Enclave HD – Complete Walkthrough (Step-by-Step Strategy Guide)

Enclave HD – Complete Walkthrough (Step-by-Step Strategy Guide)

January 30, 2025 Off By Robert Allen Rusk
This is Version 1 of my latest guide. I played this game years ago on the OG
Xbox and recently re-played it on the newer PlayStation 4 version.
Considering that I did guides for some of the other games that Starbreeze
Studios put out I decided to do one for this title.


"Enclave" is Copyright 2002 by Starbreeze Studios. All rights reserved.
"Enclave" is Copyright 2002 by Conspiracy Entertainment. All rights reserved.
"Enclave" is Copyright 2009-2010 by ZUXXEZ Entertainment AG. All rights
"Enclave" is Copyright 2002-2023 by Topware Interactive. Published by
Ziggurat Interactive. All rights reserved.

All other trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

A complete listing of contact and other information can be found at the end
of this guide.

| >TBCT. Table of Contents                                                  |

This guide uses a Quick Search Feature which takes advantage of the Find
feature used by many web browsers. This feature will allow you to go to any
chapter or section in this guide quickly. To access any of those chapters,
sections, or to the Table of Contents do CTRL-F (PC) or Clover-F (Mac) to
activate the Find feature in the web browser. Then enter the code like this:

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| ECV1. Introduction and General Information |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\

    GEN1. About the Guide
    GEN2. Enclave
    GEN3. Game Basics and Structure
    GEN4. Console Information and Controls
            A. Original (OG) Xbox
            B. Windows, Linux, and Mac Systems
            C. Nintendo Wii/WiiU Version
            D. PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch Versions
    GEN5. Game Menus
    GEN6. Game Difficulty
    GEN7. The Main Screen
    GEN8. Treasure and Items
    GEN9. Combat Information, Weapons, and Items
            A. Combat Information
            B. Melee Weapons and Shields
            C. Bows and Arrows
            D. Crossbows and Bolts
            E. Magic Staffs
            F. Bombs
            G. Support Items
    GEN10. PlayStation 4 Trophies and Xbox Achievements List
    GEN11. Chapter Breakdown

| ECV2. The Light Campaign |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\

    TLC1. Cast of Characters
            A. The Enclave
            B. The Enemies

    LGT1. Imprisoned
    LGT2. Protect the Outpost
    LGT3. Escort Marcus 
    LGT4. Deserted Temple

      ++BNL1. Forbidden Atgard

    LGT5. Divided City
    LGT6. Outland Wastes
    LGT7. Ark Amar

      ++BNL2. Naglagard

    LGT8. The Ancestors
    LGT9. The Sanctuary
    LGT10. The Underworld

      ++BNL3. Hagastrom

    LGT11. Zurana
    LGT12. Kam-Zara
    LGT13. Jasindra
    LGT14. Vatar

| ECV3. The Dark Campaign |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\

    TDC1. Cast of Characters
            A. The Dreg'atar
            B. The Enemies

    DRK1. Zurana's Crystal
    DRK2. Kill Marcus
    DRK3. Surprise Attack
    DRK4. Mansion of Dreams

      ++BND1. Tolvfurs

    DRK5. The Guardian
    DRK6. The Escape
    DRK7. The Plateau
    DRK8. Capture Jasindra

      ++BND2. Highvalley

    DRK9. Outpost Siege
    DRK10. The Great Wall

      ++BND3. Lexe

    DRK11. Ungard Mines
    DRK12. Mordessa
    DRK13. Celenheim

| ECV4. Conclusion |

  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >ECV1. Introduction and General Information                               |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

My name is Robert Allen Rusk and I am a gamer with about 40+ years of gaming
experience. I am an ex-gametester (Broderbund Software, LucasFilm Games,
Point Of View Computing) and an ex-arcade attendant (Namco Cyberstation -
Pier 39, San Francisco, CA). I also own multiple systems such as the Sega
Dreamcast, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Switch, Atari Jaguar,
PlayStation (1, 2, 3, and 4), Original Xbox, and Xbox 360.

I started writing guides in 2003 because I felt it was something I could do
utilizing my writing skills gained in college and gametesting along with my
passion for vidgames. Over time I have honed my overall writing and
organization skills plus my creative thinking skills. Additionally, I have
extended the play value of the games I have written guides and FAQs for many
times over plus I have received many letters from all over the world.

I am also a member of the following forums:

  >>Digital Press
  >>GTA Forums
  >>The MoFaT

Outside of gaming, my interests include Godzilla (I have been a G-Fan since
the age of ten) and Red Dwarf. I am also a long time soundtrack collector
with many titles in my possession. As far as favorite sports teams go, my
teams are the San Antonio Spurs (NBA) [the local team], the Denver Broncos
(NFL) [although I live in Texas, I am originally from Colorado Springs,
Colorado] and the Air Force Falcons (NCAA Football).

| >GEN1. About the Guide                                                    |

Welcome to my "Enclave HD" guide! In this guide you will find a lot of useful
information in a highly organized format that you can use to get the most out
of the game. Quotes taken from readers' e-mail are presented "as is" and may
include spelling and grammatical errors.

The main emphasis of this guide is to provide a straightforward way to
complete the game as well as acquire all of the unlockable bonuses. This
guide also serves as an instruction manual for the remasters that came out on
2023 as there wasn't any available for them on the internet.

I have worked hard to make sure that this guide is as complete as possible 
but at the same time leave room for exploration. I hope that you enjoy this
guide as much as learn from it. During the construction of this guide I used
the following for additional references:

  >>The Complete Enclave Guide (Version 1.0) - Slothrop37
      I had used this guide for finding all of the treasure when I first 
      played this on the Original Xbox back in the day. And it was proved 
      useful again when going through the PlayStation 4 remaster years later.

  >>Landon Rivers (YouTube)
      He put out several Enclave videos that were useful for additional 
      information on the game including:

        --Game text.
        --Information on the Original Xbox and Nintendo Wii versions.
        --Controls information on the Nintendo Wii version.

  >>Game Manuals (Original Xbox and PC versions)
      I tracked down PDF versions of some of the Enclave manuals available on 
      the internet. Since this guide also serves as a manual for the 
      remastered versions I copied some of their passages into the guide and 
      I will note where I do that.

| >GEN2. Enclave                                                            |

I had originally played this game on my Original Xbox shortly after I
acquired one in the mid-naughts. I thought it was a decent game and I used
Slothrop37's guide to acquire all of the treasures and unlock all of the
unlockable characters.

This was my first exposure to the games that Starbreeze Studios would put out
during this time. The next game I played from them is the highly regarded
"The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay". I liked it well enough
to write a guide for it.

Later Starbreeze Studios did "The Darkness" and I did a guide for that one
too. Finally, they did the sequel for TCoR:EFBB, "The Chronicles of Riddick:
Assault on Dark Athena". I did a guide for that too.

  **NOTE: Now that Vin Diesel owns the Riddick character and that Enclave has 
          been remastered I would love for someone to remaster "The 
          Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena" for modern consoles. 
          If you're wondering about Escape From Butcher Bay a remastered 
          version of the Director's Cut of EFBB is included with AoDA thus 
          you get both games in one package.

Eventually the people that did those games would later leave Starbreeze
Studios and created another company, MachineGames. They would do the newer
Wolfenstein games and the Indiana Jones game, "Indiana Jones and the Great
Circle". The remaining people at Starbreeze went on to do the Payday games. I
got one of them and could never really get into it.

In 2024 I got the remaster for my PlayStation 4 and used Slothrop37's guide
again to acquire all of the treasure. Considering my past history of doing
guides for the earlier Starbreeze Studio games and the fact that there were
no instruction manual for the remasters that you could download I decided to
do a more comprehensive guide for this game.

| >GEN3. Game Basics and Structure                                          |

Enclave is set in a fantasy world where a great rift was created during a
battle with a demon called Vatar. The demon was defeated but the rift divided
the land and various peoples. The battle was between the Enclave and the
Outlanders with the Outlanders being led by Vatar. Over time the land has
started to come back together thus allowing the Outlanders to try to overtake
the Enclave again.

In the game you need to do battle with the Outlanders and defeat Vatar once
and for all. You will be doing multiple missions towards this goal along with
some Bonus Missions that you can play to get additional money to purchase
better weapons and support items. You will find additional treasure and items
during the regular missions.

The game allows you to play as a member of the Light Campaign or the Dark
Campaign in which you play the same story but you are a member of the
Outlanders helping Vatar in its quest for power. However, you need to play
through the Light Campaign first before you do the game for the Dark

When you start the game you will have only one class to play as. Later you
will unlock additional classes for a total of six. Some classes are better
suited to certain missions than others. When you start a mission you can
select which class you want to play as as well as select what weapons and
items you wish to bring. The more money you have, the better equipment you
can buy.

| >GEN4. Console Information and Controls                                   |

In this chapter I cover all of the consoles and computer versions along with
their control setups.

| A. Original (OG) Xbox |##################################################\

This was the first version of the game released in 2002. It looked pretty
good on the newly released system and controlled well enough. However, there
were some criticisms. The main ones was that there was no difficulty
selection and no checkpoints. Later versions of the game would fix that
meaning that this version would be the only one with this system.

| Move Around.........................|                   Left Analog Stick |
| Look Around/Aim.....................|                  Right Analog Stick |
| Jump................................|           Right Analog Stick Button |
| Crouch..............................|            Left Analog Stick Button |
| Switch Weapon.......................|                            A Button |
| Switch Item/Arrow Type..............|                            X Button |
| Drink Potion........................|                            Y Button |
| [1] Cycle Camera Positions..........|                        Black Button |
| [2] Use Item/Perform Action.........|                        Left Trigger |
| Attack..............................|                       Right Trigger |
| [3] Summon..........................|                (Hold) Right Trigger |
| Pause Menu..........................|                        Start Button |

[1] - This switches between third and first person views.

[2] - When the hand appears this button is used to use a given item or 
      interact with the environment. If there is no hand then this is used to 
      defend yourself with a shield or magical staff. For the Huntress this 
      is used as a zoom when using the Sniper Arrows.

[3] - This is used by the Druid (Light) or Lich (Dark) to summon either Earth 
      Golems (Light) or Shadow Skeletons (Dark) with their Astral Staff 
      (Light) or Staff of the Damned (Dark).

| B. Windows, Linux, and Mac Systems |#####################################\

Enclave was ported to the Windows PC operating system in 2003 and has better
graphics, sound, and implemented difficulty levels and a checkpoint system.
Unlike the OG Xbox version this version implemented the keyboard/mouse system
used for most PC games. In 2013, the game was re-released on Steam and
GOG.com and made available on Mac OS X and Linux platforms.

The controls listed below are for the PC version as I was not able to find
any instructions for both the Mac and Linux versions. Since Linux runs on the
same machines that Windows does it is presumed that the Linux controls match
the Windows version.

|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| General |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|                Command              |          Keyboard Control           |
| Menu Navigation.....................|                          Arrow Keys |
| Pause Menu..........................|                             Esc Key |
| [1] Camera Mode.....................|                               G Key |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Movement |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|                Command              |          Keyboard Control           |
| Move Forward........................|                               W Key |
| Move Backward.......................|                               S Key |
| Strafe Left.........................|                               A Key |
| Strafe Right........................|                               D Key |
| Look/Aim............................|                               Mouse |
| Crouch..............................|                               C Key |
| Jump................................|                               Space |
| Equip/Change Weapon.................|                               Q Key |
| Equip/Change Item...................|                               E Key |
| [2] Use Item/Perform Action.........|                               F Key |
| Camera Mode.........................|                  Right Mouse Button |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Melee Weapons |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|                Command              |          Keyboard Control           |
| Basic Attack........................|                   Left Mouse Button |
| Blow From Left......................|           Left Mouse Button + A Key |
| Blow From Right.....................|           Left Mouse Button + D Key |
| Overhead Blow.......................|           Left Mouse Button + S Key |
| Combo Attack........................|             2X/3X Left Mouse Button |
| Block With Shield...................|                  Right Mouse Button |
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Crossbows & Bows |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|                Command              |          Keyboard Control           |
| Shoot Crossbow......................|                   Left Mouse Button |
| Shoot Bow...........................| Hold Left Mouse Button then release |
| Select Bolts/Arrows.................|                               E Key |
| [3] Reload Crossbow/Bow.............|                  Right Mouse Button |
| [4] Sniper View.....................|            1X/2X Right Mouse Button |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Bombs |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|                Command              |          Keyboard Control           |
| Short Throw.........................|                   Left Mouse Button |
| Long Throw..........................| Hold Left Mouse Button then release |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Magical Staffs |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
|                Command              |          Keyboard Control           |
| Basic Attack........................|                   Left Mouse Button |
| [5] Summon..........................|            (Hold) Left Mouse Button |
| Protection Aura (Shield)............|                  Right Mouse Button |
| Defense Spell (Power Smash).........|        Hold Right Mouse Button then |
| ....................................|               use Left Mouse Button |

[1] - This switches between third and first person views.

[2] - When the hand appears this button is used to use a given item or 
      interact with the environment.

[3] - When using a Bow keep pressing the button when loading up several 
      arrows for a single shot (Burst and Flame Arrows only).

[4] - With Sniper Arrows only.

[5] - This is used by the Druid (Light) or Lich (Dark) to summon either Earth 
      Golems (Light) or Shadow Skeletons (Dark) with their Astral Staff 
      (Light) or Staff of the Damned (Dark).

| C. Nintendo Wii/WiiU Version |###########################################\

This version, subtitled Shadows of Twilight, was released on the Nintendo Wii
in 2012 and only in Europe. This version includes motion controls and
mid-game saves. However, the Wii is vastly inferior to the OG Xbox and
compromises were made to get it onto this platform.

Graphics and textures were greatly degraded and assets and enemies were
removed to allow for the game to compile. And even then the game would run
out of memory in various spots. In addition, some game mechanics were broken
making some missions and characters more difficult to play than necessary.


| Motion Controls \

Listed below are the default (Method One) motion control setup using the
Nunchuk and WiiMote:

| Move Around.........................|                Nunchuk Analog Stick |
| Look Around/Aim.....................|                             WiiMote |
| View Up/Down........................|               WiiMote D-Pad Up/Down |
| Jump................................|                    Flick Nunchuk Up |
| Crouch..............................|                    Nunchuk C Button |
| Strafe Modifier.....................|                    Nunchuk Z Button |
| Switch Weapon.......................|                   Select (-) Button |
| Switch Item/Arrow Type..............|                 WiiMote D-Pad Right |
| Drink Potion........................|                  WiiMote D-Pad Left |
| [1] Cycle Camera Positions..........|                    WiiMote 1 Button |
| [2] Use Item/Perform Action.........|                    WiiMote A Button |
| Attack..............................|                   WiiMote B Trigger |
| [3] Summon..........................|            (Hold) WiiMote B Trigger |
| Pause Menu..........................|                    Start (+) Button |

[1] - This switches between third and first person views.

[2] - When the hand appears this button is used to use a given item or 
      interact with the environment. If there is no hand then this is used to 
      defend yourself with a shield or magical staff. For the Huntress this 
      is used as a zoom when using the Sniper Arrows.

[3] - This is used by the Druid (Light) or Lich (Dark) to summon either Earth 
      Golems (Light) or Shadow Skeletons (Dark) with their Astral Staff 
      (Light) or Staff of the Damned (Dark).


| Pro Controller \

If the motion controls do not work for you then there are the Pro Controllers
that are standard joypads and can make the game easier on you. On the Wii
they are attached to the back of the WiiMote. But you need to find the right

When they were first released it looked like a Super Nintendo controller and
had only one set of shoulder buttons. Later, another version was released
that had the now standard set of two shoulder buttons. This is the version
you need to find to use with this game.

When the WiiU was released not only could you use the tablet controller there
was also a standard wireless Pro Controller that would be released at the
same time. I believe that it is possible for the WiiU Pro Controller to be
linked to the original Wii hardware so you wouldn't need to deal with the
clunkiness of connecting a regular Pro Controller to the WiiMote.

| Move Around.........................|                   Left Analog Stick |
| Look Around/Aim.....................|                  Right Analog Stick |
| Jump................................|                           ZL Button |
| Crouch..............................|                            L Button |
| Switch Weapon.......................|                            X Button |
| Switch Item/Arrow Type..............|                            Y Button |
| Drink Potion........................|                            R Button |
| [1] Cycle Camera Positions..........|                   Select (-) Button |
| [2] Use Item/Perform Action.........|                            A Button |
| Attack..............................|                      B or ZR Button |
| [3] Summon..........................|               (Hold) B or ZR Button |
| Pause Menu..........................|                    Start (+) Button |

[1] - This switches between third and first person views.

[2] - When the hand appears this button is used to use a given item or 
      interact with the environment. If there is no hand then this is used to 
      defend yourself with a shield or magical staff. For the Huntress this 
      is used as a zoom when using the Sniper Arrows.

[3] - This is used by the Druid (Light) or Lich (Dark) to summon either Earth 
      Golems (Light) or Shadow Skeletons (Dark) with their Astral Staff 
      (Light) or Staff of the Damned (Dark).

| D. PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch Versions |###############\

In 2023 a remaster of this game, titled Enclave HD, was released by Ziggurat
Interactive for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Graphics
and sound were improved but didn't stray too far from the original look.
Based on some light research the Switch version doesn't seem to have the same
issues that the Wii version had since the Switch is more powerful than the
older Wii console.

While the Switch version provides portability in which you can play this game
anywhere the other two versions had their own specials in the form of
PlayStation Trophies and Xbox Achievements, both of which I will cover later.

Although the game has some improvements there were some minor problems as I
encountered with the PlayStation 4 version. First, there were random crashes.
Not a lot but enough to be irritating. There is actually one part of the game
where I encountered more frequent crashes and I will note that when I get

The second issue has to do the mission overview screen. Here the information
was formatted properly for the OG Xbox version but are run together in the
remasters. For example, on the right side of the screen, at the beginning of
the first Light Campaign mission, it would look like this on the OG Xbox

  You must find your way out of the cell.

  Obtain a weapon.

  Defeat the enemies.

  Escape the dungeon.

On the remasters it would look like this:

  You must find your way out of the cell. Obtain a weapon. Defeat the 
  enemies. Escape the dungeon.

Again, this is minor but I felt it should be noted.

Finally, while I found scanned manuals for the PC and OG Xbox versions there
were no manuals to be found anywhere for the remasters. Although the
beginning mission covers the basics well enough the manuals go into more
detail into things that the game itself doesn't cover which is a major
oversight on Ziggurat Interactive's part.

This guide is intended to fill in these details as well as provide strategies
to successfully complete the game.

  **NOTE: There are physical releases of this game by Limited Run Games but 
          there doesn't seem to be any indications of a physical manual that 
          comes with them.

Listed below are the controls for all three remasters. Unless notified I am
assuming that the controls are closely matched with each other and are based
on the PlayStation 4 version which is the only version of the remaster I have
at this time.

|+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| PlayStation 4 |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Move Around.........................|                   Left Analog Stick |
| Look Around/Aim.....................|                  Right Analog Stick |
| Jump................................|                            X Button |
| Crouch..............................|                        L3/R3 Button |
| Switch Weapon.......................|                       L1/R1 Buttons |
| Switch Item/Arrow Type..............|                       Circle Button |
| Drink Potion........................|                     Triangle Button |
| [1] Cycle Camera Positions..........|                       Square Button |
| [2] Use Item/Perform Action.........|                           L2 Button |
| Attack..............................|                           R2 Button |
| [3] Summon..........................|                    (Hold) R2 Button |
| Pause Menu..........................|                        Start Button |
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Xbox One |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Move Around.........................|                   Left Analog Stick |
| Look Around/Aim.....................|                  Right Analog Stick |
| Jump................................|                            A Button |
| Crouch..............................|      Left/Right Analog Stick Button |
| Switch Weapon.......................|                  Left/Right Bumpers |
| Switch Item/Arrow Type..............|                            B Button |
| Drink Potion........................|                            Y Button |
| [1] Cycle Camera Positions..........|                            X Button |
| [2] Use Item/Perform Action.........|                        Left Trigger |
| Attack..............................|                       Right Trigger |
| [3] Summon..........................|                (Hold) Right Trigger |
| Pause Menu..........................|                        Start Button |
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| Nintendo Switch |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| Move Around.........................|                   Left Analog Stick |
| Look Around/Aim.....................|                  Right Analog Stick |
| Jump................................|                            B Button |
| Crouch..............................|            Left Analog Stick Button |
| Switch Weapon.......................|                         L/R Buttons |
| Switch Item/Arrow Type..............|                            A Button |
| Drink Potion........................|                            X Button |
| [1] Cycle Camera Positions..........|                            Y Button |
| [2] Use Item/Perform Action.........|                           ZL Button |
| Attack..............................|                           ZR Button |
| [3] Summon..........................|                    (Hold) ZR Button |
| Pause Menu..........................|                     Plus (+) Button |

[1] - This switches between third and first person views.

[2] - When the hand appears this button is used to use a given item or 
      interact with the environment. If there is no hand then this is used to 
      defend yourself with a shield or magical staff. For the Huntress this 
      is used as a zoom when using the Sniper Arrows.

[3] - This is used by the Druid (Light) or Lich (Dark) to summon either Earth 
      Golems (Light) or Shadow Skeletons (Dark) with their Astral Staff 
      (Light) or Staff of the Damned (Dark).

| >GEN5. Game Menus                                                         |

When you start up the game then you'll bring up various options:

| Continue  | This is where you will continue a game in progress.           |
| New Game  | This is where you can create a new game.                      |
| Options   | This will allow you to change certain aspects of the game     |
|           | such as sound and graphics.                                   |
| Credits   | This is where you can view the credits of those who made the  |
|           | game.                                                         |
| Load Game | This is where you can load up other games you have created.   |

| >GEN6. Game Difficulty                                                    |

When you start a new game you'll get to choose which Campaign you want to
play (when the option becomes available) as well as the difficulty:

      At this difficulty you'll do a set amount of damage to enemies and 
      they'll do a set amount of damage to you in combat. Health Potions will 
      heal a set amount when used. In addition, if you die then you will need 
      to redo the mission from the beginning.

      This is the set difficulty for the OG Xbox version which does not have 
      a difficulty setting. As such this would also be considered normal 

      This difficulty is the same as Hard but a checkpoint system is 
      introduced. When you walk into certain areas during a mission a 
      checkpoint is activated. Other areas that have a checkpoint must be 
      activated by standing on special platforms. Some levels have more than 
      one checkpoint and only one can be active at any given time.

      If you die then you will be taken to an active checkpoint so you can 
      resume the mission. If no checkpoint is activated then you will need to 
      restart the mission if you die.

      In addition, if you use a checkpoint then it will cost you 10 Gold. So, 
      if you want to collect all treasure in a mission, then you will need to 
      complete it without dying.

      There are multiple differences between this and Medium/Hard difficulty:

        --You'll do a bit more damage in combat.
        --You'll receive less damage in combat.
        --Health Potions restore more health.
        --Checkpoints will no longer cost money if you die.

| >GEN7. The Main Screen                                                    |

Your Main Screen is where all of the action in Enclave take place.

In the center of your screen is your chosen character. You use your Left
Analog Stick to move them around and the Right Analog Stick to rotate and
manipulate the camera.

It is important to note that you can switch between third and first person
views with a button press. Some situations are better handled in first person
than in third person.

In the upper left corner of the screen is where you can find two large
circles connected by two lines. The right circle will indicate what weapon
you have in your possession. The left circle will indicate what ammo it is
using, like Crossbow Bolts for your Crossbow, or Shield. This circle will
also indicate what other item you have other than an ammo, shield, or weapon

If you are near something that you can perform an action with, such as
activating a Switch, then a hand will appear. Use the Use Item button to use
that item.

The two lines that connect the circles are bars. The top bar is your health.
The bottom bar indicates how many arrows you have ready to fire or how much
Mana you have (magic users). The round area at the top indicates how much
ammo you have for your Bows and Crossbows.

In the upper right corner of the screen is where you can find how much
treasure you have found and how much there is in the mission. Your Health
Potions will also be here.

In the lower right corner of the screen is where you can find enemy types and
how much health they have when you are are in combat.

| >GEN8. Treasure and Items                                                 |

As just mentioned you can find treasure that you can use to buy equipment to
help in successfully completing missions. Some are dropped by enemies, some
are out in the open, and some are hidden. The main currency is in Gold and
come in several forms:

  | Pot of Gold |   5 Gold |
  | Sapphire    |  50 Gold |
  | Emerald     | 100 Gold |
  | Ruby        | 150 Gold |
  | Diamond     | 200 Gold |

The goal is to collect all of the Gold within the mission so you can buy
better weapons and items for the next one. The maximum amount of Gold you can
collect in either Campaign is 13,000 and you can unlock special characters if
you manage this feat.

In addition to Gold there are various items that can be found through the
levels. The main one is the Health Potions which are used to heal you during
the mission. You will also find Arrows and Crossbow Bolts laying around as

Of course, you need to look out for Keys that are used to open doors that
will allow you to progress through the mission. There are also Keys that open
special Chests that contain maps that open Bonus Missions that will allow you
to acquire more Gold that will help you in your quest.

| >GEN9. Combat Information, Weapons, and Items                             |

In this chapter I go over the various combat tactics, weapon types, ammo, and
support items. The more powerful the weapons and ammo are, the more expensive
they are going to be.

It is not possible to purchase all weapons to create a collection that you
can use and switch weapons prior to doing a mission. For example, a Knight
can only have one Sword. If you want to upgrade to a better Sword then that
current Sword is automatically refunded for the full amount of Gold when you
purchase the better Sword.

If the Sword is worth 100 Gold and you purchase the Dwarven Sword which is
400 Gold then the old Sword is refunded when you purchase the Dwarven Sword
so you only pay the difference of 300 Gold.

The same also goes in reverse in case you want to go to a lesser weapon so
you can have enough Gold to purchase a better Shield or item.

This also applies to ammo and other purchasable items.

It is important to note that most of the information on weapons and combat
tactics is copied directly from the actual game manual and are indicated with
quote marks.

| A. Combat Information |##################################################\

In this sub-chapter I go over certain combat information that is used in
regards to the weapons below:

| Melee Combos \

  "Pressing the Attack button three times repeatedly and timed will trigger a 
   combo. There are two combos. A two-step combo that delivers increased 
   damage, and a three-step combo that will do a three blow hit, the first 
   regular, the second increased and the third doubling damage with shock 
   damage included."

  This shock damage is what I call Power Smashing and I will refer to this 
  often throughout the guide.

| Damage Over Time \

  Some of these weapons and ammo do what is known as "damage over time". What 
  this means is that after you hit an enemy with a certain type of weapon or 
  ammo they will continue to suffer damage over a set period of time. For 
  example, it you hit an enemy with a Poison Arrow then they will suffer 
  poison effects for awhile which further inflicts damage.

| B. Melee Weapons and Shields |###########################################\

These are hand held weapons and shields that are used by your party. There
are four kinds of weapons: Swords, Axes, Hammers, and Daggers. Certain
classes can use certain kinds of these weapons and shields:

  >>Swords, Axes, Hammers, Shields
      --Light Campaign: Knight, Halfling, Engineer.
      --Dark Campaign: Berserker, Goblin, Bombardier.

      --Light Campaign: Huntress, Druid, Wizard.
      --Dark Campaign: Assassin, Sorceress, Lich.

Listed below are the different melee weapon and shield classes and brief
information on each item.

| Swords \

  "The swords are the easiest weapons to control, it's a fast wielding 
   weapon and it deals a fair amount of damage. The blade gets better and 
   swifter the further you progress. Better blades result in faster attacks 
   and heavier dealt damage."

        Available: Chapter 1 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 2 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 50 Gold.
        Notes: This is just a basic sword but is better than nothing.

    >>Broad Sword
        Available: Chapter 2 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 100 Gold.
        Notes: A bit bigger and longer than the regular Sword and can do a 
               bit more damage.

    >>Long Sword
        Available: Chapter 3 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 200 Gold.
        Notes: Longer and a bit more balanced this sword can do more damage 
               than the Broad Sword.

        Available: Chapter 4 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 300 Gold.
        Notes: Although it looks skinnier than the other swords it can be 
               used a bit faster and do more damage.

    >>Dwarven Sword
        Available: Chapter 5 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 400 Gold.
        Notes: This is a bit bigger than the Long Sword and can do 
               substantial damage. However, because of its size, it takes 
               longer to swing which leaves you open to attack.

    >>Runed Blade
        Available: Chapter 6 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 500 Gold.
        Notes: Similar to the shape of the Scimitar but is larger and has 
               decorative runes inscribed on it. Not as fast as the Scimitar 
               but can do more damage.

        Available: Chapter 7 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 650 Gold.
        Notes: This is a larger and more powerful sword than the Runed Blade.

    >>Bastard Sword
        Available: Chapter 8 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 750 Gold.
        Notes: This is a very long and pointy sword that can allow you to hit 
               someone before they can get up close to you and is powerful 
               enough to kill in one hit (depending on enemy and difficulty).

    >>Ehrick's Bane
        Available: Chapter 9 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 900 Gold.
        Notes: Although a bit shorter than the Bastard Sword it can kill in 
               one hit (depending on enemy and difficulty).

    >>Frost Sword
        Available: Chapter 6 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 10 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 1,200 Gold.
        Notes: This would appear to be a very powerful weapon but is not. It 
               is less powerful than some of the other swords listed above 
               against most enemies. The only enemy it can do major damage 
               with are the Stone Gnomes. It will freeze them and you can 
               knock them away and destroy them with another hit.

        Available: Chapter 13 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 12 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 1,200 Gold.
        Notes: This is about the same size as the Ehrick's Bane but does less 

        Available: Chapter 11 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 10 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 1,500 Gold.
        Notes: Easily the most powerful sword in the game. It can kill most 
               enemies, regardless of difficulty, in one hit. Even if you do 
               a glancing blow it will set your enemies on fire which does 
               damage over time and can finish them off before you can hit 
               them again.

| Axes \

  "Hacking though the masses is a strategic choice for those who know how to 
   wield an axe correctly. A sharp cutting edge that will slash into the 
   thickest of armours. It is a somewhat slower weapon to wield, but it's 

    >>Bearded Axe
        Available: Chapter 2 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 50 Gold.
        Notes: This is a simple basic axe that does little damage.

        Available: Chapter 2 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 100 Gold.
        Notes: This weapon resembles a pickaxe and can do a bit more damage 
               than the Bearded Axe.

    >>Short Axe
        Available: Chapter 3 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 200 Gold.
        Notes: This is a larger, double bladed weapon with a spike between 
               the blades. Does a little more damage than the Kama.

    >>Dwarven Axe
        Available: Chapter 4 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 300 Gold.
        Notes: This is smaller than the Short Axe but does more damage.

    >>Brute Axe
        Available: Chapter 5 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 400 Gold.
        Notes: Instead of blades it has spikes and can kill more quickly.

    >>Battle Axe
        Available: Chapter 6 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 500 Gold.
        Notes: A beefier version of the Short Axe and does more damage than 
               the Brute Axe.

    >>War Axe
        Available: Chapter 7 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 650 Gold.
        Notes: Although it has a single blade it is one of the better axes to 

    >>Great Axe
        Available: Chapter 8 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 750 Gold.
        Notes: Instead of blades it has spikes and can kill more quickly.

    >>Shatter Axe
        Available: Chapter 9 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 900 Gold.
        Notes: This is a very large axe that can often kill in one to two 
               hits even against powerful enemies (depending on difficulty).

    >>Axe of Slaying
        Available: Chapter 10 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 1,500 Gold.
        Notes: This large magically enchanted weapon is the most powerful axe 
               in the game, can kill in one hit in most cases, and can 
               seriously damage enemies with a well placed power smash.

| Hammers \

  "Hammers are the heaviest melee weapons. They will crush bones and take 
   down the foes before you. Heavy and blunt, they will deliver severe damage 
   to your opponent. Although it is lacking speed, it is still an excellent 
   choice for a true warrior."

    >>Spiked Club
        Available: Chapter 2 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 50 Gold.
        Notes: This is a basic spiked weapon that can do some damage.

    >>War Hammer
        Available: Chapter 2 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 100 Gold.
        Notes: This is a large hammer about the same size as the Spiked Club 
               and can do a little more damage.

        Available: Chapter 3 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 200 Gold.
        Notes: This is a club that has a spiked ball on the end that can do 
               serious damage.

    >>Heavy Club
        Available: Chapter 4 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 300 Gold.
        Notes: A substantially larger weapon than the War Hammer and can do 
               more damage than it.

        Available: Chapter 5 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 400 Gold.
        Notes: It has a smaller spiked head than the Morningstar but can 
               still do just as much, if not more, damage.

        Available: Chapter 6 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 500 Gold.
        Notes: This weapon has a large anvil shaped head than can inflict a 
               lot of pain for those on the receiving end.

    >>Battle Hammer
        Available: Chapter 7 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 650 Gold.
        Notes: While it is shaped similarly to the War Hammer the head is 
               much larger and can inflict a lot more damage than the others.

    >>Chaos Hammer
        Available: Chapter 8 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 750 Gold.
        Notes: This weapon has a large head with spikes on one end and can 
               kill quickly depending on its wielder.

    >>Heavy Morningstar
        Available: Chapter 9 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 900 Gold.
        Notes: This is a more larger version of its smaller cousin and can 
               kill in one hit in most cases (depending on enemy and 

    >>Hammer of the Sky
        Available: Chapter 11 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 10 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 1,500 Gold.
        Notes: This magically enchanted weapon is the best hammer there is. 
               Can pretty much kill the majority of enemies in one hit and 
               often make powerful power smashes.

| Shields \

  "A set of armour and a great sword do not make a warrior complete without a 
   shield. Protection is a must for every warrior. One cannot survive long 
   without a shield. Especially against range weapons and spell casters.

   Snipers might fire their arrows aiming for your head, using a shield will 
   squat you down so it will be harder to hit the head. Blocking against a 
   powerful melee blow is hard, but playing defensive will indeed keep you 
   alive much longer."

  In addition, shields do not protect against explosions and magical attacks.

    >>Wood Targa
        Available: Chapter 1 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 2 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 25 Gold.
        Notes: A small wooden shield that offers little protection.

        Available: Chapter 2 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 50 Gold.
        Notes: A metal shield that is the same size as the Wood Targa but can 
               withstand more punishment.

    >>Spiked Shield
        Available: Chapter 2 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 100 Gold.
        Notes: A larger wooden shield that offers more protection and has 
               spikes that can keep enemies at a distance lest they get hurt.

    >>Brute Shield
        Available: Chapter 3 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 150 Gold.
        Notes: A large wooden shield that has a metal frame. Although it 
               doesn't have any spikes this shield is large and can offer 
               good protection in combat.

    >>Round Shield
        Available: Chapter 4 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 200 Gold.
        Notes: A large round metal shield that can withstand a lot of 

    >>Kite Shield
        Available: Chapter 5 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 250 Gold.
        Notes: A more traditional shaped shield with a spike in the center.

    >>Blade Shield
        Available: Chapter 6 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 300 Gold.
        Notes: This large metal shield has blades sticking out of its sides 
               and can great protection while being very intimidating to 

    >>Chaos Shield
        Available: Chapter 7 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 400 Gold.
        Notes: This is a large wooden/metal shield with a skull in the 
               center. It is also magically enhanced to improve its 
               protection qualities.

    >>Thorn Shield
        Available: Chapter 8 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 500 Gold.
        Notes: This is a large metal shield that can protect its user quite 

    >>Ancient Scutum
        Available: Chapter 9 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: 900 Gold.
        Notes: This is the same type of shield used by the Ancestors and is 
               probably the best overall shield in the game as it has the 
               best coverage to protect its user.

    >>Enchanted Shield
        Available: Chapter 11 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 10 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 1,500 Gold.
        Notes: This is a shield forged with magical steel, in-scripted with 
               runes, and has a giant jewel in the center. Despite its 
               magical qualities it doesn't do anything against magical 
               attacks as already mentioned.

| Daggers \

  "The daggers are a defensive weapon, light weighted and fast thrusting. 
   Slashing and tearing up deep wounds, the enemy shortly gets paralysed from 
   the cuts. This gives you an excellent opportunity to stab over and over 

   You shouldn't stop stabbing once you have begun, often you find yourself 
   outnumbered or cornered up against a wall. Take them down before they get 
   an advantage in taking you down with their bigger weapons."

    >>Short Dagger
        Available: Chapter 2 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 1 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 15 Gold.
        Notes: A simple basic dagger that does light damage.

    >>Long Dagger
        Available: Chapter 2 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 1 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 50 Gold.
        Notes: This dagger can do more damage than the Short Dagger.

    >>Curved Dagger
        Available: Chapter 4 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 6 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 150 Gold.
        Notes: This weapon is an improvement over the Long Dagger.

    >>Ceremonial Dagger
        Available: Chapter 6 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 8 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 300 Gold.
        Notes: Despite its fancy looks this is one of the best daggers there 

    >>Poisoned Dagger
        Available: Chapter 11 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 10 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 600 Gold.
        Notes: The best dagger of the lot. Not only can it do serious damage 
               it also does substantial damage over time due to its poisonous 

| C. Bows and Arrows |#####################################################\

"With a sharp eye and a balanced sniper arrow, this weapon will slay all foes 
 before you. Probably the hardest weapon to control. But then again, once you 
 learn how to use it, this weapon will both have close quarter ability and 
 long ranged distance. Bombs and fire arrows help you to cut the path for the 
 enemy. Loading several burst arrows will take down anyone on close distance 
 and hit several on range."

While crossbows can use Poison and Magic Bolts bows can use other different
types of arrows such as fire and explosive in addition to magic and poison.

With certain arrows you can fire several at once. To do this you need to hold
down the Use Item button to put more arrows on the bow before firing. If an
enemy is close enough then they may get all of the arrows resulting in a one
hit kill. However, the same can also work against you when dealing with a
enemy that uses Bows.

Of course, if you fire multiple arrows at once you will also quickly deplete
your ammo.

When using a Bow you will see a green dot in the center of your screen. When
aiming at an enemy you need to make sure it turns red or you will not hit
them. Hold down the Attack button to pull the string back. The longer you
hold it down, the more powerful the shot will be when you release.

Finally, only one class from each Campaign can use the Bows: the Huntress
(Light) and the Assassin (Dark).

| Bows \

        Available: Chapter 2 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 1 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 25 Gold.
        Notes: This bow can fire fast but has limited range and power.

    >>Composite Bow
        Available: Chapter 3 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 2 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 150 Gold.
        Notes: This bow fires slower than the Shortbow but has more range and 

    >>Elven Highbow
        Available: Chapter 4 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 6 (Dark Campaign).
        Price:300 Gold.
        Notes: This bow fires at the same rate as the Composite Bow but has 
               better range and power.

    >>Precision Bow
        Available: Chapter 6 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 8 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 550 Gold.
        Notes: One of the best bows and is best used for Sniper Arrows.

    >>Etheral Bow
        Available: Chapter 11 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 10 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 1,000 Gold.
        Notes: This is the best of the bows. Has about the same range as the 
               Precision Bow but has more power.

| Arrows \

    >>Burst Arrows
        Available: Chapter 2 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 1 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: From 5 Gold for 20 Arrows to 60 Gold for 240 Arrows.
        Notes: This is just a regular arrow but you can fire up to eight of 
               them at once.

    >>Fire Arrows
        Available: Chapter 2 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 1 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: From 15 Gold for 10 Arrows to 140 Gold for 120 Arrows.
        Notes: This is the same as the Burst Arrows but they are set on fire 
               allowing to do additional damage. Just like with the Burst you 
               can fire more than one arrow but you can only do seven.

               One interesting thing to note about this arrow. If you fire 
               them on the ground and step into the flame you cannot be hurt. 
               The fire you created from the arrow can hurt enemies but not 

    >>Grenade Arrows
        Available: Chapter 2 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 1 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: From 30 Gold for 5 Arrows to 150 Gold for 25 Arrows.
        Notes: This is an arrow that has a small explosive for an arrowhead. 
               However, this adds additional weight and it won't fly as far. 
               You will need to arc your shot so it can travel further.

               Just like with the Fire Arrows the Grenade Arrows cannot hurt 
               you if you fire one and it explodes near you. It may knock you 
               backwards and kill enemies but you won't be injured.

    >>Sniper Arrows
        Available: Chapter 2 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 1 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: From 10 Gold for 5 Arrows to 120 Gold for 60 Arrows.
        Notes: This is a specially made arrow which allows for extreme 
               precision at long distances. When used this arrow also gives 
               your bow, regardless of whichever one you are using, a two 
               level sniper scope.

               When you tap the Use Item button once you will zoom in one 
               level and will be at the same distance regardless of which bow 
               you use. When you tap the Use Item button again then you will 
               zoom in further.

               However, how much you zoom in at this level is determined by 
               the bow you use. The better the bow, the further you can zoom 
               in at the second level.

               Tapping the Use Item button again will take you out of zoom 

               In addition, when aiming at an enemy you will be told what 
               part of the body you are aiming at which gives you even 
               greater precision.

    >>Flame Arrows
        Available: Chapter 6 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: From 200 Gold for 10 Arrows to 1,000 Gold for 50 Arrows.
        Notes: This is a version of the Fire Arrow that produces a little bit 
               more fire. However, unlike with the Fire Arrows, you can only 
               fire three of them at once.

    >>Bomb Arrows
        Available: Chapter 6 (Light and Dark Campaign).
        Price: From 200 Gold for 5 Arrows to 1,000 Gold for 25 Arrows.
        Notes: This is a bit more powerful version of the Grenade Arrow.

    >>Magic Arrows
        Available: Chapter 11 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 10 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: From 150 Gold for 5 Arrows to 2,400 Gold for 60 Arrows.
        Notes: These arrows have magical properties and can do massive 
               damage. They are also another version of the Sniper Arrow thus 
               making them even more powerful. However, they are very 
               expensive so you need to purchase and use them wisely.

| D. Crossbows and Bolts |#################################################\

"A warrior's choice of ranged weapons. Fast and deadly. Levelling out the 
 numbers from range makes it easier to fight them in close combat. Crossbows 
 vary from double-loaded, multi-loaded repeating crossbows to heavy long 

Crossbows can be pretty powerful but one of the major drawbacks to them is
that they have a long reload time which will give the enemy an opportunity to
get up close for attack so you will need to use them wisely. Another drawback
is that there is no zoom mode or sniper bolts that can be used for more
precise attacks. In addition, there are fewer bolt types to use than with the

When using a crossbow and aiming at an enemy you should see a circular
reticle appear around them. It should go from green to red. The closer it
gets to red, the better the chance you have of hitting them when you shoot at
them. Like with the bows there is also the green dot in the center of the
screen you need to use to better hit the enemy.

These are the classes that can use the crossbows:

  --Light Campaign: Knight, Huntress, Halfling, Engineer.
  --Dark Campaign: Assassin, Berserker, Goblin, Bombardier.

| Crossbows \

    >>Light Crossbow
        Available: Chapter 2 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 1 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 50 Gold.
        Notes: A plain crossbow with limited range and power plus a slow 

    >>Dwarven Crossbow
        Available: Chapter 2 (Light Campaign - Huntress only).
                   Chapter 3 (Light Campaign - all other classes).
                   Chapter 2 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 150 Gold.
        Notes: This crossbow has better range and power than the Light 
               Crossbow and can fire two shots before reloading.

    >>Heavy Crossbow
        Available: Chapter 4 (Light Campaign - Huntress only).
                   Chapter 6 (Light Campaign - all other classes).
                   Chapter 6 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 350 Gold.
        Notes: This crossbow packs more of a punch than the Heavy Crossbow 
               and has better range. However, you can only fire a single shot 
               before reloading.

    >>Repeating Crossbow
        Available: Chapter 6 (Light Campaign - Huntress only).
                   Chapter 8 (Light Campaign - all other classes).
                   Chapter 8 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 750 Gold.
        Notes: This crossbow has a magazine that can hold seven bolts which 
               means that you don't need to reload as much. You can fire the 
               bolts individually or hold down the Attack button to fire them 
               in quick succession. However, it has less power than the Heavy 

    >>The Redeemer
        Available: Chapter 11 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 10 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: 900 Gold.
        Notes: This magically enhanced weapon is the best crossbow in the 
               game. It is as powerful as the Heavy Crossbow and also has the 
               same rapid fire feature of the Repeating Crossbow. Even 
               better, you never have to reload. It treats your ammo store as 
               one big magazine.

| Bolts \

  These are the bolts that are used with the crossbows. It should be noted 
  that some classes cannot use all bolt types.

        Available: Chapter 2 (Light Campaign).
                   Chapter 1 (Dark Campaign).
        Price: From 10 Gold for 20 Bolts to 120 Gold for 240 Bolts.
        Notes: This is just a plain bolt but can be purchased on the cheap.

    >>Poison Bolts
        Available: Chapter 5 (Light Campaign - Huntress and Halfling only).
                   Chapter 6 (Dark Campaign - Assassin and Goblin only).
        Price: From 100 Gold for 50 Bolts to 500 Gold for 50 Bolts.
        Notes: This is a bolt that is laced with poison which can produce 
               considerable damage over time.

    >>Magic Bolts
        Available: Chapter 11 (Light Campaign - Huntress and Halfling only).
                   Chapter 10 (Dark Campaign - Assassin and Goblin only).
        Price: From 500 Gold for 10 Bolts to 2,500 Gold for 50 Bolts.
        Notes: These bolts have magical properties and can do massive 
               damage. However, in addition to being expensive, they also fly 
               much slower than regular bolts thus giving an enemy time to 
               dodge it.

| E. Magic Staffs |########################################################\

"The magic of Enclave is rich, ranging from the force of the elements to the 
 twisted powers of the Underworld. Wizards and Sorceresses use the staffs to 
 enhance their powers. Druids and Lichs can also use magic though much weaker 
 than Wizards and Sorceresses. They use their powerful summoning skills 

The Staffs are another range weapon and are used like the Crossbow. When
aiming at an enemy it also has the targeting reticle and green dot system.
None of them have any kind of zoom system.

They also use Mana which is energy taken from the land. This energy is
limitless and thus you have unlimited ammo. However, you do have a Mana Meter
that is under your Health Meter. Each shot you fire from your Staff uses up
some of your Mana. Some Staffs use more per shot than others. If you fire too
much at one time then you will run out.

When you stop firing then the Mana Meter will replenish. Proper use of your
Staff will prevent running out of Mana at the worst moment.

When an enemy comes too close to you then you can use your Staff as a shield
by holding down the Use Item button which creates what the manual calls a
defence spell. This will limit melee attacks against you. However, this will
use up Mana so you can't hold it for long before running out.

You can also do a power smash with your Staff. When holding down the Use Item
button for shielding then press the Attack button to do the smash. The
shockwave from that can do serious to fatal damage in most cases. But you
will instantly use a large chunk, and up to, half of your Mana so do this

As noted the Wizard (Light) and Sorceress (Dark) are more powerful than the
Druid (Light) and Lich (Dark). This means that a Staff used by a Wizard will
do more damage than if the same Staff is held by a Druid. But Druids and
Lichs can summon additional help which is something that the Wizard and
Sorceress cannot do.

In addition, as mentioned earlier, regular physical Shields cannot protect
its user against Staff attacks which makes your magic users even more

Finally, magic users can carry two Staffs in their inventory. Carrying the
right Staffs will make your mission easier.

  >>Astral Staff (Druid)
      Available: Chapter 4 (Light Campaign).
      Price: 300 Gold.
      Notes: This Staff fires a ghostly bird that can follow an enemy. But it 
             doesn't really home in tightly to them so they can move out of 
             the way which results in the bird circling them until it 
             dissipates. The bird does a good deal of damage when it 

             On random occasions the bird just stops near an enemy but it can 
             stop them in their tracks which gives you a chance to fire 
             another bird at them. When power smashing you only use up 
             slightly more Mana than when firing a bird.

             One other useful feature of this Staff is that it can shoot 
             through thin walls, doors, and floors so you can get at enemies 
             waiting for ambush.

             As mentioned the Druid can summon additional help in the form of 
             an Earth Golem. Hold down the Attack Button until it appears. A 
             summon will instantly use up half of your Mana. The Golem will 
             follow you around and attack any nearby enemies. Unfortunately, 
             it is only around for a very short time so summon wisely.

  >>Staff of the Damned (Lich)
      Available: Chapter 9 (Dark Campaign).
      Price: 400 Gold.
      Notes: This Staff is the Dark Campaign version of the Astral Staff. 
             When summoning you will bring up a Shadow Skeleton.

  >>Midwinter Frost
      Available: Chapter 4 (Light Campaign).
                 Chapter 3 (Dark Campaign).
      Price: 500 Gold.
      Notes: This Staff fires small chunks of ice and takes very little Mana 
             to do. However, this does less damage than the Astral Staff and 
             Staff of the Damned. When power smashing it can do damage over 
             time due to the extreme cold.

  >>Tears of Corrosion
      Available: Chapter 4 (Light Campaign).
                 Chapter 3 (Dark Campaign).
      Price: 750 Gold.
      Notes: This Staff fires small balls of green acid poison that does 
             considerable damage over time. Even better, you can bounce them 
             off of objects. As such you can bounce shots off of walls to hit 
             enemies in cover.

             When power smashing this can do some good damage on the initial 
             blast. As the attack progresses it creates a cloud that can do 
             additional damage.

  >>Staff of Storms
      Available: Chapter 6 (Light and Dark Campaign).
      Price: 1,000 Gold.
      Notes: This Staff fires lightning bolts that can do a little bit better 
             damage than the Tears Staff but doesn't have the benefit of 
             damage over time. Its power smashing abilities are a little bit 
             better than the Tears Staff.

  >>Darkness of Despair
      Available: Chapter 6 (Light and Dark Campaign).
      Price: 1,500 Gold.
      Notes: This is one of the better Staffs to use. It fires a black cloud 
             that does quite a bit of damage over time when it connects. It 
             can also home in on your enemy but it is not very accurate. It 
             can do serious damage when power smashing but doesn't do any 
             damage over time.

  >>Psionic Domination
      Available: Chapter 9 (Light and Dark Campaign).
      Price: 2,000 Gold.
      Notes: This is probably the best single Staff in the game. It fires an 
             energy ball that can do more damage than the previously 
             mentioned Staffs.

             But what makes this Staff so powerful is that you can shoot 
             through most walls, wall corners, doors, and floors. With proper 
             use this Staff can clear out most areas of enemies from a 
             distance even if the enemies are behind cover. It also has the 
             same homing capabilities as the Darkness Staff.

             When power smashing it does serious damage in the initial blast. 
             However, any enemies that survive the blast will suffer massive 
             damage over time which will kill them quickly.

  >>The Incinerator
      Available: Chapter 9 (Light and Dark Campaign).
      Price: 3,000 Gold.
      Notes: This fire based Staff fires small, but slow, fireballs that 
             explode upon impact. It does good damage when it connects with 
             an enemy but you can still do damage if you miss and it hits 
             something nearby because of the Staff's explosive nature.

             When power smashing this has the most powerful blast of all of 
             the Staffs and can kill most enemies instantly. However, despite 
             its fire nature, the blast will not do any additional damage 
             over time to any that survive.

| F. Bombs |###############################################################\

"Annihilation and destruction, blow your enemy away with a bomb. Bombs are 
 ignited before you throw them, make sure you aim high. Aiming low will toss 
 them lightly before you, useful when you plant a bomb before a bull-rushing 
 opponent. Using a grease bomb sets him on fire with a direct hit or he will 
 get hurt passing through the fire blockade. Later on, bigger versions of 
 bombs will be available."

In order to throw a Bomb a far distance you need to aim the camera high to
create a long throw arc. To toss it a shorter distance then you need to aim
the camera lower.

Just like with the Fire and Grenade Arrows you cannot hurt yourself with your
own weapons. You can stand on a bomb when it explodes and not suffer a
scratch, even at hard difficulty. The same can be applied to the grease
bombs. You can stand in the fire puddle you create and not get hurt.

There is only one class from each Campaign that can use these weapons: the
Engineer (Light) and the Bombardier (Dark).

      Available: Chapter 6 (Light and Dark Campaign).
      Price: From 5 Gold for 2 Bombs to 400 Gold for 16 Bombs.
      Notes: This is a basic grenade that can do some explosive damage to 
             nearby enemies.

  >>Heavy Bombs
      Available: Chapter 9 (Light Campaign).
                 Chapter 8 (Dark Campaign).
      Price: From 200 Gold for 2 Bombs to 1,600 Gold for 16 Bombs.
      Notes: This is a larger version of the Bomb and can do quite a bit more 

  >>Grease Bombs
      Available: Chapter 6 (Light and Dark Campaign).
      Price: From 50 Gold for 2 Bombs to 400 Gold for 16 Bombs.
      Notes: This is basically a Molotov Cocktail and can leave a large 
             puddle of fire that will take awhile to die out and can hurt 
             enemies in the process. It won't set them on fire but they will 
             suffer damage as they try to run through it.

  >>Heavy Grease Bombs
      Available: Chapter 9 (Light Campaign).
                 Chapter 8 (Dark Campaign).
      Price: From 200 Gold for 2 Bombs to 1,600 Gold for 16 Bombs.
      Notes: This is a larger version of the Grease Bomb and can leave a 
             more intense puddle of fire that enemies must contend with.

| G. Support Items |#######################################################\

These are the non-weapon items that provide support and can be used by all

| Health Potions \

As you go through a mission you will encounter bottles that are either found
or dropped by enemies. These are Health Potions and they will heal you when
used but how much you heal is dependent on difficulty level. Although they
can be found during missions you can also buy and take them with you on
missions. The further along the story you go, the more bottles you can

| 1 Health Potion  | 150 Gold | Ch. 2 (Light), Ch. 1 (Dark)     |
| 2 Health Potions | 300 Gold | Ch. 4 (Light), Ch. 3 (Dark)     |
| 3 Health Potions | 450 Gold | Ch. 6 (Light and Dark Campaign) |
| 4 Health Potions | 600 Gold | Ch. 9 (Light), Ch. 8 (Dark)     |
| 5 Health Potions | 750 Gold | Ch. 11 (Light), Ch. 10 (Dark)   |

| Armour \

Although all of the characters have some sort of shielding ability you can
further improve their chances of survival in combat by the use of armour. The
further along the story you go, the better the armour you can buy.

| Light Armour  |   500 Gold | Chapter 2 (Light), Chapter 1 (Dark)    |
| Medium Armour | 2,500 Gold | Chapter 6 (Light and Dark Campaign)    |
| Heavy Armour  | 4,000 Gold | Chapter 9 (Light - Huntress only)      |
|               |            | Chapter 11 (Light - all other classes) |
|               |            | Chapter 10 (Dark Campaign)             |

| >GEN10. PlayStation 4 Trophies and Xbox Achievements List                 |

Listed in this chapter are all of the Trophies and Achievements that can be
acquired in the PlayStation 4 and Xbox remasters of Enclave.

The majority of them can be unlocked by simply playing through the Campaigns.
The hardest one to unlock would be the one that requires you to complete both
Campaigns on Hard difficulty.

For that one, if you're new to this game, is to play them on Easy to get the
feel of things then go over to Hard afterwards. The only difference between
Medium and Hard is the checkpoints so it is best to just skip Medium. If you
played the game before, especially the OG Xbox version, just start at Hard
and don't bother with Easy.

In addition to listing the Trophy Grade and Achievement Points I will also
list whether they are Secret. If that are then I will list what platform
since the Secret ones are different between platforms.


  >>Ruler of Light and Darkness
      Description: Ruler of Light and Darkness.
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Platinum.
      Notes: This is the PlayStation Platinum Trophy for this game.

      Description: Complete "Imprisoned".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Bronze.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Protect the Outpost
      Description: Complete "Protect the Outpost.
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Bronze.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Escort Marcus
      Description: Complete "Escort Marcus".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Bronze.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Deserted Temple
      Description: Complete "Deserted Temple".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Bronze.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Divided City
      Description: Complete "Divided City".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Bronze.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Outland Wastes
      Description: Complete "Outland Wastes.
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Bronze.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Ark Amar
      Description: Complete "Ark Amar".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>The Ancestors
      Description: Complete "The Ancestors".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>The Sanctuary
      Description: Complete "The Sanctuary".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>The Underworld
      Description: Complete "The Underworld".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

      Description: Complete "Zurana".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

      Description: Complete "Kam-Zara".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

      Description: Complete "Jasindra".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

      Description: Complete "Vatar".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Zurana's Crystal
      Description: Complete "Zurana's Crystal".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Bronze.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Kill Marcus
      Description: Complete "Kill Marcus".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Bronze.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Surprise Attack
      Description: Complete "Surprise Attack".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Bronze.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Mansion of Dreams
      Description: Complete "Mansion of Dreams".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Bronze.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>The Guardian
      Description: Complete "The Guardian".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>The Escape
      Description: Complete "The Escape".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>The Plateau
      Description: Complete "The Plateau".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Capture Jasindra
      Description: Complete "Capture Jasindra".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Outpost Siege
      Description: Complete "Outpost Siege".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>The Great Wall
      Description: Complete "The Great Wall".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Ungard Mines
      Description: Complete "Ungard Mines".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

      Description: Complete "Mordessa".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

      Description: Complete "Celenheim".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Bonus Missions
      Description: Complete all Bonus Missions.
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Gold.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 50 GS.
      Secret: Yes (PlayStation 4).
      Notes: You need to complete all six Bonus Missions between both 
             Campaigns. For the Ballista missions you just need to complete 
             it once regardless of how much Gold you earn. For the Survival 
             missions you only need to complete the Easy difficulty on each 

  >>Campaigns Conquered
      Description: Completed both Campaigns.
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Gold.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 75 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Hard Campaigns Conquered
      Description: Complete "The Underworld".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Gold.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 100 GS.
      Secret: No.

  >>Battle Droid
      Description: Unlock character "9320 Battle Droid".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: Yes (Xbox One).
      Notes: You unlock this by acquiring all 13,000 Gold in the Light 

  >>Earth Golem
      Description: Unlock character "Earth Golem".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: Yes (Xbox One).
      Notes: You unlock this by completing the Light Campaign regardless of 
             the amount of Gold you have.

  >>Stone Gnome
      Description: Unlock character "Stone Gnome".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: Yes (Xbox One).
      Notes: You unlock this by completing the Dark Campaign regardless of 
             the amount of Gold you have.

      Description: Unlock character "Feticia".
      PlayStation Trophy Grade: Silver.
      Xbox Achievement Points: 25 GS.
      Secret: Yes (Xbox One).
      Notes: You unlock this by acquiring all 13,000 Gold in the Dark 

| >GEN11. Chapter Breakdown                                                 |

Each chapter is broken into multiple parts:

| Overview \

  A brief explanation of the mission.

| Objectives \

  A listing of general mission objectives.

| Gold \

  When you are able to purchase stuff this is the maximum amount or range of 
  Gold available for you to use at this point of the story if you managed to 
  collect all the treasure in the previous mission or Bonus Mission.

| Character \

  This lists the character I recommend along with weapon and item loadout. As 
  I have played through the Campaigns I found that the magic users are 
  probably the best ones to use and this guide is geared towards that.

| Notes \

  Any general notes on the mission will be presented here.

| Run-Through \

  This is the main run-through of the mission using the recommended 
  character. All items and Gold will be notated with brackets [like this] to 
  make them easier to find. Like with Slothrop37's guide I also keep a 
  running counter of Gold collected.

| Reward \

  Any additional Gold, unlocked characters, and newly available weapons and 
  gear will be listed here.

With that explained, I will now finally move on to the story.....

  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >ECV2. The Light Campaign                                                 |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

"Scripted within an ancient tome, which lies beneath centuries of dust in the 
 guarded library of Meckelon, is the story of how the rift was formed. Though 
 most cannot recall a time when the rift did not divide the Enclave and the 
 Outlands, they were at one time, unified.

 At that time, there were lands where the very essence of magic, was believed 
 to dwell. For they were lush, and prosperous. All who did not hold the 
 secrets of the soil, which were protected by the Pact of Gi'furo, coveted 
 these lands fiercely.

 The great demon Vatar was among these envious creatures, for he believed 
 that with the magic of these lands in his grasp, he would surely become 
 invincible. And so, he lead his army to attack the dwellers of the land, and 
 lay claim to it for himself!

 The battle raged on and on until at last the mighty wizard, Zale, stood 
 alone against Vatar to protect the lands. When all hope seemed lost and 
 Vatar's victory imminent, Zale struck the final, fatal blow. With a roar of 
 anger and anguish, the wizard slammed his staff into the ground.

 The world trembled and then parted beneath Vatar's feet. A scream of outrage 
 erupted from the demon's throat as he fell to his defeat. However, victory 
 did not come without a price. The chasm that grew from this powerful blast 
 of magic was too vast to be traversed, and the people were separated as much 
 as the lands.

 Those who had come to aid their brothers in fighting against the demon's 
 army, returned to their home, called Meckelon, with stunned minds, and heavy 
 hearts. The Pact of Gi'furo had been broken, and they had become separated 
 from their brothers.

 The denizens of the Outlands, a dark and selfish people, became known as the 
 Dreg'atar and the Enclave of magic land which had been divided from the 
 rest, formed a peaceful city called Celenheim.

 In time, all wounds are healed, for in the lengthly span since it was torn 
 asunder, it seems that the magic inherent within the world has begun to knit 
 the world back together. The rift grows smaller and can even be crossed in 
 certain locations.

 Though it should be a time of celebration and rejoicing, such is not the 
 case. For despite the passage of time, the greedy Dreg'atar still lust after 
 the lands of magic. Raid after raid has been sent into the Enclave, in hopes 
 of weakening it, for the major attack they intend to wage as soon as they 
 are able.

 Crops burned and possessions stolen, Celenheim has been thrown into a state 
 of extreme unrest. Heavy taxes are levied upon the people to help pay for 
 the city's defense. This has seen to the uprising of internal rebellions 
 within the enclave. And some of its inhabitants have landed in jail along 
 with the true enemy.

 And it is here that our story begins.

 A few rebellious grains of sand within the ever-turning hourglass of 

| >TLC1. Cast of Characters                                                 |

In this chapter I do a quick overview of your party members and the enemies
you will face in the Light Campaign.

| A. The Enclave |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

Listed in this sub-chapter are the classes that comprise your party during
this Campaign along with when they become available. Information on these
classes come directly from the game manual and are in quotes.

      Available: Chapter 1.
        "The Knights are strong warriors, revered and feared for their 
         bravery and valor in combat. They are picked out as young boys, 
         already, and go through a rigorous training in the Ancient Code and 
         warfare. Among the people of Celenheim, their bravery on the 
         battlefield and skills in melee combat are unmatched.

         While superior in hand-to-hand combat, the Knights' abilities in 
         magic and ranged combat are very weak, and more often than not they 
         resort to the use of sword and shield."

      Available: Chapter 2.
        "The Huntresses of Aylewood are more nimble with the bow than anyone 
         else, perhaps even the Dreg'atar Assassins. The Elves have a natural 
         vision that strongly exceeds that of the other races. They are a 
         secretive lot however, and not even the Queen herself and the 
         Assembly may know for sure where they exactly come from, and how 
         they are trained."

      Available: Chapter 4.
        "The Druids are a secret order, which lives on its own, independently 
         of the Enclave's government or the Assembly of Six. Nature itself 
         shapes them as their guardians, with knowledge and memories passed 
         from generation to generation.

         They are seldom seen outside their own kind, but have a strong 
         affinity to sense disturbances in the balance of nature. And the 
         Outlanders are the worst disturbance of all."

      Available: Chapter 5.
        "The Halflings have always been faithful to the elves in the lands of 
         Celenheim, and are often taken into service as spies or scouts. They 
         are very fast, agile and can hit their enemies hard, in spite of 
         their small size. Although the halflings are indeed fast, they 
         instead lack when it comes to physical strength."

      Available: Chapter 6.
        "The Gnomes are very important to the people living in the Enclave. 
         They are the craftsmen, workers and engineers of the population, and 
         unmatched in their dexterous skills in handwork. But just as they 
         are skilled in creation, they are very talented in destroying things 
         as well."

      Available: Chapter 9.
        "The Wizards are powerful wielders of elemental magic, and have a 
         wide array of devastating spells at their disposal. Unlike the rogue 
         Sorceresses of the Outlands, the Wizards of Celenheim are trained 
         according to strict rules and conduct within a guild structure. This 
         is crucial for the safety of the Enclave, and the Wizards 

         They are one of the strongest assets to Celenheim, and very loyal to 
         their cause. On the downside the Wizards are physically weak, and 
         nearly defenceless when it comes to melee combat."

  >>Earth Golem
      Available: Completion of the Light Campaign.
        This is a Golem, normally summoned by the Druid, that you can play 
        as. The Golem is quite durable and it has to be since you cannot use 
        any weapons. The only thing you can bring with you is Health Potions. 
        In combat it is quite powerful often killing most enemies in one hit 
        from its massive arms.

  >>9320 Battle Droid
      Available: After acquiring all 13,000 Gold in the Light Campaign.
        This is a robot that has a very powerful rocket launcher that is a 
        one hit kill weapon. Like with the Earth Golem it can't use other 
        weapons and can only bring in Health Potions. In combat it is very 
        durable. However, when using Health Potions, it heals very little and 
        almost looks like it has no effect at all.

| B. The Enemies |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

Listed in this sub-chapter are the enemies that you will encounter during the

      They are small, annoying enemies that can use an array of weapons 
      including Crossbows. Although you should use range weapons against them 
      you can do just as much damage in melee combat since they are smaller 
      than you.

      They are much larger than the Goblin and can do more damage in combat 
      if you go toe to toe with them. They can use various weapons including 

      They are much larger versions of the Orc and are quite formidable in 
      melee combat. It is best to use range weapons against them, especially 
      against the Berserker Brute who is heavily armored.

      These shadowy figures prefer to stay their distance and shoot at you 
      with their Bows. They're not very strong so the right range weapon can 
      put them down quickly.

      It is best not to get too close to one if they happen to be using Burst 
      Arrows. If they decide to shoot a burst of arrows at you and you happen 
      to be close enough then you may receive them all and may result in an 
      instant death regardless of your overall health.

      Like with the Assassin they prefer to stay their distance and use their 
      Magic Staffs against you. For the most part they use weaker Staffs but, 
      in some missions, they use the more powerful Darkness of Despair Staff 
      so care must be taken when dealing with them.

      This is another weak enemy that uses magic but cannot be 
      underestimated. They generally use the Staff of the Damned which can do 
      serious damage if you don't get out of the way of its bird attacks. 
      Just as bad is the fact that Lichs can summon Shadow Skeletons adding 
      more enemies to fight off.

      These are fast ape-like creatures that reside in dark areas. They 
      cannot be outrun and will tear at your back, doing serious damage in 
      the process, if you try. Worse, their claws are poisonous and will do 
      damage over time even though the poison is weak. You should kill them 
      from a distance before they get anywhere close to you.

  >>Stone Gnome
      Only appearing in one mission they are small creatures made of rock. 
      Being that they spawn from lava they are also very hot and can do 
      damage over time if they hit you due to burn damage.

      These are animated skeletons that will attack you with melee weapons 
      although some of them can use Bows. Although they are made of bone 
      magical attacks will damage and destroy them.

  >>Scaara Warrior
      Only appearing in one mission these are scaly, frog-like aggressive 
      creatures. They are fast and attack you with their trident weapons. 
      They are best dealt with from a distance.

      These are large skeletons that are much taller than you and, as such, 
      are tougher to put down.

  >>Mist Wraith
      Only appearing in one mission these ghostly beings only exist to become 
      Arch Lichs.

  / The Light Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >LGT1. Imprisoned                                                         0
  \ Iellon Outpost /                  \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Light Campaign /
   0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0                    0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  You have attempted to protect kinsmen in your village against tax 
  collectors. Just being thrown into prison for these rebellious crimes 
  against Celenheim, you awaken from unconsciousness.

| Objectives \

  --You must find your way out of the cell.
  --Obtain a weapon.
  --Defeat the enemies.
  --Escape the dungeon.

| Character \

  >>Knight (default)

| Notes \

  This is a basic level meant to help you understand most of the game 

| Run-Through \

  When you start you will be in your Cell which has been damaged in the 
  attack. Go through the opening and through the next door to pick up the 
  [Sword]. Across from you is another Cell with a dead Orc but has nothing of 
  value here.

  At one end of this large room is a set of stairs. As you climb them the 
  fortress will suffer another blow from the attackers which will cause parts 
  of the walls to crumble and fall down. When you hear the BOOM then stop and 
  pull back to let the pieces fall down without you getting hurt by them.

  Climb up the next set to find a locked Gate and a [Torch]. Beyond it is a 
  Snotling and a [Shield] but you can't get to it yet. Go back down to the 
  large room with the Cells and to the other end to find a locked door with a 

  As you approach it the fortress will suffer some more damage and a part of 
  the wall to the right of it will come down and reveal a small room with two 
  [Pots of Gold]. There are also two bricks near the door the jut out and you 
  need to climb them to enter the room. However, there is nothing high enough 
  for you to jump from to get there but there is a way.

  Use the Lever to open the door and you will notice that there are some bars 
  that lift the door up. Jump on the one at the right of the door to lift you 
  up so you can jump on the bricks and enter the room to get the [Gold] 
  (10/50). Drop back down and enter the hallway.

    **NOTE: If you miss getting into the room with the [Gold] you can close 
            the door and re-open it to try again.

  Once in the hallway you will need to use your [Torch]. Follow the way and 
  down a Ladder. Continue forward and you will find another Ladder going up. 
  However, go forward past it until you reach a room with three passages. 
  Take either the left of right passage to find a Ladder that will take you 
  up to a small room with two [Pots of Gold] (20/50).

  Go back down and to the first Ladder then climb it up to the room with the 
  [Shield] and Snotling. Grab the [Shield] and kill the Snotling. On one wall 
  you should find two wheels that opens the Gates. The right one will open 
  the way back to the Cells. The left one will open the other Gate and allow 
  you proceed further into the fortress.

  Kill the Snotling on the other side of the Gate and go up the stairs. Here 
  you should be in a large room with a grating in the middle and a Snotling 
  in the hallway ahead. As you move forward then the fortress will suffer 
  more damage but the debris will fall to the left side of the room so go 
  right past the grating to get to the hallway. As you do so then the 
  Snotling will run ahead of you and to another room.

  Go into the hallway and follow him. In the next room is a set of stairs and 
  a [Pot of Gold] (25/50). Kill the Snotling, grab the [Gold], and, if you 
  try to go up the stairs, you will find it blocked so you will have to go 
  back down.

  As you near the large room you went through earlier a part of the wall in 
  front of you will crumble as a result of another blow revealing another 
  room. Inside are three drunk Snotlings you need to kill with one of them 
  dropping a [Pot of Gold] (30/50).

  When you go to the next door you find a [Healing Potion]. Pick it up and go 
  through the door. As you open the door then a barrel will be rolled down 
  towards you so pull back until it stops. You will need to do the same thing 
  again when you go up the next set where a Snotling drops a Bomb. Climb up 
  to kill the Snotling.

  When you reach the top you should see small ledges to the right and left of 
  the hall in front of the door. Jump onto the left one and follow it all the 
  way to a small area with two [Pots of Gold] (40/50). Go through the door 
  and you will be attacked by a Snotling. After killing him then look around.

  In front of you and to the right are doors and on the table in the corner 
  is another [Healing Potion]. Go through the right door and forward to a 
  large bedroom. As you enter then a Snotling will drop from a window and 
  attack you. He will drop some [Gold] and there is some more near the bed 

  Go back to the junction and take the other door. When you get into the next 
  room you should see a door to your left. This is your exit but you need a 
  [Key]. Continue forwards to enter a small bedroom with a Snotling and a 
  [Rusty Key]. Kill the Snotling and grab the [Key]. Go back to the door you 
  passed then open it to meet the Huntress and end the mission.

| Rewards \

  >>New item unlocked: Sword (50 Gold).
  >>New item unlocked: Wood Targa (25 Gold).

  / The Light Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >LGT2. Protect the Outpost                                                0
  \ Iellon Outpost /                  \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Light Campaign /
   0+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0                    0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  After fighting your way to the surface, you face a threat far worse than 
  imprisonment. The outpost is under attack, and you are rallied to fight 
  side by side with your captors against the invaders.

| Objectives \

  --Protect the Outpost.
  --Defeat the Outlanders.
  --Defeat Bor'je.

| Character \

  >>Knight (default)

| Notes \

  This is a straightforward level where you are able to use the Crossbow in 
  combat and will be starting from where you left off in the previous 
  mission. You will also be partnering with the Huntress you just met and 
  will be unlocked in this mission for use with your party.

  It is important to note that if you go back to replay this mission you can 
  only use the Knight, Huntress, Halfling, and Engineer. You cannot use any 
  other character, even the 9320 Battle Droid.

  Finally, most of this area is going to be labeled as you will be going 
  through this Outpost again in the Dark Campaign.

| Run-Through \

  When you start then run to the door where you will pick up a [Light 
  Crossbow] and some [Crossbow Bolts]. Open the door to the Outer Courtyard 
  to face off against four Snotlings. Use the Crossbow to kill them. One of 
  them will drop a [Pot of Gold] (5/100) and another will drop a [Health 

  Near the center of the Outer Courtyard is a locked Gate that you can't get 
  through yet. Go to the left of it to find a [Pot of Gold] (10/100). Near a 
  tree is a Cannon. Use it to blow open the Gate. There is another Inner Gate 
  ahead of you after that with another [Pot of Gold] (15/100) to the right of 

  As you get close then an Orc will set off a fuse that will blow open this 
  Gate. Stand back and let it explode. Once the Gate is gone then an Orc 
  Apprentice will attack and use the Crossbow to dispose of him. He will also 
  drop a [Pot of Gold] (20/100).

  As you enter the next area, which I will call the Inner Courtyard, then you 
  will be attacked by another Orc Apprentice and a Snotling. There is also 
  going to be another soldier helping in the defense but he will be killed 
  quickly. The Orc also sets off another fuse that will blow up some 
  explosives to the left of you so you need to be away from it so you don't 
  get hurt.

  If you want to save the soldier then go right and around the pillar to 
  confront the two attackers who will then attack you. As you are going to be 
  close to them you should use your Sword against them. If you do things 
  right then you should save the soldier who can be useful later.

  Once you kill the attackers go and pick up the [Health Potion] the Snotling 
  dropped. After the explosion there should be two [Pots of Gold] (30/100) 
  near the pillar by the now detonated explosives.

  Go through the door opposite of where the [Pots of Gold] were to enter the 
  Stairs Yard. You will also be attacked by a Goblin. After dealing with him 
  then you should see some stairs leading up to a platform. At the top are 
  two [Pots of Gold] (40/100) plus a [Health Potion] on the landing plus 
  another [Pot of Gold] (45/100) under the stairs.

  Go back to the Inner Courtyard then through the other door at the end to 
  enter the Entrance Yard. You will also be attacked by a Snotling. After 
  dealing with him then jump the overturned table and go in the far corner to 
  find two [Pots of Gold] (55/100).

  Go through the next door to find a [Pot of Gold] (60/100) on a crate in the 
  corner. As you proceed then you will find two Orc Apprentices and a Orc 
  Bombardier attacking a soldier in a hallway. If you managed to save the 
  other soldier from earlier then he may enter the fray which will give you a 
  chance to start picking off the attackers before they can kill your helpers 
  and come after you.

  Once the Orcs start coming after you then switch to your Sword and finish 
  them off before proceeding. After killing them two of them will drop [Pots 
  of Gold] (70/100).

  From here then proceed through the long hallway. If you look to your left 
  you should see a large closed Main Gate. Note this location as you will be 
  coming back down here later.

  Continue forward until you find a red door that leads into the Stairway 
  Room leading up. On the first landing above there will be two Snotlings 
  with Crossbows. After killing them with your Crossbow one of them will drop 
  some [Crossbow Bolts]. Under the landing are two [Pots of Gold] (80/100).

  When you try to go up the stairs then you will be attacked by an Orc 
  Apprentice. After dealing with him then proceed upwards. When you reach the 
  next main landing you will be attacked by another Snotling who will drop 
  [Gold] (85/100) when you kill him. In one corner of this landing is another 
  Snotling with a Crossbow and a crate with another [Pot of Gold] (90/100). 

  Continue upwards and, when you reach the top, then you will be attacked by 
  another Orc Apprentice which you need to get rid of. When you go into the 
  next room then an Orc Apprentice will toss a crate towards you before 
  attacking. After dealing with him then continue up the next set of stairs 
  that lead up to a larger area with archways which I will call the Top 
  Courtyard. In the far corner are the last two [Pots of Gold] (100/100).

  On one side of this area is a set of stairs that go up to the Main Tower. 
  When you go inside you will find that an Orc Bombardier has climbed up a 
  ladder that will break apart preventing you from following him. The door 
  will also close and lock behind you.

  Switch to your Sword and wait for him to drop down. Use your Shield and 
  swing the Sword repeatedly to kill him. He will also drop a [Rusty Key] 
  which you need to leave the tower.

  Once you leave the Main Tower then you need to go back down the stairs. 
  When you are at the top of the stairs then a Snotling will attack you from 
  a window across from you. Use your Crossbow to kill him. When you proceed 
  back into the main stairway then you will be attacked by another Snotling.

  After dealing with that then continue down. When you get down to the bottom 
  landing then another Snotling will be waiting down below. Kill him from 
  above before continuing.

  Go back to the long hallway with the closed Main Gate and you should find 
  it open and another closed Outer Gate behind it. The Orc you killed in the 
  Main Tower was the one who opened the Main Gate.

  When you get close to the Outer Gate you should hear something approaching 
  it so back away. It will be rammed open by an Orc Apprentice who will drop 
  a [Health Potion] when you kill him.

  Prior to the now destroyed Outer Gate are two nooks, one to the right and 
  left. The right nook should have a [Health Potion]. Go through the Gate to 
  enter a large field with a large Catapult.

  Here you should find it surrounded by enemies. They are: two Orc 
  Apprentices, two Snotlings with one of them having a Bow with multiple Fire 
  Arrows, a Goblin with a bow with multiple regular Arrows, and Bor'je who is 
  running the Catapult.

  From near the end of the bridge go ahead and start picking them off 
  starting with Bor'je. He is more interested in maintaining the Catapult so 
  he is less likely to charge you unless you get close to him. He is big so 
  it will take multiple Bolts to finish him off.

  After killing him then start with those closest to you. Even though the two 
  Goblins in the rear are shooting at you they are too far away to deal any 
  real damage. If any of them charge at you then back up if you need be until 
  they drop dead. Once the last enemy is dead then the mission is completed.

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 25 Gold Pieces.
  >>New character unlocked: Huntress.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Broad Sword, Bearded Axe, Kama, Spiked Club, War 
      --Daggers: Short Dagger, Long Dagger.
      --Shields: Buckler, Spiked Shield.
      --Bows: Shortbow.
      --Arrows: Burst Arrows, Fire Arrows, Grenade Arrows, Sniper Arrows.
      --Crossbows: Light Crossbow, Dwarven Crossbow (Huntress only).
      --Crossbow Bolts: Bolts.
      --Health Potions: 1 Health Potion.
      --Armour: Light Armour.

  / The Light Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >LGT3. Escort Marcus                                                      0
  \ Celadia Village /                 \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Light Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0                   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  At Queen Aylindel's request, you have been sent to Celadia Village to help 
  Merchant Marcus. Dreg'atar raiders have plundered his caravan, stolen his 
  treasury and account book.

| Objectives \

  --Escort Marcus through the village and help him gather his things.
  --The Account Book.
  --A Key to the Town Gate.
  --Marcus must survive.

| Gold \

  >>300 (if you acquired all 175 Gold pieces from the previous missions).

| Character \

      --Dwarven Crossbow
      --120 Bolts
      --Long Dagger

| Notes \

  This mission is a little more complicated than the others so far due to it 
  being an escort mission and the maze-like layout of the village. However, 
  Marcus will stop at various places which will allow you to go ahead and 
  take care of bothersome enemies before they can do anything to him.

  In addition, most of this area is going to be labeled as you will be going 
  through this town again in the Dark Campaign.

| Run-Through \

  When you start you should see Marcus ahead of you. You will be on a wooden 
  bridge which I will call Gate Bridge 1. Marcus will be in what I will call 
  the Entrance Courtyard.  You should also see a nook off to your right with 
  some crates. Go inside to find a [Pot of Gold] (5/150). Go back to the 
  bridge and you should find a board that goes down to the water. The water 
  comprises the Canals that go underneath throughout the village.

  Go down into the Canals and follow the path until you reach the corner 
  where you can find two [Pots of Gold] (15/150). If you go through the 
  tunnel ahead it will take you into the village.

  However, if you try to take the stairs then a cart with a crate will come 
  down and block the way. If you go back to the Canals and continue following 
  it you will come to a Gate you can't open - it only opens from the other 
  direction. You will also see a Nightcrawler run off ahead of you. You 
  cannot do anything about it right now though.

  Go back up the board and meet Marcus. As he is talking to you go up ahead 
  to find an Orc Apprentice. Kill him then stop. Marcus will follow behind 
  you and stop at the door ahead of you. This door opens into Marcus's House.

  You will notice that he has a health bar at the lower left corner of the 
  screen. In addition, he is also armed and can do some of the fighting if 
  enemies get too close but the enemies are still going to be more powerful 
  and can kill him if you don't defend him well. While at the door he will 
  request that you go on ahead inside and clear the place out.

  However, while on the bridge, look at Marcus and jump down into the water 
  to your right. If you do things right then you should see the first one-way 
  Gate ahead of you. Turn around and follow the way until you see a landing 
  which should be to your right. Stop before you get there and gently move 
  forward to get a Snotling to appear there. Shoot him in the head to kill 
  him before he knows you're there.

    **NOTE: If you proceed forward from this point then you should encounter 
            another one-way Gate you can't open.

  Go onto the landing and proceed up the stairs. You should hear some banging 
  to your left as you do so. The Main Courtyard is up ahead and a a Snotling 
  should be there shooting Bolts at you. Kill him and he should drop some 
  [Crossbow Bolts]. When you pick them up then turn around.

  You should see an Orc Apprentice banging on a weapon in the Metal Works
  area. Hit him with a headshot to seriously damage or kill him outright - he 
  will also drop a [Pot of Gold] (20/150).

  In the same room is a Snotling who will run to you after killing the Orc. 
  Nail him before he gets too close. Go inside and climb the Ladder to find a 
  Snotling who will appear just before you get to the top. Drop down to 
  ground level to get the Snotling to follow you outside so you have room to 
  kill him with your Crossbow.

  Go back inside then climb the Ladder to find two [Pots of Gold] (30/150) on 
  the balcony and a [Health Potion] nearby.

  Go back down the Ladder and re-enter the Main Courtyard then proceed to the 
  other end to find a door. This door leads into the Storeroom. Near the door 
  is the stairs that lead down to the tunnel near the water you encountered 

  Go through the door to find an upper area to your right. There is also 
  going to be an Orc Bombardier that will jump down to fight you. Back out 
  into the Main Courtyard so you have room to shoot at him until he is 

  Go back into the Storeroom and up to the upper area to find a [Health 
  Potion]. Go back down and shoot the stairs to break them apart. Go 
  underneath the upper area to find three [Pots of Gold] (45/150). Go back 
  into the Main Courtyard and jump over the railing and into the water.

  To your left is the second one-way Gate and you can open it from this side. 
  If you go right and follow the way then you should find two [Pots of Gold] 
  (55/150). Continue forward and you should see a landing to your left with 
  another [Pot of Gold] (60/150). Forward from here is the end of the 

  From the landing, go up the stairs and you should see some crates ahead of 
  you with a [Health Potion] on them. From the crates, turn left to find a 
  round grating and a door to your left which goes into the Canals Apartment. 
  But don't go forward.

  Instead look up a bit and you should see a landing above the door. An Orc 
  Bombardier should be patrolling the upper floor of this residence. When he 
  appears then shoot at him. If he drops down then head back towards the 
  water so you can have room to kill him with the Crossbow.

  Go to the door, enter it, and go up to where the Orc was. On the landing 
  outside where he was patrolling are two [Pots of Gold] (70/150). If you 
  continue on this floor then you should find a Ladder that goes up to the 
  rooftops but don't go up yet.

  Once you leave the residence then turn left and stop at the junction. Going 
  left will lead you to the exit which also ends at a bridge which I will 
  call Gate Bridge 2. Turning right will lead you to a corner with a locked 
  door. This door opens into Marcus' Office.

  Turn right at this corner then left at the junction will take you back to 
  the Main Courtyard. As you approach the Courtyard then an Orc Apprentice 
  and an Orc Bombardier will appear behind you so turn around and nail them 
  with the Crossbow. After that then go back to Marcus.

  By doing all of this now you have helped clear the way of a lot, but not 
  all, of enemies.

  When you get back to him then proceed inside. As you approach the stairs 
  then you will be attacked by a Goblin. After dealing with him then continue 
  up but stop halfway up and turn around.

  There should be another Orc Apprentice hidden behind a chair. Carefully 
  shoot him through the chair legs and you should do some damage to him 
  before he decides to come after you. When you get to the top of the stairs 
  then turn left to go onto a balcony to find two [Pots of Gold] (80/150).

  Slowly continue forward through the living area and you should find an Orc 
  Apprentice sleeping by the fireplace. Nail him with a headshot to kill him 
  before he wakes up and he will drop a [Health Potion]. When he is dead then 
  Marcus will come up to grab the [Account Book]. As he is doing so then 
  leave the building but turn left.

  You will be then attacked by an Orc Bombardier and a Goblin who will be 
  approaching from that direction. The goal is to kill them both before 
  Marcus comes back outside. Back away from them and lead them to the Main
  Courtyard so you can dispose of them with the Crossbow.

  Stay in the Main Courtyard and wait for Marcus to approach which will cause 
  two Goblins and an Orc Apprentice to jump out and attack. Focus on the Orc 
  and let Marcus deal with the Goblins as they are weaker then finish them 
  off once you kill the Orc.

  After getting rid of them then Marcus will go near the Metal Works in which 
  a Snotling will appear on the roof ahead and shoot down. Nail him and he 
  should drop a [Pot of Gold] (85/150).

    **NOTE: Sometimes the Goblin may drop down to ground level and you can 
            get the [Gold] from it before you go up onto the Rooftops.

  Marcus will eventually come to the locked door to his Office and will wait 
  as you enter the area another way. Go back into the Canals Apartment 
  nearby, go up, and to the Ladder leading to the Rooftops. When you go to 
  the top the look left to find a Snotling shooting at you from its rooftop.

  Once you kill him then turn back right to find the rooftop of the Metal 
  Works. Go and grab the [Gold] from the Goblin you killed here earlier and a 
  Sapphire (135/150).

  Go to the rooftop where you just killed the Snotling. Continue around the 
  rooftop and you will encounter a Goblin and a Snotling. After killing them 
  with the Crossbow then enter the next room. In one corner is a Hatch. Open 
  it to find an Orc Bombardier sleeping below. Nail him with a headshot to 
  kill him then climb down.

  Slowly approach the stairs and an Orc Apprentice will rush up to attack 
  you. Pull back so you have enough room to deal with him. He will also drop 
  a [Pot of Gold] (140/150). Go down and into the living room to find the 
  last two [Pots of Gold] (150/150).

  Open the door to let Marcus inside so he can pick up the [Key]. Like 
  before, leave the building as he is going up then turn right to head toward 
  the exit. A Goblin will jump out from behind a crate so deal with him 
  quickly before Marcus comes back out. Go to the end of the bridge and wait 
  for him.

  When he gets to you then he will want you to scout ahead. As you get to 
  Gate Bridge 2 then the Nightcrawler you saw earlier will jump from below. 
  Pull back and pump some Bolts into it to kill it quickly and before it can 
  damage you with its poisonous claws. Once it is dead then Marcus will 
  proceed to the Gate and the mission will successfully end.

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 150 Gold Pieces.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Long Sword, Short Axe, Morningstar.
      --Shields: Brute Shield.
      --Bows: Composite Bow.
      --Crossbow: Dwarven Crossbow (all other classes).

  / The Light Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >LGT4. Deserted Temple                                                    0
  \ Deserted Temple /                 \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Light Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0                   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  The Dreg'atar raiders have take refuge with Marcus' treasure in a deserted 
  temple not far from Celedia Village. You must find a way to enter the 
  temple and obtain the treasure.

| Objectives \

  --Find merchant Marcus' treasure.
  --Marcus must survive.

| Gold \


| Character \

      --Dwarven Crossbow
      --240 Bolts
      --Long Dagger
      --1 Health Potion

| Notes \

  This is the mission where you can unlock the Druid for use with your party.

| Run-Through \

  When you start then turn right a bit to look at the main door then look 
  right from there to find the corner of the Temple. After a few seconds then 
  a Snotling with a Crossbow will appear so kill him with yours.

  Go along the side of the Temple where he came from to find some windows. 
  Use your Crossbow to aim inside and you should see two Goblins and a Goblin 
  Warrior. One of them should be on an upper level so go after that one 
  first. Then go after the other two attackers. If you have trouble shooting 
  at them because they are too close to the windows then go to the other side 
  of the Temple and shoot them from that side.

  After this then you can explore the courtyard a bit. Behind the large cross 
  in one corner are some [Crossbow Bolts]. Behind the small building in 
  another corner are some [Burst Arrows].

  When you finally go inside you will find that the main interior door is 
  locked with a mystical key. On the floor is a glowing diamond which is the 
  lock. If you stand on it then you will get injured.

  You will also find some raised colored squares surrounding the lock. Behind 
  the lock are smaller colored squares. The larger squares are part of a 
  combination to unlock the door and the smaller squares tell you the 
  combination from left to right starting at the top row.

  Stand on each of the large squares in order and you should see the small 
  squares go down. When the last one is down then the door is unlocked. Step 
  on the now deactivated mystical lock to open the main door.

  Ahead of you, on either side of a pillar, are a couple of Orc Apprentices. 
  Nail one of them with a headshot to kill him and the other one, plus a 
  Sorceress Novice will come at you. You may also notice that there are some 
  raised squares on the floor just inside the door.

  These will activate an arrow trap that will injure someone when activated 
  and most likely that the Orc will trigger it on his way to you. The 
  Sorceress will also use her Tears of Corrosion Staff on you so you will 
  need to dodge her to prevent being poisoned.

  After dealing with them then enter the main area of the Temple but avoid 
  the raised squares so you don't get caught in the arrow trap. On the large 
  cross ahead of you is a captured Druid and a [Health Potion] to her right.

  However, climb up the stairs to the right and turn the corner to find 
  another Orc Apprentice with a Crossbow (he will also drop a [Health Potion] 
  when you kill him). You may also notice a large door to your right but it 
  is locked and you will need to find the [Temple Key] for it. Kill the Orc, 
  grab his [Potion], then go down to collect the other [Potion] and free the 

  In the corner opposite of the stairs is a hallway leading to a set of 
  stairs down. On top of the pillar by the stairs is going to be an Assassin. 
  Kill her then carefully proceed since another Assassin will emerge from 
  behind the pillar as you get close. Once you deal with her then start going 
  down the stairs.

  However, just as you start then a Berserker Basher will start to come up. 
  Kill him with your Crossbow and he will drop a [Health Potion]. When you 
  reach the bottom then you should find a small coffin that has a [Pot of 
  Gold] (5/200) behind it.

  You should also find several large crates blocking the way further into the 
  basement level. Beyond it is an Orc Bombardier. You can kill him from here 
  and make things easier later - he will drop a [Pot of Gold] as well.

  In one corner near the stairs is a bookshelf with a [Pot of Gold] (10/200) 
  and some [Crossbow Bolts]. On the floor is a square looking object which is 
  the [Temple Key] to open the door you found earlier. Against one wall are a 
  couple of small Chests. Open them to find a [Pot of Gold] (15/200).

  Now return to the large door and use the [Temple Key] to open it. Go 
  through and to the next set of stairs down. As you go down then you will 
  encounter another Berserker Basher. He will also drop a [Pot of Gold] 
  (20/200) when you kill him.

  When you get down here then you will be in the area beyond the large crates 
  when you picked up the [Temple Key] and also find the [Gold] (25/200) from 
  the Orc you killed from there. Here, at the base of the stairs, is a large 
  glowing cross and a pool of water. This is a Healing Pool and you can use 
  this to recover from wounds instead of using your [Health Potions].

  In one corner is a couple of crates. Behind them are a couple of [Pots of 
  Gold] (35/200). Under the stairs inside the Healing Pool is another [Pot of 
  Gold] (40/200). In one part of the Pool is a [Rusty Key]. This will allow 
  you to open a large Chest that unlocks a Bonus Mission.

  Near the large crates is a bridge that goes further into the Temple. 
  However, beyond it is a Snotling and a Goblin Warrior. The Warrior should 
  try to approach but ends up breaking the bridge and falling to its doom. 
  Jump the gap and kill the Snotling.

  From the end of the bridge then turn left to enter a dead-end area. In it 
  is a Goblin Warrior and an Assassin Stalker. The Stalker will also drop a 
  [Pot of Gold] (45/200). Kill them both and head to the other end of the 
  corridor to find another set of stairs down. Near the base of the stairs is 
  an Orc Bombardier. He will just stand there so it is easy to kill him with 
  a headshot and pick up the [Pot of Gold] (50/200) he drops.

  Go down the stairs and loop right to find another [Pot of Gold] (55/200) 
  and a large Chest. This is the Chest that opens with the [Rusty Key] and 
  pick up the [Map to Forbidden Atgard], one of the Bonus Missions.

  Proceed forward from here then carefully turn right at the corner. At the 
  far end is a room and there should be an Assassin on top of it. Kill her 
  and go to this area. Inside this room is another [Health Potion]. A Goblin 
  Warrior will jump out from behind a large crate. After killing it then grab 
  the [Potion] and in one corner is a Chest that has two [Pots of Gold] 

  In the center part of this floor is a Tomb, two small Chests, and two [Pots 
  of Gold] (75/200). Opening up the Chests will reveal four [Pots of Gold] 
  (95/200). Opening up the Tomb will reveal a [Pot of Gold] (100/200) and two 
  Sapphires (200/200). Near the Tomb is a large glowing Chest. This is 
  [Marcus' Treasure].

  You will also notice four Skeletons just standing behind the Tomb. Do *NOT* 
  attack them. If you do then you will activate a large spike trap that you 
  must get around when you try to leave the area after killing off the 
  Skeletons (there are a couple of holes in the floor that allows you to see 
  the trap).

  When you grab the [Treasure] then this will initiate an attack on the 
  Temple and you must fight your way out. Just as you leave the Tomb then you 
  will be greeted by an Assassin. After dealing with her then go back up and 
  jump over the bridge gap.

  When you do so then the large crates to your left will be blown away and 
  you may get injured here. Jump back over the gap and see if any enemies 
  approach. If not then jump back over.

  There are three enemies to encounter here. One will be an Orc Deathcrafter 
  that will drop a [Health Potion] when you kill him. The second will be a 
  Berserker Basher. And the third will be a Goblin that will drop some 
  [Crossbow Bolts] when you kill him.

  Go to the Healing Pool to recover from your wounds then go up the stairs 
  here instead of the one by the now destroyed crates. When you reach the top 
  of the stairs then rotate right and slowly sidestep left through the Temple 

  Here, on the upper level of the main area, you should find an Orc 
  Apprentice standing near the corner. Nail him with a headshot before he 
  does anything. There will also be a Goblin down below so deal with him 
  after the Orc.

  When you get to the main door and open it then a bomb will be thrown. Pull 
  back and wait for it to explode before opening it again. You will then deal 
  with another Orc Bombardier and Sorceress Novice. Pull back into the main 
  area so you will have room to deal with them both with the Crossbow. After 
  killing them then you can return to Marcus and the newly freed Druid to end 
  the mission.

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 200 Gold Pieces.
  >>New character unlocked: Druid.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Scimitar, Dwarven Axe, Heavy Club.
      --Daggers: Curved Dagger.
      --Shields: Round Shield.
      --Bows: Elven Highbow.
      --Crossbow: Heavy Crossbow (Huntress only).
      --Magic Staffs: Astral Staff, Midwinter Staff, Tears of Corrosion.
      --Health Potions: 2 Health Potions.

  / The Light Campaign \++++++++++++++\
| >BNL1. Forbidden Atgard                                                   0
  \ Bonus Mission /                   \++++++++++++++\ The Light Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0                     0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

This is the first of three Bonus Missions within the Light Campaign and the
frist of two types: Survival and Ballista. This mission is a Survival mission
where you need to go through three levels of enemies and at three difficulty
levels (easy, medium, and hard). You don't need to do all three at one time.
You can do one level and come back later for the other two.

This is also the first of two Survival missions with this being the easier of
the two. The second one is unlocked much later in the Campaign.

As mentioned earlier, you can do this for extra Gold that you can use to get
better equipment early and make later missions easier. However, you're not
going to get a whole lot of Gold, 600 total, but that will still make a

As for this mission, you are on a platform that has a central pillar and you
need to defeat all enemies to successfully complete the level and move onto
the next one.
The best character to use for at least the first two levels is the Druid with
the following loadout:

  --Astral Staff
  --Tears of Corrosion
  --Long Dagger
  --2 Health Potions

The best thing to do when you start is to not move at all. The enemies will
spawn at the far end and will come to you. The Astral Staff will more than
likely kill them off before thay can get close enough to you to use their
melee weapons. This will make the first two levels easy.

If they do get close then jump around them and get some distance to keep them
from hurting you as you use your Staff against them.

Although it is possible to do the last level with the current loadout it is
suggested that you wait until after Chapter Six to unlock better equipment
and bring the following:

  --Darkness of Despair
  --Tears of Corrosion
  --Ceremonial Dagger
  --3 Health Potions
  --Medium Armour

Below are the difficulties with the number of enemies and Gold rewards:

| Easy   |  5 enemies | 100 Gold |
| Medium |  9 enemies | 200 Gold |
| Hard   | 12 enemies | 300 Gold |

  / The Light Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >LGT5. Divided City                                                       0
  \ The Divided City /                \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Light Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+0                  0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  Once a proud and flourishing city, it's now a mere shadow of its former 
  glory. When the rift divided the world, the city was ripped asunder. Soon, 
  it was deserted and fell into oblivion, now in the hands of the Dreg'atar.

| Objectives \

  --Cross the rift.
  --Find the City Gate on the other side.

| Gold \

  >>1,000 to 1,300 (if you do the first two levels of Forbidden Atgard).

| Character \

      --Astral Staff
      --Tears of Corrosion
      --Long Dagger
      --1 Health Potion

| Notes \

  This is the mission where you can unlock the Halfling for use with your 

| Run-Through \

  When you start you will be on a path and will be charged by an Orc 
  Bombardier. Quickly switch to the Astral Staff and shoot at him while 
  dodging him to kill him. He should drop a [Pot of Gold] (5/250) when he 
  dies. After this then proceed forward to a junction.

  Ahead of you is a door that can't be opened. To the left is a path that 
  leads to a secluded area but I'll get to that later. For now, go on the 
  path to the right.

  Just as you start you'll be jumped by a Goblin. Back away and use the 
  Astral Staff on him. Proceed down to the end of incline then stop and look 
  left a bit. You should see a tree, an upper area, and a passage to the 
  right of the tree. After a bit you should see an Orc Deathcrafter come from 
  this passage. From this distance use the Astral Staff to kill him and he 
  should drop a [Health Potion].

  Turn the corner to find a set of stairs leading up. However, a Goblin will 
  drop down from one of the windows and you can kill him before he can do 
  anything. Go up these stairs and proceed forward to find the next set down. 
  Go down to the first landing and turn left to find the Halfling. Run to her 
  and, about halfway along, an Orc Bombardier should come bursting from a 
  door to your right.

  The Halfling will die quickly at the hands of the Orc so, as you're running 
  to her, put yourself between her and the Orc so he will attack you instead 
  of her. The Astral Staff should take him down quickly but, because he will 
  be close, will do some damage to you.

  After rescuing her then the Halfling will want you to follow her and she 
  will take you to the locked door near the beginning of the map. She will 
  unlock it and you can come by here later. For now, I will go to other 

  Go to the junction and turn right to go into the secluded area. You will 
  find another Orc Bombardier and an Assassin Sneaker on an upper area with 
  two [Pots of Gold] (15/250). There is also a cart with explosives on it. 
  Push the cart and run off until it explodes. The explosion will kill both 
  enemies and drop the [Gold] so you can acquire it.

  Go back to the stairs but turn right when you get to the top. The passage 
  that the Orc Deathcrafter you killed earlier goes around a tower. Go into 
  this passage to find two [Pots of Gold] (25/250). Near the stairs leading 
  down to the passage where you rescued the Halfling is a trio of barrels. By 
  them is a passage leading down to another area.

  As you get near this area then you will be ambushed by a Snotling, and Orc 
  Bombardier, and an Orc Deathcrafter. Back away and use your Astral Staff to 
  kill them off. Go back down to this area but stop at the base of the 
  stairs. Turn around and look up to find a pair of windows for a connecting 
  passage to the tower.

  Use the Astral Staff to break them and you should attract the attention of 
  an Orc Bombardier. He will jump down to confront you, injuring himself in 
  the process, which makes it easy for you to put him down. Turn around and 
  go down into this lower area to find a large gap to your left that you 
  can't cross. To the right is a stack of crates with a [Health Potion] on 
  top. Behind them is a [Pot of Gold] (30/250).

  Go back to the passage where you rescued the Halfling and find the door 
  that the attacking Orc came from. Jump up into this area to find a [Health 
  Potion] on a stack of crates. Go back to the Halfling and to the now 
  unlocked door.

  Go through and turn a couple of corners to find a Goblin Warrior. After 
  dealing with him then go up the stairs and loop right to find two [Pots of 
  Gold] (40/250).

    **NOTE: The Orc you got to jump from the broken windows would be here if 
            you didn't manage to lure him down.

  Proceed forward from her to enter a room with a table and a [Health 
  Potion]. You'll also be attacked by a Crossbow wielding Assassin Sneaker so 
  deal with her quickly. Proceed forward to cross a series of bridges until 
  you find a corridor with a Crossbow wielding Orc Deathcrafter. Fire a shot 
  at him then duck left behind the corner while he fires back. Continue this 
  way until he drops.

  Continue forward to find a set of stairs. Go down to the first landing to 
  find two [Pots of Gold] (50/250) through the steps. Go down to the next 
  landing and fire a shot at the steps to break them so you can acquire the 

  Go down the stairs and you should find a door at the bottom. There are 
  passages to the left and right of the door so go left. At the end of the 
  hallway you'll find a [Pot of Gold] (55/250). You'll also be in a room at 
  the edge of the rift. Across the way you'll find an [Emerald] that you 
  can't get to. At the same time a Berserker will break through the door near 
  it and fall to his doom.

  Go back to the door and go through it to find yourself at the other side of 
  the gap you were at earlier. Follow the passage and stop near the top of 
  the stairs. At the far end you'll see a Goblin on a catapult which is on 
  the other side of the rift. You can kill him with your Astral Staff from 
  here. To his left is another Goblin and you can kill him the same way.

  Go to the top then turn right to find a crate and a barrel. Behind them is 
  a [Pot of Gold] (60/250). As you're going for the treasure a Berserker will 
  jump from the crates across the way and activate the catapult. This 
  would've sent the Goblins your way if you did not already kill them 
  beforehand. Get rid of the Berserker so he doesn't become a problem later.

  You may also find a [Pot of Gold] on the other side and, although you can 
  jump the gap to get to it, I'll leave it for later.

  Go back through the door and turn left to find the passage out. Slowly go 
  around the first corner then stop and gently sneak to the second corner 
  while turning left. You should see part of an ambushing Goblin and you can 
  kill him before he can jump out.

  Go to the end to find a door that will fall open. Across the way is another 
  door. Just as you go through the first door then an Assassin Sneaker will 
  break through the cover of a window to the right of the second door and 
  attack with her Crossbow. Go back into the hallway and behind the crate 
  that the Goblin was hiding behind and use that as cover as you kill her 
  with your Staff.

  After this then go into the room where the now dead Assassin was to find a 
  [Pot of Gold] (65/250) on a table. To the left of the fireplace is a small 
  table. Look up to find a [Health Potion] in a corner of the rafters. Climb 
  up to get it and an Orc Bombardier will come into the room. Use the Tears 
  Staff on him to kill him.

  Climb down and leave the room then follow the passage down to find yourself 
  near where you rescued the Halfling earlier. At this junction turn right 
  and stop at the next corner. Look up to find a wooden platform. But I'm not 
  going to do anything here yet.

  Carefully go to the next corner and look left to find a Goblin. After 
  killing him then go back to the previous corner. Shoot at the weak spot of 
  the platform to bring part of it down along with a [Health Potion].

  But there are also a couple of Goblins up there that will bring down 
  several barrels if you proceed further. Use the Astral Staff to shoot 
  through the platform until you kill them both.

  From here, proceed forward until you reach a large area with multiple 
  crates. There is a mechanism that can be used to cross the rift but an Orc 
  Deathcrafter will destroy it so stay back until it happens. Part of the 
  mechanism will cross the rift so you can cross.

  However, there is treasure to found nearby. Go to the right side to find a 
  large hole in the wall. You need jump into this gap then up and to the far 
  end to find a [Sapphire] and a [Pot of Gold] (120/250). Carefully jump back 
  down and out then cross the rift.

  Once you do then a Sorceress with a Staff of Storms will come out and 
  attack. Her Staff will do little damage but put her down quickly anyway. Go 
  forward to the next corner and you will be attacked by and Orc Bombardier, 
  a Snotling, a Goblin, and a Goblin Warrior. Go onto the crates and ledge to 
  give yourself space to deal with all of them. The Orc should drop a [Pot of 
  Gold] (125/250) when you defeat him.

  Go to the next corner and you should see a door to your right. Go through 
  it to enter a hallway. Halfway through you will be attacked by a Goblin. 
  After dealing with him then continue forward to find an open door. This is 
  the same door that the Berserker broke through earlier.

  On the opposite side of the wall is the [Emerald] (225/250). Hug the 
  doorway, turn the corner, then hug the wall as you make your way to the 
  treasure then repeat the process on the way back. Near the door is a stack 
  of crates with a [Pot of Gold] (230/250). Near the crates is an angled beam 
  that leads to a platform with a [Pot of Gold] (235/250) and a [Health 

  Go down and back outside then forward to the next corner. When you turn the 
  corner then you should see a bridge and an Orc Bombardier sleeping at the 
  far end. Kill him from here and he should drop a [Health Potion]. Proceed a 
  little further and an Orc Bombardier will jump out of an upper window.

  After dealing with him then jump into the water and turn left to find a 
  [Pot of Gold] (240/250) and a [Health Potion] under the bridge. Go to the 
  other end to find some rocks to climb out of the water then cross the 
  bridge ahead of you and follow the passage. As you do so them a Orc will 
  blow up the bridge but that is not going to cause any problems.

  Turn the corner then carefully proceed to the next. In a room at this 
  corner is another Assassin Sneaker. She will break the window and try to 
  confront you. Shoot the Astral Staff through the wall to help get rid of 
  her. Follow the passage and you will come to the catapult that you saw 
  earlier along with the [Pot of Gold] (245/250).

  Go back to the bridges and near the center is a passage to a courtyard. 
  Enter the courtyard to find a Snotling by some cannons with a [Health 
  Potion] in a corner across from him as well as another behind him.

  As you proceed further then there will be an explosion and crates will 
  block the passages out and a Berserker Brute will rush from the door ahead. 
  Go around to the cannons and use them as cover as you deal with the Brute. 
  In addition to the Brute a Goblin and a Goblin Warrior will be above the 
  area throwing down bombs to hurt you so try to stay near the cannons as 
  they can't get you there.

  Once you are able to bring down the brute then he will drop the last [Pot 
  of Gold] (250/250). Both Goblins should drop down as well so you can finish 
  them off. Once they are dead then collect the treasure and go to the door 
  to complete the mission.

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 250 Gold Pieces.
  >>New character unlocked: Halfling.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Dwarven Sword, Brute Axe, Mace.
      --Shields: Kite Shield.
      --Crossbow Bolts: Poison Bolts (Huntress and Halfling only).

  / The Light Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >LGT6. Outland Wastes                                                    0
  \ The Outland Wastes /              \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Light Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+0                0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  Steam, fire and ashes wise into the sky as you reach the other side of the 
  rift. The Dreg'atar have forces everywhere, and it seems impossible to get 
  through unnoticed. Rumours also speak about a massive beast, a Guardian.

| Objectives \

  --You must find a way across the heavily guarded Dreg'atar battlements and 
    reach the Outland Wastes on the other side.

| Gold \

  >>2,100 (max).

| Character \

      --Astral Staff
      --Tears of Corrosion
      --Long Dagger
      --1 Health Potion
      --Light Armour

| Notes \

  This is the only mission where you deal with the Stone Gnomes. This is also 
  the mission where you can unlock the Engineer for use with your party.

| Run-Through \

  When you start you will be at the end of a bridge that goes over a lava 
  river. A large archway is ahead of you at the other side. As you try to 
  cross the bridge a couple of Stone Gnomes will jump from the lava and onto 
  the bridge. Back away and use the Astral Staff onto them to get rid of them 
  quickly. One of them should also drop some [Fire Arrows] when you defeat 

  Go back on the bridge and look up as you approach the end. A Goblin Warrior 
  should appear on the top of the archway. Use the Tears Staff as it is more 
  accurate from this angle. He will be moving around quite a bit so your goal 
  is to at least weaken him if not kill him. When you kill him he should drop 
  some [Crossbow Bolts].

  When you get off of the bridge then a boulder will be dropped near you and 
  a Goblin and an Orc Bombardier will drop down to confront you. Go back onto 
  the bridge and use the Astral Staff on them. The Goblin will also drop a 
  [Health Potion] when you defeat him.

    **NOTE: Sometimes the Orc may die when he drops down thus making combat 
            easier. Also, if he survives then he will have low health from 
            the fall. If you didn't manage to kill the first Goblin then he 
            may die in the initial explosion here.

  After this then turn left after reaching the end of the bridge and head to 
  the far edge to find three [Pots of Gold] (15/300). As you approach the 
  [Gold] a couple of Stone Gnomes will jump from the lava. One of them should 
  drop some [Fire Arrows] when you defeat it. After collecting the [Gold] 
  then go under the archway to find a closed gate.

  As you approach it then it will open and an Orc Bombardier and a Crossbow 
  wielding Goblin Warrior will come forth to fight you. The Orc should drop a 
  [Pot of Gold] (20/300) and the Goblin should drop some [Crossbow Bolts] 
  when you defeat them.

  Go up to the gate but stay just outside of it and look left to find a 
  couple of boulders and an Orc Deathcrafter. He should drop some [Crossbow 
  Bolts] when you kill him with your Astral Staff. Just as you walk through 
  the gate then the boulders will come down and an Orc Bombardier will come 
  forward. He should drop a [Pot of Gold] (25/300) when you kill him.

  At the same time a Goblin Fanatic will appear at the top of the tower at 
  the far end. Use the Tears Staff to hit him from here and he should drop 
  down. Switch to your Astral Staff to finish him off and he should drop a 
  [Health Potion]. Go through the gate and turn left to find a [Pot of Gold] 
  (30/300) on a wooden platform.

    **NOTE: If you didn't kill the Goblin from earlier then this is a good 
            time to finish him off.

  Beyond the platform with the [Gold] is the edge of the lava river. Here you 
  can find three [Pots of Gold] (45/300). Again, as you approach, two more 
  Stone Gnomes will jump forth. One of them should drop some [Flame Arrows] 
  when you defeat it. After acquiring the [Gold] then proceed to the tower 
  where you knocked off the Fanatic to find another [Pot of Gold] (50/500).

  To the left of the [Gold] is a passage. As you go into this passage then 
  there will be an explosion and a couple of large boulders will come down. A 
  Goblin and a Orc Bombardier will appear at the far end.

  In addition, a couple of more Orc Bombardiers will appear on the rock 
  outcroppings to either side of the passage. Use the Astral Staff on the 
  Goblin and first Orc and use the Tears Staff on those on the outcroppings. 
  Both of the Orcs on the outcroppings should drop [Pots of Gold] (60/300). 
  Go to the far end of the passage and you should be able to climb up the 
  outcroppings. On both outcroppings you should find some [Sniper Arrows].

  Go back down and you should find an opening in one of the outcroppings. As 
  you try to go through then you will jumped by a couple of Stone Gnomes. One 
  of them should drop some [Fire Arrows] when you defeat them. After dealing 
  with them then proceed onto the path that goes through the lava river and a 
  pair of enemies, a Goblin Warrior and an Orc Deathcrafter, will approach 
  from the far end. Stay put and use your Astral Staff to put them down.

  About halfway along you will be jumped by a couple of Stone Gnomes. Just 
  after them you should see some sort of mechanism but you can't use it right 
  now. Near the end you will be jumped by a single Stone Gnome. After dealing 
  with it you should be at a wooden bridge with a large door in front of you. 
  To the left is a [Health Potion].

  Go through the door and immediately go right onto a roof and to its far 
  side. There will be two Goblins down below and one ahead of you on a 
  platform shooting at you with his Crossbow. Use the Astral Staff on the one 
  shooting at you and the Tears Staff on the other two.

  It should be pointed out that they will move around a lot but will 
  eventually stand still so wait for that to happen before shooting at them. 
  One of them should drop a [Pot of Gold] (65/300) and the Crossbow wielding 
  one should drop some [Poison Bolts].

  There should be another Goblin under the Crossbow wielding one. You may be 
  able to hit him with your Tears Staff from your position. He should drop a 
  [Pot of Gold] (70/300) when you kill him. Move forward to drop down then 
  turn around to find two [Pots of Gold] (80/300).

  Move slightly forward and a Goblin Warrior and an Orc Deathcrafter will 
  appear below. Use the Tears Staff against them when they stand still and 
  the Orc should drop a [Pot of Gold] (85/300) when you kill him.

  Proceed to the corner ahead and an Orc Bombardier will appear where you 
  grabbed the two [Pots of Gold] plus another one and a Goblin down below. 
  The first Orc should drop a [Health Potion] and the second Orc and Goblin 
  should drop [Pots of Gold] (95/300).

    **NOTE: On the PlayStation 4 version of the game I found that the game 
            tends to crash a bit here during these battles in this part of 
            the map. Most of the crashes I encountered in all of my 
            run-throughs were in this specific area.

  After defeating these enemies then drop down to acquire the treasure and 
  proceed forward to find a small building. As you approach then an Orc 
  Bombardier and an Orc Deathcrafter will drop down and rush you. Use the 
  Astral Staff on them and the Bombardier should drop a [Health Potion] and 
  the Deathcrafter should drop a [Pot of Gold] (100/300).

  Before going into the building turn left to find a passage to a small 
  field. There will be a wooden platform high and to the left that has an Orc 
  Deathcrafter on it. There should also be a small fire with an Orc 
  Bombardier and three Goblins nearby. Use the Astral Staff on all of them 
  and one of the Goblins should drop a [Pot of Gold] (105/300) when you 
  defeat him. Go up the platform to find three more [Pots of Gold] (120/300).

  Beyond the field is a bridge. When you approach it then you will be jumped 
  by a pair of Stone Gnomes. One of them should drop some [Fire Arrows] when 
  you defeat it. When you go onto the bridge you should find the Guardian, 
  Durzu. However, it will throw a Stone Gnome into the bridge destroying it 
  so you cannot get to it from here.

  Go back to the small building and up the ramp. When you turn to enter the 
  first room then you will be rushed by an Orc Deathcrafter who will drop a 
  [Health Potion] when you defeat him. Go back to the room to find a Goblin 
  who will drop some [Poison Bolts] when you defeat him. On the shelf behind 
  him are two [Pots of Gold] (130/300).

  Go into the next hallway and you should hear a battle above you. In this 
  hallway is a Goblin and three [Pots of Gold] (145/500). Quickly kill the 
  Goblin and acquire the treasure then rush up the Ladder to find an Orc 
  Destructor (with low health) fighting an Engineer. The Orc should drop a 
  [Pot of Gold] (150/300) when you kill him. There is also an additional [Pot 
  of Gold] (155/300) nearby.

  After saving him then the Engineer will want you to follow him and he will 
  take you to the mechanism that you passed by earlier. He will use it to 
  raise a rock bridge so you can cross the lava river.

  Proceed up the pass and Orcs will send some boulders your way. Stay on the 
  right side for the first half then switch to the left half for the 
  remainder of the way.

  At the top of the pass is another gate. Near it is another tower with a 
  Goblin. He may drop down but you can shoot his legs through the gap at the 
  bottom of the wall with your Tears Staff to kill him before you can get the 
  gate to open.

  When you approach the gate then it will open but a couple of bombes will be 
  thrown your way. Quickly run back to limit their damage. In addition, an 
  Orc Deathcrafter and a Goblin Warrior will also approach. Both will drop 
  [Pots of Gold] (165/300) when you defeat them. Use your Tears Staff to 
  shoot the angled board of the tower to bring it down and reveal a [Pot of 
  Gold] (170/300).

  Beyond the gate is a small building with a large lava wheel. There is also 
  a Goblin Warrior on its roof. To the right are two gates than lead into the 
  next area but won't open. They have a sword-like symbol on them and there 
  will be [Pots of Gold] in the air beyond them.

  After killing the Goblin then approach and enter the building. Ahead of you 
  are two [Pots of Gold] (180/300). To the left is the smithing area. In a 
  nook there is an [Emerald] (280/300). At the other end of the building is 
  where you can find the [Frost Sword]. Grab it then immediately run out as 
  an Orc Deathcrafter will appear outside the back door. He will follow you 
  outside where you can safely dispose of him.

  In addition, four Stone Gnomes will also appear. Once you deal with all 
  enemies then you can safely explore the area.

  Go to the gate on the right and it will now open. The gate will flip up to 
  create a platform so you can acquire the two [Pots of Gold] (190/300) here. 
  To get up onto the gate you need to jump onto the extensions at the right 
  side of it. You can jump onto the small flame as it cannot hurt you. Once 
  you have the [Gold] here then go to the other gate and repeat the process 
  to get the last two [Pots of Gold] (300/300).

  From this gate then head into the next area and you can finally confront 
  Durzu. Ahead of you should be a pointy rock. Go just beyond it to the edge 
  to find Durzu. Durzu will start to throw fireballs in your direction. If 
  they hit the pointy rock then more than likely it will become a Stone 
  Gnome. Don't be too close to the rock when the fireball hits as it will 
  explode and can hurt you.

  In order to defeat Durzu you need to hit a Stone Gnome with the Frost Sword 
  to freeze it then hit the frozen Stone Gnome again to send it flying and 
  hit Durzu which will start freezing it. The more times you hit Durzu, the 
  darker it becomes. It will take about six hits to freeze Durzu. Once it is 
  frozen then go along the bridge to Durzu and hit it once with the Frost 
  Sword to destroy it and complete the mission.

| Rewards \

  >>New character unlocked: Engineer.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Runed Blade, Frost Blade, Battle Axe, Maul.
      --Daggers: Ceremonial Dagger.
      --Shields: Blade Shield.
      --Bows: Precision Bow.
      --Arrows: Flame Arrows, Bomb Arrows.
      --Crossbows: Heavy Crossbow (all other classes), Repeating Crossbow 
                   (Huntress only).
      --Magic Staffs: Staff of Storms, Darkness of Despair.
      --Bombs: Bombs, Grease Bombs.
      --Health Potions: 3 Health Potions.
      --Armour: Medium Armour.


  As suggested, it is best to buy upgrades and do the last level of Forbidden 
  Atgard before proceeding to get the maximum amount of Gold at this point of 
  the Campaign.

  / The Light Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >LGT7. Ark Amar                                                           0
  \ Harbour of Ark Amar /             \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Light Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0               0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  The city of Ark Amar is the last frontier towards Meckelon, the land of the 
  Ancestors. Finding someone to take you across seems near impossible, until 
  you stumble upon Captain Lorus, Marcus' loathed brother.

| Objectives \

  --Find Captain Lorus' Logbook.
  --Return the Logbook to Lorus.

| Gold \

  >>2,700 (max).

| Character \

      --Precision Bow
      --60 Sniper Arrows
      --15 Grenade Arrows
      --Heavy Crossbow
      --240 Crossbow Bolts
      --Curved Dagger
      --3 Health Potions
      --Light Armour

| Notes \

  The reason for using the Huntress over the Druid for this mission is 
  because of the need for long range accuracy.

  In addition, although it looks like you can swim around the harbor, doing 
  so will kill you. If you fall into the water but stay close to the pier you 
  can remain in the water and still get out. If you try to swim under the 
  bridges however, you will be eaten by a shark and die. You may even see 
  them in the water but you cannot kill them.

  Finally, this is also where you can unlock the second Bonus Mission, 

| Run-Through \

  When you start you will be inside Lorus' ship. Go to the other end to find 
  a Ladder that will take you to the deck and to the ramp that goes to the 
  pier. You can talk to the Goblin inside the cage in the ship if you want 
  but I don't think doing so provides any advantage.

  Once you are on the pier you should see a large lighthouse to your left. 
  Approach it to encounter a Snotling. Use your Crossbow against him. Turn 
  left at the corner and you should see a pair of cannons. Go forward all the 
  way to the water's edge and look left. You should see that the edging goes 
  around the lighthouse.

  Go on this edging and all the way to a door across from the ship. Go inside 
  to find two [Pots of Gold] (10/350) and a [Ruby] (160/350) in the far 
  corner. Once you have the [Ruby] then turn right and go along the edge of 
  the room. Here you should find a broken crate with a [Pot of Gold] 
  (165/350) and the map to Naglagard, another Bonus Mission.

  After acquiring all of the items and treasures then leave the room and make 
  your back to the pier. Climb the nearby stairs and go into the lighthouse. 
  Go past the Ladder and behind the crates to find two [Pots of Gold] 
  (175/350). Climb up the nearby Ladder and to the second floor. Turn right 
  to find a balcony and a Snotling. After killing him with the Crossbow you 
  can grab the nearby [Health Potion].

  Go up the Ladder to the third floor then take the next one to the fourth 
  floor. There is nothing on the third floor but an Orc Deathcrafter that 
  patrols the exterior walkway and drops nothing if you kill him. Once on the 
  fourth floor then climb up to the fifth floor to find two [Pots of Gold] 
  (185/350) near the Ladder.

  Climb the Ladder to the top of the lighthouse to find four [Pots of Gold] 
  (205/350). Although you are high up and can pretty much have a good view of 
  everything the thick fog makes it impossible to see too far.

    **NOTE: If you angle your camera enough you can find the Orc patrolling 
            the exterior walkway below. If you want to make sure that he 
            doesn't become a problem on the way down then jump on the 
            railing, go into first person view, then use your Crossbow to 
            kill him.

  After acquiring the [Gold] then carefully make your way back down to the 
  pier. When you are back down then switch to your Bow and to your Sniper 

  Ahead of you is the first bridge. You should see lamps on each side of it 
  and between each set are short, blocky objects which are the boat ties.

  Go onto the bridge and, just well before the frist pair of lamps, zoom in 
  one level on your Bow. Creep forward and an Orc Deathcrafter will appear 
  from the other side. Aim at him then zoom in again to get a better shot at 
  his head then kill him.

  Go up to the boat ties just ahead then look left and down then zoom in. You 
  should see two Snotlings sleeping by a fire. Do not kill them yet. Another 
  Snotling will be patrolling near them. Kill him first then the others. One 
  of the sleeping Goblins should drop a [Pot of Gold] (210/350) and the other 
  should drop a [Health Potion].

  Go to the right side of then go all the way to the end but stop between the 
  boat tie and the last lamp and look left. You should see an Assassin 
  Stalker on the next bridge. Nail her with a Sniper Arrow then switch to 
  your Crossbow. Go down to get the treasure and item from the dead Goblins 
  then go back up and approach the next bridge.

  As you do so then another Snotling will jump up from your left. After 
  dispatching him with the Crossbow then switch back to your Bow. Go up to 
  the first set of boat ties on the next bridge then stop.

  Zoom in one level and look slightly right to find another Assassin Stalker 
  in the fog. She will be going left to right and will be hard to hit. Wait 
  for her to reach the far end of her patrol then turn and walk in your 
  direction for a bit before shooting her.

  Go up to the large crate ahead then stop and zoom in one level. You should 
  see the path on the opposite side of the water and the fog. Creep a little 
  closer until you barely see the building. Then look right a bit to find a 
  platform with an Assassin Stalker on it.

  The goal is to kill her before she can see you or she will constantly shoot 
  at you even if you can't see her. Once she is down then look down to find a 
  patrolling Orc Deathcrafter. Kill him from your position then proceed.

  You should come to a set of stairs leading down. To the left is an open 
  crate with a [Health Potion] inside. Not far from the stairs is a stack of 
  crates with a [Pot of Gold] (215/350) on top.

  After acquiring the [Gold] then go down the stairs then up the next set to 
  get to the building. Go up the stairs nearby then to the Ladder which leads 
  up to the Assassin you just killed to find a [Health Potion] on a crate. 
  Switch back to your Crossbow and follow the way to the next set of stairs. 

  As you approach the stairs then another Snotling will jump out to attack 
  you. He will drop a [Pot of Gold] (220/350) when you kill him. Before going 
  up the stairs then switch back to your Bow.

  At the top of the stairs is a large crate, a medium crate, and a barrel. 
  Run up the stairs, loop left, and get behind the medium crate. When you 
  look beyond the crate you should see another Assassin Stalker. This one is 
  a bit of a pain but being behind the crate will offer protection against 
  her. If she is shooting at you from behind an obstacle then duck for a 
  couple of seconds to make her move out of cover so you can kill her.

  Once she is down then switch to your Crossbow and go to her position. Near 
  the stairs leading down to the water is a [Health Potion] on a barrel. Go 
  down to the next set and you should find two [Pots of Gold] (230/350) in 
  the gap between the stairs and the wall.

  Go back up to the first set of stairs to find another tall set of stairs 
  leading to a locked door and a balcony with a [Pot of Gold] (235/350). 
  Behind the locked door is where you can find [Lorus' Logbook] but you need 
  to find the [Rusty Key] first.

  However, as you approach the stairs, then a pair of Orc Deathcrafters will 
  appear from the path below. Run from them back along the path to give 
  yourself room to kill them without incurring any damage. Go back up to grab 
  the [Gold] and the balcony beneath it will crumble. Once down on the ground 
  then switch to your Bow and proceed down the path again but stop just 
  before you pass the stairs.

  Look left to find the next corner, zoom in one level, and slowly creep 
  right. Just beyond the corner, and by a stack of crates, is another 
  Assassin Stalker. Nail her before she can do any damage.

    **NOTE: During combat she may try to go in the gap between the crates. 
            Use the Grenade Arrows if this happens. This is the main reason 
            to bring them.

  After dealing with this Assassin then switch back to your Crossbow again. 
  Gently creep forward while looking up and back. Just before you pass the 
  crates then a crate from high up will be moved then dropped on top of you. 
  Quickly move back and wait. After the crate is dropped then another 
  Assassin Stalker will drop down and have her back to you. Kill her before 
  she can turn around.

  Switch back to your Bow and gently proceed forward. Far ahead is a 
  Berserker Brute and an Orc Deathcrafter sitting by a fire. Zoom in and kill 
  the Orc Deathcrafter which alerts the Berserker. Switch to your Grenade 
  Arrows and Carefully shoot at him as he approaches. It usually takes three 
  shots to kill him and should drop a [Pot of Gold] (240/350) when he dies.

  Go to the crate that was dropped by the Assassin and turn left to find a 
  set of stairs that lead to the top of the nearby platform. Take them up to 
  find a barrel and a crate with a [Health Potion] on top. Drop back down to 
  your right and near the fire. Switch back to your Bow, zoom in one level, 
  and gently creep past the next corner while looking left.

  You should find a Sorceress Adept patrolling nearby. She should drop a 
  [Sapphire] (290/350) when you kill her from here with your Bow. Go to the 
  boat tie at the corner just past the fire then look down to find two [Pots 
  of Gold] (300/350) in an open crate.

  However, don't go there yet. Look towards where the Sorceress was to find 
  stairs for the building ahead. You should also find another Assassin 
  Stalker patrolling them. Kill her from here with your Sniper Arrows before 
  proceeding to jump down to grab the [Gold], grab the [Sapphire], and going 
  behind the large crate by the water to find a [Pot of Gold] (305/350).

  Go up the stairs all the way to the top and stop. At the corner is a stack 
  of crates. Go on them then look down and to the left. You should find an 
  open crate with two [Pots of Gold] (315/350) inside across from your 
  position. Jump over, grab the treasure, then re-trace your steps back to 
  the top of the stairs.

  Near you is a building with an open doorway and a Ladder. However, do not 
  go here. Switch to your Crossbow and proceed to the next building which has 
  a closed door. While looking at the door go into first person view, turn 
  left, and sidestep right a little to open the door and find an Assassin 
  Stalker in the corner.

  Fire one shot at her before she can fire then duck out. She will be using 
  Burst Arrows so it will take her time to reload so take advantage of it and 
  fire on her again and, hopefully before she can fire back, you can kill 
  her. She will also drop a [Health Potion] when she dies.

  Go into the building and you should see a Ladder to your right. Get close 
  to it then stop, turn around, and look up at the upper floor. You should 
  see the head of an Orc Deathcrafter up here. Nail him before proceeding up.

  After climbing up then proceed to a corner near where the Orc was and climb 
  them to reach an upper platform where you can find two [Pots of Gold] 
  (325/350). Jump down then go to the first small building to find a bridge 
  that leads to the large main building.

  You will also be attacked by a Berserker Brute. Drop down to the ground 
  floor to give yourself room to deal with him. If you have any Grenade 
  Arrows left then use them against him otherwise use the Crossbow. Once he 
  is taken care of then go back up and enter the main building.

  Here in the next room you should see a large crate with a [Pot of Gold] 
  (330/350) on top. Climb up to get it and look on the beams to find a 
  [Health Potion]. On one side of this room is a door that leads to a long 

  Once you enter you will be attacked by an Orc Deathcrafter and a Snotling. 
  Back away and drop to the ground if necessary to give yourself room to kill 
  them off with the Crossbow. Go back up and go through the hallway. You 
  should enter a small room with a table with a [Rusty Key] and two [Pots of 
  Gold] (340/350) nearby. Go through the door to find yourself back outside 
  and near the tall set of stairs with the crumbled balcony.

  Drop down and go up to the locked door. Open it to find a sleeping 
  Berserker Brute. Use either the Grenade Arrows or Crossbow on him. Once he 
  is dead then re-enter the room to find [Lorus' Logbook] on the nearby 
  table. Behind a crate on the other side of the room is where you can find a 
  [Health Potion]. Switch to your Bow before leaving the room and making your 
  way back to the ship.

  However, as you begin your way back, the bridges will come under attack 
  from cannons from the lighthouse area. The best thing to do is walk slowly 
  and stop when you hear a cannonball approach. After it explodes nearby then 
  continue walking.

  As you get onto the first bridge then you will be attacked by a cannon from 
  the town itself. Just continue walking slowly and allow the cannonballs to 
  pass. In the corner section between the two bridges is a stack of crates. A 
  cannonball will destroy it to reveal a [Pot of Gold] (345/350).

  When you reach the last set of lamps for the second bridge near the 
  lighthouse then stop and zoom in near it. You should see a pair of Orc 
  Deathcrafters. Kill them both with Sniper Arrows and one of them should 
  drop the last [Pot of Gold] (350/350). After grabbing the [Gold] then run 
  back to the ship to complete the mission. 

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 350 Gold Pieces.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Falcion, War Axe, Battle Hammer.
      --Shields: Chaos Shield.

  / The Light Campaign \++++++++++++++\
| >BNL2. Naglagard                                                          0
  \ Bonus Mission /                   \++++++++++++++\ The Light Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0                     0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

This is the second of the three Bonus Missions and the second type of
mission, the Ballista. Here you are a Gnome taking command of a cannon and
using it to blast Goblins as they approach your position.

Your goal is to survive as long as you can - there is no way to truly beat
this mission. Each time a Goblin gets inside your castle it will suffer
damage. When three Goblins get inside then the mission ends.

Each Goblin you kill gives you 10 Gold. But you can only earn a maximum of
1,000 Gold so you need to kill 100 of them to reach this goal. Beyond 100 you
will not get any additional Gold.

When playing it is best to aim your shot so it lands in front of them to blow
them backwards so, if you don't manage to kill them with the blast, they will
at least be blown back to delay them. In the beginning they will appear
little by little giving you a chance to learn how to aim your cannon.

Later on, as you get around 80 or so, they will be coming through constantly
so you will need to prioritize which ones to go after first. Worse, some of
the Goblins are actually Berserkers who are larger and may need more than one
shot to put down.

Once you get past 100 then you can either continue to try to see how far you
can go or just let them come through to quickly end the mission. It is best
to stay here until you get all 1,000 Gold as this will really come in handy
for later missions.

  / The Light Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >LGT8. The Ancestors                                                      0
  \ Meckelon /                        \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Light Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+0                          0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  The journey across the ocean was long and tiresome. It seemed to go on 
  forever. Now, standing on the shores, Meckelon City towers before you. But 
  it seems to be very quiet, almost as if you were expected.

| Objectives \

  --You must fight in the Arena before Alecto will give you an audience.
  --Fight the Outland Invaders.
  --Fuel and enter the Airship.

| Gold \

  >>3,400 to 4,400 (if you do Naglagard).

| Character \

      --Tears of Corrosion
      --Darkness of Despair
      --Ceremonial Dagger
      --3 Health Potions
      --Light Armour

| Notes \


| Run-Through \

  When you start you will be on a pier with some crates. As you walk forward 
  then a Goblin Warrior and a Goblin Fanatic will appear from behind the 
  rocks on the shore. Stay on the pier and use your Darkness Staff on them. 
  Both of them will drop [Pots of Gold] (10/400) when they die.

  It should be pointed out that they could go in the water which will result 
  in their deaths which will make combat easier. Unlike in the previous 
  mission you can go into the water safely if you need to.

  Go behind the rock beyond the end of the pier to find a [Pot of Gold] 
  (15/400). Behind one of the pillars at the city gates is another Goblin 
  Fanatic. He should drop some [Poison Bolts] when you kill him.

    **NOTE: One tactic to try is to get the attention of all three Goblins 
            here then run to the pier but jump into the water and swim under 
            it. They will enter the water to try to get at you but drown 

  Go onto the beach and to the large pillars outside the gate. Go to the 
  right side of the rightmost one to find a large rock and a Goblin Warrior. 
  He should drop a [Pot of Gold] (20/400) when you kill him. Go behind the 
  rock here to find another [Pot of Gold] (25/400).

  Go up through the gate, through the courtyard, and, just before you reach 
  the entrance, turn left to find a giant rock. Go forward a bit towards it 
  then turn left again to find a large tree. Near the wall is another Goblin 
  Warrior who is just standing there. You can quickly get rid of him before 
  he can run up and do any damage to you. Go behind the rock to find three 
  [Pots of Gold] (40/400).

  Go through the doors and you should enter into the main hall of the palace. 
  As you go into the palace you are told that you need to prove yourself in 
  the Arena before you can talk to Senator Alecto. But, before I do that, 
  there is some exploration to be done.

  As you enter the palace you should see a set of stairs to your left. You 
  will also see a door there but you can't enter it at this time. Go up the 
  stairs all the way to the top to find another set of doors guarded by some 
  soldiers. You cannot go further as this leads to Senator Alecto and you 
  haven't done the Arena yet.

  Turn left to find a ledge. Go onto it then follow it back to where you 
  started but you will be on an upper level. Here you can find four [Pots of 
  Gold] (60/400). Go to one side of this area to find some doors. Go to the 
  edge of the level and look down.

  You should see the entrance of the Arena. It will have two soldiers there 
  and a shield that is raised above them. There is also a [Pot of Gold] 
  (65/400) on the shield. Go back on the ledge and over to the shield so you 
  can drop down to acquire the treasure then drop back down to the floor. 
  Proceed forward to enter the Arena.

  This is a three stage combat scenario and you cannot leave the area until 
  you are done. In the middle is a Healing Pool but heals slowly. There are 
  four glowing areas around the Pool. This is where your rewards will appear 
  when you complete a combat stage. When you enter the Pool then a stage 

  The first stage is a trio of Nightcrawlers. The Darkness Staff should make 
  quick work of them. Use the stairs nearby to separate yourself from them 
  and keep them at a distance. You can do the same at the other stages.

  When they are defeated then you should see your rewards appear. You can 
  only choose one and they are: some [Fire Arrows], some [Crossbow Bolts], a 
  [Health Potion], and a [Sapphire] (115/400).

  Grab the [Sapphire] and drop down into the water to start the next stage. 
  This time you will go up against an Ancestor Footman. The Darkness Staff 
  should make quick work of him as well. Your rewards for this stage are: 
  some [Grenade Arrows], some [Poison Bolts], a [Health Potion], and a [Pot 
  of Gold] (120/400). Grab the Gold then drop down into the water again to 
  start the last stage.

  This time you will go up against an Ancestor Commander with a large Scutum 
  Shield. The Shield is pretty formidable against most attacks but can't stop 
  the Darkness Staff. A few hits from it should bring him down. When you done 
  with him then you are done with the Arena. Your rewards are two [Sapphires] 
  (220/400), an [Emerald] (320/400), and a [Rusty Key] that will allow you to 
  leave the area.

  Unlike with the other rewards you can pick up everything but grab the 
  treasure before the [Key] or you will lose them. Leave the Arena and go 
  back up the stairs to finally be allowed to enter Alecto's Chambers.

  When you go through the doors you will enter into a central courtyard with 
  the doors to Alecto's Chambers ahead of you and two sets of doors to either 
  side. For now go to Alecto. After the cutscene then the Dreg'atar will 

  Run back into the central courtyard to find a Berserker Brute, a Berserker 
  Basher, and a Goblin Fanatic. The Fanatic has a Crossbow so deal with him 
  first while dodging the other Orcs. The Fanatic and the Basher will drop 
  [Pots of Gold] (330/400) when you kill them.

  It should be pointed out that the Ancestor guards will assist you and keep 
  the attackers occupied which gives you a better chance of killing them 

  After dealing with these enemies then go back to the main hall. When you 
  open the doors then you should see the guards fighting an Orc Bombardier 
  and a Berserker Brute. The Brute should drop a [Pot of Gold] (335/400) and 
  the Bombardier should drop some [Crossbow Bolts] when they are defeated. Go 
  onto the ledge and make your way towards the Arena.

  As you do so a Goblin Warrior should drop down towards the middle and do 
  battle with a guard. Help him out from up here and the Warrior should drop 
  a [Health Potion] when you kill him.

    **NOTE: Sometimes the Goblin may fall in a certain way and die when he 
            hits the ground instead.

  Drop back down to ground level and use the Healing Pool in the Arena to 
  refill any health you have lost so far. Go back up to the central courtyard 
  and go to the doors to the left of Alecto's Chambers.

  This will open into a rectangular room with two doors. The doors ahead of 
  you lead to the Airship that you need to use to leave the area and complete 
  the mission. However, you need to find and refill the [Gas Canister] first. 
  In addition, there are no enemies there so you don't need to go here right 

  To your left is a door that leads into a large area. However, I'm not going 
  to go here right now. The plan is to go into this room and encounter the 
  three enemies inside which are an Orc Bombardier, an Orc Destructor, and a 
  Berserker Brute. Lure them into the central courtyard to deal with them and 
  all three will drop [Pots of Gold] (350/400) when they are defeated.

  The reason to do this first is that at least one of them may go into the 
  courtyard and follow you as you go into the rooms at the other side. 
  Getting rid of them now will prevent that.

  After this then go to the doors to the right of Alecto's Chambers and 
  proceed to the doors on the right side of this room. Open them to find an 
  Orc Bombardier. Kill him and proceed forward. Another Orc Bombardier will 
  be at the bottom of the stairs to your left fighting with a guard. He will 
  drop a [Pot of Gold] (355/400) when he is killed.

  A Goblin Fanatic will be firing his Crossbow to your right and will drop a 
  [Pot of Gold] (360/400) when he is defeated. As you are dealing with these 
  enemies a Goblin Warrior will paraglide in from outside the palace. He will 
  drop a [Pot of Gold] (365/400) when you drop him.

  As you try to proceed through the area then another Goblin Warrior will 
  paraglide in. After dealing with him then another Goblin Warrior will 
  paraglide in and will be the last one to do so. Proceed to the door where 
  the Fanatic was near and it will lead you to the upper area above the 

  There will be three Crossbow wielding Goblins (two Warriors and a Fanatic) 
  beyond the door. Open the door and fire off your Darkness Staff at them 
  while dodging left and right to avoid their attacks. When they are dead two 
  of them will drop [Pots of Gold] (375/400) and a [Health Potion].

  Beyond them is the [Gas Canister]. Grab it then go to the edge of the Arena 
  and look down. You should see a Nightcrawler there. Deal with it from up 
  here before leaving the area and go back to the main hall and down the 
  stairs. Go back to the Healing Pool if you need to before proceeding.

  Go to the door at the base of the stairs and open them to go into a park. 
  An Orc Destructor and an Orc Bombardier will rush to attack you. Back up 
  and let them come to you as you use your Staff against them. The Destructor 
  should drop a [Health Potion] and the Bombardier should drop a [Pot of 
  Gold] (380/400).

  Go through the doors and turn right to find a Goblin warrior in wait. He 
  should drop a [Pot of Gold] (385/400) when you kill him. At one side of the 
  park is a ramp that leads to some doors going into the next area. Near the 
  doors is a tree and where a Goblin Fanatic is waiting to attack. Dodge his 
  attacks while attacking him back and he should drop a [Pot of Gold] 
  (390/400) when you defeat him.

  At the base of the ramp is some machinery. This is where you fill up the 
  [Gas Canister]. Use the item here twice then leave through the doors to 
  enter into another area of the park. Up ahead is another Orc Destructor. He 
  should drop a [Health Potion] when you kill him.

  Proceed just inside to find a Goblin Warrior at the doors at the far end. 
  He should drop some [Crossbow Bolts] when you kill him. When you get past 
  the corner then turn right to find another Goblin Warrior.

  After dealing with him then proceed a bit further to find a Crossbow 
  wielding Goblin Fanatic. After killing him he should be the last enemy in 
  the mission. Within the pillars are the last two [Pots of Gold] (400/400).

  Go through the next set of doors then through the doors to the left to 
  enter the Airship area. Go up the ramp and jump into the Airship to 
  complete the mission.

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 400 Gold Pieces.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Bastard Sword, Great Axe, Chaos Hammer.
      --Shields: Thorn Shield.
      --Crossbows: Repeating Crossbow (all other classes).

  / The Light Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >LGT9. The Sanctuary                                                      0
  \ The Sanctuary /                   \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Light Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0                     0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  The structure jutting from the lake's calm surface is like nothing ever 
  seen before. Strange, rusty and ancient framework, long forgotten from an 
  era even beyond the creation of the rift.

| Objectives \

  --You must find a way to enter the ancient structure down in the lake.
  --Find High Wizard Zale.
  --Zale must survive.

| Gold \

  >>5,200 (max).

| Character \

      --Astral Staff
      --Darkness of Despair
      --Ceremonial Dagger
      --3 Health Potions
      --Light Armour

| Notes \

  This is a level that will require a bit of swimming and you will find 
  yourself in a couple of fights in close quarters which is why I brought the 
  Astral Staff, so I can summon Earth Golems to help out. In addition, this 
  also contains the hardest treasure to acquire in the game.

  Finally, this is the mission where you can unlock the Wizard for use with 
  your party.

| Run-Through \

  When you start you will be on a pier and ahead of you are a couple of 
  buildings and an elevator shaft in the center. You need to activate the 
  shaft before you can use it.

  Switch to your Astral Staff and proceed to the building on the right. 
  Opening the door will reveal an Orc Apprentice sleeping. Use the Staff to 
  kill him before he can do anything. Enter the building to find two [Pots 
  of Gold] (10/450) and a [Rusty Key]. Leave the building and go to the other 

  However, don't go straight to the door. Sidestep to the left to see a 
  waterwheel. Jump to the small ledge near the waters' edge and proceed to 
  the waterwheel. On the other side of the shaft is a [Sapphire] (60/450). Go 
  back to the dock and to the door then open it with the [Key]. Find the 
  Lever inside to bring up the elevator. Go down and into the sanctuary.

  When you leave the shaft you will enter a room with torches. However, when 
  you reach the middle then the doors will be blocked by magic caused by a 
  Arch Lich. The Lich will send in two Shadow Skeletons to fight you. The 
  moment the doors are blocked then quickly summon a Golem and switch to the 
  Darkness Staff.

  When the Skeletons appear then the Golem will fight them. Stay away from 
  the combat and use the Staff if any of them try to come at you. Once the 
  Skeletons are destroyed then the doors will be unblocked and you can 
  continue inside. Turn left and proceed up the ramp and stop at the top.

  Ahead is a small room with a bench. However, two more Shadow Skeletons will 
  appear so use the Darkness on them to get rid of them quickly. On the bench 
  inside this room is a [Health Potion].

  Beyond this room is an L-shaped room with a ramp in the center. Go in a few 
  steps and you should see a Scaara Warrior, exclusive to this level, appear 
  and go to the center. Use the Staff on him and proceed.

  You should then enter a hallway with machinery. This will lead you to Zale. 
  However, you can't use the machinery yet so go into the stairway room 
  ahead. Under the stairs are two [Pots of Gold] (70/450).

  Climb up the stairs to find another set and another Scarra Warrior who has 
  his back to you. He will turn right to enter another room before turning 
  around. Fire one blast into his back then slowly follow him until he turns 
  the corner and hit him a couple of more times to kill him. Go into the room 
  he enters to find two more [Pots of Gold] (80/450).

  If you try to use the stairs going up then they will collapse. Against one 
  wall are some barrels and a cabinet. Climb them to reach the next floor. 
  Ahead of you is a dining area. Behind the table are two more [Pots of Gold] 
  (90/450) and on the table itself is a [Health Potion].

  Go back to the stairs to find another room with a [Health Potion]. However, 
  aim your Staff at the torch just to the left of it. Another Shadow Skeleton 
  will appear here as you enter and you can blast it before it can harm you. 
  Grab the [Potion] and proceed upwards to a hallway and then turn right at 
  the corner to find a junction.

  Go to the center, rotate left, and start backing away. In the hallway ahead 
  is another Scaara Warrior and backing away into the next hallway will give 
  you room to deal with him before he can do any damage. Once he is down then 
  turn around.

  Proceed forward and down a ramp to a flooded area. Carefully enter the next 
  room to be surprised by another Scaara Warrior. Go back up the hallway to 
  give yourself room to deal with him with your Darkness Staff. Once he is 
  down then enter the flooded room.

  You should see a railing to your right. Jump over it to enter the water and 
  swim under the landing to find an entrance to a small room. Swim up to 
  reach the air pocket and look down to find a [Ruby] (240/450) and a [Pot of 
  Gold] (245/450). Swim down to grab the treasure then back up to the air 
  pocket. Swim back under and to where you jumped into the water.

  You cannot get back up from here so you need to swim under the landing and 
  to the stairs so you can get back out before you start to drown. Go back to 
  the junction but go straight ahead into the next hallway and turn left at 
  the corner.

  As you proceed you should see some machinery to your left. This machinery 
  is part of what you need to activate to get to Zale. At the end of this 
  area is a Ladder. Drop down and pass by the machinery then turn right at 
  the corner to enter another room.

  Ahead of you is a Switch that you need to use to activate the nearby 
  machinery. But there is another Switch on the other end of this room. In 
  the corner here is another [Pot of Gold] (250/450). Activate both Switches 
  then leave the room. However, you will be ambushed by another couple of 
  Shadow Skeletons. Since they come in slowly you have time to position 
  yourself to take care of them quickly.

  After that then climb the Ladder and head back to the junction. When you 
  turn the corner, though, there will be another Scaara Warrior approaching. 
  Nail him with the Darkness Staff before proceeding. Once he is dead then 
  switch to the Astral Staff. Turn right at the junction and proceed to the 

  However, the Arch Lich will trap you here and you will need to fight two 
  more Shadow Skeletons then the Lich herself. Run close to the other end, 
  turn around, and summon another Golem. When the Skeletons appear then do 
  the same as before and hopefully the Golem will survive the encounter (it 
  usually does).

  When the Skeletons are down then the Arch Lich will appear and close to the 
  Golem. The Golem should do a bit of damage before it either dies or 
  disappears. Use the Darkness Staff to finish the Arch Lich off. She will 
  also drop a [Health Potion].

  After this then run down the ramp and to the room with the busted stairs. 
  But, just before you enter, another Scaara Warrior will appear so back up 
  the ramp so you can kill him with your Staff. Once he is down then run down 
  back down to the L-shaped room with the ramp going down. At the end of the 
  ramp is a larger room where two more Scaara Warriors will appear. Kill them 
  both off and then enter this room.

  On one side are two doorways that lead into a large room with some more 
  machinery. Activating it should let you get to Zale. Go to the right 
  doorway and look inside.

  You should find a Wheel and, when you approach it, will quickly flood the 
  room and also remove air pockets. Go to the left doorway and look inside to 
  find another Wheel. When activated this will quickly drain the room and 
  activate the last of the machinery. So, when you flood the room, then you 
  will need to quickly swim over to the other Wheel and activate it before 
  you drown.

  But there is a complication.

  If you look above the first Wheel you will see a [Diamond] (450/450) on a 
  high perch. If you want it then you will need to swim to it, grab it, then 
  go over to the other Wheel before you drown. And it is easy to get caught 
  on the perch which will waste valuable time and often results in drowning.

  Here's how to go about acquiring the [Diamond] and not drown. Just before 
  the Wheel is some grating. When you activate the Wheel then back up to the 
  first floor tile by the grating then look straight up. As the room floods 
  then you will float up. But, at some point, the room fills fast enough so 
  that you will stop floating and you start swimming.

  The moment this happens then swim up just above the perch, grab the 
  [Diamond], then turn and swim towards the second Wheel. Aim between the two 
  arms then towards the Wheel. If you managed to make a smooth grab, meaning 
  no getting caught up on the perch or machinery, you can get to the Wheel 
  before you start to drown.

  Once the room starts draining then immediately swim up to get air before 
  you drown. After the room drains then go up to the hallway with the 
  machinery and use it to open the way to Zale.

  When you get to him you will find him tied up to some deadly device. On the 
  wall are four switches. Which one frees him? Actually, none - all of them 
  will kill him. However, there is a hidden fifth switch that can be found 
  under the base of the stairs and that is the one to let him free and end 
  the mission.

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 450 Gold Pieces.
  >>New character unlocked: Wizard.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Ehrick's Bane, Shatter Axe, Heavy Morningstar.
      --Shields: Ancient Scutum.
      --Magic Staffs: Psionic Domination, The Incinerator.
      --Bombs: Heavy Bombs, He Grease Bombs (Engineer only).
      --Health Potions: 4 Health Potions.
      --Armour: Heavy Armour (Huntress only).

  / The Light Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >LGT10. The Underworld                                                    0
  \ The Underworld /                  \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Light Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+0                    0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  Venturing below the rumble of molten rocks and the heat of earth's fire 
  surrounds you, growing more intense with each step you take down. Strange 
  structures and machines support the rocks.

| Objectives \

  --You must venture down into the Underworld and find the location of the 
    Staff of the Earth spirit.

| Gold \

  >>6,100 (max).

| Character \

      --Darkness of Despair
      --Psionic Domination
      --Ceremonial Dagger
      --4 Health Potions
      --Light Armour

| Notes \

  This is the first mission to use the Wizard and I will use him for the 
  remainder of the Light Campaign.

| Run-Through \

  When you start you should see a Lever in front of you that starts up an 
  elevator further ahead. Start it up then go down the platform to the level 
  below. Go down the stairs and, as you get near the corner, a Dread Skeleton 
  will appear. The Psionic Staff should make quick work of it.

  Along the left side is a railing. Jump the railing and to the corner to 
  find three [Pots of Gold] (15/500). Turn around and you should find a path 
  that goes along the right side of the elevator platform. Go forward along 
  this path and you should encounter a couple of curved walls.

  Go through the space between them and turn right to find three [Pots of 
  Gold] (30/500). Go behind the other wall to find a [Pot of Gold] (35/500) 
  and a [Rusty Key] which opens up the Chest where you can find the map for 
  Hagastrom, the last of the three Bonus Missions for the Light Campaign. 
  Return to the stairs and continue down.

  When you get to the next corner then jump the railing and further into a 
  large nook to find three [Pots of Gold] (50/500). When you take the 
  treasure then two Dread Skeletons will appear so quickly back up to the end 
  of the nook to give yourself room to deal with them using your Staff. Get 
  back on the path and proceed forward.

  Once you get past a metal archway you should reach an area with two larger 
  torches. At this point you will be attacked by three Dread Skeletons. They 
  aren't too aggressive so they should be easy to put down.

  Continue forward until you find an incline down. Take a couple of steps 
  down and a large rock will shoot up and land on the path. Step back past 
  the metal pillars at the top so you don't get hit by it.

  At this point another Dread Skeleton will appear at the bottom. There is 
  also an Arch Lich that will be coming up and she will be using her Staff of 
  the Damned so use the metal pillars as cover to deal with her with your 
  Staff. She will also drop a [Sapphire] (100/500) when you kill her. She is 
  one of two Arch Liches that will appear in the mission.

  Proceed down and turn the corner. You should see a pair of metal archways 
  with treasure on top. It doesn't appear that you can get up there for them. 
  However, go through the archways and you will see your screen shake. Turn 
  around and you should see three large rocks fall down. Go to these rocks 
  and use the barrel to climb onto them then climb up to an path at the upper 
  portions of this room.

  Follow the way to find an [Emerald] (200/500) and the Chest that contains 
  the map to Hagastrom. Turn around and you should find a rock that you can 
  jump down to that has a [Health Potion]. Get that then jump down and go to 
  the top of the metal archways where you can acquire the two [Pots of Gold] 
  (210/500). After grabbing the treasure then drop down and continue along 
  the path.

  When you turn the first corner then you will be attacked by a Dread 
  Skeleton. As you try to turn the next corner then a Dread Archer, using 
  Fire Arrows, will appear. Use the nearby piston as cover as you kill it by 
  shooting through it with your Staff. Continue down the path and you should 
  reach a room with a bridge.

  As you near it you should be attacked by another Dread Skeleton. Just 
  before you get to the bridge look just to the left of it to find another 
  Dread Archer. After dealing with them then slowly enter the area as the 
  last Arch Lich should be here.

  Stop when you are under the archway at the beginning of the bridge. Look 
  right and you may be able to see the Staff for the Arch Lich waiting ahead. 
  If you continue forward then she will attack. But, here, she won't. Use 
  your Staff to shoot through the wall corner to kill her before she can do 

  Once she is dead then go onto the bridge and follow it to its end. Then 
  jump the railing to your left and follow the way behind a curved wall where 
  you can find two [Pots of Gold] (220/500). Go back onto the path and 
  continue down to find a bridge leading to a metal room with two levels. On 
  the top you can see a [Diamond].

  But jump over the railing to your left and go up the ledge to acquire two 
  [Pots of Gold] (230/500). Drop back down onto the path and enter the metal 
  room. A couple of Dread Skeletons should appear on the paths above. You can 
  easily kill them off by shooting through the floor. Go through a second 
  metal room then follow the curve to a larger area.

  Just as you enter then a Dread Archer will appear. After taking it down 
  then proceed. In the center of this area are two [Pots of Gold] (240/500). 
  Take one of the ramps up and turn right. Follow the way and you will be on 
  the upper level of one of the metal rooms.

  However, instead of following the way to the first room, go to the opposite 
  end. Here you should see and angled ledge. Jump onto it and it should take 
  you to the roof of the first room where you can jump to acquire a 
  [Sapphire] (290/500). Drop down onto the path and back into the room to 
  acquire the [Diamond] (490/500) you saw earlier.

  This will also spawn a couple of Dread Skeletons in the other room. You 
  should be far enough away from them to safely kill them off with your 
  Staff. Go back to the larger room and to the end to find a [Pot of Gold] 
  (495/500). Near it is a platform over the lava pool.

  When you get onto it then it will take you down. At the same time another 
  platform will be coming up. You need to wait for the two to be at the same 
  level before jumping onto the second one. When you jump onto it then the 
  platform will quickly go back down so you need to quickly jump onto the 
  rocks just ahead to prevent a quick death. Just ahead on the platform is 
  the last [Pot of Gold] (500/500).

  Go into the corridor ahead to spawn another Dread Archer. Step back and use 
  the corner as a shield as you deal with it. Depending on your health you 
  may want to use a [Potion] before going further.

  When you get into the next corridor then you will be attacked by a Hellbone 
  which is a much larger skeleton and takes more hits to bring it down. 
  Gently back away and fire your Staff at it until it goes down. Once it is 
  defeated then proceed forward to find a large demon head. The mouth will 
  open to provide a passage that will allow you to finish the mission.

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 500 Gold Pieces.

  / The Light Campaign \++++++++++++++\
| >BNL3. Hagastrom                                                          0
  \ Bonus Mission /                   \++++++++++++++\ The Light Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0                     0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

This is the second of the Light Campaign survival missions and the hardest
out of all four for both Campaigns, even on the easy game difficulty. This is
mainly due to the lack of reliable hiding spaces and objects to shield
yourself with plus some really tough enemies at hard mission difficulty.

Is is best to do the first two difficulties now and do the hard one after
completion of Kam-Zara to have all upgrades available. For the easy
difficulty it is best to use the Wizard with the following:

  --The Incinerator
  --Psionic Domination
  --Ceremonial Dagger
  --4 Health Potions
  --Light Armour

After finishing the easy difficulty then upgrade to Medium Armour before
doing the medium difficulty.

The best thing to do is, when you see an enemy, is to put a wall corner
between you and them and shoot through it with the Psionic Staff. Move around
to another area when there are too many to face at once.

At hard difficulty there are three High Sorceresses, one that uses the
Darkness of Despair Staff and two that use The Incinerator Staff. These are
the ones that can really do the most damage so you need to keep an eye open
for them when they appear and deal with them as quickly as possible.

In addition, these are the toughest Sorceresses you will encounter in the
entire Light Campaign.

As such it is best to come back to this difficulty when you can get the most
Potions and best Armour for your Wizard, somewhere around the end of the
Kam-Zara chapter.

Below are the difficulties with the number of enemies and Gold rewards:

| Easy   | 10 enemies | 300 Gold |
| Medium | 13 enemies | 500 Gold |
| Hard   | 18 enemies | 800 Gold |

  / The Light Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >LGT11. Zurana                                                            0
  \ The Underworld /                  \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Light Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+0                    0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  As you enter a yet deeper tunnel, the earth shakes and trembles. Even the 
  Underworld spawn are silent and absent. Is this where Zale claimed that the 
  Staff of the Earth spirit would be?

| Objectives \

  --You must claim the Staff of the Earth and defeat Zurana.

| Gold \

  >>6,800 to 7,900 (if you completed the first two levels of Hagastrom).

| Character \

      --The Incinerator
      --Psionic Domination
      --Ceremonial Dagger
      --4 Health Potions
      --Medium Armour

| Notes \

  This is a short level and has only two enemies, one of them being Zurana.

| Run-Through \

  When you start you will be in a passage. Proceed forward into a larger room 
  which has a lava pool. There will be a path in the center. However, there 
  is also a path on the right side of this lava room. Go onto this path and 
  to its end to find three [Pots of Gold] (15/550). Jump onto the main path 
  and continue into a very large area.

  To the left is a building. In the front are two Levers. One is a roundish 
  one near the front with the other in the back. In between them are three 
  [Pots of Gold] (30/550). The Lever in the back activates some pistons that 
  will allow you to go up to the top of the building and summons Zurana so 
  use it and go to the one in the front

  Zurana will come down to block the way so you need to use this Lever to hit 
  her with some steam. The moment she tries to reach for you then use the 
  Lever to release steam. If you timed it right then it will hit her in the 
  face which will clear the way to reach the pistons. If you miss then she 
  will seriously hurt you.

  Use the pistons to get up to the upper level and acquire a [Ruby] 
  (180/550). Make your way to the opposite side of this floor to find two 
  [Pots of Gold] (190/550), a [Health Potion], and a [Diamond] (390/550). Go 
  to the corridor in the center to find a [Ruby] (540/550) to the left.

  Proceed forward to be attacked by a Hellbone. Use your Psonic Staff to 
  quickly deal with it. Proceed to the end to find the Staff of the Earth but 
  turn left to find the last two [Pots of Gold] (550/550). Grab the Staff and 
  switch to it. Go back out but partway through the corridor Zurana will 
  attack by grabbing the building and shaking it. Use the Staff against her 
  and after several shots something else will happen.

  A duplicate of Zurana will appear because of the Staff's attacks and you 
  can control it to attack her. All you need to do is to swing your arms at 
  her repeatedly and constantly hit her. Once you have defeated her then the 
  mission is completed.

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 500 Gold Pieces.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Fireblade, Axe of Slaying, Hammer of the Sky.
      --Shields: Enchanted Shield.
      --Bows: Etheral Bow.
      --Arrows: Magic Arrows.
      --Crossbows: The Redeemer.
      --Crossbow Bolts: Magic Bolts (except Knight and Engineer).
      --Daggers: Poisoned Dagger.
      --Health Potions: 5 Health Potions.
      --Armour: Heavy Armour (all other classes).

  / The Light Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >LGT12. Kam-Zara                                                          0
  \ Kam-Zara Highpass /               \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Light Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0                 0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  Now the Staff of the Earth is in Zale's possession. The time has come to 
  strike the final blow upon the Dreg'atar held fortress, allowing the 
  Ancestors free passage to the Outlands and aid Celenheim.

| Objectives \

  --You must help High Wizard Zale unlock the magic barrier that protects 
    Kam-Zara's inner sanctum.
  --Find the three Portal Keys.

| Gold \

  >>9,000 (max).

| Character \

      --The Incinerator
      --Psionic Domination
      --Poisoned Dagger
      --5 Health Potions
      --Medium Armour

| Notes \

  Although you can work with Zale early on to destroy some enemies he is not 
  invincible despite his powerful Staff. If he dies then the mission is 
  failed. In addition, you will encounter several Sorceresses and all of them 
  will be using their Darkness of Despair Staffs which can do considerable 
  damage over time.

| Run-Through \

  When you start you will be in an entranceway with a set of stairs ahead of 
  you that goes up to a platform and down to the next level. Just as you 
  enter there will be a Sorceress Adept and a couple of Orc Deathcrafters on 
  the platform above. Switch to your Psionic Staff and both you and Zale can 
  make quick work of them. The Sorceress should drop a [Pot of Gold] (5/600).

  When you go up to collect the treasure then a Arch Lich will appear. When 
  you defeat her she should drop a [Pot of Gold] (10/600). Go down and you 
  should encounter an Orc Deathcrafter before the next landing. He should 
  drop a [Pot of Gold] (15/600) when you defeat him. As you get near the 
  bottom then an Orc should throw an easily dodged bomb at you.

  When you get to the bottom and turn right you should find two more Orc 
  Deathcrafters. Keep them at a distance and use your Staff to kill them. One 
  of them should drop a [Health Potion].

  When you turn left you should find Zale stopped at a special door. He needs 
  the three [Portal Keys] to open it. Go past him and turn left at the 
  corner. You should encounter another Orc Deathcrafter. When you kill him he 
  should drop a [Pot of Gold] (20/600).

  Proceed forward to find a large building to your left and a short passage 
  with some crates ahead. You need to be careful since there is a Sorceress 
  Adept on the rooftops somewhere. If you see her then use your Psionic Staff 
  to take her down before she can do much damage.

    **NOTE: If you stand by the large crate just before you enter this area 
            it is possible that the Sorceress may drop down to confront you. 
            However, because the buildings are tall, it will be a fatal drop 
            and she will die without any combat.

  Go forward through the passage and turn right at the junction to find 
  another passage. You should also encounter an Orc Destructor. He should 
  drop a [Pot of Gold] (25/600) when you kill him. Go through this passage 
  again then turn left at the end and turn left again. Ahead you should see a 

  Do not go through it. Go past it to find a Ladder leading up to the 
  rooftops. When you reach the top then another Sorceress Adept will appear 
  ahead. Use the nearby chimney as cover as you use your Staff to defeat her. 
  After that then go up the nearby short Ladder to the top of a roof then 
  look down at the next one to find a [Health Potion] and two [Pots of Gold] 

  After acquiring them you will need to go back down then climb back up to 
  the rooftops. Climb back up the short Ladder then turn right and jump to 
  the next set of roofs. Turn right and you should find the big building I 
  mentioned earlier. At the far end of this building is a [Sapphire] 
  (85/600). Jump to the building to acquire the treasure then jump back and 
  retrace your steps down the main Ladder to ground level.

  When you get back down then turn left and proceed forwards to find a large 
  archway which should be to your right. Go through it and to the junction 
  ahead. Turn right to find a door and an Orc Deathcrafter above it. Kill him 
  and he should drop some [Crossbow Bolts].

  Get closer to the door and it will be knocked down by an Orc Destructor. He 
  should drop a [Pot of Gold] (90/600) when you kill him. Switch to The 
  Incinerator and proceed to the door. Beyond it is a wooden wall. Use the 
  Staff to destroy it and go behind it to find a [Pot of Gold] (95/600), a 
  [Diamond] (295/600), and a [Health Potion].

  Climb up the nearby Ladder to reach the upper level and look ahead. You 
  should see a passage with an upper level with a bunch of barrels. Switch to 
  your Psionic Staff and fire several shots at the barrels. There is an Orc 
  Deathcrafter behind them. Killing him from here will prevent the barrels 
  from being dropped on you later. He will also drop some [Crossbow Bolts].

  Go around this corner and you should find some stairs and a locked gate. 
  There are also some stairs leading up to the upper level with the barrels. 
  Go up here and you will be attacked by another Orc Deathcrafter. Go to 
  where he came from and behind some crates to find a [Pot of Gold] (300/600) 
  and some [Grenade Arrows]. Near the top of the stairs is a Winch that opens 
  the gate.

  When you approach the gate you should find a Lever on the left wall. Go 
  through the center (to avoid the side traps) and, after taking a couple of 
  steps, you will be attacked by an Orc Destructor and a Sorceress Adept.

  Quickly go back and use the Lever to close the gate and keep them from 
  advancing. Use the Psionic Staff to kill them quickly. The Orc should drop 
  a [Pot of Gold] (305/600) and the Sorceress should drop a [Health Potion]. 

  Re-open the gate and turn the corner at the top of the stairs. Stay against 
  the right wall as there are traps in the center of the hall. As you proceed 
  then you will be attacked by another Orc Destructor and a Orc Deathcrafter. 
  They should be far down the hall and you can easily drop them from a 
  distance. The Destructor should drop a [Pot of Gold] (310/600).

  Halfway down the hallway you should find another archway to your left but 
  continue down the hall. When you turn the corner you should see an Orc 
  being killed by a bolt of lightning. As you approach his position then a 
  Sorceress Adept will drop from a window above. Go back into the hallway and 
  kill her from there.

  Continue forward and you should see a large room. You should find one of 
  the three [Portal Keys] there on an upper level. When you enter the room 
  then a gate will close behind you. Proceed a little further and you should 
  hear something trying to break through some of the boards near the [Key].

  Turn right to find some crates near the window. Fire your Staff through 
  them to get at another Orc Destructor. There is also a [Pot of Gold] 
  (315/600) behind the crates.

  Walk past the [Key] and another Orc Deathcrafter will come up through the 
  water. You can either try to attack him or let him fall back in and drown. 
  When you turn the corner then another Orc Deathcrafter will come from 
  behind a barrel. He should drop a [Health Potion] when you defeat him. 
  Behind the crates where he came from is a [Pot of Gold] (320/600).

  When you grab the [Key] then an Arch Lich will appear. Go the the crates 
  and quickly jump them and through the window back into the hallway. Go back 
  to the locked gate and use your Staff to kill the Lich through it. She 
  should also drop a [Health Potion]. There is also a Lever that re-opens the 
  gate. Open it then go back through which also closes it back up.

  Near where you picked up the [Key] is a Winch. Using it will drop a 
  drawbridge near the archway you passed earlier. There are two ways to get 
  to this area. The first is to jump the crates and through the window again. 
  The second is to drop into the water near the winch and swim through a 
  passage. The second way is what I will do here as this leads to more 

  Because the Wizard is slow jump up into the air and drop into the water 
  which gets him further down and swim down to find two [Pots of Gold] 
  (330/600). At this point you will start to drown so swim quickly to the air 
  pocket and use a [Potion] if necessary.

  Continue forward to find two more [Pots of Gold] (340/600) and an [Emerald] 
  (440/600). Proceed forward from here to find four more [Pots of Gold] 
  (460/600). After collecting the treasure you should be by a lava river. 
  Turn left to find a rock that you can use to jump across and to the area 
  with the drawbridge. However, go to the other side of the area to find a 
  [Health Potion] hidden in some bushes.

  Go back to the drawbridge and turn left to find another [Portal Key] on top 
  of a rock pedestal. However, you cannot climb up to it. There is a long 
  wooden spiral pathway down though. Go down just a little bit and an Orc 
  Deathcrafter will jump out at you. He should drop a [Pot of Gold] (465/600) 
  when you kill him.

  Proceed down a little further to find a platform with an [Emerald] 
  (565/600) on it. Jump around carefully to acquire it. Proceed down slowly 
  and you may hear an Orc ready for an ambush. Use the Staff to shoot through 
  the rock and kill him before he can attack. Go down further from here to 
  find a [Pot of Gold] (570/600).

  While at this spot, turn left and look down to find a gap between the 
  bridge and rock pillar. You should see a [Pot of Gold] (575/600) through 
  the gap. Aim at the walkway just to the left and fire to hit an Orc 
  Deathcrafter. Keep firing until he drops.

  Go down near the platform with the [Gold] to be attacked by an Orc 
  Destructor that comes up from below. Retreat upwards to give yourself room 
  to kill him. Go back down to get the treasure and continue downwards. As 
  you get near the bottom you should find another [Pot of Gold] (580/600).

  When you get to the botton then an Arch Lich will appear. Go back behind 
  the pillar and use it as a shield as you use your Staff to kill the Lich. 
  At the bottom is a teleporter that will take you up to the [Key]. After 
  acquiring the [Key] then drop down to ground level.

  As you proceed to the drawbridge you will be attacked by two Orc 
  Deathcrafters on the ground and one using a Crossbow on the level above. 
  You can easily deal with them at a distance with your Staff.

  After dealing with them then go back over the drawbridge and inside then 
  turn right at the junction. Follow the hall and stairs down then back 
  outside and looking at the building with the Ladder you used earlier.

  If you look right you should see some bushes, a tree, and a large rock. Go 
  through these bushes and behind the large rock. You should also be shot at 
  by an Orc Deathcrafter that's in the building but he can't hit you because 
  of the rock. Go past the rock and turn around so you are looking at a large 

  The window will eventually be broken and reveal the Orc on a higher level 
  by the last [Key]. Once you kill him with your Staff then go back behind 
  the rock and get near the tree. If you look inside you should see another 
  Orc Deathcrafter laying in wait by the door to his building. Get rid of him 
  with your Staff and he should drop a [Pot of Gold] (585/600).

  Jump onto the window ledge to spawn an Arch Lich. Jump back out and get 
  behind the rock. Use it as cover as you deal with her. Once she is dead 
  then jump back in and climb up to get the last [Key], two [Health Potions], 
  and two [Pots of Gold] (595/600).

  This should also spawn an Orc Deathcrafter and an Orc Destructor just 
  outside. Use your position to get rid of the both of them. Drop down and 
  jump out the window then make your way back to Zale killing all enemies 
  along the way.

  Once you get back to him then give him the [Keys] and follow him as he 
  opens the door - beware the trap at the bottom. As you get near the center 
  of the sanctum another Arch Lich will appear. She will drop the last [Pot 
  of Gold] (600/600) when you kill her. Zale will destroy the barrier which 
  will lead to the destruction of the fortress. Follow him out to complete 
  the mission.

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 600 Gold Pieces.


  After completion of this mission it is recommended to complete the hard 
  level of Hagastrom before continuing.

  / The Light Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >LGT13. Jasindra                                                          0
  \ Ark Moor /                        \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Light Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+0                          0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  Ark Moor is the high seat of Mordessa, the sinister leader of the 
  Outlanders. Princess Jasindra, Celenheim's only heir, has been captured for 
  a ritual to summon the Great Demon King Vatar.

| Objectives \

  --You must enter the Ark Moor citadel and prevent Councellor Mordessa from 
    sacrificing Princess Jasindra.
  --Mordessa must be defeated.

| Gold \

  >>10,200 to 11,000 (if you completed the hard level of Hagastrom).

| Character \

      --The Incinerator
      --Psionic Domination
      --Poisoned Dagger
      --5 Health Potions
      --Heavy Armour

| Notes \

  This mission is probably the hardest in the game due to the complexity of 
  the map and the difficulty of the enemies as you will face off with some of 
  them in close quarters.

  In addition, most of this area is going to be labeled as you will be going 
  through this citadel again in the Dark Campaign.

| Run-Through \

  When you start you will be at the end of the Main Bridge that leads to the 
  citadel. You will be approached by an Berserker Brute and a Assassin Elite 
  who will use her Burst Arrows. Use the Psionic Staff as they come to you. 
  The Brute should go down first as the Assassin stays further back. When he 
  goes down then use the Staff against her to drop her. The Brute should drop 
  a [Health Potion] and the Assassin should drop some [Crossbow Bolts].

  Proceed up the Bridge and you should see two Guard Posts at the end. When 
  you reach the angle going right then use your shield until you are attacked 
  by Assassin Elites then go back down. The Assassin in the left Post is 
  using a Redeemer Crossbow and the one in the right is Post using an 
  Precision Bow with Fire Arrows.

  If you go up far enough another Berserker Brute will appear from the left 
  Post and come to attack you. Use the Psionic Staff against it to kill him 

  Go back up a little bit and look at the right Post. If you see the Assassin 
  then use your Staff against her until she dies. If you don't then shoot a 
  few times at the walls to either side of the window since the Psionic Staff 
  can go through them and you can more than likely get her before she can do 
  any damage. She will drop some [Fire Arrows] when she dies.

  Once you have dealt with her then look at the left Post. The Assassin there 
  can do more damage than the other because of her powerful Crossbow. What 
  you want to do is aim just beneath her window. But the Bridge is going to 
  be in the way. Still, the Staff should go through it and the Post wall 
  easily enough and you should kill off the Assassin without her taking off 
  any of your health. She should drop some [Magic Bolts] when you kill her.

  As you approach the Posts again you should be attacked by another Berserker 
  Brute. Take him down with your Staff before he gets close.

  When you get to the Posts you should see that the right one has a closed 
  door. Before doing anything go to the corner and rotate your camera to look 
  inside the Post. Usually it should be empty but sometimes the game likes to 
  spawn another Assassin with a Redeemer Crossbow inside the room. If this 
  happens then shoot through the corner to kill her off. She should drop a 
  [Health Potion] when she dies.

  After this then use The Incinerator and shoot the wall to the right of the 
  door to blow it open then switch back to the Psionic Staff. Inside the Post 
  are two [Pots of Gold] (10/650).

  Just outside the window is a ledge. Jump into the window and crouch a bit 
  to get onto the ledge. Go around the corner to find an [Emerald] (110/650). 
  You can't get back through the window again so you will need to jump from 
  the Ledge back onto the Main Bridge. Go into the other Post to find a [Pot 
  of Gold] (115/650) and a [Health Potion].

  Past these Posts is the Bone Bridge. Drop down to find an [Sapphire] 
  (165/650) at the back end. Go forward on the Bridge to the Entrance.

  As you reach the end of the Bridge then a Shadow Skeleton will appear in 
  front of you. Run around it then run forward towards center of the area in 
  front of the Entrance door then use your shield and do a Power Smash to do 
  massive and fatal damage to the Skeletons.

  One of them will drop a [Pot of Gold] (170/650) and a [Health Potion] when 
  you defeat them.

  From the Entrance go around the left side of the citadel to find two [Pots 
  of Gold] (180/650). Go around the right side of the citadel to find two 
  [Pots of Gold] (190/650) and a [Ruby] (340/650).

  When you are done collecting the treasure then go back to the Entrance. In 
  front are three large buttons. You need to step on them in a certain order 
  to get the door to unlock. If you step on a button in the wrong order, the 
  button won't go down so nothing bad will happen if you do that. The order 
  goes: left-right-center.

  When you push down a button then a Shadow Skeleton will appear which you 
  must defeat before continuing. As the Skeleton spawns use your shield near 
  it then do a Power Smash to damage and kill it. Defeating the first two 
  Skeletons will drop [Pots of Gold] (350/650) and the last one will drop a 
  [Health Potion].

  When you get the last button to go down then the Entrance will open. Beyond 
  it is the Interior Bridge that leads to the Main Door which is locked. When 
  you go onto the Bridge then the Entrance door will lock behind you and you 
  need to fight off two Shadow Skeletons followed by two Assassin Elites then 
  two Wraiths that will spawn Arch Lichs.

  This sounds like a very tough battle but there is something very important 
  to note. The Entrance door will remain open for awhile. If you go onto the 
  Bridge then back out before the door closes then the door can still open. 
  So the strategy is to go onto the Bridge to start one of these events, back 
  out before the door closes, then open the door again and take care of the 
  enemies from outside.

    **NOTE: If the Entrance or Main doors close on top of you then you will 
            immediately die. The same works with enemies.

  With that explained, open the door, run inside until you get a Skeleton to 
  appear in front of you, then run backwards out (and dodge the Skeleton that 
  has spawned behind you). One of the Skeletons should follow you out before 
  the door closes so do battle with it before going after the other. One of 
  the Skeletons should drop a [Pot of Gold] (355/650) and the other should 
  drop a [Health Potion].

  After the Skeletons then run onto the Bridge again to get the Assassins to 
  appear then run back out. Most of the time they will jump down to try to 
  get to you but will fall into the abyss instead.

  However, if you open the door and don't see the Wraith then let the door 
  close. Open the door again, rotate right, then sidestep left. Sometimes an 
  Assassin will land on a ledge near the door. If this happens then fire one 
  shot from your Staff and sidestep right out the door before it closes. 
  Repeat the pattern until the Assassin dies.

  Open the door again and you should see a Mist Wraith. Fire a couple of 
  shots from your Staff and they should follow it and destroy it. If you 
  destroy the Wraith then it can't spawn a Lich thus making this part easier. 
  Once you kill off this Wraith do the same to the other one and the Main 
  Door should unlock. Go to the Main Door and the Entrance door should lock 
  behind you.

    **NOTE: If you let the Wraiths become Lichs you will find that they are 
            not aggressive and are easy to kill with your Staff. Both Lichs 
            will drop [Health Potions] when they die. Depending on how you 
            feel about collecting [Health Potions] you may want to get the 
            Lichs to spawn and get two extra [Potions] for use later.

  When you open the Door then rotate right a bit to find an Orc Destructor. 
  Shoot through the wall to kill him and he should drop a [Health Potion]. 
  When you go to this door, which is locked, to pick up the [Potion] then a 
  portion of wall near the floor will come open to expose two [Pots of Gold] 

    **NOTE: When you go through the Main Door then it will lock behind you.

  Go to the other door and a Berserker Brute and Assassin Elite will spawn. 
  Back up to the other door and use the Staff to quickly get rid of the Orc. 
  Then go back and use the door as cover as you get rid of the Assassin.

  When you turn the corner you should see a upper level that you can't jump 
  up to. When you get close you should see a short platform appear to your 
  right. Get on it and another platform will appear on top of it. Don't get 
  on it. There's a spear trap that will activate and kill you if you do that.

  Instead jump onto the ledge across the hallway from you. Then creep to the 
  edge of the level. Jump onto the level then jump back to the ledge. When 
  you jump onto the level then a Berserker Brute will appear in the nook. 
  From the ledge use the Staff to kill him through the wall then jump onto 
  the level and go into the nook to find a [Pot of Gold] (370/650). There is 
  also the [Ark Moor Key] that you need to pick up and proceed further.

  Go back to the Main Door and to the other door to unlock it. This will 
  spawn a Berserker Brute you can easily deal with before he can do anything. 
  He will also drop a [Pot of Gold] (375/650). Turn the next corner to find 
  the stairs up to a teleporter. If you need to drink a Potion before doing 
  anything else.

  Run to the center of the room and activate your shield. An Arch Lich will 
  drop down and will use her Darkness of Despair against you and she is very 
  aggressive with it. When she drops down then do a Power Smash with your 
  Staff to do severe damage to her and its damage over time will kill her 

    **NOTE: It is possible to knock her through the teleporter and into the 
            next area. If this happens then you may have made it very 
            difficult to nearly impossible to get through the next area.

  Before going into the teleporter go into the nook to find a [Pot of Gold] 
  (380/650). You may need to drink another Potion before proceeding.

  When you go through the teleporter then you will be in a locked room with 
  another Arch Lich. Quickly run up to her, use your shield, and do a Power 
  Smash to quickly kill her (she will also drop a [Pot of Gold] (385/650). 
  She will also be summoning a Skeleton and you can do damage to that too.

  As you are dealing with her then another Lich will spawn behind you. She 
  too will summon a Skeleton. As she is doing so then dodge her as you wait 
  for your Mana to recharge. Then run up to her and do the same thing you did 
  to the first Lich. She may also use her Staff of the Damned against you so 
  keep that in mind as you attack her. Once she dies then she will drop a 
  [Health Potion].

  Finish off the Skeletons to clear the room so you can leave. The next room 
  you enter is called the Lower Mist Room as it has a harmless green mist. As 
  you venture inside you will be attacked by up to five Mist Wraiths. Use 
  your Staff to get rid of them quickly. In this room you will notice a 
  center spire.

  From the door you came out of go to a nearby corner then go to the opposite 
  one to find another door. However, as you reach this side, two more Arch 
  Lichs will appear and attack. Back away to the previous corner while firing 
  away at the closest Lich and using the spire as cover against the other. 

  They will also be summoning Skeletons and using their Staffs against you. 
  Kill the first one quickly and use the spire as cover to recover your Mana 
  so you can go after the other. Go around the spire and fire off several 
  shots to get rid of the remaining Lich. One of the Lichs should drop a 
  [Health Potion] and the other a [Pot of Gold] (390/650).

  Go into the next room to find a Berserker Brute. Kill him before he can get 
  close to you. When you re-enter this room you should see two hanging 
  Skeletons. Shooting them with the Incinerator will make them come to life 
  and attack you. This will also spawn four [Pots of Gold] (410/650). Do one 
  Skeleton at a time, using the Psionic Staff, then grab the treasure.

  When you go to the center of the room then a teleporter will appear. Going 
  through it should put you in the room above the Lower Mist Room which I 
  will call the Upper Mist Room. Here you will encounter an Assassin Elite 
  and a sleeping Orc Destructor. Killing them both will drop two [Pots of 
  Gold] (420/650).

    **NOTE: If you need to you can drop into the Lower Mist Room and use the 
            teleporter to go back up.

  From where you teleported turn left to find a door. Go through it to find a 
  set of stairs (I will call this Stairs Room 1). Turn right to find a 
  Berserker Brute. Kill him with your Staff and he should drop a [Pot of 
  Gold] (425/650). At one end of the room is a doorway that is blocked by 

  If you go up the stairs you should see another bridge that connects to it 
  but it is being moved up and away from the stairs. If you climb halfway up 
  then you should see a platform. At the other end of the platform you should 
  find some [Grenade Arrows].

  Go back to the Upper Mist Room and to the opposite door. This leads into 
  Stairs Room 2. When you approach the stairs inside then they will be pulled 
  up. On one side of this room is an open door. But, when you approach it, 
  then multiple spikes will appear to close it.

  When you try to go back out then the door will be locked shut and the hatch 
  where the stairs were taken will re-open. At this point two [Pots of Gold] 
  (435/650) and a [Health Potion] will drop to the floor. Then three bombs 
  and an Orc Destructor will drop down. As you are finishing off the Orc with 
  your Staff then an Assassin Elite will drop down. She will drop some [Burst 

  When she dies then the door with the spikes will re-open. Go across the 
  bridge to another room with a teleporter (as you're going across the door 
  for Stairs Room 2 will be re-opened). However, just before the teleporter, 
  turn left to find a window and a nook with a [Pot of Gold] (440/650).

  After acquiring the treasure do not go through the teleporter. Instead go 
  back to Stairs Room 1 to find the spiked door opened. In the next room 
  across the bridge is a Berserker Brute and an Assassin Elite. This room is 
  also where you appear if you used the teleporter at Stairs Room 2.

  If you took the teleporter then you will end up close to these enemies. 
  However, by going back to Stairs Room 1 then you can safely kill them from 
  across the bridge. The Orc will drop a [Health Potion] and the Assassin 
  will drop some [Fire Arrows].

  In this room is a Lever. Using it will drop the stairs down in Stairs Room 
  2. This will also bring out another Assassin Elite. In addition, an 
  Assassin Elite will appear in Stairs Room 1. Shoot through the walls to get 
  rid of her before proceeding. She will also drop some [Burst Arrows].

  Go back to Stairs Room 2 to find another Assassin at the base of the 
  stairs. Killing her will drop some [Burst Arrows]. Carefully go up the 
  stairs and kill off the Assassin you saw in the cutscene. When you get to 
  the top then you should see two sets of doors. As you get closer you should 
  see one of then get locked.

  Go through the doors on your left to enter the Chapel. When you open the 
  doors you should see an Arch Lich. Shooting her will transform her into a 
  Mist Wraith and she will go to a corner of the Chapel. If you shoot the 
  Wraith then she will transform back into a Lich so you may want to keep her 
  in the Wraith state if you can.

  You will also have to deal with an Orc Destroyer who will come down to 
  attack you. Lead him out to give yourself room to kill him with your Staff. 
  Also inside the Chapel is an Assassin Elite with a Redeemer Crossbow. Use 
  the doors as shields to keep her from doing damage as you kill her with 
  your Staff. She will also drop a [Pot of Gold] (445/650).

  At the back of the Chapel is another Lever. Using it will drop the bridge 
  back down in Stairs Room 1 so you can go further up. As you use it then an 
  Orc Destroyer will come inside the Chapel and you can kill him quickly from 
  up here.

  Go back down to Stairs Room 2 then go back to Stairs Room 1, climb up the 
  stairs, and cross the bridge. Go through the next door and you should be on 
  the upper level above the Chapel. As you doing so then Mordessa wil order 
  her minions to kill you. This will also unlock the locked door outside the 

  Drop down then out to go through this door. You will encounter a Berserker 
  Brute who will drop a [Pot of Gold] (450/650) when you kill him. As you 
  enter this room the doors will lock behind you and you should see a tall 
  set of stairs leading up. It is also glowing green.

  These stairs are enchanted and as such I will call this the Enchanted 
  Stairs room. If you try to climb them you can never reach the top as it is 
  in an infinite loop. You need to destroy the enchantment to proceed 
  further. If you look further you should see a glowing raised block under 
  the stairs. Stepping on it will remove the enchantment and you can go up to 
  the top of the citadel.

  When you reach the top of the stairs then go around the next corner to find 
  an Assassin Elite who will use her Bow on you. Kill her and she should drop 
  some [Fire Arrows]. Go out the next door to find some stairs that lead up 
  to the top floor of the citadel and outside of Mordessa's Chambers. There 
  are no enemies up here so go to the other side to find the doors inside.

  When you enter you should find Mordessa and Princess Jasindra. The Princess 
  will be in some sort of cage and will be lowered to her fate below thus you 
  need to act quickly. However, this cage will be lowered slowly so you can 
  still do things strategically.

  Do not fight Mordessa right away. Go into the upper area at the back of the 
  Chamber. Shoot through the walls as she teleports into the upper regions of 
  the room. She will eventually come back down near where she started. Keep 
  shooting through the walls and railings until she dies.

  If you do this quickly enough you should have time to explore the room for 
  items and treasure. In each corner of the back area is a [Sapphire] 
  (500/650) and an [Emerald] (600/650). The last treasure is beneath where 
  Jasindra is and you can't get it yet. Also in this back area are two 
  [Health Potions], two batches of [Crossbow Bolts], and some [Sniper 

  Once you get everything then stand under the Princess. When she is lowered 
  enough then the floor will open up beneath you and you will fall through 
  into the next mission falling into the last treasure, a [Sapphire] 
  (650/650), in the process.

| Rewards \

  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Mordessa.

  / The Light Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >LGT14. Vatar                                                             0
  \ Ark Moor /                        \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Light Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+0                          0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  As Mordessa was killed, Vatar was freed from her bond. If the demon king is 
  not defeated, he will be unstoppable!

| Objectives \

  --Vatar must be defeated.

| Gold \

  >>12,300 (max).

| Character \

      --The Incinerator
      --Psionic Domination
      --Poisoned Dagger
      --5 Health Potions
      --Heavy Armour

| Notes \

  This is a fairly straightforward level but the constant teleportation of 
  Vatar and his constant generation of Hellbones will keep the pressure on 
  you. Many enemies will also drop [Health Potions] so that will help.

| Run-Through \

  When the mission starts the first thing to do is to head left to the left 
  side of this floor and find a teleporter. When you teleport then you should 
  be on an upper level. You should also see some triangular columns. In the 
  one to the right is a [Sapphire] (50/700). When you get that one then turn 
  left and head to the other side of this level to find another [Sapphire] 

  Head to the front end of this level to find a large Mounted Crossbow. When 
  you take control you should be looking at a round forcefield. This blocks 
  the door you have to go through to enter the next area. Use the two pointed 
  things on the front to aim dead center and fire at it. As you keep firing 
  at it it should start to grow smaller. When it disappears then you can go 
  to the next area.

  As you are doing this then Vatar should send some Hellbones to confront 
  you. When they get too close then disengage from the Crossbow and deal with 
  them. It is important to note that a couple of them should drop [Sapphires] 
  as you fight them off throughout the level so keep an eye open for them 
  along with [Health Potions]. Using the Incinerator Staff they should go 
  down in about one to two hits depending on the difficulty level.

  When the forcefield is down then an Arch Lich should appear below near the 
  door. Kill her and she should drop a [Sapphire] (150/700). Carefully drop 
  down and enter the door to enter a hallway between areas. It will angle 
  down to the next door. To either side of the door you came through are two 
  [Sapphires] (250/700).

  As you head down then you should find the other door blocked with a 
  forcefield. You should then be attacked by a Hellbone then followed by an 
  Arch Lich who will appear by the other door. By being here near the other 
  door then she cannot hit you with her Astral Staff as she is at a bad angle 
  of attack. Use you Incinerator to kill her and she should drop a [Sapphire] 

  After her then you will be attacked by two Hellbones. Once you have dealt 
  with them then the forcefield will be removed and you can enter the next 
  area. To either side of this door are two more [Sapphires] (400/700).

  When you go through the door then angle right then turn left to find 
  another teleporter. Surrounding it are three [Health Potions]. Grab them 
  then go through the teleporter to go to another upper level. You should see 
  a large heart ahead of you.

  This is Vatar's and you need to destroy it before you can go to the throne 
  room. You also cannot hurt him until this is done. It is also surrounded by 
  a forcefield that must be destroyed. There are two more Mounted Crossbows 
  on this upper area and they are going to be on the left and right sides of 
  this area. For now go to the one on the right.

  When you use it then turn around to find the generator and you need to 
  destroy it the same way as with the first. You will also be attacked by 
  more Hellbones so disengage when they get too close. You should also be at 
  the edge of this area. There is also going to be a ledge just below you. 
  Drop down and go to the end by the wall to find a [Sapphire] (450/700).

  From here then carefully jump down to the lower level being careful not to 
  fall in the gap between the wall and the floor. There is some gooey stuff 
  down at the bottom and it will kill you quickly if you fall in. However, 
  there is a small ledge near the bottom so, if you fall down here and land 
  on it, then you may be able to climb back up.

  When you get back down then run to the teleporter. In with the Hellbones is 
  going to be another Arch Lich so if you see her then try to deal with her 
  before going back up.

  When you get back up then use the Crossbow on the left side clearing out 
  any Hellbones before doing so. Finish off the generator and you can then 
  shoot the heart. Again, if any Hellbones get close then disengage and drop 
  down on the ledge on this side of the platform to find another [Sapphire] 
  (500/700). You should also see that the lower level is higher on this side 
  so it will be easier to jump down to it.

  Jump down, go back to the teleporter, destroy the Hellbones near the left 
  Crossbow, and use it to continue destroying the heart. Once it has been 
  destroyed then you can go to the throne room.

  Before doing so make sure that you have 600 [Gold]. If not, and you have 
  picked up all of the other treasures, then continue destroying Hellbones 
  until you have picked up all of the [Sapphires] from them.

  From here then go to the area under the now destroyed heart and through the 
  door to enter the throne room. Go up the ramp to find the throne and go 
  behind on either side to find the last two [Sapphires] (700/700) and the 
  last treasures of the Campaign.

  The Hellbones here have spears and can do some serious damage so you will 
  need to destroy them before dealing with Vatar. On the other side of the 
  room are two more Mounted Crossbows but it is best not to use them.

  Instead, go to the wall just to either right or left of the throne. Vatar 
  will stay near the Crossbows and not come closer. He will continue to 
  teleport to the left and right sides of the area but you can still use your 
  Staffs to fight him. Even though The Incinerator is powerful the Psionic 
  Dominator is the better weapon here as it is faster and can do more 
  consistent damage.

  When Vatar sends his fireballs at you then hide behind the wall to shield 
  yourself. Every so often he will create an Arch Lich but they don't seem to 
  want to do much. However, you should destroy them just to be safe. Just 
  keep firing the Dominator at Vatar until he dies which will complete the 
  mission and the Light Campaign.

| Rewards \

  >>New character unlocked: Earth Golem (for completing the Light Campaign).
  >>New character unlocked: 9320 Battle Droid (for acquiring all 13,000 


  When you return to the map after the credits then you need to select Ark 
  Moor and Light Final to see the ending.

  /==++====++==\                                             /==++====++==\
| >ECV3. The Dark Campaign                                                  |
  \==++====++==/                                             \==++====++==/

"Scripted within an ancient tome, which lies beneath centuries of dust in the 
 guarded library of Meckelon, is the story of how the rift was formed. Though 
 most cannot recall a time when the rift did not divide the Enclave and the 
 Outlands, they were at one time, unified.

 In that time, there were lands which were believed to bear the very essence 
 of magic, for they were lush, and prosperous. All who did not hold the 
 secrets of the soil, which were protected by the Pact of Gi'furo, coveted 
 these lands fiercely.

 The great demon Vatar knew that with this magic, he would be invincible. He 
 would at last prevail over all! Venomously he led his army to attack the 
 dwellers of the land to claim it as his own. The battle raged and the people 
 fell before Vatar's vast army. Victory was so close it could be tasted upon 
 their blackened tongues, as bodies of the defenders lay lay sprawled about 
 them on the bloodied field. Exultantly, vatar rose to proclaim his triumph!

 It was then that disaster struck, in the form of a pathetic little wizard 
 called the mighty Zale. With a roar of anger and anguish, the wizard slammed 
 his staff into the ground. The world trembled and then cracked, parting 
 beneath Vatar's feet. With an outraged scream, the demon lord plummeted to 
 the depths to be consumed by the earth he sought to rule.

 A chasm grew from this powerful blast of magic, wide and longer than any 
 could measure. It was too vast to be traversed, thus separating the people 
 who fought against Vatar forever. The devastation on the faces of the 
 defenders was a small consolation to the Dreg'atar as they retreated to pray 
 for Vatar's return.

 It is said that time heals wounds and perhaps it is true, for in the 
 centuries since it was torn asunder, it appears that magic began to knit the 
 world back together. The rift grows smaller and can even be crossed in 
 certain locations.

 Dreg'atar, driven by an ages old lust for the land that should belong to 
 them, are now raising their hordes, building siege weapons, and preparing 
 for the day when they may take their revenge and possession of the magic 
 lands. On the other side of the rift, the people of Celenheim are 
 strengthening their defenses. They know another war will soon be waged 
 against them.

 While the armies are being gathered along the border of the rift, the head 
 counselor of Ark Moor, Mordessa, is making further preparations. Volunteers 
 are being brought to her for special tasks, and there are rumors about an 
 ancient force about to be awakened, one that has been slumbering for 
 hundreds of years.

 And it is here that our story begins.

 Violently shaken from their sleep, the chosen are taken by hooded figures to 
 an unknown fate....."

| >TDC1. Cast of Characters                                                 |

In this chapter I do a quick overview of your party members and the enemies
you will face in the Dark Campaign.

| A. The Dreg'atar |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

Listed in this sub-chapter are the classes that comprise your party during
this Campaign along with when they become available. Information on these
classes come directly from the game manual and are in quotes.

      Available: Chapter 1.
        "The Assassins of Ark Moor are bred since generations and live, or 
         shall we say, suffer a very strict and harsh upbringing. From early 
         on, still being mere infants, they are molded and shaped into the 
         coldest and most precise assassins. The Assassins don't rely on 
         strength, but on skillful marksmanship and backstabbing."

      Available: Chapter 2.
        "Every year, the strongest warriors of the Ogre clans battle amongst 
         one another in a duel. A duel to the death. The survivor is bestowed 
         the great honor of being sent to Ark Moor, to be enlisted in the 
         service of Head Councellor Mordessa herself.

         The Berserkers are the front-line soldiers of the Outland armies. 
         Their size, strength and skill in warfare make them perfect 
         warriors. War is all the Ogre know. They are not famous for their 
         brains; they have very little of it. But they are strong, cruel, and 
         brutally efficient in melee combat. On the downside they are 
         somewhat slow."

      Available: Chapter 3.
        "The Sorceresses are powerful wielders of magic, having at their 
         fingertips the strongest offensive powers among all in the Outlands. 
         Their training goes only from one Sorceress to her disciple, and 
         they tend to be loners. Therefore the High Council of Ark Moor has 
         to search the lands for them, and then convince them to join their 
         ranks with promises of powers.

         Sorceresses tend to be very ambitious and keen on power. While being 
         powerful casters, the Sorceress is very inferior when it comes to 
         melee combat, and may only wear light armour."

      Available: Chapter 4.
        "The Goblins are small, but their sheer viciousness more than makes 
         up for their lack of size. They like to fight in large numbers, and 
         with their considerable speed they are excellent scouts."

      Available: Chapter 6.
        "The Bombardiers consist of the most crazy, deranged fanatics of the 
         entire continent. Their task is probably the most dangerous of all: 
         Sabotage and blow up enemy installations including the enemies 

         In addition, they work to keep their own siege weapons and 
         installations intact, in the midst of the most furious of battles. 
         The Bombardiers are of average strength in melee combat. Their true 
         strength lies in their ability to cast bombs and set deadly traps."

      Available: Chapter 9.
        "Who could possibly know more about life than those returning from 
         the dead? Many beings in the Outlands are denied the luxury of a 
         peaceful death. The High Councellors of Ark Moor use Liches, undead 
         magic wielders among their ranks. With their souls trapped, and an 
         existence in constant agony, they have no choice but to obey the 
         commands of their creators."

  >>Stone Gnome
      Available: Completion of the Dark Campaign.
        These are the Stone Gnomes that are found in the Outland Wastes. They 
        are similar to the Earth Golem in that they cannot use any weapons 
        and can only bring Health Potions with them. Although small they are 
        very powerful and can often kill an enemy with one hit from their 
        arms. Any that survive may suffer light damage over time due to 

      Available: After acquiring all 13,000 Gold in the Dark Campaign.
        She is a human female version of the 9320 Battle Droid and behaves 
        exactly the same way.

| B. The Enemies |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\

Listed in this sub-chapter are the enemies that you will encounter during the

      They usually tend not to use Crossbows and prefer to charge at you with 
      melee weapons thus it is best to deal with them with ranged weapons. 
      Going up against them face to face is not the best idea since they tend 
      to be fairly strong, especially Paladins since they are also heavily 

      They are the opposite as the Humans preferring to use ranged weapons 
      and, as such, you should do the same. They can be annoying, especially 
      when using standard Bows as they can use burst style arrows and do 
      serious, and potentially fatal, damage if they connect. But most of 
      them use Crossbows which makes fighting them a bit easier because of 
      the long reload times.

      They behave the same as the Humans going after you with melee weapons 
      instead of Crossbows. They do have the additional danger of using Bombs 
      but those can be easily avoided.

      You will only deal with a couple of them but they still can be 
      dangerous as they use the Astral Staff and can summon Earth Golems to 
      assist them.

      They may look kind of skinny but they are also dangerous because of 
      their Magic Staffs. They can do a lot of damage quickly if you're not 
      careful. However, most of the ones you encounter during the Campaign 
      use lesser Staffs and thus don't do as much damage. The few that use 
      more powerful Staffs can be found in the Bonus Missions.

      These are small ghostly forms that can go through anything. Their goal 
      is to hit and damage you. Their damage is light but you will be dealing 
      with groups of them when you encounter them. Once they hurt you then 
      they will disappear. However, you can use your melee weapons to get rid 
      of them before they can hurt you.

      These are the same regular Skeletons that you encountered in the Light 
      Campaign but you will be dealing with far fewer of them.

      These are the same nasty creatures that you encountered in the Light 
      Campaign but you will encounter a lot of them in some of the early 
      missions. As such they are more dangerous and annoying in the Dark 

  >>Assembly Guards
      They only appear in one mission and that is the last one. Although tall 
      and skinny they are much tougher than they look and should not be 

  / The Dark Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >DRK1. Zurana's Crystal                                                   0
  \ Zurana's Hideout /                \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Dark Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+0                  0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  Zurana was once an ambitious sorceress, who turned into one of the demons 
  she tried to control. Her old mansion is now deserted, but a sorceress 
  rarely leaves something of value unprotected.

| Objectives \

  --Enter the deserted mansion and find the Crystal of Evresi.
  --Return to the courtyard and Mordessa's portal.

| Character \

  >>Assassin (default)

| Notes \

  For this mission you can only go as the Assassin and with nothing in your 
  inventory even when replaying it later.

| Run-Through \

  When you start you will be at the entrance of a small courtyard. In front 
  of you are a couple of broken crates. Here you can grab a [Light Crossbow], 
  a [Short Dagger], a [Shortbow], and some [Burst Arrows]. There will also be 
  a door to your left. Enter into this room to find a [Pot of Gold] (5/100), 
  some [Crossbow Bolts], some [Burst Arrows], and some [Sniper Arrows].

  Leave the room and go past the small pond to the bushes at the end to find 
  a [Pot of Gold] (10/100). Go to the pond and turn left then up to find the 
  stairs into the mansion. At the top of the stairs is a rope. If you touch 
  it then you will trigger an arrow trap that can do damage to you so you 
  should jump over it.

  In the misty area at the bottom of the stairs are several Mist Wraiths. Let 
  them come up to you and use your Dagger against them to get rid of them. Go 
  to the bottom of the stairs and you will find that the door leading inside 
  will have constantly thrusting and retracting blades. To the right of the 
  door is a Lever which stops the blades. You need to activate the Lever when 
  the bottom of the door is free of blades so you can safely enter.

  When you enter you should see a [Pot of Gold] (15/100) to your left. 
  However, you should see spikes in the nearby walls near it which indicates 
  a trap. Go up the stairs to your right then down the other side to acquire 
  the treasure. Go back up to the top of the stairs to find some [Burst 
  Arrows] and some [Crossbow Bolts].

  You should also find another rope near the floor leading into the next area 
  so jump over that as you proceed. This rope triggers an arch collapse trap.

  Ahead of you are two [Pots of Gold] (25/100). But, near them, you should 
  see wall extensions with a skull at the end. These are not decorations. 
  When you grab one of the [Pots] then they will transform into Skeletons. 
  There are two ways to deal with them.

  The first is with using your Dagger. Run up to one, quickly make a swing 
  and connect, and retreat before it can swing back. The second is by using 
  your Crossbow. Keep them at a distance and they should go down after two to 
  three shots.

  After grabbing the treasure and killing off the Skeletons then go back to 
  the torch near where you entered then look towards the arches. Look up a 
  bit and you should see what appears to be roman numerals inside the arches. 
  From left to right they are 1-3-2-3.

  From here go right to find a planter and where you can pick up a [Health 
  Potion]. Near it are three switches on the wall. One of them will have what 
  appears to be the roman number 1 above it. This is what the numbers in the 
  arches are for. Pull this switch then the right switch (3), middle switch 
  (2), and right switch (3) again. A cage should rise up out of the floor 
  nearby with four [Pots of Gold] inside.

  However, you cannot get to them at this time so head to the opposite end to 
  find another planter with a [Health Potion] hidden inside. There are also 
  some raised switches in the floor that will trip spike traps near the next 
  door. This door is also barricaded. Near the door are three switches. 
  Pulling the switches in a certain order will remove the barricade. Pull the 
  right switch and then the center to remove the barricade.

    **NOTE: If you pull the switches in the wrong order then you will be hit 
            by a spike trap which will injure you.

  When you go through the door you will enter into a long hallway with a 
  butterfly aquarium at the end. Go behind it to find two [Pots of Gold] 
  (35/100). You'll notice two more raised areas in the floor that will 
  trigger another trap so avoid those as you proceed to the treasure.

  After grabbing the treasure then proceed through the next door to enter the 
  central courtyard which has a lake and a waterfall. As you go through the 
  door then a gate will operate behind you which prevents you from going back 
  through the door.

  In the middle of the courtyard is a gazebo which is connected to the bridge 
  that goes across the water to the door at the opposite end of the 
  courtyard. The gazebo is also connected to a promenade that has another 
  doorway leading further into the mansion.

  When you get to the gazebo you will encounter a Shadow Wraith. The door 
  ahead of you is locked so you need to go to the promenade. When you try to 
  go through the doorway you will activate two Skeletons so go back to the 
  gazebo, jump into the water, and climb up into the waterfall to find two 
  [Pots of Gold] (45/100).

  From the waterfall use your Shortbow to kill off the Skeletons. One of them 
  should drop a [Pot of Gold] (50/100). Go left to climb onto the ledge then 
  jump back onto the bridge so you can go back to the promenade.

  When you get there then turn left to find a couple of batches of [Burst 
  Arrows]. Go to the other end to find a [Pot of Gold] (55/100) and some 
  [Fire Arrows]. When you grab either one then another Skeleton will appear 
  at the other end. Deal with it then finish acquiring the items and go 
  through the doorway.

  The next room ahead has a lava pool and an elevator. There is a bridge that 
  connects the elevator with the room's entrance. On the other side is a 
  Ladder that goes down to a platform. Go down to the platform and into the 
  corner to find two [Pots of Gold] (65/100). Go back up and use the 

  Go through the next door ahead to enter an upper level above the central 
  courtyard. The moment you enter then you will be attacked by a Skeleton. 
  Because of the small area it is best to use the Dagger against it. It will 
  also drop a [Pot of Gold] (70/100) when it is defeated.

  Go through the next door and across the bridge to enter the library. It 
  will also have several Shadow Wraiths inside. Stay in the doorway and use 
  the Dagger to get rid of them. When you get near any of the bookcases they 
  will fall. So get near one to make it fall and get out of the way. Do this 
  to all four of them. This will make leaving the room easier.

  Get behind the divider to find the [Crystal of Evresi]. Smash the glass and 
  acquire it. This will also trigger a couple of spear traps that are easily 
  avoided. This will also introduce a couple of additional Shadow Wraiths. 
  Leave the library and go back down to the central courtyard. A shortcut is 
  to jump into the water from the upper level where you fought the Skeleton 
  then swim around and climb back out.

  If you go back to the door you originally entered the courtyard with you 
  will find it now gated up. Go to the door you couldn't open before and it 
  will now open. The next door should be to your right.

  However, when you approach it, two Skeletons will appear. Go back to the 
  courtyard and jump to the waterfall to give yourself breathing room to kill 
  them with your Shortbow. One of them should drop a [Pot of Gold] (75/100). 
  Go back to the door and two more Skeletons will appear. Repeat the same 
  with them and one of them should drop a [Pot of Gold] (80/100).

  Go back to the door and open it to enter the cage with the [Pots of Gold] 
  (100/100) you revealed earlier. At the end is a switch. Quickly grab the 
  [Gold] and use the switch. As you are doing so the cage will lower back 
  into the ground. The ground itself won't lower but the roof of the cage 
  will thus, if you remain here, then you will be crushed. Run back through 
  the door, let it close, and wait.

  When the noise of it lowering stops then open the door and retrace your 
  steps back to where you started to find the portal to successfully complete 
  the mission.

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 10 Gold Pieces.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Daggers: Short Dagger, Long Dagger.
      --Bow: Shortbow.
      --Arrows: Burst Arrows, Fire Arrows, Grenade Arrows, Sniper Arrows.
      --Crossbow: Light Crossbow.
      --Crossbow Bolts: Bolts.
      --Health Potions: 1 Health Potion.

  / The Dark Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >DRK2. Kill Marcus                                                        0
  \ Celedia Village /                 \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Dark Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0                   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  Merchant Marcus is important for Celenheim's economy. His death would cause 
  Celenheim's Queen Aylindel and her Assembly of Six both confusion and 
  grief. You are sent here to ensure this is taken care of.

| Objectives \

  --You must find Merchant Marcus and assassinate him.
  --Marcus must not survive.
  --Return to Mordessa through the portal.

| Gold \

  >>110 (max).

| Character \

  >>Assassin (default)
      --15 Sniper Arrows
      --Light Crossbow
      --120 Crossbow Bolts
      --Short Dagger

| Notes \

  This is the first of three missions where you originally played through in 
  the Light Campaign and where you helped Marcus. The map labeling used in 
  that mission will help your way around here. You will also be starting from 
  the opposite end of the village.

  In addition, this is the mission where you can unlock the Berserker for use 
  with your party.

| Run-Through \

  When you start you should be just inside the village and on Gate Bridge 2. 
  To your right are some crates where you can pick up some [Sniper Arrows]. 
  Look ahead along the bridge and keep an eye out for a Gnome Apprentice that 
  will appear from time to time as he patrols the area. When you see him then 
  shoot him with a Sniper Arrow from your Shortbow. He will also drop a 
  [Health Potion] when he dies.

  After this then go forward all the way to the corner where you can find the 
  door for Marcus' Office. Look right and you should see a Footman on patrol 
  at the nearby junction. Shoot him with your Crossbow and he should walk in 
  your direction. Back away and kill him and he should drop a [Health 

  Go back to the junction and look left to find the way to the Main 
  Courtyard. Go forward a little bit until you see a patrolling Elven Archer. 
  Fire at him with your Crossbow and you will get into a firefight with him. 
  Keep plugging away at him until he drops. He will drop some [Crossbow 
  Bolts] when you kill him.

  Go back to the junction and look up. You should see an Elven Huntress on 
  the rooftop of the Metal Works. Use your Shortbow and kill her with a 
  Sniper Arrow headshot. She should drop some [Burst Arrows].

  Creep forward to the corner of the building to your left. Sneak a little 
  bit forward and you should see another Elven Archer standing at one end of 
  the Main Courtyard. Nail him with a Sniper Arrow and he should drop some 
  [Crossbow Bolts].

  Sneak a little more forward to find another Elven Archer on some crates. Do 
  the same to him and he too will drop some [Crossbow Bolts]. Switch back to 
  your Crossbow and move forward until you reach the opening for the Metal 
  Works then rotate right.

  You should see a Gnome Apprentice inside. Kill him off and go inside to 
  find a [Pot of Gold] (5/200). The Gnome will also drop a [Health Potion]. 
  You will also notice that the Ladder going up to the next floor has been 
  taken down. There is another way to go there but that will be done later.

  Go into the Main Courtyard and to the door for the Storeroom to encounter a 
  Soldier. After dealing with him then go back to the Storeroom door. Open it 
  to find an Elven Huntress on the upper level inside. When she sees you she 
  should also be readying her Bow with some Fire Arrows. Kill her with a 
  headshot before she can finish and fire. She will also drop some [Fire 

  There will be a hole in the stairs going up to her position. Go inside to 
  find a [Health Potion]. Go onto a crate on the upper level to get a [Pot of 
  Gold] (10/200).

  Go back to the Main Courtyard to find a blockage and with some explosives. 
  The blockage blocks the path to Marcus' House and the Entrance Courtyard.
  Use the explosives to destroy the blockage and run back past the Metal 
  Works and to the junction near the Office as the fuse is going.

  When you get to the junction then go left to the next corner but stop just 
  before you get there and rotate your camera right. You should see an Elven 
  Marksman and a Footman spawn near the stairs leading down to the Canals. 
  The Footman should rush you so back away to the starting point to go 
  yourself room to kill him off then find and finish off the Huntress.

  Go to the junction where you spawned the Footman and Marksman to find a 
  [Pot of Gold] (15/200) on some crates. Go to the nearby door for the Canals 
  Apartment and go inside. Gently sneak up the stairs and stop about halfway 

  Patrolling up here is a Soldier. Use the railing as cover as you shoot him 
  through it. Go back downstairs and outside if you need the room to deal 
  with him. Once he dies then he should drop a [Pot of Gold] (20/200).

  Upstairs on the outside balcony are two more [Pots of Gold] (30/200). Go to 
  the middle outside area to find a [Health Potion] and the Ladder leading up 
  to the Rooftops. However, when you go to pick up the [Potion], then the 
  Ladder will be destroyed by a Gnome Engineer who will also drop down to 
  attack you. Back away down the stairs so you can give yourself a chance to 
  kill him off.

  After dealing with the Gnome then leave the Apartment and go to Marcus' 
  Office door then gently enter it. A Soldier should drop down to attack you. 
  Back away from him and go back to your starting point while firing and you 
  should drop him without too much problem. He will also drop a [Pot of Gold] 
  (35/200). Go back inside the Office and up to the next floor to find a 
  Gnome Engineer. Do the same to him.

  Up on the second floor of the Office you should find a Ladder and two [Pots 
  of Gold] (45/200). Climb up the Ladder to find some [Sniper Arrows] and a 
  [Pot of Gold] (50/200).

  Go to the doorway out onto the Rooftops to find an Elven Archer with a 
  Crossbow. Kill him and he should drop a [Pot of Gold] (55/200). Another 
  [Pot of Gold] (60/200) can be found in the corner to your right when you 
  venture out.

  When you get near the board that connects the buildings then you should 
  encounter another Elven Archer. He should drop some [Crossbow Bolts] when 
  you kill him. When you cross over you should see the remains of the Ladder 
  down to the Canals Apartment.

  Go past that and onto the rooftop of the Metal Works. Grab the [Arrows] 
  from the Huntress you killed earlier then turn right, stop at the next 
  corner, then look down and left. You should find another Elven Archer down 
  near the Canals. Kill him with a Sniper Arrow headshot.

  Look right and down to find a hole in the roof of the balcony to the Metal 
  Works area below. Drop down this hole to acquire a [Pot of Gold] (65/200). 
  Go inside to find some [Grenade Arrows] and a [Rusty Key]. This [Key] opens 
  up Marcus' House.

  Drop down into the Metal Works then go to the door to Marcus' House. Ahead 
  of you past the bridge is a tied up Berserker and a Squire in the Entrance 
  Courtyard. Kill off the Squire and approach the Berserker so you can free 

  However, as you get close to him then you will be attacked by an Armsman. 
  Go around the Courtyard to give yourself room to deal with him.Killing him 
  will also drop a [Pot of Gold] (70/200). While you are dealing with him 
  then Merchant Marcus will be moved to his Office.

  After dealing with the Armsman then go to the Berserker to free him and go 
  past him to find some [Burst Arrows], [Crossbow Bolts], and a [Health 
  Potion]. Go to the end of the path to find a nook with some crates where 
  you can find a [Pot of Gold] (75/200).

  If you were to go back to Marcus' House then you will be attacked by 
  some bombs thrown by a Gnome and the path will be blocked again. Stay back 
  until the bombs explode then enter the House using the [Key]. Upon entering 
  you should find two [Pots of Gold] (85/200) under the stairs. Go upstairs 
  to find the way blocked.

  But a Gnome will throw a bomb towards you that will destroy the blockage 
  instead and kill him. Proceed further to find a Paladin. This guy is 
  extremely tough so, the moment you find him, then run down the stairs and 
  lure him outside - do not fight him. Once he is outside then run to the 
  Berserker. The Paladin should follow you.

  When he reaches the Berserker then he will attack him instead of you. The 
  problem here is that the Berserker will just stand there. But the Berserker 
  is also invincible so that makes the Paladin open to your attacks.

  Switch to your Shortbow and use your newly found Grenade Arrows to kill 
  him. Pull back on the Shortbow and wait for the Paladin to get close to the 
  Berserker then shoot at his feet to do maximum damage. It should take two 
  to three shots to kill him. He should also drop an [Emerald] (185/200).

  After this then go back to the House and upstairs to find the last three 
  [Pots of Gold] (200/200).

  Because the way to the Main Courtyard is blocked you will have to go 
  another way. When you leave the House then turn left to go onto the bridge 
  over the Canals. Jump over the railing to your right to enter the water 
  then turn right at the corner. You should encounter a Nightcrawler so kill 
  him quickly with your Crossbow before he can do damage. Near it are the 
  stairs back up to the Main Courtyard.

  When you get up into the Main Courtyard again then you will encounter 
  another Footman who will drop a [Health Potion] when you kill him. As you 
  approach the door to the Office then another Footman and a Gnome Apprentice 
  will spawn to your left. Lure them to the Main Courtyard while shooting at 
  them to put them down.

  Go back to the Office and go inside to find a Footman guarding Marcus. Lure 
  him outside so you can kill him off. Go back inside to find Marcus again 
  and kill him with a Sniper Arrow headshot from your Shortbow. Do not get 
  close to Marcus or he will charge you with his weapon hence the use of the 
  Sniper Arrow. When he is dead then go back to Gate Bridge 2 to find the 
  portal and successfully complete the mission. 

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 200 Gold Pieces.
  >>New character unlocked: Berserker.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Sword, Broad Sword, Bearded Axe, Kama, Spiked Club, 
                       War Hammer.
      --Shields: Wood Targa, Buckler, Spiked Shield.
      --Bow: Composite Bow.
      --Crossbow: Dwarven Crossbow.
      --Health Potions: 2 Health Potions.
      --Armour: Light Armour.

  / The Dark Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >DRK3. Surprise Attack                                                    0
  \ Ark Moor /                        \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Dark Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+0                          0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  The Ancestors, a people from the opposite side of the Celenheim Enclave, 
  have boldly launched a surprise attack upon the heart of the Dreg'atar, Ark 
  Moor. You are sent there immediately to assist in the defense of the 

| Objectives \

  --Defend Ark Moor against the surprise attack.
  --Defeat Alecto.

| Gold \

  >>600 (max).

| Character \

      --Dwarven Crossbow
      --240 Crossbow Bolts
      --1 Health Potion

| Notes \

  This is tough level for being this early in the Campaign. This is mainly 
  due to not having enough Gold to purchase better weapons and shields to 
  deal with the tough Ancestors who will only appear in this one mission. 
  Another reason is that many of them use the large Ancient Scutum shields 
  which makes killing them a challenge.

  This is the second of three missions where you originally played through in 
  the Light Campaign and where you rescued Princess Jasindra. The map 
  labeling used in that mission will help your way around here. You will also 
  be starting from the top of the citadel and must make your way down.

  Finally, this is also the mission where you can unlock the Sorceress for 
  use with your party.

| Run-Through \

  When you start then you will be inside Mordessa's Chambers at the top of 
  the citadel. When you get close to the door then it will be broken open and 
  an Ancestor Footman and an Ancestor Elite will try to enter. Use your Axe 
  to kill them both using the door as a shield. The Footman will drop a [Pot 
  of Gold] (5/200) and the Elite will drop a [Health Potion].

  Before leaving the room go to the back to find five [Pots of Gold] (30/200) 
  and a [Health Potion]. When you finally leave then go right and gently go 
  right at the next corner to find two more Ancestor Elites. Both will drop 
  [Pots of Gold] (40/200) when you kill them.

  At the next corner is an Ancestor Footman with a Crossbow. Stay at your 
  corner and use it as a shield as you kill him with yours. He will drop some 
  [Crossbow Bolts]. When you approach the next corner then a Footman and an 
  Elite will literally drop down onto you from the airship above and you must 
  switch back to your axe to deal with them.

  Go back to the Chambers if you need to to use the doors to shield yourself. 
  It should be noted that the Footman may die when he jumps but that doesn't 
  happen often. When you are done with them then go back to the doors but 
  continue past them and to the other corner.

  There is another Footman just ahead. Gently creep around and use your 
  Crossbow to drop him. Go to the next corner to find another Footman. Kill 
  him the same way and he will drop some [Crossbow Bolts].

  You should also see the stairs down and another Elite. This one is a pain 
  since he will back away from you when using the axe and move around a lot 
  when using the Crossbow. Approach him with the axe and keep swinging at him 
  and hitting him when you can until he drops. He will also drop a [Pot of 
  Gold] (45/200).

  After doing all of that then go down to the next floor and open the next 
  door. You should see a Footman rushing an unseen Orc and there will be an 
  explosion. Enter the hall and turn right to find a [Health Potion], some 
  [Crossbow Bolts], and a [Pot of Gold] (50/200). Turn around and go down the 
  hall to find more [Crossbow Bolts].

  As you approach the corner then another Elite will appear along with a 
  Legionnare with a Crossbow. Back up into the previous room if need be to 
  kill them both. The Legionnare will drop a [Pot of Gold] (55/200) and the 
  Elite will drop a [Health Potion].

  Continue forward to the Enchanted Stairway Room. Go just a little down and 
  stop. There are four Ancestors at the bottom (Legionnare, Footman, 
  Centurion, Elite) and the Legionnare will have a Crossbow. Switch to yours, 
  go into first person, and jump onto the railing. You goal from up here is 
  to hit the Legionnare from up here as he is the only one who can do damage 
  to you from down there.

  Once you kill him then go down a bit further, jump onto the railing, and 
  try to get the remaining three from up there. You should be at a good angle 
  to get at them. Even though they have those Scutum Shields you can easily 
  get at their heads from up here. You can also shoot at their feet when they 
  are standing still.

  It is possible that one of them will go under the stairs to hide from you. 
  In that case gently creep down and shoot between the steps until you kill 
  him. All four of them will drop [Pots of Gold] (75/200) when they are 
  killed plus another [Pot of Gold] (80/200) can be found under the stairs.

  When you go through the next door then you will be attacked by another 
  Elite who is using a Spear. If you use your Crossbow then he will charge 
  you so switch to your axe and kill him off and he will drop a [Pot of Gold] 

  When you went through the door there should be another door to your right 
  which is the Chapel. Go inside to find two more Footmen with one of them 
  using a Bow. Killing them both will give you some [Burst Arrows] and a [Pot 
  of Gold] (90/200). Go in the back of the Chapel to find the Lever to open 
  the next floor down and a [Health Potion].

  Go down the next set of stairs to Stairs Room 2 to find an Elite and a 
  Footman with a Crossbow. Lure the Elite up and use the axe against him and 
  use your Crossbow on the Footman below. The Elite will drop a [Health 
  Potion] and the Footman will drop a [Pot of Gold] (95/200).

  When you look through the door furthest from the stairs you should see a 
  [Key] which is the [Ark Moor Key]. When you try to go for it then spikes 
  will appear to close it off so you need to go through the other door. In 
  the next room (Upper Mist Room) is a Legionnare and a Footman. Use the 
  Crossbow on both and the Footman should drop a [Pot of Gold] (100/200).

    **NOTE: Unlike when you came through here in the Light Campaign you 
            cannot drop down into the Lower Mist Room.

  Go through the next door into Stairs Room 1 and you should find a Footman 
  here. Kill him with your axe before proceeding. Like with the other room 
  then is a doorway that leads to the other side but will close up when you 
  approach. You need to go up the stairs to proceed further. Halfway up you 
  should see a platform. At the other end is some [Crossbow Bolts] and a 
  [Health Potion].

  Get back on the stairs and proceed up. When you reach the top then you 
  should see a Footman, with a Crossbow, on the other end of the bridge. Kill 
  him with your Crossbow then continue further. Go into the next room to find 
  a large teleporter that will take you to another part of the citadel.  
  Switch to your axe and drink a [Health Potion] is you need it before going 

  Here you will be in a small room with three attackers: a Centurian, and 
  Elite, and a Footman with a Crossbow. Go after the Footman first as he is 
  the most dangerous. Once he is down then finish off the other two. The 
  Elite should drop a [Pot of Gold] (105/200) and the Centurian should drop a 
  [Health Potion].

  Go into the next room which is the Lower Mist Room. When you open up the 
  door to the next room then you should see two Elites and a Footman with a 
  Crossbow. Use the doors as a shield to kill all three. The Elites should 
  drop [Pots of Gold] (115/200).

  When you go through the next doorway you should see a door to your right 
  and some stairs to your left. Open the door to find two more Elites and 
  another Footman with a Crossbow. Again use the doors as shields to better 
  protect yourself as you kill them off. The Footman should drop a [Pot of 
  Gold] (120/200) and one of the Elites should drop a [Health Potion].

  After dealing with them then go through the door again. You should see a 
  large door to your left in the middle of this hall which is the Ark Moor 
  Main Door but you do not have the key for it yet. There is also an obstacle 
  beyond the door that needs to be removed.

  Go through the next door and up the stairs to find a teleporter but loop 
  left around the wall to find a [Pot of Gold] (125/200) in the nook. Go 
  through the teleporter to get at the [Ark Moor Key] you saw earlier then 
  sidestep right to find another [Pot of Gold] (130/200) in the nook.

  Go back through the teleporter then re-trace your steps back to the other 
  side then up the stairs to find another teleporter. Before going through 
  loop right around the end of the wall to find a [Sapphire] (180/200) in the 

  Go through the teleporter to find a Lever that removes the obstacle on the 
  Interior Bridge. Go back through the teleporter and down to the Main Door 
  then open it. Go across the bridge and through the Entrance door that goes 
  outside. Kill any enemies here then go across the Bone Bridge to find a 
  [Pot of Gold] (185/200).

  Stay at this end as there is a Sorceress in one of the Guard Posts here and 
  she will take care of nearby enemies. When she is done then jump up and 
  enter the Post to the left to find two [Pots of Gold] (195/200) and some 
  [Crossbow Bolts]. Go to the other Post to find the Sorceress, the last [Pot 
  of Gold] (200/200), and a [Health Potion].

  She will want you to follow her so get behind her as she goes to the end of 
  the Main Bridge to face off against Senator Alecto. She will also be 
  attacked by another Ancestor on the airship using Fire Arrows.

  Focus on him to help her out as she deals with the Senator. When he dies, 
  regardless of whether or not you kill the other Ancestor, then the mission 
  will be successfully completed.

    **NOTE: Sometimes the Sorceress dies thus you will have to kill Alecto 
            himself. Use your Crossbow to get at his feet as you back away to 
            the Guard Posts. Go into one of the Posts and swing your Kama at 
            the wall to create Power Smashes to wound him until he dies.

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 200 Gold Pieces.
  >>New character unlocked: Sorceress.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Long Sword, Short Axe, Morningstar.
      --Shields: Brute Shield.
      --Magic Staffs: Midwinter Frost, Tears of Corrosion.

  / The Dark Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >DRK4. Mansion of Dreams                                                  0
  \ The Mansion of Dreams /           \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Dark Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0             0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  Not even today, anyone truly knows who built this place. Old journals 
  mention that High Wizard Zale hid the Tome of Souls here, to prevent it 
  from ever being used again after it consumed Zurana.

| Objectives \

  --Enter the Mansion of Dreams and find the Tome of Souls.
  --Get past the traps.

| Gold \

  >>1,000 (max).

| Character \

      --Tears of Corrosion
      --Long Dagger
      --1 Health Potion

| Notes \

  This is the first mission to use the Sorceress. From this point forward I 
  will use her for the remainder of the Campaign. This is also where you can 
  unlock the first Bonus Mission, Tolvfurs, and the Goblin for use with your 

| Run-Through \

  When you start then you will be outside the Mansion. Look to your left to 
  find a Nightcrawler. He won't do anything until you do something. However, 
  rotate right to find another standing Nightcrawler. He will be closer so go 
  into first person and use your Tears Staff against it to poison it then 
  rotate left to shoot at the other. While you are dealing with that then the 
  other should drop dead before it can get to you.

  After that then go back to where you started and look at the Mansion. In 
  the center is an archway with a stairway leading down to the lower level in 
  the center. Go to the right side of the Mansion and stop at the outer 
  corner. Rotate left so that the wall is to your right and gently move 
  towards the stairs.

  When you get close enough then another Nightcrawler will spawn and shoot up 
  from the stairs. Deal with it then go down the stairs and through the door 
  to find a [Pot of Gold] (5/250) in the corner. Switch back to third person 
  then go down the way and stop at the top of the next set of stairs.

  These stairs are trapped and you need to run past them, around the corner, 
  then stop to the right of the Goblin down here. Up ahead is a corridor with 
  a swinging axe and two rotating axes beyond that. Run up to the swinging 
  axe and stop as to avoid the trap that has just sprang behind you.

  When the two rotating axes have rotated so that both blades are aligned in 
  front of you then run through and left to find the door inside. Rotate 
  right to find the Lever that shuts off the traps but don't do that yet.

  From the door then go left to find two [Pots of Gold] (15/250). Continue 
  forward to find a room with stairs going up and a lower level ahead. You 
  will also start to encounter Lesser Wraiths so bring out your Dagger to get 
  rid of them.

  Go into the lower area to find a grated door with a Torch you can't reach. 
  This is actually used in another mission later in the Campaign. Here 
  amongst the Barrels is a [Pot of Gold] (20/250) and a [Health Potion]. Go 
  up the stairs and turn left to enter the bedroom where you can find another 
  [Pot of Gold] (25/250) and a [Sapphire] (75/250).

  Leave the bedroom and continue ahead to a walkway above where you just were 
  and ends in a fireplace room. At the end is two more [Pots of Gold] 
  (85/250). Go back down and go to the fireplace room to find a [Health 
  Potion] on the table. Turn right to find the spiral stairway room and a 
  High Wizard, with an Incinerator, guarding it.

  After grabbing the [Potion] then place yourself at the left side of the 
  table, with the fireplace to your left, and look into the other room to 
  find the Wizard. Go back into first person and fire one shot of the Tears 
  at him. It won't do any damage to him but he'll shield himself and summon a 
  couple of Skeletons and several Lesser Wraiths.

  From your position shoot at the Skeletons until they drop and then the 
  Wizard will face you. There are two ways domdeal with him.

  The first is to go to back to the side of the table furthest from the 
  stairway room to help keep your distance from him. The doorway will limit 
  his attack angles as he fires at you. The Incinerator will still do damage 
  even if he misses due to the explosive nature of his attacks so you need to 
  move further right or left as you dodge him while trying to hit him with 
  your Staff attacks.

  The second way is to switch to your Dagger and go to the left side of the 
  doorway but do not enter the room. Swing at the side of the doorway and 
  wait for him to come close then run up to him and swing constantly. For 
  some reason, even though you are in his face, he doesn't seem to use his 
  shield which will allow you to attack him with little resistance.

  However, if he does use his shield then immediately back away as he may do 
  a power strike which will do very serious or even fatal damage because he 
  is using The Incinerator.

  Stay in his face and continue to swing your Dagger to hit him and whittle 
  down his health. Because of the weakness of the Long Dagger this will take 
  awhile to do, even longer at Hard difficulty. Continue to hit him until he 

  A bonus to this method: any Lesser Wraiths that come to attack you while 
  you are engaged with the Wizard will also get hit and killed off. If you 
  used the first method then switch to your Dagger when you kill the Wizard 
  and finish off the Wraiths.

  When the Wizard is dead then a stand will emerge from the floor. You will 
  need the [Spiralkey] to open the stairway down to the [Tome of Souls]. That 
  [Key] is in the upper floors of the Mansion. With all of this done then go 
  back to the door to the trap room and use the Lever to shut off the traps. 
  The Goblin will come down to your and will lead you up to the back door of 
  the Mansion.

  While still inside then try to get ahead of him and run back outside then 
  turn left and turn left again at the corner. Ahead of you is another 
  Nightcrawler. Kill it before the Goblin gets to this point. When the Goblin 
  gets to the door then he will open it but stay outside. Switch to your 
  Dagger and go up to the next floor. Kill off any Lesser Wraiths you 
  encounter before exploring.

  To your left is a [Pot of Gold] (90/250). In a corner of the right side of 
  the room is a [Health Potion].

  Go up to the next floor and look for a painting of a woman in a blue dress. 
  Once you see it then completely turn around and go forward to find the 
  [Spiralkey]. Rotate left to find a Ladder leading to the rooftop. By it is 
  a small hallway that leads to a [Sapphire] (140/250).

  Switch to your Tears Staff and go up the Ladder then the next one to the 
  rooftop itself. When you get up here and take a couple of steps then 
  another Nightcrawler will appear from the right building. Kill it before 

  Go forward to the opposite side of the rooftop and drop down to the balcony 
  to find an [Emerald] (240/250). When you climb back up then go left into 
  the building where the Nightcrawler came from to find a [Pot of Gold] 
  (245/250). Go into the other building to find the last [Pot of Gold] 
  (250/250) and open the cabinet to find the [Map to Tolvfurs] which unlocks 
  the first Bonus Mission of the Campaign.

  After this then go back down into the Mansion, back outside, then down to 
  the lower level. Go to the spiral stairway room and use the [Spiralkey] on 
  the stand to open the stairs leading down. Go down and approach the [Tome 
  of Souls] to successfully complete the mission.

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 250 Gold Pieces.
  >>New character unlocked: Goblin.
  >>New Bonus Mission unlocked: Tolvfurs.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Scimitar, Dwarven Axe, Heavy Club.
      --Shields: Round Shield.

  / The Dark Campaign \+++++++++++++++\
| >BND1. Tolvfurs                                                           0
  \ Bonus Mission /                   \+++++++++++++++\ The Dark Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0                     0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

This is the first of the three Bonus Missions for the Dark Campaign. This is
also the first of the two survival Bonus Missions. Here you are inside a
small area of a village and must fight off enemies as they spawn and run to
attack you.

It is best to do the first two levels here before moving onto the next
mission. For this one it is best to use the Sorceress with the following:

  --Tears of Corrosion
  --Long Dagger
  --2 Health Potions

When fighting it is best to go into first person mode as it will allow you to
be more accurate with your Staff.

Below are the difficulties with the number of enemies and Gold rewards:

| Easy   |  6 enemies | 100 Gold |
| Medium |  9 enemies | 200 Gold |
| Hard   | 12 enemies | 300 Gold |

Return to finish off the hard level when you get to and completely finish off
the second survival Bonus Mission, Lexe. Then you can come back with the

  --Psionic Domination
  --Darkness of Despair
  --Curved Dagger
  --5 Health Potions
  --Heavy Armour

The hard level isn't too much harder but you will encounter at least one
Wizard with the Psionic Domination so you will need to have better equipment
to get through them without taking on too much damage.

  / The Dark Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >DRK5. The Guardian                                                       0
  \ The Mansion of Dreams /           \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Dark Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0             0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  The Tome of Souls dancing in the air was but an illusion! Time and space 
  seemed insignificant, everything was a daze until you suddenly appear out 
  of thin air in the most strange of places...

| Objectives \

  --You must defeat the Guardian.

| Gold \

  >>1,500 to 1,800 (if you do the first two levels of Tolvfurs).

| Character \

      --Tears of Corrosion
      --Long Dagger
      --2 Health Potions
      --Light Armour

| Notes \


| Run-Through \

  When you start then you will be on a small island floating in the air. The 
  main castle itself will also be floating in the air but far ahead of you. 
  When you get closer to the edge then you should see a light bridge form 
  ahead of you. Go forward on this bridge to reach the castle.

  When you reach it you should see a large force shield for the main door and 
  with a [Sapphire] (50/300) in the center. Walking into the door will cause 
  you to grab the treasure and open the door.

  Inside the first area are a couple of Wizard Journeymen within forcefields 
  and an orb that keeps them there. Destroy this orb to release them. You 
  have to release them as they are blocking the paths that go further into 
  the castle.

  Once released they will attack you with lightning attacks. These attacks 
  aren't going to do much damage, unless they're real close, but you don't 
  want to give them a chance to constantly nibble away at your health. When 
  attacking it is best to go into first person, for better accuracy, and use 
  the Tears Staff to get rid of them.

  When inside go left to find two more Wizard Journeymen and an orb. You 
  cannot destroy this orb with your Staff. It can only be de-activated with 
  the four switches near it. By each pair of switches you should see what 
  appears to be some sort of decoration.

  However, it is some sort of trap that will hurt you when you go for the 
  switches. Destroy them before activating the switches to free the Wizards 
  so you can kill them. After getting rid of these Wizards you should find 
  two [Pots of Gold] (60/300) in a nook where one of them was. The Wizards 
  will also drop a [Health Potion] and some [Poison Bolts]. On a ledge by the 
  stairs going down to the next area is another [Pot of Gold] (65/300).

  Now go to the other end of this main area to find two more Wizard 
  Journeymen and an orb. This orb also cannot be destroyed by your Staff. 
  Just like with the last one this orb can be de-activated with four 
  switches. However, they will be on the walls this time. In addition, the 
  orb is going to be in the air and will be sending out rays that can hurt 
  you. These rays come out in a pattern.

  When one of the goes left to right at head level then run counterclockwise 
  through this area activating the switches. Kill the Wizards and one of them 
  should drop a [Pot of Gold] (70/300). Two more [Pots of Gold] should be in 
  the nearby nook (80/300).

  Go down the stairs into the next area to find another [Pot of Gold] 
  (85/300). Go ahead from here to find two more Wizard Journeymen, an orb, 
  and two more [Pots of Gold] (95/300). They are blocking the next door so 
  you need to free and kill them.

  But, when you destroy the orb, you will free the one furthest from you so 
  the currently trapped Wizard acts as a kind of shield so you will need to 
  fire through the gap to kill the other Wizard (who will also drop a [Health 
  Potion]). Collect the treasure then run back to the opposite side of the 
  building to find the last orb. Destroy it, kill the Wizard Journeyman, and 
  pick up the [Health Potion] he drops.

  Near where you killed him is the door that leads into an open area. Just 
  before it is a [Sapphire] (145/300) suspended in the air. Go into the next 
  area and you will be attacked by a Wizard Apprentice. He will be using the 
  Midwinter Frost Staff instead of using lightning attacks. They guys tend to 
  move around a lot thus making using the Tears Staff difficult.

  But, considering that the Frost Staff does even less damage than the Staff 
  of Storms, it may be best to switch back into third person and charge him 
  with your Dagger. He will also shield himself from time to time so back 
  away from him if he does in case he plans to do a Power Strike which can 
  hurt you. Continue charging and swinging until you kill him.

  When he goes down then another Wizard Apprentice will appear. Do the same 
  to him. All in all, you will need to deal with five of these Wizard 
  Apprentices before you are free to explore this area.

  Go back to the door you entered from and look at the door opposite from 
  you. Go left to find a [Pot of Gold] (150/300) in the corner. Nearby is an 
  opening into one of the two small buildings here. Go inside to find a 
  [Health Potion]. Climb up the Ladder, turn left, and drop down to the 
  archway above the door to acquire another [Health Potion]. Climb back in 
  and up the Ladder again.

  Turn around to find the large archway that connects this building with the 
  other on the opposite side. Go along it and on the left side of the center 
  is another [Sapphire] (200/300). When you reach the other building then go 
  to the opposite side and drop down onto the archway for the entrance to get 
  another [Sapphire] (250/300). Drop down and enter to find a [Health 

  It should be pointed out that as you go along the tops of these buildings 
  you will be attacked by the Guardian, named Fyrlakith, which is a large 
  dragon so you may have to drop down to ground level to protect yourself.

  Also, inside each of these buildings are glowing swirly things which are 
  teleporters that take you to the other building. There are also mounted 
  crossbows on these buildings but there are better ones to use elsewhere.

  After exploring then go through the door into the last area. You should see 
  three more mounted crossbows and a [Health Potion] ahead. However, turn 
  left, jump onto the grass, then to a nook to find the last [Sapphire] 
  (350/350). If you go on the grass on the other side then you'll find a 
  [Health Potion].

  Go to the center of the crossbow area and use your camera to look around. 
  The moment you see the dragon appear near a crossbow then run to it, use 
  it, and quickly hit it with two to three shots before it starts to attack 
  in which case you need to run from it and hide behind the pillars to shield 
  yourself. It will fly off for a bit before coming back.

  Repeat this pattern until you finally kill it. It takes about six to eight 
  shots to defeat the Guardian and successfully complete the mission.

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 300 Gold Pieces.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Dwarven Sword, Brute Axe, Mace.
      --Shields: Kite Shield.

  / The Dark Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >DRK6. The Escape                                                         0
  \ The Mansion of Dreams /           \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Dark Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0             0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  After defeating the massive beast, the Tome of Souls is finally in your 
  hands. But if Zale hid it here, if he sent someone to protect it, would he 
  not notice if it was stolen?

| Objectives \

  --Zale must be defeated.
  --Find a way back out of the Mansion.
  --Return to Mordessa by using the portal outside the Mansion.

| Gold \

  >>2,400 (max).

| Character \

      --Tears of Corrosion
      --Long Dagger
      --2 Health Potions
      --Light Armour

| Notes \

  An important reason to use the Sorceress here is because the Tears Of 
  Corrosion Staff glows in the dark which makes going through the basement 
  area much easier as you do not have to juggle a Torch and a weapon. Usually 
  it is best to use first person when down there because of the cramped 
  spaces and you need to quickly dispatch the Nightcrawlers which heavily 
  infest that floor.

  However, in first person, you may find that the glow may "cut out" a lot. 
  This is an issue with the game engine and makes navigating in the dark a 
  rather irritating. So it is probably best to stay in third person although 
  it makes it easier for the Nightcrawlers to hurt you. The glow will still 
  cut out from time to time but it is not as bad.

  Finally, this is also the mission where you can unlock the Bombardier for 
  use with your party.

| Run-Through \

  When you start then you will be where you got the Tome a couple a chapters 
  ago. When you head up then you will confront Zale. He will also be 
  accompanied by a trio of Shadow Wraiths so run back down and use your 
  Dagger to swing around and get rid of them.

  When you are done with them then stay near one of the pillars and wait for 
  Zale to come down. Use your Tears Staff against him but power smash instead 
  of shooting him.

  Get up close so he can't use his Staff then shield and smash to do damage 
  to him. The poison should do additional damage over time to help kill him 
  more quickly. Use the pillars as cover as you regain your Mana and he 
  starts shooting at you. Once he dies he will also drop a [Rusty Key].

  Near the top of the staircase is a [Health Potion]. Go into the fireplace 
  room to find two [Pots of Gold] (10/350). Go into the next room to find the 
  door into the trap room that you went through earlier. You cannot go 
  through the door but you can use the Lever to shut the traps off which is 
  useful for later in the mission. You will also be accosted by a trio of 
  Lesser Wraiths so use your Dagger against them.

  Go into the next room, up the stairs, and into the bedroom again to find a 
  [Health Potion]. Go back out and to the end of the balcony over the 
  fireplace room to find two more [Health Potions]. Of course, you'll have to 
  fight through more Lesser Wraiths as you do so.

  Go back down and turn left to find the gate to the basement floor. By a 
  barrel to your left should be another [Health Potion]. Use the [Key] to 
  enter the tunnel and pick up the [Torch]. You'll need to fight off another 
  lesser Wraith before you can go down.

  Switch to your Tears Staff and go to the Ladder. Go around the opening to 
  the Ladder then drop down. A Nightcrawler will run to you so get rid of him 
  quickly by power smashing. Ahead, at the corner, is another one but he will 
  stay in place until you get close to him. Shoot him with the Staff until he 
  dies then proceed.

  When you turn the corner you find some steps and a [Health Potion]. To your 
  right is an opening that you can drop down into. Follow the way and you 
  should find a [Sapphire] (60/350). Before grabbing it you should turn 
  around then back into it. The reason is that another Nightcrawler will 
  attack as you grab the treasure and you can kill it by power smashing 
  before he can do any damage.

  Climb back out and slowly proceed ahead. You should see an opening in the 
  floor and a bridge. However, when you get close then another Nightcrawler 
  will jump out to attack you. Quickly power smash him before he can hurt 

  After that then get to the opening and rotate right and down to find 
  another Nightcrawler in the water below. He should be standing there but 
  may move around when it knows you're there. Shoot him from here to get rid 
  of its threat.

  After that then slowly proceed to the bridge and another one will come from 
  around the wall. Power smash it then go around the end of the wall here. 
  You will encounter another Nightcrawler but this one will walk towards you 
  instead of running. Because it is walking it will make killing it easier as 
  you power smash it.

  When you are done with it then go back around to find another walking 
  Nightcrawler. Do the same thing with it. When you go back around the wall 
  you should find the stairs to the water below but continue along the path 
  to find a [Sapphire] (110/350) and a [Health Potion].

  Go down the stairs into the water to find three [Pots of Gold] (125/350) 
  and a hall to your right. Go into the hall and a Nightcrawler will spawn 
  ahead of you and run to you. Power smash it to kill it before he can do any 

  After you deal with it then turn the corner. Slowly proceed forward and you 
  should see a Nightcrawler standing in the area ahead. Put the red dot on it 
  and shoot it once to kill it. Slowly proceed forward and look at the corner 
  to your left. You should see part of another Nightcrawler.

  Do the same to it and go into the next area to find a [Emerald] (225/350). 
  Continue forward to the end of this floor to find a [Health Potion] and two 
  [Pots of Gold] (235/350).

  Go back to the stairs and up then stop at the end of the bridge. Proceed 
  forward and another Nightcrawler will spawn and rush you. Power smash it 
  and continue. Another Nightcrawler will jump out so power smash him too.

  Go around the corner and proceed to the next area to find a walking 
  Nightcrawler. After power smashing it then go into this area to find a 
  [Health Potion] on one side of a pillar that looks over the water level you 
  were in earlier.

  You will also find another easy to kill walking Nightcrawler. Look at this 
  pillar and slowly creep right to find another one laying in wait. Shoot it 
  before it can jump at you. As you reach the next corner another 
  Nightcrawler will jump out and run at you. Power smash him and when you 
  reach the next corner then you will find another walking Nightcrawler that 
  you can power smash.

  When you turn the next corner after that then you should see a set of short 
  stairs and a straight hallway. Ahead is another running Nightcrawler that 
  you need to quickly power smash. After it is dead then there are no more 
  enemies down here as at the end of the hallway is the Ladder back up.

  When you climb back up then turn right to find the stairs down to the trap 
  room. Since you used the Lever to shut them down it will be no problem to 
  go back down here to acquire the three [Pots of Gold] (250/350) there. Go 
  back to the Ladder opening but go past it to find a [Health Potion].

  When you go up then you should see an Orc running to attack somebody. That 
  somebody is going to be a Nightcrawler. As a matter of fact, there are six 
  Nightcrawlers roaming around up here. Use the Tears to help out your friend 
  until he dies then go and carefully kill off the others. Go back down into 
  the Mansion's lower level if need be to divide them up for easier killing.

  When you done with them then go to the other side of the Mansion and back 
  inside but go up to the rooftop. Go into the left building, and where you 
  found the [Map to Tolvfurs] earlier, to find an [Emerald] (350/350). Go 
  back down and outside and to the portal to complete the mission.

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 350 Gold Pieces.
  >>New character unlocked: Bombardier.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Runed Blade, Battle Axe, Maul.
      --Daggers: Curved Dagger.
      --Shields: Blade Shield.
      --Bows: Elven Highbow.
      --Arrows: Flame Arrows, Bomb Arrows.
      --Crossbow: Heavy Crossbow.
      --Crossbow Bolts: Poison Bolts (Assassin and Goblin only).
      --Magic Staffs: Staff of Storms, Darkness of Despair.
      --Bombs: Bombs, Grease Bombs.
      --Health Potions: 3 Health Potions.
      --Armour: Medium Armour.

  / The Dark Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >DRK7. The Plateau                                                        0
  \ Aylewoods /                       \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Dark Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=0                         0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  Mordessa's portal took you right into the heart of the Celenheim Enclave. 
  Somewhere beyond, Princess Jasindra is likely to be.

| Objectives \

  --You must fight through the Celenheim defenders and reach the portal.

| Gold \

  >>3,100 (max).

| Character \

      --Darkness of Despair
      --Tears of Corrosion
      --Long Dagger
      --2 Health Potions
      --Light Armour

| Notes \

  This is the only mission in the game where there are no [Health Potions] 
  found or dropped. You must make do with what you bring with you.

| Run-Through \

  When you start you will be on a small island. Ahead of you is a series of 
  bridges leading to a large island. Along the edge of it is going to be a 
  long bridge path that leads to the plateau. To your right are going to be a 
  couple of small, but inaccessible, islands.

  The thing to do here is to turn right, jump into the water, and swim to 
  these islands. When you get there then turn left and swim to the main 
  island. Go left along the shore until you can climb up onto land.

  The reason for doing this is that if you go onto the bridges then you spawn 
  Elven Archers. They can be a pain to deal with, especially the first one. 
  By taking this path then you can avoid them. However, there is treasure on 
  the bridges but we'll take care of that later.

  When you get onto the shore then turn right and go along the path until you 
  find a [Diamond] (200/400). Then turn back to find the path and a [Pot of 
  Gold] (205/400) by the bridge. Go onto the bridges and follow them back to 
  where you started to collect the four [Pots of Gold] (225/400) then jump 
  back into the water and swim back to the main island.

  By going on the bridges in the opposite direction of what it's expecting 
  then no enemies should spawn on them.

  Go to the small shelter and sidestep left so you can look further along the 
  spiral bridge. Up ahead you should see a Knight, a Paladin, and a Templar. 
  Nail them from here with the Darkness Staff so you can take them down 
  before they can come down to you. Before you go up the bridge go left along 
  the side to find a [Sapphire] (275/400) at the waters' edge.

  Partway up you should find a straightaway. There will be some rocks 
  dropping down so stop for a bit. A Templar will also approach so get him 
  before he gets close. After that then go to the curve but look at the rock 
  wall to your right and gently creep along until you see an Elven Elite 
  Huntress on a platform ahead.

  Run back down to ground level and look up to find her platform. You should 
  be able to target her and hit her from here to get rid of her safely. 
  However, sometimes she may leave the platform and come down to you when you 
  hit her. Simply wait for her and finish her off before proceeding.

  Go back up, past the platform, and near the top. Here you should encounter 
  a Gnome Apprentice, a Knight, and a Paladin. Stay on the bridge and take 
  them down as they approach you. When you get to the top then turn right, 
  stop at the end of the wooden platform, and rotate right.

  You should be looking at some crumbling ruins and at the end of a long 
  wall. On the left side is a female Elven Elite Huntress and further back on 
  the right side of this wall is a male Elven Hunter. Get rid of the Huntress 
  first as she poses the greater threat at this point.

  It should be noted that if anyone walks along this dividing wall then it 
  will crumble down and that person can get injured. If the Huntress tries to 
  get closer then the wall may kill her for you but this doesn't happen 

  While you are dealing with her then a Champion may appear from the other 
  side of the ruins. Get back onto the bridge so you have room to get rid of 
  him but won't allow the other Hunter to shoot at you. Once the Champion is 
  down then switch to your Tears Staff and go back up.

  The Hunter can be seen through a small window in his part of the ruins. The 
  Darkness Staff can't get at him because of this window but the Tears can. 
  Use it against him then switch back to the Darkness Staff when he is down. 
  Go along the edge of the plateau and to where the Champion came from. You 
  should see an archway. Note its location as I will refer to it later.

  Run through the archway to the next corner of the plateau. As you do so you 
  will hear some crumbling and part of the wall will come down. Running past 
  this area will keep you from being injured.

  When you reach the next corner then you should find the teleporter and two 
  glowing devices which activate it. However, you will also be attacked by a 
  Druid Elder. Keep far from her and sidestep her Astral Staff attacks as you 
  use your Darkness Staff against her. She may also summon an Earth Golem so 
  use this opportunity to launch multiple attacks against her.

  When she dies then this takes care of the last enemies for this mission. 
  Now to grab the remaining treasure. Go back to the archway. Go around the 
  wall for at the plateau edge to find a [Sapphire] (325/400). In the small 
  lake near the bridge end is another [Sapphire] (375/400).

  Then there is the remaining five [Pots of Gold] (400/400). They are going 
  to be on the tops of the walls. Most of them are fairly easy to acquire. 
  However, there is one near the archway that is tough to get at. You need to 
  climb over the archway then jump from the higher point to get close to the 
  [Gold] so you can jump to it. Once you have all of the treasure then go to 
  the devices to activate them and use the teleporter to end the mission.

| Rewards \

  >>Gold: 400 Gold Pieces.
  >>New equipment is unlocked:

      --Melee Weapons: Falcion, War Axe, Battle Hammer.
      --Shields: Chaos Shield.

  / The Dark Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >DRK8. Capture Jasindra                                                   0
  \ Aylewoods /                       \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Dark Campaign /
   0=+=+=+=+=0                         0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

  Failing to find the Princess near the portal you came from, you have been 
  forced to venture into the territory of the Enclave. And now, they have 
  been warned of your presence.

| Objectives \

  --You must find and capture Princess Jasindra.
  --Return to Mordessa by the summoned portal.

| Gold \

  >>3,900 (max).

| Character \

      --Darkness of Despair
      --Tears of Corrosion
      --Long Dagger
      --3 Health Potions
      --Light Armour

| Notes \

  This is where you can unlock the second Bonus Mission, Highvalley.

| Run-Through \

  When you start then you will be in a field just outside the castle. As you 
  approach then you will be attacked by a Paladin, two Elven Archers, and a 
  Knight. Use the Darkness Staff on them to get rid of them quickly. The 
  Paladin will drop a [Health Potion].

  Go through the door and, as you approach the corner, you will hear a Gnome 
  set off some explosives. Stop and wait for this to happen before advancing. 
  Go around the corner and, when you open the next door, you will immediately 
  encounter a Gnome Experimentist with a Crossbow. Hit him with the Staff to 
  quickly deal with him before he can do much damage.

  When you get into the next room you should see a pillar ahead and to the 
  right. Another Gnome Experimentist will be behind it waiting in ambush. 
  Switch to your Tears Staff and fire one shot off of the wall so you can 
  bounce it into him. Once you hit him then fire off another shot to finish 
  him off then switch back to your Darkness Staff. By the right side of the 
  pillar are three [Pots of Gold] (15/450).

  Go through the next door and a Gnome will throw down a bomb and two 
  barrels. Stop and pull back to let this happen before going through the 
  next door. Carefully creep through the door and turn right to find an Elven 

  After dealing with him you should find a [Pot of Gold] (20/450) in a broken 
  crate, another [Pot of Gold] (25/450) on top of the stack of crates, and 
  some [Crossbow Bolts] on another. You should also find a set of stairs. 
  Climb the crates under them to reach an area where you can find an 
  [Emerald] (125/450).

  Go up the stairs and you should encounter a Paladin. Dealing with him is 
  tricky due to him jumping around and he jump down the stairs. Go to the 
  bottom to better deal with him before proceeding. Up at the top are two 
  doors, one to the left and one to the right. The one to the left is blocked 
  so you need to go out the other.

  However, an Elven Elite Archer will be at the building across the bridge 
  from your position. Step just outside the door so you can sidestep a bit to 
  avoid his attacks while trying to kill him. After dealing with him then 
  turn to your left to find a small lake along with an Elven Elite Archer and 
  a Knight. Get rid of them then proceed to the small building. Inside on a 
  table is a [Rusty Key].

  Go out, jump the railing, and go around the back of the large building you 
  came from. You should find a porch and a short wall. Stop by the wall and 
  rotate the camera to find another Gnome Experimentist waiting in ambush. Go 
  just a couple of steps beyond the end of the wall and switch to your Tears 

  Just like earlier, fire a round off of the inner wall so you can hit the 
  Gnome without making him jump out. Once you hit him then fire off another 
  round to finish him off. Jump onto the porch and to his position to pick up 
  a [Wooden Key].

  Switch back to the Darkness Staff and open the door of the small shack 
  nearby. Inside is a Knight so back up to give yourself room to deal with 
  him. He will also drop a [Health Potion]. On the crates inside is a 
  [Sapphire] (175/450). When you acquire the treasure then climb up to the 
  rafters to find a [Pot of Gold] (180/450) and the [Map to Highvalley], 
  another Bonus Mission.

  Drop down and go out the other door to find three more [Pots of Gold] 
  (195/450). Jump the railing to land near the lake. Proceed along the path 
  and over the large bridge to find another teleporter.

  When you approach then a Gnome Experimentist will come out to attack you. 
  He will drop a [Health Potion] when you kill him. When you get close then a 
Knight will come forward. He too will drop a [Health Potion] when you
defeat him.

When you go through the teleporter then an Elven Elite Archer and another
Gnome Experimentist will be waiting. Use the trees on your left as cover as
you fight them off. You will also see a bridge ahead of you. Cross the
bridge to encounter a Champion. After him then proceed to find another

There will also be a bridge leading to it. Go to the tree to the left and
stop. Two Elven Elite Archers will appear, one at the top level of the
building to the back and left and one at floor level. Stay back here and
use the Darkness Staff to nail them from here and get at least one of them
to come closer to deal with them better.

Go back to the bridge but do not cross it yet. Go along the right side of
it and the small lake. Go to the building then turn left to go under the
bridge where it meets the building to find a [Pot of Gold] (200/450). Go
back and onto the bridge. Follow it and to the area between the two

There will be two doors, one to the right and one to the left. Go through
the one on the right. Inside you should see a Ruby (350/450) and a [Pot of
Gold] (355/450). Go up the stairs then go forward and turn left to find two
more [Pots of Gold] (365/450) ahead of you. Go back down, out the door, and
through the other one to find two more [Pots of Gold] (375/450).

Go out and down the stairs to the shore to find an Orc who will blow open
the door to Jasindra. Do not follow him but continue forward to find a [Pot
of Gold] (380/450). Go down the stairs to the water then turn around and
follow the rock path to find a [Sapphire] (430/450). Go back up and inside
to acquire the last four [Pots of Gold] (450/450).

You will also find a Paladin and a Champion laying down and wounded.
However, as you get closer to the Princess, then they will get up and
attack. But, since they are wounded and low on health, they will be easy to
put down though you will need to back out of the room to give yourself
space to deal with them. Once they are down then go and pick up the
Princess, go up the stairs, and to the portal to finish the mission.

| Rewards \

>>Gold: 450 Gold Pieces.
>>New Bonus Mission unlocked: Highvalley.
>>New equipment is unlocked:

--Melee Weapons: Bastard Sword, Great Axe, Chaos Hammer.
--Daggers: Ceremonial Dagger.
--Shields: Thorn Shield.
--Bows: Precision Bow.
--Crossbows: Repeating Crossbow.
--Bombs: Heavy Bombs, He Grease Bombs.
--Health Potions: 4 Health Potions.

/ The Dark Campaign \+++++++++++++++\
| >BND2. Highvalley 0
\ Bonus Mission / \+++++++++++++++\ The Dark Campaign /
0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0 0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

This is the Dark Campaign's ballista Bonus Mission. It is set in a village
and you are an Orc manning a large Mounted Crossbow that shoots Grenade
Arrows. Windows will open to reveal Huntresses that will shoot at you.
Killing them will give you 10 Gold.

Just like with Naglagard in the Light Campaign you can only acquire a maximum
of 1,000 Gold. In addition, your Orge friend will chase some villagers
around. Killing them will also get you 10 Gold per kill so try to get some in
the early part of the mission as the Huntresses will come at you pretty hard
the longer you survive.

When they kill you then the mission ends. It is best to get all 1,000 Gold
here before going to the next mission as it will make it easier to get better
equipment early.

/ The Dark Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >DRK9. Outpost Siege 0
\ Iellon Outpost / \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Dark Campaign /
0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+0 0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

A glorious day for battle! The first of many Enclave defenses is to meet
its doom. Iellon Outpost is located close to a narrow portion of the rift,
squeezed in between the cliffs.

| Objectives \

--You must breach the gate and raise the Dreg'atar flag up in the tower.
--Return to Mordessa by using the portal.

| Gold \

>>4,800 to 5,800 (if you did Highvalley).

| Character \

--Darkness of Despair
--Tears of Corrosion
--Long Dagger
--4 Health Potions
--Medium Armour

| Notes \

This is the last of three missions where you originally played through in
the Light Campaign and where you protected the Outpost. The map labeling
used in that mission will help your way around here. You will also be
starting by the Catapult and must make your way inside.

In addition, this is also the mission where you can unlock the Lich for use
with your party.

| Run-Through \

When you start then you will be by the large Catapult and looking at the
gate it came through. You need to use the Catapult to destroy the entrance
of the Outpost so you can enter. However, before doing that, there is
treasure to find.

From your starting point go past the Catapult to the gate then along the
wall to find a nook where you can pick up a [Sapphire] (50/500). Go past
the Catapult again in the other direction and to a tree. Go past the tree
to find a gap between the rocks where you can find two [Pots of Gold]
(60/500). Go back to the Catapult and use it.

There are five spots to destroy and you must destroy them all. The middle
one will destroy the Outer Gate and start the advance of your siege engine.
However, the middle one should be saved for last as this will allow you to
acquire a treasure.

If you destroy the middle spot first then try to advance then you will be
bombarded by cluster bombs as you approach. Destroying all four spots prior
to the middle one will prevent this counter attack.

Use the Attack Button to use the catapult. The longer you hold the button,
the higher and longer the throw. It will take some trial and error to get
the right angles and timing to destroy all five spots. Once the center one
is destroyed then your siege engine will start to move into position. Also
some attackers will start to come from the Outpost.

Leave the Catapult and run towards the Gate while dodging and defeating
attackers and before the siege engine can block the way. There will be
three: a Paladin, A Templar, and a Gnome Overseer. When you get inside then
go to the left nook to find a [Diamond] (260/500) then run out and get
behind the engine.

When it stops then climb the Ladders and go forward to enter the Outpost.
Turn right to find two [Pots of Gold] (270/500). Go left and peek around
the corner and down into the Stairs Yard to find a Gnome Overseer and an
Elven Elite Huntress. Use the Darkness Staff on the both of them before
going down. The Huntress should drop a [Health Potion] and in the corner
are two more [Pots of Gold] (280/500).

Go through the door into the Inner Courtyard and past the crates then turn
right to find a [Pot of Gold] (285/500). The door ahead of you leading to
the Entrance Yard will be locked. Turn left to find the Gate and, as you
approach, a couple of bombs will be thrown over. The Gate will then be
blown open and you will be attacked by a Gnome Overseer and a Templar.

After killing them then proceed towards the opening and, stop just before
you get through it and turn left to find two [Pots of Gold] (295/500). Go
through the opening into the Outer Courtyard and you should find a captured
Lich to your right. However, a gate behind you will close and you cannot go
back for awhile.

You will then be attacked by an Elven Elite Huntress, using a Crossbow, and
another Templar. The Huntress will be moving around a lot which makes using
the Darkness Staff more difficult since your attacks will more than likely
swirl around her instead of hitting her. Keep far from her and keep
shooting until you finally put her down.

Before freeing the Lich look around the Courtyard. In a corner near a
barricaded gate are two [Pots of Gold] (305/500) and in a corner to the
right of the currently locked gate are two more [Pots of Gold] (315/500).

Free the Lich by destroying the globe and you will be attacked by three
Wizard Journeymen using lightning attacks. These attacks don't do a lot of
damage but kill them quickly anyways. One of the Wizards will drop a
[Health Potion]. After them you will be attacked by a Squire and an Elven
Elite Archer coming from a gate opposite from where you freed the Lich. The
Squire will drop a [Rusty Key] which you need to get out of this area.

Go to the Lever to the right of the entrance and use it to open the gate.
Go back through to the Inner Courtyard and stop. You will then be attacked
by a Wizard Adept using a Psionic Domination Staff.

The moment he materializes then use your shield until he stops firing then
fire off some quick shots from your Darkness Staff to kill him while he
waits for his Mana to recharge. He will also drop a [Silver Key] which is
needed to go through the Entrance Yard gate.

When you open the gate then you will find an Elven Elite Huntress with a
bow. Use the gate as a shield while you use the Darkness Staff against her.
Before entering the next door then go in the corner behind the crates to
find another [Pot of Gold] (320/500) and a [Health Potion]. Go through the
door and you should find another [Pot of Gold] (325/500) on top of the
crates ahead.

Peek around the next corner to find a Paladin, a Knight, and a Elven
Hunter. The Paladin will approach when attacked and the others will stay on
the other end thus making it easier to take them down from afar. Go around
the next corner and you should find two more [Pots of Gold] (335/500) by
the red doors.

Go through the doors into the Stairway Room and you will be attacked by two
Wizard Journeymen Stay by the doors and eliminate them both before going up
the stairs.

Just before you get to the second small landing then you will encounter a
Paladin and two Elven Elite Huntresses, with bows, on the third landing.
The Paladin and one of the Huntresses will drop [Health Potions] when you
kill them.

Proceed to the top only to be attacked by a Gnome Overseer that will drop a
[Health Potion] when you kill him. Continue up the next set of stairs and
you should find another [Pot of Gold] (340/500) by the small stairs just
before the Top Courtyard.

When you get into the Courtyard then turn right to find an [Emerald]
(440/500). When you pick it up then you will be trapped inside this small
area and a Druid Guardian will appear. However, because the two of you are
in a small space, you can kill her quickly with the Darkness Staff before
she can do anything.

Go up the next set of stairs and enter the Main Tower then climb the
Ladder. Up here you can find two more [Pots of Gold] (450/500). Use the
center post to raise the [Dreg'atar Flag].

Look down the Ladder to find a Champion. You can get rid of him easily from
up here and he will drop a [Sapphire] (500/500). Go back down to the
Stairway Room and just after you enter then you will encounter another
Elven Elite Huntress.

Go down to the ground floor and into the long hallway. Just before the door
going back outside then you will encounter another Paladin. From here go
back to the Inner Courtyard to find the portal and successfully complete
the mission.

| Rewards \

>>Gold: 500 Gold Pieces.
>>New character unlocked: Lich.
>>New equipment is unlocked:

--Melee Weapons: Ehrick's Bane, Shatter Axe, Heavy Morningstar.
--Shields: Ancient Scutum.
--Magic Staffs: Staff of the Damned, Psionic Domination, The

/ The Dark Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >DRK10. The Great Wall 0
\ The Great Wall / \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Dark Campaign /
0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+0 0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

The Divided City has always been a place where the rift can be crossed.
Celenheim built a long, massive wall that spans the entire area behind
their side of the city. It's built to withstand very powerful attacks.

| Objectives \

--You must find a way inside the fortress.
--Defeat Commander Ehrick.
--Return to Mordessa by using the portal.

| Gold \

>>6,800 (max).

| Character \

--Darkness of Despair
--Psionic Domination
--Long Dagger
--4 Health Potions
--Medium Armour

| Notes \

This is where you can unlock the third Bonus Mission, Lexe.

| Run-Through \

When you start then you should see the castle ahead. When you start
approaching then a couple of ballistas will start firing cluster bombs
towards you. On the right side of the path is a very large rock so hide
behind that for a bit as attackers will start coming from the castle to
confront you.

The first two attackers are going to be a Gnome Engineer and a Champion who
will drop a [Health Potion] when you kill him. After them is going to be a
Paladin who can be dropped quickly with the Domination. Another Gnome
Overseer will run to you followed by another Champion. These will be the
last of the attackers.

Go along the right side of the rock until it thins down then back away so
you can see the ballista for the right side of the castle. Aim the dot for
your Staff along the ballista until it turns red then fire. The operator
should go down in one shot. Creep along the left side of the rock and do
the same to the other ballista.

After this then carefully go up the bridge but angle your camera down a bit
as you look up the path. There will be an Elven Hunter up ahead and, the
moment he appears, then immediately jump off of the bridge either the left
or right side. The Hunter has a Repeating Crossbow and he will kill you
quickly with it even at Easy difficulty. Jumping off of the bridge will
keep him from doing much damage.

Go back onto the bridge but stay on the angled part. Use your camera to
locate the Hunter and use the Domination to shoot through the top of bridge
angle so you can hit him but without him being able to hit you. When he
dies he will also drop some [Crossbow Bolts].

After him then proceed to the door to find a [Pot of Gold] (5/550). But
some Gnomes will drop some bombs before you can do that. Once you get the
[Gold] do not go through the door. Doing some will set off a trap. A large
gate will come down to prevent you from advancing. A couple of Elven
Hunters will come in and attack you. You will also have some rocks dropped
on you.

After dealing with them then there is a Wheel on one wall that will unlock
the door so you can leave. Luckily there is another way inside.

So, basically, after killing the Hunter with the Repeating Crossbow then
run down to grab the [Gold] while the bombs are being thrown down and run
back to the bridge. When you get back to the bridge then drop into the
water and go under it to find three [Pots of Gold] (20/550).

From here then go along the right side of the castle to find a door. Blast
it open and go inside. At one point you will find a room where you can go
either right or left. If you go left you can find a [Rusty Key] which opens
up a Bonus Mission. Going right will lead you to the Ladder that goes
inside the castle.

After climbing up then turn around to find a Soldier, who will drop a
[Health Potion] when you kill him, and a set of stairs. On the upper area
at the end of the stairs is going to be another Elven Hunter. After getting
rid of him then you can proceed up.

On the first landing, and to your right and behind a crate, are two [Pots
of Gold] (30/550). Go up to the top and you should see a window. Through
the window is a Templar guarding a doorway. Kill him from here and he
should drop a [Pot of Gold]. Look through the window and down to see the
lower area you were just in as well as the rafters. You should see a [Pot
of Gold] and a [Sapphire] there. We'll get to them later.

Go to the opposite side of this area to find a crate in a corner where you
can find another [Pot of Gold] (35/550). Climbing the nearby Ladder will
lead you up to the right ballista area and where you can find some
[Crossbow Bolts] that the operator dropped when you killed him. Climb down
the Ladder and go back to the lower area.

Here you should see two doors. The one on the right you can't open yet so
go through the one in front of you which enters into a hallway. Entering
the hallway should start an encounter with a Gnome Engineer who will drop a
[Pot of Gold] (40/550) when you kill him.

As you proceed you should see a door to your left. This leads to the main
door but this has been blocked off since you entered the castle. At the end
of the hallway is another door and a Champion guarding it. You should also
see a grating which opens near where you got the [Rusty Key].

When you go through the door you should see a large room. Near the
fireplace is a [Health Potion]. You should also see a large gate and a
[Silver Key] to the right. This room is trapped but it is not hard to deal

Run to grab the [Potion] then run back to the door to avoid the spikes. Go
along the wall and to the [Key]. When you grabbed the [Potion] then two
windows will open up to reveal Elven Hunters. Kill them both before

As you go back into the hallway then you will encounter two Elven Hunters
using Fire Arrows. One of them will drop a [Health Potion] when you kill
him. When you get back to the stairway go through the door to your left
instead now that you got the [Key].

You should see a Gnome Engineer run up the stairs to activate a ram but you
can use the Domination on him before he can do that. There is also a
[Health Potion] in front of you. Behind the crates in the corner is a [Pot
of Gold] (45/550). Stay on the left of the stairs as you go up and a Gnome
Overseer will come to activate the ram which should miss you. After dealing
with him then proceed up.

You should enter into a hallway with a door at the end. Halfway through you
should see a entryway into a larger room. As you get near then a Champion
should run to you. He will drop a [Pot of Gold] (50/550) when you defeat

This larger room is where you defeated the Templar earlier from the
stairway room. Before grabbing the treasure go to the right side of this
room. As you go along the curved bridge you should see another room. When
you approach then a bomb wielding Gnome Engineer will attack. After killing
him then go inside.

Behind the crates to your left are two more [Pots of Gold] (60/550). To the
right is a Chest, opened with the [Rusty Key], that has the [Map to Lexe],
another Bonus Mission. Near it is a [Sapphire] (110/550). Near the Ladder
is some [Crossbow Bolts]. Climbing it will lead you to the other ballista
area and where you can find some [Grenade Arrows].

Go back down to the larger room and collect all of the treasure from the
rafters (170/550). Go back to the hallway and to the door at the end. Here
you should find a Gnome Engineer with Grease Bombs and a Gnome Overseer.
The Engineer will drop a [Pot of Gold] (175/550) and the Overseer will drop
a [Health Potion] when you kill them.

On one end of the room is a Lever that opens the gate inside the trap room
that you were in earlier. Once that's done then go back down to that room
and go through the door leading outside. Turn left to find a Champion that
will drop a [Health Potion] when you kill him. Turn left again and proceed
to the end to find three [Pots of Gold] (190/550). You can also find some
[Sniper Arrows] from one of the Hunters you killed here earlier.

As you proceed back to the door then you will encounter a Templar who will
drop a [Pot of Gold] (195/550) when you defeat him. When you turn the
corner then proceed straight ahead to the next corner. You will also
encounter another Templar. Defeat him and continue to find another

In front of this building is a small pool. Turn right to find some small
terraces. Climb them to the top layer to find an [Emerald] (295/550) in a
small bush. Climb down and approach the building but do not enter it yet.
Look to your left to find an Elven Hunter who has just appeared. Defeat him
first before doing anything else. He will also drop some [Sniper Arrows].

Enter the building which is a metal works. When you open the door you
should encounter a Gnome Engineer and a Gnome Overseer. Defeat them both
before going through. Here you should see a [Pot of Gold] (300/550) that
one of the Gnomes dropped, two more [Pots of Gold] (310/550) to the left,
and a [Sapphire] (360/550) near them. There is also a [Wooden Key] that
needs to be picked up.

When you leave the building then take a couple of steps and stop. Rotate
the camera right and you should find a Gnome Engineer readying for an
ambush. Shoot through the corner to kill him before he can do anything.
After killing him then you should see a Templar approach from the main
path. Kill him before he gets too close. He will also drop a [Pot of Gold]

After acquiring the [Gold] then go back near the metal works building but
turn left and go up the ramp. When you reach the top then you will be
attacked by a Templar. After him then look down the path behind the center
building and you should see an Elven Hunter in the far corner. Kill him
from here before he gets too close to do anything.

Proceed down this path to find a [Pot of Gold] (370/550) near a crate. A
little bit further down you should find another [Pot of Gold] (375/550). As
you approach the archway that should be to your left then a Gnome Engineer
will appear and he may toss a Grease Bomb at you.

After killing him then go through the archway and to the center to find two
more [Pots of Gold] (385/550) then near the flagpole ahead is another [Pot
of Gold] (390/550). Go back to the back path and to the corner where you
killed the Elven Hunter earlier.

At the end of this small path is two more [Pots of Gold] (400/550). Go back
to the corner and look back to find a Templar approaching. Kill him before
he gets too close. Drop down to the ramp below and proceed down to find the
door that opens with the [Wooden Key]. Drink a [Health Potion] if you need
to before entering.

When you go inside then the door will lock and you should see a [Health
Potion] to your right. As you approach it then Commander Ehrick will drop
down and you need to quickly defeat him as he will be close and quickly
knocking off your health. A couple of Elven Hunters with Crossbows will be
shooting at you from above.

When Ehrick drops dead then he should drop a [Ruby] (550/550). A Gnome
Engineer will drop down after Ehrick then the two Hunters. Defeat them as
they appear. The Hunters will also drop [Health Potions]. Climb up to the
upper level and you should find a Lever on one side. Use it to open the
door outside. Go out, turn right, then turn right again to find the portal
and end the mission.

| Rewards \

>>Gold: 550 Gold Pieces.
>>New Bonus Mission unlocked: Lexe.
>>New equipment is unlocked:

--Melee Weapons: Frost Sword, Fireblade, Axe of Slaying, Hammer of the
--Daggers: Poisoned Dagger.
--Shields: Enchanted Shield.
--Bows: Etheral Bow.
--Arrows: Magic Arrows.
--Crossbows: The Redeemer.
--Crossbow Bolts: Magic Bolts (Assassin and Goblin only).
--Health Potions: 5 Health Potions.
--Armour: Heavy Armour.

/ The Dark Campaign \+++++++++++++++\
| >BND3. Lexe 0
\ Bonus Mission / \+++++++++++++++\ The Dark Campaign /
0=+=+=+=+=+=+=0 0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

This is the second survival bonus mission for the Dark Campaign and it is
pretty much the same as Tolvfurs but with a different map. Like with
Hagastrom the enemies are going to be more numerous and tougher but is a bit
easier as you will have more places to take cover and the walls are thin
enough to shoot through.

I found that the best character to use is the Sorceress and with the
following equipment:

--Psionic Domination
--Darkness of Despair
--Long Dagger
--5 Health Potions
--Medium Armour

And below are the difficulties with the number of enemies and Gold rewards:

| Easy | 14 enemies | 300 Gold |
| Medium | 15 enemies | 500 Gold |
| Hard | 17 enemies | 800 Gold |

After completion of the Easy level you may have enough Gold to upgrade to
Heavy Armour which will make the last two levels a bit easier.

On the Hard level a couple of Champions will be using Fireblades which will
set you on fire if they strike you so you will need to kill them from afar
before they get too close. There will also be at least one High Wizard with
an Incinerator so you will have to keep an eye out for them.


**NOTE: After you complete Lexe then go back to Tolvfurs and complete the
Hard level there before proceeding to the next mission.

/ The Dark Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >DRK11. Ungard Mines 0
\ The Mines of Ungard / \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Dark Campaign /
0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0 0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

Travelling deep below into the deserted mines, you are hoping to find the
bridge before the Celenheim soldiers do. The Enclave infidels may even be
planning a counter attack.

| Objectives \

--Find the three bomb components.
--Blow up the bridge to stop the Celenheim counter attack.
--Find a portal.

| Gold \

>>7,900 to 9,800 (if you do all of Lexe and the last level of Tolvfurs).

| Character \

--The Incinerator
--Psionic Domination
--Long Dagger
--5 Health Potions
--Heavy Armour

| Notes \


| Run-Through \

When you start then turn around to find some machinery. Near it is a stack
of crates. On it is a [Pot of Gold] (5/600). When you are on top of these
crates look down to find a mine cart. Drop down and use it to get it
moving. This will destroy a barrier.

Go down the tracks and you should find a wooden path. You will also enter a
small tunnel where you can find two [Pots of Gold] (15/600). You should
also encounter a Gnome Overseer so use the Psionic Domination on him.
Continue down the wooden path to find a Ladder. Climb it up to find a stack
of crates with another [Pot of Gold] (20/600) on top. Continue forward to
find a [Health Potion].

Near it is a long skinny wooden plank. Jump from the end of it to land on a
ledge. Follow it to its end to find a [Diamond] (220/600). Stay here and
look left and down. You should see the main bridge that you need to
destroy. On it is a High Wizard with an Incinerator and a Champion with a
Crossbow. Use the Domination to shoot through the pillars and decorations
to kill them both. The High Wizard should drop a [Health Potion].

Drop down to the tracks to pick up the [Bomb Piece]. Just as you start to
head back then a Gnome Overseer will appear on the upper level. Kill him
then proceed. When you get back to where you originally found the mine cart
then look left to find a Champion. Kill him then go back to the platform
you started from. You should also hear some machinery.

An elevator is coming down with a Gnome Overseer and two Champions. Use
your Staff to kill them as they proceed off of the elevator and one of them
should drop the [Flint] which is another part of the Bomb.

Now to start going down the other end of the track. Just as you start then
you should see another Gnome Overseer. Deal with him and proceed. When you
go down the ramp then you should be on an upper level. Turn left at the
corner and carefully proceed. Go to the wall to the right and stop.

Look left a little bit and you should see a Champion sleeping against a
crate. Use The Incinerator to quickly kill him before he can get up. Once
you deal with him then go to where he was to pick up the [Health Potion] he
dropped and the last [Bomb Piece] to put it all together.

Go back to the corner and drop down to find another stack of crates and a
[Pot of Gold] (225/600) on top. Follow the way to the start of the bridge
to find a large crate and two more [Pots of Gold] (235/600). While at this
end of the bridge then turn left to find two more [Pots of Gold] (245/600)
on a rock ledge.

Proceed across the bridge, while picking up the [Health Potion] from the
Wizard you killed earlier, and stop when you get to the other end. Turn
right to find a rock path up where you can find another [Pot of Gold]

Go back down and go on the narrow path to the left of this rock path.
Follow it to a secluded area with a Gnome Overseer. Kill him and proceed to
find two more [Pots of Gold] (260/600) and an [Emerald] (360/600).

After taking the treasure then go back to the bridge and go along the main
path. You should also encounter another Gnome Overseer. After dealing with
him then proceed further until you reach a wooden path. Looking left you
should find some more buildings.

However, there are multiple enemies here. Use the Domination to pick them
off as you slowly proceed inside. Near the base are going to be two Elven
Elite Huntresses and a Champion. After killing them then just go inside and
look up and left. Near the very top is another Elven Elite Huntress. Get
rid of her before she can do much damage.

Proceed a little further up then sidestep left a bit to find a Elven Hunter
halfway up. Get rid of him and start going up the ramps. When you reach the
first landing halfway up then look ahead to find and kill off an Elven
Hunter and another Elven Elite Huntress.

Continue to the ramps leading to the top but carefully look ahead to find a
High Wizard. When he appears then use the ramps as shields to shoot through
and kill him. When you reach the top the another Elven Hunter may appear at
the top of this building so get rid of him before proceeding.

Nearby is a gate that is locked. Here, at the top of this area, you should
find the mine cart you need to use to destroy the bridge. Before doing
anything else let's go and get some more treasure.

From the mine cart, go all the way to the end of the track, killing another
Gnome Overseer as you do so, to find a [Pot of Gold] (365/600). Go back
down to the ramps and down to the first landing where there are several
crates. Behind the very large one is a [Pot of Gold] (370/600). Go to the
end and onto the rock.

When you reach the edge then look down to find a [Pot of Gold] (375/600).
Drop down to get it then follow the way back to an area under a ramp to
find another [Pot of Gold] (380/600). Go back down to the bottom and go up
the ramps to the main landing halfway up to find two more [Pots of Gold]

Go onto the ramp leading up to the next landing and you should see an
angled beam to your right. Jump onto it then look back and to the right. At
the far corner at the top of this roof-like structure is a [Ruby]

After this then go back to the mine cart and use it to finally destroy the
bridge. However, some defenders did get across so you will need to deal
with them. Near the cart is a gap between the platform and the rock wall.
Use the corner of the platform as cover as they come up.

There will be five attackers entering: two Champions, one Elven Hunter, one
Elven Elite Huntress, and one Gnome Overseer. When you see the first
attacker then deal with them with the Domination. If no more come up then
slowly proceed to the ramps. Some of them may get stuck near the top so use
the ramps as cover as you shoot through them to kill the attackers.

The Gnome Overseer will drop a [Rusty Key] which opens the gate. Once all
of the attackers are dead then go through the gate and into a dark tunnel.
Go into first person as you go inside. Just as you get inside then you will
be attacked by two Nightcrawlers. After dealing with them then go further
to find a [Pot of Gold] (545/600) and a [Health Potion].

As you get near the end of the dark tunnel then two more Nightcrawlers will
attack. After dealing with them then you can proceed out of the tunnel
where you will see a large spiral staircase. At the base is another
Nightcrawler. Use the Domination to kill it from afar then climb up to
another floor to find another Nightcrawler and a [Sapphire] (595/600).

You should also see Mordessa's portal and a very large black obelisk.
Behind the obelisk is the last [Pot of Gold] (600/600). When you get close
to the obelisk it will open a door. But which one to go through?

When you take Mordessa's portal it will take you to her. However, since she
has Vatar now, she no longer needs you and will kill you. Taking the
obelisk portal will take you to Vatar himself and successfully end the

| Rewards \

>>Gold: 600 Gold Pieces.

/ The Dark Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >DRK12. Mordessa 0
\ Ur Annon Island / \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Dark Campaign /
0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0 0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

A well protected hideout in the Ocean of Sorrow, this is where Mordessa is
likely to be found if she is not in the Ark Moor citadel. Will be she here,
and will she be aware of your planned treachery?

| Objectives \

--Mordessa must be defeated.
--Return to his Excultant Eminence Vatar by using the portal.

| Gold \

>>11,000 (max).

| Character \

--The Incinerator
--Psionic Domination
--Poisoned Dagger
--5 Health Potions
--Heavy Armour

| Notes \

This is small compact level with few enemies other than Mordessa herself.
This is also the only mission where you fight your own kind. In addition,
by upgrading your Dagger then your Sorceress should be fully maxed out and
be at her absolute best.

| Run-Through \

When you start then you will be on a dock. Not far from you are some
barrels where you can find a [Sapphire] (50/650). Jump into the water and
swim under the ramp and along the rock wall to find an ice shelf. Climb up
and go to the other end to find a [Diamond] (250/650). Go back to the dock
and climb up the ramp.

As you do so then you will alert the Guards and a couple of Ballistas near
the top of the building will shoot out cluster bombs that will arc toward
the field in front. Run towards the building but angle to the left. Follow
the way until you find a [Sapphire] (300/650).

Go back to the front and enter the building. As you do so then you will be
attacked by an Orc Destructor and a Deathcrafter. Use The Incinerator on
both. Go into the building but stay in the main hallway. Follow the way
until you find another Orc Destructor. After killing him then proceed to
the end.

On the right is an open door that leads to Mordessa. To the left is a
locked door that contains two [Pots of Gold] and two [Sapphires]. Before
going after her I am going to kill off the remaining enemies and acquire

From this point go back to the front to find a set of stairs. However,
opposite from it, is a room. Enter it to find three [Pots of Gold]
(315/650). Go up the stairs and through the next door to find three more
[Pots of Gold] (330/650). Go up the stairs and into the ballista area.

You should find another Orc Destructor and Deathcrafter. Use the Psionic
Domination to shoot through the railings and kill them both before they can
do anything to you.

Near one of the ballistas are two more [Pots of Gold] (340/650). Near them
is a ledge that goes around the building. Jump on it and go around the
corner. Ahead of you is the roof of the locked treasure room. It also has a
hole in it so jump down to acquire the treasure (450/650).

Exit the room, drink a Health Potion if you need to, then enter the open
door to face off against Mordessa. As the battle starts you should see a
door but it is locked. Use the Psionic Domination against her since it has
homing properties and you can consistently hit her more often. Keep her at
a distance and dodge her fireballs until you finally bring her down.

Once she is dead then the locked door will open and you can go up the
stairs to the Lever that will allow you to leave the building. As you go up
the stairs then you should find ten [Pots of Gold] (500/650) and one [Ruby]
(650/650) that will complete the treasure collection for this level. Beyond
the [Ruby] is the Lever. Use it to open the door then go down the stairs,
out the front entrance, and to the portal to end the mission.

| Rewards \

>>Gold: 650 Gold Pieces.
>>New equipment is unlocked:

--Melee Weapons: Mordessa.

/ The Dark Campaign \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\
| >DRK13. Celenheim 0
\ Castle Celenheim / \@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\ The Dark Campaign /
0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+0 0=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=0

| Overview \

The very sanctum of light, will it stand against the wave of darkness, or
will the elven reign finally meet its doom?

| Objectives \

--You must defeat Queen Aylindel and the Assembly of Six.

| Gold \

>>12,300 (max).

| Character \

--The Incinerator
--Psionic Domination
--Poisoned Dagger
--5 Health Potions
--Heavy Armour

| Notes \

This is a fairly straightforward level and is where you will fight against
the tough Assembly Guards that protect this castle.

| Run-Through \

When you start then switch to first person view and go around the right
side of the castle. You should also see a very large rock but we'll get to
that later. You should see some archways that lead to the front steps of
the castle.

As you get near them then the first two Assembly Guards will come to
confront you. Use The Incinerator against them and they both should drop
[Sapphires] (100/700). Go up the stairs and, as you near the top, then you
should find two doors ahead of you, one directly ahead and one to the right
of it. Another Assembly Guard should come out from the right door and
killing him will give you another [Sapphire] (150/200).

After this then go back to the field and to the giant rock. Climb it then
jump onto the walkway. The reason for this is that the door that leads to
this from where you killed the last Guard is locked.

Once on the walkway then go left and into a small room. There should be an
upper level and on it is a [Wooden Key]. Pick it up then go back to where
you killed the last Guard and go to the room he came out of. Inside is a
locked Hatch. Amongst the crates to your right is a [Health Potion]. The
Hatch is opened with the [Wooden Key]. Once opened then drop down and in
one corner is a [Diamond] (350/700).

However, don't pick it up yet. In a darkened corner opposite from it lurks
a Nightcrawler. Carefully creep around to find and kill it with The
Incinerator before it can do any damage then pick up the treasure and climb
back up. When you leave the room then turn right and stop then look up.

You should see some metal structures in amongst the higher archways. On one
of them is an [Emerald] and we'll get to that in a bit. Go back to the
large rock, jump back onto the walkway, and back into the small room where
you got the [Key]. This time go out the other door, get close to the other
one, then turn around and stop.

Another Assembly Guard will have appeared behind you so use your Staff to
kill him. He won't drop any treasure however. Switch to the Psionic
Domination before going through the next door. Carefully go up the stairs
to the first landing then through the door to find a [Health Potion] on the

Go up to the next landing to find an Assembly Guard. Go down the stairs a
bit and use the Staff to shoot through the stairs and railings to kill him.
He will also drop a [Sapphire] (400/700). When you reach the top you will
find two more Assembly Guards who will drop a [Sapphire] (450/700) and a
[Ruby] (600/700) when you kill them.

From the top of the stairs, turn right and go to the landing to find a
[Health Potion]. From there then go back and turn right then go towards
another door. However, don't go through it. It's time to get the [Emerald]
which is the last treasure of the level and the Dark Campaign.

From the door, turn right and jump the railing and land on the small ledge.
Follow the ledge and drop down onto a rooftop. On one side is a crumbling
edge. Go to the corner by it and look down and right to find the metal
structure. From this point jump and you should land on it. Go to the end to
acquire the [Emerald] (700/700). Go back to the other end and switch back
to The Incinerator. Angle right and jump down to the next landing.

After a few seconds then another Assembly Guard will appear at the far end
and come to attack. Killing him will make him drop a [Rusty Key] which
grants you entry to the Queen's chambers. Go to the other end where he was,
drink a [Health Potion], and enter. When you enter then you can finally
face the Queen.

However, she will shield herself and each member of the Assembly will
attack you one at a time. They will fire off their own fireballs which need
to be avoided. When you kill one then another will come forward. When you
fully enter the chamber you will find a small room on both sides which each
contain two [Health Potions] so go for them while fighting the first

When you have done that then go back into the main chamber and stay at one
side so you will have room to avoid the fireballs. When the last Assembly
Member goes down then you will face the Queen herself. When you hit her she
will go down immediately. But you know it won't be this easy, right?

Go to her throne and you can use it to open stairs that go down to a lower
level. Switch to the Psionic Domination and go down. You will find a small
hallway that goes into another chamber where the Queen is hiding. Near the
entrance is another [Health Potion].

Quickly fire off one shot at her then go back up the stairs for a bit. This
should get the Queen into the small hallway and you can hit her through the
corner. After a couple of shots then she will go down for good thus ending
the mission and the Dark Campaign.

| Rewards \

>>New character unlocked: Stone Gnome (for completing the Dark Campaign).
>>New character unlocked: Feticia (for acquiring all 13,000 Gold).


When you return to the map after the credits then you need to select Castle
Celenheim and Dark Final to see the ending.

/==++====++==\ /==++====++==\
| >ECV4. Conclusion |
\==++====++==/ \==++====++==/

| General Notices \

This document is copyright (c) Robert Allen Rusk (RARusk) 2025.

And remember.....

Respect is everything.

Although my guides and FAQs can be found at many sites around the internet,
the latest versions of my work can always be found first at site since
that is my primary contribution site.

Most of my guides are dedicated to the popular "Grand Theft Auto" game
series but some of my other work include "The Chronicles of Riddick" games,
"Bully", "The Darkness", and "Hitman" titles.

| Additional Sources \

--Enclave (OG Xbox, PC Game Manuals)
--The Complete Enclave Guide Version 1.0 - by Slothrop37
--Landon Rivers (YouTube)

| Credits \

Credits and thanks go out to the following:

For his guide which helped me earlier when playing the OG Xbox version.

>>Revolution Arena
For providing a place for writers like myself to publish our work and
help other gamers while indulging in one of our favorite pastimes.

And finally, my biggest thanks of all goes to you the reader.

| Contact Information \

E-MAIL: rarusk[at]netzero[dot]com
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/robert.a.rusk

So now I've come to the end of yet another gaming adventure and looking
forward to new ones. I hope that my guide helps you in getting the most out
of "Enclave".

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