Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II – Analysis (Review)

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II – Analysis (Review)

May 22, 2024 Off By Samuel Hardman

When Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice was released in 2017, it quickly stood out as a unique title, mixing deep storytelling, innovative audio, and a heartfelt exploration of mental disorders. Naturally, the anticipation for Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II was enormous. Since its announcement in 2019 for the Xbox Series X (the game was released exclusively for the Xbox platform, which includes the Xbox Series released by Ninja Theory.

Finally when I finally got my hands on Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II , I was prepared to be taken on an emotionally and visually stunning journey. …and, I can say with confidence that the experience did not disappoint at all, on the contrary, it just surprised!

Mechanics and Gameplay

In terms of mechanics and gameplay, Hellblade II is very much in line with its predecessor, but with significant improvements and refinements. The focus on narrative remains a central point, with Senua once again facing a series of challenges that test her mental and emotional strength. However, the gameplay further embraces the cinematic experience, creating an almost constant feeling of being inside an interactive cutscene.

Combat, although still simple in terms of commands, has been adjusted to keep the player immersed in the action. The feeling of impact and brutality is more present than ever. Ninja Theory opted for a choreography approach to combat, which results in battles that look like movie action scenes, with Senua fighting enemies in a visceral and intense way. The simplicity of the commands – focused on dodging, blocking, parrying and attacking – is offset by the need for timing and strategy, especially when facing multiple opponents in a row.

In addition to combat, puzzles remain an integral part of the experience. Hellblade II brings back the perspective challenges of the first game, but with a more refined execution. There are a variety of puzzles that require Senua to line up symbols and manipulate the environment to advance, which keeps the player engaged and encourages critical thinking.


Visually, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is a masterpiece. Utilizing the power of Unreal Engine 5, Ninja Theory has created a world that is both stunning and immersive. The graphical fidelity is breathtaking, with details ranging from the realistic texture of the dirt floor to the dynamic lighting that makes each scene look like a living painting.

The modeling of the characters, especially Senua, is of very high quality. Facial expressions and body movements are accurately captured thanks to MetaHuman technology, making Senua’s every emotion felt by the player. The cutscenes blend seamlessly with the gameplay, creating a seamless experience that flows in an almost cinematic way.

The environments are also richly detailed, ranging from stunning natural landscapes to dark, claustrophobic interior locations. Attention to detail is evident in each setting, with tiny dust particles floating in the air and lighting effects that create an immersive atmosphere. In many moments, I found myself stopping just to admire the beauty of the world around me, taking the opportunity to use photo mode and capture the game’s magnificence.


The sound design in Hellblade II is, without a doubt, one of the best ever made in gaming. Ninja Theory continues to innovate in this regard, using binaural sound to create an immersive listening experience that puts the player inside Senua’s mind. Using headphones is highly recommended to fully enjoy this aspect of the game.

The voices Senua hears, representing her various insecurities and traumas, are masterfully implemented. They not only contribute to the game’s atmosphere, but also serve as gameplay tools, helping or hindering the player during combats and puzzles. This integration of sound and mechanics is brilliant and reinforces the narrative in a powerful way.

The soundtrack, made up of dark and atmospheric melodies, perfectly complements the tone of the game. Each piece of music is carefully chosen to intensify the emotional experience, heightening tension during combat and creating a sense of melancholy and hope in the quieter parts.


Hellblade II captivates the player from start to finish. The narrative is engaging, exploring deep themes such as insecurity, abuse and overcoming. The way the story is told, with a combination of dialogue, visuals and audio, makes every moment meaningful.

Despite the slower pace in some parts, especially during the walking and exposition sections, Senua’s story is powerful enough to keep the player engaged. The world-building and depth of characters make you genuinely care about the fate of Senua and those around her.

The challenges, both in terms of combat and puzzles, are well balanced to offer a rewarding experience. The sense of accomplishment when overcoming difficult obstacles is immense, and the narrative does an excellent job of keeping the player motivated to continue.

Performance and Optimization

Running on Xbox Series X, Hellblade II delivers solid performance. The game maintains a stable frame rate even with its high-fidelity graphics and detailed environments. Ninja Theory has done an excellent job of optimizing the game for the console, ensuring a smooth and stutter-free experience.

Loading times are minimal, which helps maintain immersion. Additionally, the game offers several accessibility options, allowing players with different needs to adjust settings for better enjoyment. The inclusion of these options is a testament to Ninja Theory’s commitment to making the game accessible to everyone.


Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is an experience that goes beyond what we normally expect from a game. It’s an emotionally rich and visually stunning journey that truly redefines the concept of cinematic experiences in video games. Ninja Theory has managed to create a sequel that not only honors the legacy of the original, but also expands and improves on it in virtually every aspect.

The game is recommended for anyone who values ​​good storytelling, cutting-edge graphics, and immersive sound design. While the highly cinematic approach may not appeal to everyone, especially those who prefer more traditional gameplay, the depth of the story and production quality make Hellblade II a must-play.


  • Impressive and detailed graphics;
  • Deep and engaging narrative;
  • Innovative and immersive sound design;
  • Visceral and choreographed combat;
  • Excellent performance and optimization;
  • Comprehensive accessibility options.

Negative points

  • Slow pace in some exposition sections;
  • Lack of meaningful choices for the player.

Graphics: 10.0
Fun: 9.0
Gameplay: 8.5
Sound: 10.0
Performance and Optimization: 9.5
FINAL RATING: 9.4 / 10.0

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