memoryAutomaticRemembers defense breach zones when discovered
EATK+2AccessoryIncreases ethereal power by 2 points
EDEF+2AccessoryIncreases etherea defense by 2 points
Down DexEtherDecreases the accuracy and evasion of a biological enemy or gnosis
Break SensorsEtherDecreases the accuracy and evasion of a mechanical enemy
DEX+2AccessoryIncreases accuracy by 2 points
EVA+2AccessoryIncreases evasion by 2 points
Ice BlastEtherIce damage to an enemy
Flame BlastEtherFire damage to an enemy
Thunder BlastEtherThunder damage to an enemy
Aura BlastEtherLight damage to an enemy
Down ForceEtherDecreases the attack of a biological enemy or gnosis
Down PDEFEtherLowers the physical defense of a biological enemy or gnosis
Down EtherEtherDecreases the ethereal power of a biological enemy or gnosis
Down EDEFEtherLowers the ethereal defense of a biological enemy or gnosis
Break ArmsEtherLowers a mechanical enemy’s attack
Break ArmorEtherLowers a mechanical enemy’s physical defense
Break BeamEtherDecreases the ethereal power of a mechanical enemy
Break ShieldEtherLowers a mechanical enemy’s etherea defense
Psycho PocketEtherSteal an item from an enemy
Break B10AutomaticIncreases the chance of gaining extra ST by 10% when breaking an enemy’s defense
Focus 1AutomaticRecovers 10% of EP when using the Stock command
EP RegenAccessoryRecovers 2 EP each turn

3.2 – LEVEL 2

Ice VeilEtherReduces ice damage by 25%
Flame VeilEtherReduces fire damage by 25%
Thunder VeilEtherReduces thunder damage by 25%
Aura VeilEtherReduces light damage by 25%
Ice SwordEtherAdds the ice element to non-elemental attacks
Flame SwordEtherAdds the fire element to non-elemental attacks
Thunder SwordEtherAdds the thunder element to non-elemental attacks
Aura SwordEtherAdds the light element to non-elemental attacks
RevertEtherRevive an ally with 25% HP
Doctor 2EtherRecovers some HP from an ally
Medica AllEtherRecovers little HP of all allies
VaccineEtherIncreases resistance against negative statuses by 10%
Stock 1EtherGives an ST to an ally
HP Mind 10AutomaticIncreases HP recovered by ethers or items by 10%
ST Mind 10AutomaticIncreases the chance of an item or ether healing status by 10%
Rare + 10AccessoryIncreases the chance of winning rare items in battles by 10%
Heavy GuardAutomaticIncreases resistance against Heavy status by 25%
Weak GuardAutomaticIncreases resistance against Weak status by 25%
Ether PD GuardAutomaticIncreases resistance against Ether PD status by 25%
Ether DD GuardAutomaticIncreases resistance against Ether DD status by 25%
Ether SpearEtherIncreases ethereal power and decreases ethereal defense
Ether ShieldEtherIncreases ethereal defense and decreases ethereal power
Junk BeamEther20% chance to cancel a mechanical enemy’s turn
Miracle StarEtherNon-elemental damage to an enemy
Ice CoatAccessoryReduces ice damage by 25%
Flame CoatAccessoryReduces fire damage by 25%
Thunder CoatAccessoryReduces thunder damage by 25%
Aura CoatAccessoryReduces light damage by 25%
Boost 1EtherFill the boost bar in one level
Expansion PackAutomaticAdds 1 extra slot to equip accessories
Inner PeaceAutomaticIncreases evasion when using the “Stock” command
ST Resist 20AccessoryIncreases resistance to negative statuses by 20%

3.3 – LEVEL 3

Refresh HEtherRemove negative H-type statuses
Safety LevelEtherSurvive fatal attacks with 1 HP
ST Mind 15AutomaticIncreases the chance of an item or ether to cure status by 15%
Limit UpAutomaticIncreases maximum HP and EP by 10%
Blade CoatAccessoryDecreases damage from sharp weapons by 25%
Spear CoatAccessoryDecreases damage from piercing weapons by 25%
Hammer CoatAccessoryDecreases damage from impact weapons by 25%
Beam CoatAccessoryDecreases laser damage by 25%
CleanseEtherUses half of current HP to remove negative statuses
Rapid RefreshAutomaticRecovers HP faster when in reserve
Double PowerAccessoryDoubles the effect of some equipped skills
Last RevengeAccessorySurvive a fatal attack with 1 HP, use Counter Boost and fill 3 ST (once only)
Stun GuardAutomaticIncreases resistance to Paralysis by 25%
Lost GuardAutomaticIncreases resistance to Silence by 25%
Poison EP GuardAutomaticIncreases resistance to EP poisoning by 25%
Slow GuardAutomaticIncreases slow resistance by 25%
QuickEtherIncreases an ally’s speed by 25%
Charge TimeEtherDoubles the amount of HP recovered (only once)
CRTC+5AutomaticIncreases the chance of dealing critical damage by 5%
First ComboAutomaticStart the battle with 1 ST
PrayerEtherReceive a random item
Break B15AutomaticIncreases the chance of gaining extra ST when breaking an enemy’s defense by 15%.
Revenge PowerAccessory25% chance to use Counter Boost when receiving critical damage (single attacks only)
Rare +30AccessoryIncreases the chance of winning rare items in battles by 30%
MistyEtherBlocks the use of ethers from a biological enemy or gnosis
infectionEtherDecreases resistance to negative statuses of a gnosis or biological enemy
GuardAutomaticReduces all damage by 20% when defending
Ether BurstAccessoryDoubles ether damage, but also doubles EP consumption
Skill Up 10AutomaticIncreases SP gained in battles by 10%
Experience Up 10AutomaticIncreases experience gained in battles by 10%
ComboBoostAccessoryAllows you to use boost even when the character appears on the boost bar
EP HalfAccessoryReduces EP consumption by half

3.4 – LEVEL 4

Heaven’s RainEtherLight damage to all enemies
CurseEtherThe enemy’s next attack will do the same damage to him
Damage – 10AccessoryAll damage is reduced by 10%
samurai soulAccessoryIncreases attack when an ally is killed
AnnihilationEtherNon-elemental damage to an enemy and removal of positive statuses
Focus 2AutomaticRecovers 15% of EP when using the Stock command
Lost AGLAutomaticPrevents loss of agility when using Ether
Knight SoulAccessoryIncreases defense when an ally is killed
OverloadAccessory50% chance to fill 2 ST with the Stock command
ST Resist 30AccessoryIncreases resistance to negative statuses by 30%
HP mind 15AutomaticIncreases HP recovered by items or ethers by 15%
Best AllyEtherAutomatically resurrects with full HP (once)
Skil Up 15AutomaticIncreases SP gained in battles by 15%
Experience Up 15AutomaticIncreases experience gained in battles by 15%
ReboundAccessory50% chance to use Counter Boost when defending or dodging after using Stock


To use a Double Ether, both characters need to have the necessary Ethers learned, so one of them must use a Boost to activate the other’s turn, then open the sub-menu go to “Ether”, press triangle to show the list of Double Ethers available.

Aura StormAura Blast x2Light damage to all enemies
Aura WallAura Veil x2Decreases aura damage to all allies by 25%
Double MedicineDoctor x2Recovers little HP of all allies
Double Medicine 2Doctor 2 and DoctorRecovers some HP from all allies
Double Refresh LRefresh L x2Removes negative L-type statuses from all allies
Double Refresh HRefresh H x2Removes H-type negative statuses from all allies
Flame BurstFlame Blast and Aura BlastHigh fire damage to an enemy
Flame StormFlame Blast x2Fire damage to all enemies
Flame WallFlame Veil x2Decreases fire damage to all allies by 25%
Ice BurstIce Blast and Aura BlastHigh ice damage to an enemy
Ice StormIce Blast x2Ice damage to all enemies
Ice WallIce Veil x2Decreases cold damage to all allies by 25%
Junk BlastJunk Beam x220% chance to cancel the turn of all mechanical enemies
Lost MistMisty x2Blocks ethers from all biological enemies or gnosis
Miracle StarsMiracle Star x2Non-elemental damage to all enemies
Pocket RareAnalyze and Psycho PocketShows the enemy’s data and steals a rare item from him.
Thunder BurstThunder Blast and Aura BlastHigh thunder damage to one enemy
Thunder StormThunder Blast x2Thunder damage to all enemies
Thunder WallThunder Veil x2Decreases thunder damage to all allies by 25%
XBK ArmorBreak Armor x2Lowers the defense of all mechanical enemies
XBK ArmsBreak Arms x2Lowers the attack of all mechanical enemies
XBK BeamBreak Beam x2Decreases the ethereal power of all mechanical enemies
XBK SensorsBreak Sensors x2Decreases the accuracy and evasion of all mechanical enemies
XBK ShieldBreak Shield x2Lowers the etherea defense of all mechanical enemies
XSB DexDown Dex x2Decreases the accuracy and evasion of all Biological and gnosis enemies
XSB E DefDown E Def x2Lowers the etherea defense of all biological and gnosis enemies
XSB EtherDown Ether x2Decreases the ethereal power of all biological enemies and gnosis
XSB ForceDown Force x2Decreases the attack of all biological and gnosis enemies
XSB P DefDown P Def x2Lowers the defense of all biological enemies and gnosis


Archangel’s RequienShion and Jr.Piercing physical damage to all enemies
Burst VeilShion and MomoDoubles the effect of elemental protection ethers
Dual Spell RayShion and ChaosNon-elemental damage to an enemy
Gravity BombShion and KOS-MOSImpacting physical damage to an enemy, can cause Slow status
LionheartShion and JinPhysical slashing damage to an enemy
Phoenix BladeShion and JinLight damage to an enemy
Twin BusterShion and KOS-MOSNon-elemental damage to an enemy
Cross FistKOS-MOS and ZiggyImpactful physical damage to an enemy
Cross HilbertKOS-MOS and MomoLocks ethers from all enemies
Grand RondeKOS-MOS and ChaosImpactful physical damage to an enemy
Blessed MiracleMomo and ChaosSame effect as ether Best Ally, but on all allies
Power StrikeMomo and ZiggyFire damage to an enemy
Silver DuetMomo and Jr.Non-elemental damage to an enemy
Fiery RitornelleZiggy and Jr.Fire damage to all enemies
Elemental NocturneChaos and Jr.Light damage to all enemies
Ice BrandChaos and JinIce damage to an enemy


6.1 – ASHER

Shot BusterAnyoneNon-elemental damage to an enemy
Gatling BlastShionPiercing physical damage to an enemy
Corona BusterZiggyFire damage to an enemy
Ice StormChaosIce damage to an enemy
Wings of LightJinLight damage to an enemy
Odin BusterShion or ChaosNon-elemental damage to an enemy
Moonlight BladeJinLight damage to all enemies

6.2 – DINAH

Spiral FistAnyoneImpactful physical damage to an enemy
Tornado FistShionThunder damage to an enemy
Meteor StormZiggyFire damage to an enemy
Chained BlastChaosLight damage to an enemy
Twin DragonsJinPhysical slashing damage to an enemy
X-BusterShionNon-elemental damage to all enemies
Iron BladeJinLight damage to an enemy


Rain ArrowAnyonePiercing non-elemental damage to all enemies
Starlight ArrowShionPiercing non-elemental damage to an enemy
Power KickZiggyFire damage to an enemy
Ice RondoChaosIce damage to an enemy
Golden BowJinLight damage to an enemy
AirdAnyoneNon-elemental damage to all enemies
Meteor BlastZiggyFire damage to an enemy


1DammerüngComplete GS Campaign Mission 5Secret Key 8
twoElsa (dorm)Ormus StrongholdSecret Key 22
3Second Miltia (Publishing Agency)Segment Address 16Robot Part Left Leg
4Ormus StrongholdSubconscious Domain (summer)Secret Key 09
5LabyrinthosLabyrinthosSecret Key 20
6Second Miltia (Sector Two)Second Miltia (Sector Two)Secret Key 3
7DammerüngSegment Address 14Robot Part Left Arm
8DesertComplete GS Campaign Mission 13Robot Part Body
9Second Miltia (Uzuki Residence)Submerged CitySecret Key 4
10Submerged CityOmega SystemSecret Key 26
11Kukai Foundation (Urban Area)Durandal (Park Area)Secret Key 23
12Heaven’s RuinsHeaven’s RuinsSequencer D
13Ormus StrongholdComplete GS Campaign Mission 35Robot Part Head
14Old MiltiaComplete GS Campaign Mission 27Decoder 7 and Robo Part Right Arm
15Subconscious Domain (Winter)DammerüngSecret Key 5
16Kukai Foundation (Ironman Bar)Complete GS Campaign Mission 29Robo Part Right Leg
17Omega SystemComplete GS Campaign Mission 6Secret Key 28
18Submerged CityDammerüngSecret Key 16

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