Yoshi’s Story – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

Yoshi’s Story – Complete Walkthrough (Step by Step Guide)

January 30, 2024 Off By Markus Leite
Check List
Release date: December 21, 1997
Players: 1 player.
Genre: Platform.
Publisher: Nintendo.
Developer: Nintendo.
Supported languages: English and Japanese.
Platforms: Nintendo 64 (Original); Wii, Wii U (Virtual Console), Switch (Nintendo Switch Online).

The game starts with the following story:
The Yoshis’ island has been darkened by an evil spell. All it took was a blink of an eye and the island became a storybook. The Super Happy Tree also disappeared, and the once-happy Yoshis began to swarm. Only Baby Bowser could be so cruel to ruin the happy Yoshis’ dream. The Island paid a terrible price as the Super Happy Tree was lost.

In one location on the island, some Yoshi eggs survived and would soon face Baby Bowser’s test.

One by one, they began to hatch. Six little Yoshis were born and soon sadness darkened the face of each of them; until they quickly realized that the problem at hand required a cunning plan from Yoshi: “If we grow up Super Happy,” the Yoshis thought, “we’ll ruin Bowser’s evil plot. ” Their mission was crystal clear: They had to go spread joy, and to do that, they had to rescue the Super Happy Tree.

They began following the trail of fruit to find out where the tree had been taken; and a Yoshi wondered if Baby Bowser could be defeated. “We will stick together and finish off his skin!” the other Yoshis shouted.

So, with the Yoshis eating fruit and having fun, the search for the Super Happy Tree and to save the island from the Yoshis had begun and soon, they would certainly achieve their goal.

Check out the walkthrough now with a detailed walkthrough of the game Yoshi’s Story:

Yoshi’s Story was originally released for the Nintendo 64 console and later appeared on the virtual platform of the Wii and Wii U consoles.

The game is divided into 6 pages of the book, and each page has four phases; however, when you put on Story mode, you will only play one level per page, so if you want to complete all the levels in the game, when you finish the number 1 phase sequence on each of the six pages, you will do the sequence of phases number 2, then the sequence of phases 3 and finally, the sequence of phases number 4. Thus, the game has a total of 24 phases.

In order to unlock all the stages on all pages, you will need to collect the big hearts that are hidden in each of the stages. Each level has three hidden large hearts (in total there are 72 large hearts).

To finish each phase, you will need to eat 30 berries.

Tip: you should give preference to melons, as they are worth more points!

In our walkthrough, we will follow the normal system of the game in Story mode, that is, we will do the sequence of all phases 1, then the sequence of phases 2, then the sequence of phases 3 and, finally, the sequence of phases 4.

Having made the considerations, let’s start this Yoshi’s Story game guide; From now on you will have a super detailed step-by-step guide on each of the game’s phases, so that you can find all 72 big hearts that are spread throughout the game:

PAGE 1 – Beginning

Phase 1 – Treasure Hunt:

As soon as the level starts, when you find the first tree with green foliage (among the trees with blue and red foliage) press the R button so that Yoshi starts sniffing. When he makes the happy sign, it’s an indication that there’s something hidden in the ground. Jump and put the D-pad down and you’ll crash into the ground. At this point you will find two coins. Be careful to do this throughout the entire game, as in every stage there are coins, fruits or other special things hidden in the same way.

Just after Yoshi’s egg collection box, you will see a tree with green leaves, underneath it, you will find two more coins, hitting the ground.

Just after the smiling white box that explains the pause button, there is a tree with green leaves located where the path divides in two, press R to sniff and find two more coins below the tree. Following the path above, just after the tree with blue leaves, sniff to find a melon.

Next you will find “Miss Warp” number 1 (that little pink ball with the number 1 printed on her clothes, who is sleeping). Jump on top of her so she’s bouncy and smiling. In other parts of this level and all others you will find Miss Warp’s sisters; wake them all up and, when they are awake, you can jump on top of them and cut your way to the other points in the same level, where the other Miss Warp are.

When you find the elephant with the stop sign in hand, you will need to butt it to the ground (jump and put the directional pad down), so that the elephant is momentarily upside down and you can continue on your way. After you pass the elephant, sniff around to find two coins below the first tree with green leaves that appears.

When you reach the high wall, with a little red ball that has a question mark inside, stick Yoshi’s tongue towards the red ball so that Yoshi climbs on top of it, this way you will reach the top level and then you will receive a melon that will fall from the sky.

Just before you find the second elephant, which is under the tree with the red foliage, sniff around to find a melon hidden on the ground. If you’ve done everything right so far, you’ll see a small heart falling from the sky. Pick it up and Yoshi will be happy. While you’re like this, hit the ground and all the enemies that appear on the screen will transform into the lucky fruit. After passing the elephant, you will see a flower with red petals; it will restore your energy if it is low.

As soon as you go down from the top of the level, you will see a large box with a question mark on it. Press it and you will participate in a mini game. In it you must reach the second flag before the little black head eats the melons. If you arrive soon, you will win all seven melons.

After finding Miss Warp number 2, you will see a small staircase. As soon as you go up, before the tree with blue foliage, sniff to find a melon. After the smiling white square and the brown pot, sniff to find two coins.

Enter the pot to be transported to the second part of the level.

You will find a dog tied to a wooden whole. Keep hitting the wooden stump with your butt until the dog manages to free itself. When the dog is loose, he will run away, follow him. Every now and then he will stop and bark, sniff the area to find items. The dog will take you to the first big heart in the level.

After getting the first heart, continue following the dog. Remember to sniff wherever he barks, as there will always be something hidden. Follow it up the path and the second big heart will be on top of the tree with the red leaves. At the place in the tree, where the dog will be barking, jump and put the directional pad down to give it a kick and activate a platform, so you can climb up and get the second large heart on top of the tree.

After getting the second heart, keep following the dog and he will pay the way down. When you reach the last green tree, the dog will bark. Hit the ground and a blue platform will appear; climb on it and break the gray stone to find the third large heart . Until you get here, the dog will bark at different points, indicating places where several melons are hidden. Now that you’ve collected the three big hearts, eat all the necessary berries (preferably melons) to finish the level.

PAGE 2 – Cavern

Phase 1 – Bone Dragon Pit

As soon as the level starts, you will see a hole in the ground with several white carnivorous plants bouncing around. Eat them all and sniff the hole where they were, as there are several hidden items there, including a melon and several coins. Follow it and you’ll find a skeleton dragon. To defeat him, just throw two eggs at his head, or hit him twice on the head (on this first dragon, it’s easier to throw the eggs). On top of the mountain the dragon was on, kick it to find coins; Soon after you will see Miss Warp number 1; wake her up.

Following the path, after finding Miss Warp number 1, you will find the barking dog. Hit the spot and the first big heart will appear .

Shortly after finding the dog and getting the first heart, you will see some lighter, almost white stones, right at the beginning of an elevation in the ground. In that exact location of the whitish rocks, give a kick and three blue platforms will appear; Climb up on them and get the melon and several eggs. You will need the eggs to shoot the skeleton dragon that you will encounter shortly afterwards. The dragon is in the middle of the gray rocks, if you find it easier, jump on its head and hit it twice to defeat it. Going forward you will find Miss Warp number 2 and then a stone wall. Break the gray stones and defeat the new dragon.

When you arrive at a smiling white box, next to a carton of Yoshi eggs; Just after this egg box, notice that there are some whitish stones on the ground, give them a bump to get a melon. In that same location, a cloud will appear with an enemy throwing rocks at you; dodge the rocks and activate eggs on him, until he falls from the cloud. Jump to the cloud and you can control it. Use the cloud to float to a passage in the ceiling, you will find an egg carton and a brown pot. Enter the pot and you will find a three-headed skeleton dragon, if you defeat it you will receive three melons.

Go forward and you will find another brown pot. Next to it there are some whitish rocks, hit them there to get a melon; After that, enter the pot to go to the second part of the stage.

In the second part of the level, fall into the hole full of red balls with exclamations and break the stones, once you break them, you will see two paths, a hole on the left and a path on the right. Go to the hole on your left first. When you fall, you will see a sign with an arrow pointing left and another hole with a red ball and an exclamation mark. Fall into the hole and be careful with the little white carnivorous plants, eat each one and climb up to the area just above, which has a smiling white box and a big red button with a white question mark on the ground. Press the button and you will have some time to get the second big heart that appeared right next to it. After that, you can go to the passage on your right or, to avoid losing the mini game, go back to where you came from (when you broke the gray stones) and go to the right. You will find some platforms going up and down, use them to follow the path up there on the right. You will fall into a large hole, be careful to enter the entrance and find Miss Warp number 3 and a brown pot. Enter the pot to play the melon mini game. Before starting the mini game by hitting the brown pin with the drawing of a melon, keep walking along the path and eat all the Shy-Guys (colorful enemies) you find in front of you, this will help you when you are participating in the mini game. In this mini game you have to hit the pin with the melon symbol; He will throw boxes of melons up and you must wait for them to come down to get them. Stay right below where they are coming down and Yoshi will catch them. Now you must move in order to balance the boxes until you reach the final flag. If you succeed, you will win all the melons in the boxes. After that, enter the pot.

When you return from the mini game area, go down and go left until you find a different flower, with the petals closed, stay close to the flower and eat it. You will transform into a giant egg; put the directional pad down and release, the egg will make a big jump and you will see a passage up there with a question mark floating, pop it and a big black egg will appear. You found Black Yoshi. Keep it until the end of the level to activate it. Now go down from the area you are in and go left until you find some red balls with exclamations inside, go up them until you find an area with a large blue box, with a question mark drawn on it. Break the box and a brown pot will appear, enter it and you will find a three-headed skeleton dragon, defeat it (hitting each of the heads twice, you can hit it by throwing eggs or butt-butting the heads) to get the third big heart .

You will move to page 3 and can now choose Black Yoshi!

PAGE 3 – Summit

Phase 1 – Cloud Cruising

You will start the level on a lawn; walk a little and you will find a flying green snake. Climb on the snake and it will start moving (when you want the snake to change direction, just jump on top of it). Using the snake as transport, you will soon reach the first clouds and encounter the next snake, which is now pink. Climb onto the pink snake, and guide it upwards, so that you will find higher clouds (along the way you will find several melons). Take advantage of the snake’s transport until you can get up there, in the highest clouds and, when the screen no longer allows you to go up, you will find the biggest cloud, which is located further to the left, and you will see a question mark inside a bubble, floating in the air. Pop that bubble and you’ll find the first big heart .

Going right, you’ll find Miss Warp number 1. Wake her up. After that, climb on the snake and let it take you to a set of clouds. In these clouds you will find a brown pot. Enter the pot and you can collect various fruits from the flying Shy-Guys. Be careful, because if you touch them you will lose energy; to avoid this, take the small heart and Yoshi will be happy. Under the effect of the small heart, hit the ground and all enemies on the screen will transform into Yoshi’s favorite fruit. Enter the pot and you will see a huge green dragon. Don’t climb it yet, follow the clouds until you see a red pipe at the top of the screen, you will also see Miss Warp number 2. Wake her up and then enter the red pipe. You will find the dog and see several small clouds scattered across the sky. Notice that there are two flowers, in the cloud that is closest to the flower that is on the left side, hit it and you will find the second big heart . In every cloud there will be something hidden. Eat some bees (being careful not to touch them) to renew your supply of eggs, as you will need to have some eggs to hit items when you are on top of the green dragon. After collecting all the items on this screen, go back through the pipe to climb onto the giant green dragon.

After a short time on top of the dragon, you will see a question mark descending by parachute, hit it to create a path of clouds that ends in a brown pot. Enter the brown pot and you will find Miss Warp number 3 and a question mark floating inside a bubble. Pop the question bubble and you will find the white Shy-Guy, keep him with you until the end of the level and you will be able to recover any Yoshi that was taken to the castle (if you died in any phase). A new question mark descending by parachute will appear, throw an egg at it and another cloud path will appear; Be quick, there is set time for the clouds to disappear. There will be other questions along the way, to renew time. When you get to the top, you’ll find the third big heart .

Fall from the clouds and enter the brown pot. You will return to the giant green dragon location. Get on the dragon and be careful, as some flying Shy-Guys and bees will appear; Question marks will also appear inside bubbles, pop them to find the remaining melons. Eat all the remaining fruits to complete the 30 fruits needed to finish the level. For curiosity purposes, if you reach the end of the route with the dragon, you will find Miss Warp number 4 and a brown pot that will take you to the start of the phase.

When you eat the thirty berries, the boss of the level will appear, which is a giant, smiling cloud. To finish it off, keep hitting it and it will decrease in size with each blow you make, do this until it becomes small enough that you can eat it once and for all and defeat it.

PAGE 4 – Jungle

Phase 1 – Jungle Hut

You will start the level between two signs with arrows. Go to the left side, kill the little monster that throws the blue ball with spikes and go down the slope until you find a gray stone, with another little monster. Kill it and you will find a second gray rock with a little monster on top and below it two flowers (a flower to recover energy and another flower so you can transform into a giant egg. Kill the little monster on top of the rock to avoid any accident and eat the flower to transform into the big egg. Use the egg’s impulse (put the directional pad down and release) until you find the first big heart (when you are at the height of the heart, press the flip button to transform at Yoshi again and get the first big heart .

After getting the first heart, go down from the platform where you are and you will see the two flowers again (the flora with open petals, which recovers energy and the flower with closed petals, which transformed you into the big egg). Go down a little further and you will see a pepper (don’t eat it, I’m just talking about the pepper to show that you are on the correct path), notice that on the platform below the pepper there is another big heart, on top of a blue pipe. Go left and you will see four gray stones blocking the passage of a green pipe, break the stones and enter the green pipe. You will enter a hut with some hives with bees that will not attack you, but will try to block your passage. Avoid the bees (by passing through the platform above) or very slowly pass by the bees and enter the green pipe at the top, after you leave the hut.

You’ll exit that blue pipe and get the second big heart .

After getting the second big heart, head to the egg box you saw near where you started the level. Go past the egg box and go left. When you find a white sign with a red arrow pointing left, do not follow the path it indicates (yet), climb onto the inclined platform on top of the sign and then onto the other inclined platform. You will see other flowers together (one with closed petals, which will transform you into a giant egg and another with open petals, which will restore your energy). Eat the flower with the petals closed to transform into a giant egg. Take the egg’s momentum (putting the control pad down) so that you go up a little inclined to the left. When you jump you will see the third big heart . Press the B button (the button that shows the tongue) to end the rising effect and float to the third big heart to get it. After that, just eat the thirty berries to finish the level. Note that going to the sides of the level, you will see white signs with red arrows painted on them; following them, you will be directed to some huts with fruit and items (each exit will give access to a different hut); At the top of the level (which you can go to using the plant that turns into a giant egg or going up the question marks with hanging spiders, you will find a hut that has a switch with a question mark on it, press it to make several melons appear).

PAGE 5 – Ocean

Phase 1 – Lots O’Jelly Fish

Right at the beginning of the level you will see a question mark inside a bubble. Pop it to find Miss Warp number 1 (the bouncy smiling ball with the number 1 printed on her clothes). When you find the other Miss Warp, just wake them up too so you can climb on top of them and jump to teleport between the places where they are). Enter the red pipe and you will come out into the water.

Follow the normal path of the aquatic part of the level, avoiding the jellyfish until you reach the first jellyfish with the reddest color, it doesn’t just go up and down, it can follow you too. When you find it, there will be a deeper passage to the right, follow it to find the first large heart . Always be careful not to touch the jellyfish.

After getting the first heart, go back and follow the normal path of the level, until you reach a place where you will see a red pipe. Enter the pipe and you will find yourself in a place full of flowers to regenerate your energy and butterflies, which give extra power; Additionally, you will find Miss Warp number 2.

When you exit the red pipe, follow the path down, past the spikey fish and go left until you find the second large heart .

After getting the second large heart, head to the right side of the level, until you find a red pipe, located on the far right, right next to the ground, in a place that looks like a maze, full of jellyfish. Enter the pipe.

You will arrive in another part of the level, here there will be an aquatic snake, avoid it to avoid losing energy and swim to the yellow pipe, located on the right of the screen.

You will arrive in an area with greenish jellyfish and several Shy-Guys inside submarines. Some submarines will follow you and others will shoot at you, dodge them to avoid losing energy and keep swimming until you find the first hole with a spiny pink fish. Enter the hole and go left, there will be a Shy-Guy in a submarine and then the third big heart .

After getting the third big heart, exit the hole and follow the right side of the level, at the top of the screen you will see a yellow pipe, enter it to find Miss Warp number 3 and reach the level bonus. Before pressing the button with the question mark and starting the bonus test, go straight through and eliminate the flying enemies, so that they don’t get in your way when the bonus game starts. The Bonus will be a long jump test. To avoid falling and get further, press the jump button repeatedly. After that, you will see a question mark floating in a bubble, pop it and you will find a white Shy-Guy. Finish the level with him so you can select him to rescue a Yoshi that was taken to the castle (if you have ever died, in any phase, until you get here).

Leaving the bonus area, you will return to the water. Going a little further, you will find another yellow pipe, at the top of the level, enter it and you will reach Miss Warp number 4 and several Shy-Guys holding melons; sniff the highest place and you will find a melon. Okay, you’ve learned all the details of this phase, now all you have to do is eat the thirty berries to finish it!

PAGE 6 – Finale

Phase 1 – Mecha Castle

At the beginning of the level you will see a large hanging hammer. Climb on it and swing from side to side to open the passage. After passing through the area that was closed, you will see an egg box; Be careful, as soon there is a large blade that comes out of the floor and another that comes out of the ceiling. After the blades you will see a small staircase, step on all the steps and a melon will appear on the last step. After climbing the ladder completely, climb onto the small platform and look up, in the top left corner of the screen you will see a little red ball with an exclamation mark. Go there, be careful with the blade, and get the first big heart .

After that, follow the level and you will find a place with some yellow gears (be careful not to get crushed by the gears, as it will be fatal!), you will see a question mark descending by parachute, hit it and other question marks will appear, finish them all and then two others will appear, climb on them and you will find the second big heart .

Follow it until you find some large rotating wood. When you see one that appears to be on top of an endless hole, go down it and there will be a path, follow it to find the third large heart .

Finish eating the fruit needed to find Baby Bowser. Against Baby Bowser, you must throw eggs (or bombs) at the spikes on the ceiling, so that they fall on top of him, three times. Afterwards he will stay on the ground, throw the firecrackers at him and you will defeat him.

PAGE 1 – Beginning

Phase 2 – Surprise!!

After completing phase number 1 on each page, you must now complete the sequence of phase number 2. As soon as you start you will see a green lizard; Don’t waste time hitting it, just jump on it and turn all its parts purple, that way you’ll get a melon. Remember to sniff out the locals. In the area where the green lizard was there are two hidden coins, find them by sniffing. Go straight and you’ll find a spider. Next to it there are two melons inside bubbles, pop them to get the melons.

You will see a tree with several Shy-Guys on top of it. At the location indicated by the signs, kick the ground so the Shy-Guys fall and a melon appears. Eat all the Shy-Guys to earn more points.

Right next to it there will be a little white box and a bubble. Pop the bubble and a big red button with a question mark will appear. Press the button and a path of clouds will appear, climb through the clouds until you find the first big heart in this level.

Drop down from the clouds and follow the normal path of the level until you find Miss Warp number 1 (the bouncy smiling ball with the number 1 printed on her clothes, when you find the other Miss Warp, just wake them up too, so you can climb on them and jump to teleport between the locations where they are). Take a butt right under the tree next to Miss Warp number 1 to find a melon. If necessary, sniff to find the exact location.

After the egg box, which is in the area where a new green lizard appeared, you will see a blue pipe, poke it to find two coins, right after the blue pipe, sniff it to find more coins. Follow the path and find two gray stones closing a hole with a bubble floating inside, break the stone and burst the bubble to reveal a brown pot; enter it to participate in the bonus. When you are at the bonus location, remember to kill Shy-Guy before starting the bonus game, this will make your life easier, making it easier to carry the boxes of melons. Try not to knock over the boxes until you reach the second flag to get all the melons.

When leaving the bonus area you will return to the forest and arrive in an area full of spiders hanging in their webs. When you find the first yellow pipe, punch it to find the second big heart .

Follow the normal path of the level until you find Miss Warp number 2; wake her up and follow the path indicated by the sign.

In this new part of the level, take a butt right under the first tree to find two coins. Follow the path to find a large blue box, with a yellow question mark, hit it to make a melon appear. Then you will find the second blue box with a yellow question mark, next to the dog; A large balloon will come out of it and keep blowing. Throw eggs right where the white bandage (in the shape of an “X”) is on the balloon to pop it and get a melon. Hit the spot where the second box was to find two coins. Keep sniffing the place to find hidden items. In the third box you will find another melon.

Follow the path and you will find a bubble with a question mark inside floating. Pop it to reveal a deflated balloon with a piece of wood on top; Climb on top of the wood and place the control pad up and the balloon will inflate, allowing you to climb high to get the coins and the third big heart of this level.

Now go through the level to finish eating the thirty berries (preferably just melons to earn more points) to finish the level. You will see several blue boxes with yellow question marks, in some of them there will be nothing, in others there will be a pink balloon that after you pop it will give you a melon. You will also see another question mark inside a bubble, which, after you pop it, will appear that balloon with a clown face, which you can climb on top of and, this time, it will be to get melons from the flying Shy-Guys.

PAGE 2 – Cavern

Phase 2 – Blargg’s Boiler

Follow the normal path of the level until you find the first enemy that comes out of the lava. Don’t take any chances with him, just wait for him to go back into the lava to pass and find the first large heart under a bone that is floating in the lava. Wait for the bone to sink a little into the lava to get the heart, but be careful not to touch the lava. After getting the first heart you will see Miss Warp number 1; wake her up and follow the path until you find another lava monster. Climb onto the bone and activate an egg in the monster’s mouth, it will descend into the lava, making room for you to pass. Do it quickly, before the bone sinks into the lava. Follow the level path until you find Miss Warp number 2 and a brown pot. Enter the pot.

In the new part of the level, you will soon find a ball inside the lava. Get on the ball and use the directional pad to move the ball to the next safe spot. Follow the path and you will find Miss Warp number 3; wake her up and jump onto the spikes to see the lava monster. Wait for him to descend into the lava so you can jump and float towards the second large heart of the level. Float to avoid falling into the lava.

You will find another ball inside the lava, climb on top and use the directional pad to move it. Eat the flying Shi-Guys’ melons being careful not to get hit by them. After leaving the ball you will see a blue pipe, enter it to participate in the melon bonus. In this bonus area you will find a question mark inside a bubble. Pop it to find a white Shy-Guy; Finish the level with him so you can use him to rescue any Yoshi that has been taken to the castle. In this bonus you must take the boxes to the second flag to win the melons. Remember to kill all enemies before starting the bonus.

Leaving the bonus area, you will come face to face with the third large heart . To catch it, just wait for the bone to sink into the lava to jump and float towards the heart.
Now eat the thirty berries to finish the level.

PAGE 3 – Summit

Phase 2 – The Tall Tower

Use the springs to climb up until you find the first big heart to your right. Near this location, on your left, will be Miss Warp number 1, next to a melon.

Follow the path and be careful with the yellow chicks. Look for the flower with closed petals so you can transform into a giant egg and propel yourself to the place where the question mark is inside a bubble. Pop the bubble to find a white Shy-Guy (finish the level with him so you can use him to rescue any Yoshi that was taken to the castle). Before entering the brown pot, sniff to find a melon and jump and float to the upper left side to find a question mark inside a bubble. Inside there will be a melon. After that, enter the brown pot.

In this new part of the level you will see a colorful feather; Don’t climb on it yet. Drop down to the place under the feather to find a box of eggs and Miss Warp number 2. Wake her up and get the eggs; After that, go left, notice that there are some ropes on the path, you can go through them. Fall down and you will find a question mark inside a bubble, pop it to find the white Yoshi egg. Finish the level with him to be able to play with white Yoshi. After that, go up and take the feather to fly following the path of coins until you find a question mark inside a bubble. Pop it to find the melon bonus. In this bonus you must float on the feather until you reach the second flag; If you do this before the little black head eats the fruit, you will win the melons.

Leaving the bonus area, pick up the colored feather and fly along the path of coins to get the second big heart . After that, enter the brown pot.

After you pass the third spiked iron ball, you will encounter a flying blue Shy-Guy. Go past it and climb on the ball to reach the giant spring. On top of the spring, notice that there is a path of coins pointing to the upper left side. Jump following the path of coins and you will see a platform with the third big heart . Right next to a giant brown ball, with a bat on the side.

After that, collect the rest of the berries needed to face a boss before finishing the level.

The boss is easy, he is invisible, but you can tell where he is, as the location is distorted. Be careful with the yellow chicks that will try to get in your way and shoot the boss three times to defeat him.

PAGE 4 – Jungle

Phase 2 – Jungle Puddle

Very close to the start of the level you will see a question mark inside a bubble, pop it to find the first big heart of the level. Soon after, you will see Miss Warp number 1.

Follow the path of the level and you will reach three blue boxes with yellow question marks. Push them so they burst and melons emerge.

When you find the second egg carton, dive into the water to find the second big heart at the bottom. Be careful not to lose energy on the water snakes.

Get out of the water and find Miss Warp number 2, and then a red button with a question mark on it. Press it to make several coins appear. Go to the second part of the level and be careful with the big fish that will try to swallow you.

Break the blue boxes with yellow question marks, you will find the white Shy-Guy.

Be careful with the new big fish that has appeared, blue in color. He will release jets of water at you.

Wake up Miss Warp number 3. Follow the level path, being careful not to get caught by the fish until you find the next egg box; After it, there will be a high part, jump and float until you reach the next high part, and find the third big heart without having to take risks with the fish below.

After that, look for the remaining berries to finish the level.

PAGE 5 – Ocean

Phase 2 – Lots O’Fish

Swim to the right and you’ll come to an open shell releasing bubbles. Wait for it to stop releasing the bubbles before it passes. Follow it and you will find a pipe at the top, enter it and you will find Miss Warp number 1. Smell the whole place as there are several hidden items, including, if you take a hit near the wall, platforms will appear for you to climb up and get more items on the other side; After getting everything, go back through the same pipe.

Returning to the level, go to the right side and you will find an animal with large tentacles and some melons between its tentacles, then there is a yellow pipe at the bottom of the screen; Inside there are only two watermelons and several fish. Eat all the fish to earn the first big heart .

Go back through the pipe and you will find a red pipe at the top of the screen. Enter it and you will find Miss Warp number 2. Break the rock and sniff or crouch past the bees and you will find the white Shy-Guy after popping the question mark inside the bubble; After that, go back through the same pipe.

Follow the normal path of the level, until you find the second large heart in a passage at the bottom of the screen, just after a green pipe with a bubble-releasing shell next to it. After getting the heart, enter the green pipe at the entrance to the tunnel that gave access to the heart and you will go to an underground area, with a melon and Miss Warp number 3.

Go back through the same pipe and follow the level path, until you find a blue pipe at the end of the path.

You will come out on dry land. Sniff to find hidden items and soon you will see the melon bonus. If you throw an egg into the hive, a melon will emerge. After passing through the bee hive there is a question mark inside a bubble, pop it to find the third big heart in this level. Soon after, wake up Miss Warp number 4 and enter the brown pot.

PAGE 6 – Finale

Phase 2 – Lift Castle

Get eggs from the egg carton and throw them at the black Shy-Guy. Jump over the ball full of spikes and sniff to find hidden coins. Enter the pipe at the top of the screen to find Miss Warp number 1 next to a flower with open petals, which is used to regenerate your energy; After that, go back through the same pipe and follow the left side, being careful with the saws.

After passing through the big balls that repel you if you touch them, you will see a door, go straight through and you will find a yellow pipe, enter it to find Miss Warp number 2 and an umbrella; take it and go down through the hole with the coin trail, keep placing the directional pad to the left to find the first big heart . When you get to the ground, don’t go through the pipe, use Miss Warp number 1 to get to Miss Warp number 2 up there. If you need to go down again to get the berries, remember, when you finish collecting everything, use Miss Warp to go back through the yellow pipe and exit close to the brown door, instead of going through all the mountains again. Enter the door and hit the bat to get a key. Go back to the beginning of the level and use the key to open the locked door.

Now that you have the key, enter the door that was locked, follow it until you find another wooden door, until you reach it, you will pass by some black Shy-Guys, who are holding the huge stone full of thorns, be careful to go through them without being hit; enter the door, which is just past the wind-blowing cloud, and you will find Miss Warp number 3.

Soon after, you will see a platform with two balls with arrows circling them; Be careful not to hit the balls and pass straight through, you will find some smiling clouds going up and down. Climb up on the first cloud and when it is at the highest point, jump and float to the left side and you will get the second big heart . After getting the heart, be careful when falling, so you don’t fall into the balls with arrows and they push you into the bottomless hole. Go back to the smiling clouds and follow the path of the level, until you find the lump with a clown face, continue on top of it, avoiding the saws, until you reach the platform and find another brown door.

Entering the door, you will find the melon bonus and soon after the dog. Sniff the area where the dog is and give it a poke to find a melon. Follow the path and go past the cloud that uses wind to push you, to find Miss Warp number 4 and a bubble with a question mark inside, floating above Miss Warp. Pop the bubble to find the third big heart .

Finish eating the fruit needed to find Baby Bowser. Against Baby Bowser, you must throw eggs or firecrackers at the spikes on the ceiling, so that they fall on top of him. Do this three times. Afterwards he will stay on the ground, throw the firecrackers at him and you will defeat him.

PAGE 1 – Beginning

Phase 3 – Rail Lift

At the beginning of the stage you will find Miss Warp number 1. Follow the stage path always checking the red balls with exclamations; When you reach the penultimate red ball before finding the wall (there will be a yellow Shy-Guy on stilts there), climb on the ball and you will see a bunch of bananas and a bubble with a question mark inside. Pop it and a big red button with a question mark will appear; press it and a path of red dots will appear in the sky. Climb on all the balls until you reach the first big heart in this level.

When you find the dog, sniff the area to find a melon. You will find some smiling clouds, and just below them, in the right corner, is Miss Warp number 2; follow the clouds until you find the sign and move to another sector of the level. In the new area, you will find the melon bonus; in it you must hold the boxes until you reach the second flag, if you do this, you will win the seven melons. Soon after, you will find Miss Warp number 3. After waking her up, follow the path on the sign to go to another sector of the level.

You will find a small box of eggs and then a big red ball with blue arrows following a trail, and inside the trail there is a bubble with a question mark; pop it to find the second big heart . Shoot the crank so the ball follows the path of the trails and doesn’t get in your way when you get the heart.

After getting the second big heart, you will see two bubbles, the first one has a melon, the second one has a big red button; press it and several clouds will appear, creating a kind of protective floor below the smiling clouds. Follow the smiling clouds to the end of the path and collect the third big heart in this level. Following the path, you will find a smiling cloud and a trail, if you follow it you will find several melons, be careful to always hit the levers, otherwise you will fall, cloud and all. Now finish eating the berries necessary to finish the level.

PAGE 2 – Cavern

Phase 3 – Jelly Pipe

Right at the beginning of the level you will find Miss Warp number 1. Be careful with the waves, you need to jump over them. Follow the normal path of the level until the moment comes when there are two paths. Go down the path and you will find a blue box with a yellow question mark painted on it. Push the blue box to the right, to the corner of the wall; Climb onto the box and jump and float until you reach the place with the first big heart .

Follow the path until you find the dog. Smell the area to know the exact place where you should hit the ground to make some platforms appear; Climb the platforms, follow the path until you find the gray stones. Break the rocks to get the second big heart .

Follow it until you find the big slug. Throw eggs into her mouth to defeat her and earn the third big heart .

After that, eat the remaining berries to finish the level.

PAGE 3 – Summit

Phase 3 – Poochy & Nippy

At the beginning of the level you will see Miss Warp number 1. Wake her up, go past the Shy-Guys who throw snowballs at you and you will arrive at a place with some wooden logs that lean. When you reach the third wooden log, look up and the screen will show a red ball with an exclamation mark. Climb it to find the first big heart in the level.

Go forward to find the melon bonus. You must get the boxes to the second flag to earn all the melons. Follow the path and you will find Miss Warp number 2. Just after another area with several wooden logs, when you find several gray stones, break them to find the second large heart behind the middle stone.

Follow the path and enter the brown pot to reach another area of ​​the level and find Miss Warp number 3. Smell the place to find hidden melons and coins. Follow and enter the brown pot where the dog is. You will find several pots along the way, always go into the pot that is close to the dog. You will arrive at a place with some coins in the shape of two arrows and then you will see some pipes. Stay on the highest pipe and climb the birds until you reach the third big heart . Using the birds you will also find melons in the sky.

Eat the amount of berries necessary to face the level boss. To defeat him, just throw eggs at him. While shooting at him, be careful of the spikey balls and when he blows at you.

PAGE 4 – Jungle

Phase 3 – Piranha Grove

Right at the beginning of the level you will see some blue platforms; climb them to find an egg crate and Miss Warp number 1 up in the clouds. Throw eggs at the flying piranhas that try to swallow you to get rid of them. Follow until you find Miss Warp number 2; there are several blue platforms, use the highest platform (the platform on the right of the screen, after finding the second Miss Warp) to jump and float to the cloud (the cloud is right on top of Miss Warp 2. There you will find a egg box and, following the cloud path, you will find the first big heart of the level.

Follow the path to the right until you find an egg box at the end of the level; fill up your entire egg supply before climbing the blue platforms, as you will find some flying piranhas, shoot them and climb to the top. You will see that red platforms will appear, on the last red platform there will be a bubble with a question mark inside; pop it to find the second big heart .

Jump, following the trail of coins and enter the brown pot. In the other part of the level, you will find Miss Warp number 3. Follow the path, balancing on top of the large ball until you reach the brown pot; enter it to participate in the melon bonus. Remember to kill all enemies before starting the bonus; Then just carry the boxes to the second flag to win all the melons. Coming out of the bonus, you will jump on the first big brown ball, and on the second ball there will be a carnivorous plant with the third big heart right next to it. Kill the plant (by shooting it) and take the heart. After that, finish eating the berries necessary to finish the level.

PAGE 5 – Ocean

Phase 3 – Shy Guy Limbo

At this stage, remember to sniff the ground to find hidden items and fruits. At the beginning of the level there will be a little animal on top of a cloud throwing balls full of spikes at you. After the Shy-Guys who are holding sticks for you to fall, there will be a part of high ground, take the opportunity to jump on top of the cloud and kill the creature. Use the cloud to float to the left and find Miss Warp #1.

When you find Miss Warp number 2, use the little cloud again to go up and find a pipe in the sky. Sign in to play the melon bonus. In this bonus you must float until the last melon, the further you can get without touching the ground, the more melons you will receive. Use the blowing cloud to gain more momentum.

Returning to the level, you will pass through a place with a staircase-shaped floor, after which you will find some Shy-Guys holding some sticks to knock you down. After passing through them, there will be an interrogation descending by parachute; hit it so the first big heart appears. Attention, catch it soon, as it will disappear after a while.

Enter the brown pot and the other part of the level, go through the clouds and wake up Miss Warp number 3. After that there will be other Shy-Guys and a box of eggs. Next to the egg box there is a question mark floating inside a bubble, pop it to get a white Shy-Guy, which can be used to rescue a Yoshi that has been taken to the castle, if you finish the level with him. Next there will be several triangle-shaped earth platforms; in the third of them, sniff to find the correct place to hit the ground and find the second big heart of the level.

Go ahead and you will find some lower clouds; climb them and find the third big heart of the level. Now you can finish eating the berries needed to finish the level.

PAGE 6 – Finale

Phase 3 – Ghost Castle

Be careful with the ghosts, they don’t die, you need to pass them without encountering them. Follow the level path, enter the pipes to get the fruits and go to Miss Warp number 1. Enter the brown door.

You will arrive at a part of the level with a blindfolded ghost and various fruits, flowers and items. If you press the red button, a path of red dots will appear with an exclamation mark inside for you to enter the green pipe on the ceiling. The pipe takes you to the melon bonus; Get ready because this bonus is very difficult. Then return to the same location and go to the top right corner of the screen, pop the bubble and Miss Warp number 2 will appear. If you enter the brown door next to Miss Warp, you will find several mini ghosts and some fruit; After getting the fruits, go back to the main area and enter the brown door on the left. Entering the door you will find Miss Warp number 3. Use the little ghosts to go up to the level. Go over the little ghosts until you find an area that you can go left or right and with several red spikes on both sides. Go right (using the little ghosts) and get the first big heart , which is on the platform up there, next to the red button.

Go back, get the key and enter the brown door. Go to the door on the right, which was locked, and enter. There you will see the dog and find the second big heart .

Later you will return to the main area, enter the yellow pipe and get the key to open the other door, which is on the left side, break the rocks and get the third large heart .

Defeat Baby Bowser in the same way as you did the last time you faced him (Against Baby Bowser you must throw eggs or firecrackers at the spikes on the ceiling, so that they fall on top of him. Do this three times. Afterwards he will become on the ground, throw the firecrackers at him and he will defeat him.)

PAGE 1 – Beginning

Phase 4 – Tower Climb

Use the helicopters to go up the level path, you will pass Miss Warp number 1; wake her up and continue the journey to the top. On the roof you will see the umbrellas, jump and get the melons on the far right, then go down and enter the brown door. Follow the red balls with a question mark, collect the melons and follow. You will find a blue box with a question mark; break it to reveal a brown pot. Enter the pot to participate in the melon bonus. In this bonus you must float over the fruits without touching the ground. You will earn the amount of melons where you touch the ground.

When you return to the level, follow the path with the red exclamation marks and when there is an option to go right or left, take the left and you will find the first big heart .

Go back and take the path on the right. Be careful not to touch the red thorns on the walls, then follow the path indicated by the white signs and you will arrive in an area with clouds and closed petal flowers; eat one of these flowers to transform into a giant egg; Grab the egg boost and climb up. Collect the melons and follow the path of the highest clouds. When you are at the highest level of the clouds, jump and float to the right until you reach the last cloud (which is in the upper right corner); There you will find the second big heart .

Follow the path and you will arrive in another area with several clouds that blow wind upwards, go up with the momentum given by the clouds, moving to the left until you find the third large heart .

Now eat the remaining berries to finish the level.

PAGE 2 – Cavern

Phase 4 – Torrential Maze

Follow until you find the egg box; Carry your stock of eggs and climb the platform. Leaving the platform, go left, wake up Miss Warp number 1 and eat the flower to recharge your energy; Now go to the right and push a blue box so that it keeps pressing the other, until they burst and two melons appear. Climb up the helicopter and be careful not to hit the spikes, at the top use the little ghosts that leave one square and enter the other to reach the first entrance, which is on the right side, to find the first big heart .

After getting the heart, use the little ghosts to reach the tunnel that is located above the place where you got the first heart and move on to another sector of the level. In the new location, use the ghosts to reach the top, follow the blue platforms until you can enter the passage at the top.

In the new sector, go through the blue box without touching it, refill your egg supply and climb the wooden platforms. Once at the top, go left, break all the gray stones you find and a button will appear on the last one. Press it and a cloud will appear; Now push the blue box, going over the cloud until it falls below and you can push one box against the other blue box, so that two melons appear. Follow the path to the right and you will see a tunnel; Don’t enter it yet, go to the end using the vines and being careful with the slugs to find a bubble with a question mark inside. Pop the bubble to find the black Yoshi egg. Finish the level with him to be able to play with the new Yoshi. Go back and enter the tunnel.

Break the gray rocks to push the blue box into the blue goo, push the other blue box next to it and get two melons. Follow the path and you will find a hilly place, with water running down, be careful with the purple animals that will come out of the squares on the wall. You will see some bubbles with question marks inside, pop them to go to the top and find the second big heart .

Follow until you find Miss Warp number 4. In this place there are some little ghosts coming in and out of the squares; use them to reach the third big heart that is at the highest part.

PAGE 3 – Summit

Phase 4 – Frustration

Wake up Miss Warp number 1 and replenish your egg supply. Enter the ferris wheel made of wood and follow; in the first bubble you will find a melon; in the second bubble you will find the first big heart of the level.

Follow to find Miss Warp number 2; Soon after, you will participate in the melon bonus. In this bonus you must run as fast as possible inside the wooden wheel, until you reach the second flag and win the seven melons. Go to the other part of the level, and right after finding Miss Warp number 3 you will see two gray stones; break them and pop the bubble to get the second big heart of the level.

You will find two yellow snakes, near the place where the second snake is you will see a bubble with a question mark inside moving quickly, pop it to get the third big heart .

Eat the berries necessary to face the boss in this level. Against the boss, you must shoot him three times in the mouth to defeat him; If you run out of eggs, just eat the pots and kettles that fall from the ceiling.

PAGE 4 – Jungle

Phase 4 – Neuron Jungle

Enter the brown pot. In the other part of the level, go past the first giant slug and when you find the second giant slug, hit it on the head, so that it shrinks and you can get the first big heart .

Go down and refill your egg supply; follow and wake up Miss Warp number 1. Go down carefully and find the brown pot, enter it to find Miss Warp number 3 and the melon bonus. In this bonus you have to jump along the poles until you reach the second flag (if you swim you will waste a lot of time). Enter the pot to exit the bonus area. Returning to the level you soon find Miss Warp number 2. When you are at Miss Warp number 2’s location, go to the left, there will be a giant red slug, give it a butt on the head and go down the path it was blocking. You’ll see another giant red slug in front of you, hit it on the head so it lowers itself and allows you to jump and float to get the second big heart of the level.

Go to the right side to go to another area of ​​the level. In the new sector, sniff around where the dog is to find coins, get on the boat and be careful with the tree frogs. You will arrive at a place with dirt, full of small, thorny slugs, on top of which there is a bubble with a question mark inside floating; pop it to find the third big heart . Now eat the necessary berries (always giving preference to melons) to finish the level.

PAGE 5 – Ocean

Phase 4 – Shy Guy’s Ship

Go through the pipes (you won’t be able to enter any of them, but if you jump on them all, a melon will appear between the last and the penultimate pipes) always be careful with the firecrackers that the ship will throw at you; Then refill your egg supply and wake up Miss Warp number 1. When you arrive in an area with some balls with exclamations and some Shy-Guys; on top of the third red ball with an exclamation mark, jump and float up and you will see another red ball with a bubble next to it, pop the bubble to get a melon. Go forward past all the Shy-Guys on stilts and you will see an area with rocks and at the bottom the ship will throw bombs. Right on the first stones before the first pipe, more precisely on the third stone is the first large heart ; break the stone (or wait for the firecracker the ship throws to burst it, to get the heart.

Follow and wake up Miss Warp number 2. Pop the bubble to get the small heart and become invincible. Go straight and go to the other part of the level. In the new part of the level, notice that some birds will appear, climb on them to follow the path more safely, try to catch the bird that is flying as high as possible when you reach the part with the cannons. Get off the bird to refill your egg supply and when you’re in a place with two ships throwing bombs at you, get on the birds to find the second big heart up there, among the gray rocks.

Go forward and there will be a place with a large hole and some gray rocks floating with cannons on top of them. Destroy the rock where the second cannon is to find the third large heart .

PAGE 6 – Finale

Phase 4 – Magma Castle

We have reached the last phase; Once it starts, walk to the left and you will see a door, enter it and wake up Miss Warp number 1; In addition to it, there is another door in this location, but it is locked. Go back through the same door you came through. You will find a big red dragon, climb on top of it to cross the lava; Be careful with the little monster and the flying Shy-Guys. When you exit the dragon, enter the brown door and you will find Miss Warp number 2; climb the blue platforms to cross the area, being careful with the lava that flows from the pipes. Go up the ramps and when you get to the top, if you go on the right side, you will find a flower that restores energy and a box of eggs, but be careful with the lava that flows across the floor, after eating the flower and getting the eggs, go back along the path from the left. Break the gray stone to find two bubbles with melons and then climb the blue platforms. Be careful, as while you are on the blue platforms lava will fall from a pipe at the top. When you go up, pop the bubble to make the yellow coins appear, collect them all to get a melon and break the gray stone and go down the other side to find the first big heart , to get it you must break the stone quickly to avoid being hit by the lava.

Climb the platforms to reach the top and refill your egg supply in the box. Go down the hole on your right and enter the wooden door. There you will find two slugs, you must throw eggs into each one’s mouth three times to kill them; and get the key.

After getting the key, use the flower on your right to transform into an egg and climb to the top; you will find a bubble, pop it for a melon. Go left, be careful with the lava and you will see some coins forming an upward arrow, throw an egg upwards at the location of the coin arrow to get a melon. After that, go back and enter the brown pot you saw when you were coming to this location. After entering the pot, go past the saws and fall into the hole. You will see a blue pipe, enter it and go to the right, crawl past the red spikes and you won’t be hit, to get the second big heart . In the same place there is a blue box with a yellow question mark, break it to find Miss Warp number 3. Use Miss Warp number 3 to teleport to Miss Warp number 1 and use the key you got to enter the door locked, at the beginning of the level.

After entering the door that was locked, you will arrive at a place full of bats and you will see that the dog is there, barking to indicate that there is an item there. Kill all the bats and the third big heart will appear.

You’re almost at the final end of the game, eat the remaining berries to face Baby Bowser for the last time!

Defeat Baby Bowser in the same way as you did the last time you faced him (Against Baby Bowser you must throw eggs or bombs at the spikes on the ceiling, so that they fall on top of him. Do this three times. Afterwards he will become on the ground, throw the firecrackers at him and he will defeat him).

Congratulations, you managed to rescue the Super Happy Tree and save the island from the Yoshis!

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